Джон Пипкин0.0 Woodsburner springs from a little-known event in the life of one of Americaâ€s most iconic figures, Henry David Thoreau. On April 30, 1844, a year before he built his cabin on Walden Pond, Thoreau accidentally started a forest fire that destroyed three hundred acres of the Concord woods—an event that altered the landscape of American thought in a single day.
Against the background of Thoreauâ€s fire, Pipkinâ€s ambitious debut penetrates the mind of the young philosopher while also painting a panorama of the young nation at a formative moment. Pipkinâ€s Thoreau is a lost soul, plagued by indecision, resigned to a career designing pencils for his fatherâ€s factory while dreaming of better things. On the day of the fire, his path will intersect with three very different local citizens, each of whom also harbors a secret dream. Oddmund Hus, a lovable Norwegian farmhand, pines for the wife of his brutal employer. Elliott Calvert, a prosperous bookseller, is also a hilariously inept aspiring playwright. And Caleb Dowdy preaches fire and brimstone to his congregation through an opium haze. Each of their lives, like Thoreauâ€s, is changed forever by the fire.
Like Geraldine Brooksâ€s March and Colm TóibÃnâ€s The Master, Woodsburner illuminates Americaâ€s literary and cultural past with insight, wit, and deep affection for its unforgettable characters, as it brings to vivid life the complex man whose writings have inspired generations
Филипп Мейер4.0 Роман о потерянной американской мечте и современном отчаянии, о дружбе и верности, о любви, что вырастает из обломков разрушенной жизни. Филипп Майер разворачивает свою историю на фоне щемяще-прекрасных пейзажей Пенсильвании, в которые вписаны ржавеющие остатки былой индустриальной мощи. Айзек, слывший в школе вундеркиндом, застрял в родном городке из-за отца-инвалида. Его друг Поу, атлет с большим спортивным будущим, также не спешит уезжать. Их словно разъедает ржа, которая поглотила и бывшие сталелитейные заводы, и сам город, и окрестные фермы. Дикая и прекрасная природа шаг за шагом отвоевывает у человека созданный им мир. Друзья все еще уверены, что вырвутся из мира ржавеющих заводов и заброшенных домов – туда, где происходит реальная жизнь. Но роковое происшествие взрывает депрессивную, сонную элегию, в которой пребывают герои, и Айзеку с Поу предстоит пройти невероятное испытание на стойкость, преданность и благородство. "Американская ржавчина" – написанная в «эпохальном» стиле сага о современной Америке, книга Филиппа Майера вызывает в памяти романы Фолкнера и Стейнбека. Это история о неуверенности в себе и в стране, о мрачной реальности, превозмочь которую можно лишь на очень личном уровне.
Пол Хардинг2.9 An old man lies dying. Confined to bed in his living room, he sees the walls around him begin to collapse, the windows come loose from their sashes, and the ceiling plaster fall off in great chunks, showering him with a lifetime of debris: newspaper clippings, old photographs, wool jackets, rusty tools, and the mangled brass works of antique clocks. Soon, the clouds from the sky above plummet down on top of him, followed by the stars, till the black night covers him like a shroud. He is hallucinating, in death throes from cancer and kidney failure.
A methodical repairer of clocks, he is now finally released from the usual constraints of time and memory to rejoin his father, an epileptic, itinerant peddler, whom he had lost seven decades before. In his return to the wonder and pain of his impoverished childhood in the backwoods of Maine, he recovers a natural world that is at once indifferent to man and inseparable from him, menacing and awe inspiring.
Heartbreaking and life affirming, TINKERS is an elegiac meditation on love, loss, and the fierce beauty of nature.
Yiyun Li0.0 Shortlisted for the 2011 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award
In luminous prose, award-winning author Yiyun Li weaves together the lives of unforgettable characters who are forced to make moral choices, and choices for survival, in China in the late 1970s.
As morning dawns on the provincial city of Muddy River, a spirited young woman, Gu Shan, once a devoted follower of Chairman Mao, has renounced her faith in Communism. Now a political prisoner, she is to be executed for her dissent. While Gu Shan’s distraught mother makes bold decisions, her father begins to retreat into memories. Neither of them imagines that their daughter’s death will have profound and far-reaching effects, in Muddy River and beyond. Among the characters affected are Kai, a beautiful radio announcer who is married to a man from a powerful family; Tong, a lonely seven-year-old boy; and Nini, a hungry young girl. Beijing is being rocked by the Democratic Wall Movement, an anti-Communist groundswell designed to move the country toward a more enlightened and open society, but the government backlash will be severe.
In this spellbinding novel, the brilliant Yiyun Li gives us a powerful and beautiful portrait of human courage and despair in dramatic times.
Патрик Сомервилль1.0 Marissa is expecting her first child and fixated on securing the same cradle she was once rocked in for her own baby. But her mother, Caroline, disappeared when Marissa was a teenager, and the treasured cradle mysteriously vanished shortly thereafter. Marissa's husband, Matthew, kindly agrees to try to track down the cradle, which naturally means finding Caroline as well.
In another family, Adam has just joined the Marines and is off to Iraq. His mother, Renee, is terrified of losing him, and furious at both Adam for enlisting and her husband for being so mild-mannered about it all. To further complicate matters, Renee is troubled by the resurfacing of secrets she buried long ago: the memory of her first love, killed in Vietnam, and the son she gave up at birth.
Matt's search for the cradle takes him through the Midwest, and provides an introduction to a host of oddball characters who've been part of Caroline's life in the intervening years. When he finds the cradle, he also
finds an unloved little boy, who will one day reunite a family adrift. A lovely debut novel, The Cradle is an astonishingly spare tale of feeling lost in the world, and the simple, momentous acts of love that bring people home.