Мухаммад Хан0.0 Fifteen-year-old Muzna Saleem, who dreams of being a writer, struggles with controlling parents who only care about her studying to be a doctor. Forced to move to a new school in South London after her best friend is shamed in a scandal, Muzna realizes that the bullies will follow her wherever she goes. But deciding to stand and face them instead of fighting her instinct to disappear is harder than it looks when there's prejudice everywhere you turn. Until the gorgeous and confident Arif shows an interest in her, encouraging Muzna to explore her freedom.
But Arif is hiding his own secrets and, along with his brother Jameel, he begins to influence Muzna with their extreme view of the world. As her new freedom starts to disappear, Muzna is forced to question everything around her and make a terrible choice - keep quiet and betray herself, or speak out and betray her heart?
A stunning new YA voice which questions how far you'll go to protect what you believe in.
Софи Андерсон3.9 Маринке двенадцать лет, и она очень хочет, чтобы у нее наконец-то появились друзья. Настоящие, а не избушка на курьих ножках. Конечно, и с ней можно поиграть в догонялки и прятки, но живой человек, согласитесь, куда лучше! Увы, найти друга невозможно, когда твой дом не стоит на месте, а твоя бабушка, точнее Баба-яга, каждую ночь провожает мертвых в потусторонний мир. Маринка должна стать следующей Ягой, но точно знает - это не ее судьба. Ее судьба - в мире живых людей. Следуя за своими желаниями, однажды она обнаруживает, что любимая бабушка куда-то исчезла, мертвые больше не приходят к избушке и Великий жизненный цикл нарушился. Маринка решает: надо отыскать бабушку, даже если для этого придется отправиться в мир, которого она так боялась - туда, куда улетают души...
П. Дж. Белл4.4 Эта история о поезде, который доставит вас в невероятное место, в Тролльвиль. И о девочке, которая готова отправиться в самое главное путешествие в жизни. А также о мальчике, которого заперли в стеклянном шаре. Вместе с главной героиней Сюзи вы познакомитесь с множеством интересных персонажей. Например, троллей. Или даже магов, добрых и злых. Окунетесь в замечательную историю с неожиданными сюжетными поворотами, которые способны порадовать воображение не только детей, но и самых-самых взрослых. Знайте, на страницах этой сказочной повести много приключений, а героям предстоит преодолеть много опасностей.
Мел Дарбон5.0 Rosie loves Jack. Jack loves Rosie. So when they're split up, Rosie will do anything to find the boy who makes the sun shine in her head. Even run away from home. Even cross London and travel to Brighton alone, though the trains are cancelled and the snow is falling. Even though any girl might find that hard, let alone a girl with Down's syndrome. See the world through new eyes in this one-in-a-million story about fighting for the freedoms that we often take for granted: independence, tolerance and love.
Ровена Хаус0.0 A debut novel about one girl's remarkable journey across France during WWI.
France 1916. Angélique Lacroix is haymaking when the postman delivers the news: her father is dead, killed on a distant battlefield. She makes herself a promise: the farm will remain exactly the same until her beloved older brother comes home from the Front. "I think of it like a magical spell. If I can stop time, if nothing ever changes, then maybe he won’t change either." But a storm ruins the harvest, her mother falls ill and then the requisition appears... In a last-ditch attempt to save the farm from bankruptcy, Angélique embarks on a journey across France with her brother's flock of magnificent Toulouse geese.
Мэтт Киллин0.0 A Jewish girl-turned-spy must infiltrate an elite Nazi boarding school in this highly commercial, relentlessly nail-biting World War II drama!
After her mother is shot at a checkpoint, fifteen-year-old Sarah--blonde, blue-eyed, and Jewish--finds herself on the run from a government that wants to see every person like her dead. Then Sarah meets a mysterious man with an ambiguous accent, a suspiciously bare apartment, and a lockbox full of weapons. He's a spy, and he needs Sarah to become one, too, to pull off a mission he can't attempt on his own: infiltrate a boarding school attended by the daughters of top Nazi brass, befriend the daughter of a key scientist, and steal the blueprints to a bomb that could destroy the cities of Western Europe. With years of training from her actress mother in the art of impersonation, Sarah thinks she's ready. But nothing prepares her for her cutthroat schoolmates, and soon she finds herself in a battle for survival unlike any she'd ever imagined.
Онджали Ку Рауф4.3 There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.
He's eight years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!
But the truth is, Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to be his friend.
That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan.