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On Tuesday, October 12, 1954, Pierre Vernier, a teacher in a Paris lycee, begins setting down an account that is to be a complete record of the life lived by himself, his students, and his fellow teachers. He begins by meticulously recording what he already knows of his students, their relationships to one another, and the books they're studying. Then he's forced to enlist his nephew, who's in his class to report on the private lives of the other boys. To record all reality, he must know all that has passed, is passing, and will pass through his pupils' minds. Degrees is an extraordinary novel exposing one man's obsessive project, the impossibility of its completion, and the damaging effect this obsession has on both Vernier and those who surround him.

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  • Содержание

    Degrees, романПеревод: Richard Howard

  • Дополнительная информация об издании

    ISBN: 1564783405, 9781564783400

    Год издания: 2005

    Язык: Английский

    Paperback, 351 pages


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