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Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies established this young writer as one the most brilliant of her generation. Her stories are one of the very few debut works -- and only a handful of collections -- to have won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Among the many other awards and honors it received were the New Yorker Debut of the Year award, the PEN/Hemingway Award, and the highest critical praise for its grace, acuity, and compassion in detailing lives transported from India to America.

In The Namesake, Lahiri enriches the themes that made her collection an international bestseller: the immigrant experience, the clash of cultures, the conflicts of assimilation, and, most poignantly, the tangled ties between generations. Here again Lahiri displays her deft touch for the perfect detail — the fleeting moment, the turn of phrase — that opens whole worlds of emotion.

The Namesake takes the Ganguli family from their tradition-bound life in Calcutta through their fraught transformation into Americans. On the heels of their arranged wedding, Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli settle together in Cambridge, Massachusetts. An engineer by training, Ashoke adapts far less warily than his wife, who resists all things American and pines for her family. When their son is born, the task of naming him betrays the vexed results of bringing old ways to the new world. Named for a Russian writer by his Indian parents in memory of a catastrophe years before, Gogol Ganguli knows only that he suffers the burden of his heritage as well as his odd, antic name.

Lahiri brings great empathy to Gogol as he stumbles along the first-generation path, strewn with conflicting loyalties, comic detours, and wrenching love affairs. With penetrating insight, she reveals not only the defining power of the names and expectations bestowed upon us by our parents, but also the means by which we slowly, sometimes painfully, come to define ourselves.

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Дослушала книгу буквально десять минут назад, и первая мысль была о том что отзыв писать не буду, так как мне нечего вам рассказать. Но потом подумала, наверное всё же стоит оставить хотя бы несколько строк, история то неплохая.

После свадьбы, Ашима и Ашок, переезжают в Америку. Мы наблюдаем за всеми прелестями эмиграции. В большей степени, Ашиме трудно привыкнуть к новой стране, людям, привычкам и в целом, культуре. Но вот у пары рождается первенец, имя которому должна дать бабушка, но письмо с Индии запаздывает и молодым родителям ничего не остается как вписать в документ имя ребенка, его назвали Гоголем. Выбор, на столь необычное имя, был обусловлен несколькими причинами, во первых, это любимый писатель Ашока, а вот вторую, Гоголь узнает уже в сознательном возрасте и будет сильно…

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