‘As they used to say in Ireland, the devil only comes into good things.’ Narrated by Lilly Bere, On Canaan’s Side opens as she mourns the loss of her grandson, Bill. The story then goes back to the moment she was forced to flee Dublin, at the end of the First World War, and follows her life through into the new world of America, a world filled with both hope and danger. At once epic and intimate, Lilly’s narrative unfurls as she tries to make sense of the sorrows and troubles of her life and of the people whose lives she has touched. Spanning nearly seven decades, it is a novel of memory, war, family-ties and love, which once again displays Sebastian Barry’s exquisite prose and gift for storytelling.
Таинственный и могущественный Командор приговорил несчастного Варма к смерти. Неприятная миссия выпадает на долю братьев Систерс — Илая и Чарли, они не привыкли обсуждать поручения. Для Чарли кровопролитие — это жизнь, а Илай со временем начинает задаваться вопросом — зачем он убивает? Два брата, две судьбы, но будущее у них одно. Что же победит: злое начало Чарли или простота и добродушие Илая?
Париж, 1786 год. Страна накануне революции. Воздух словно наэлектризован. Но в районе кладбища Невинных совсем иная атмосфера – тлена, разложения, гниения. Кладбище размывается подземными водами, нечистоты оказываются в подвалах жилых домов. Кажется, даже одежда и еда пропитаны трупным запахом, от которого невозможно избавиться. Жан-Батист Баратт получает задание от самого министра — очистить кладбище, перезахоронив останки тех, кто нашел на нем последний приют. Баратт — инженер, но его учили строить мосты, а не раскапывать могилы. Однако он соглашается, потому что уверен, что миссия его — благородная: он поможет парижанам избавиться от скверны. Однако многие считают, что тревожить покой умерших — грех, и Баратту придется за этот грех ответить.
The book follows a jazz bassist named Sidney "Sid" Griffiths and his bandmates, from the blues music scene in 1939 Berlin and Paris into the 1940s, when Griffiths and his friends attempt to flee the impending peril that looms over Germany. Racial hatred is in vogue, and a mixed-race German citizen (dubbed by the Nazis with the epithet "Rhineland Bastard") like Hiero Falk can be arrested and simply disappear, lost to history. Juxtaposed against this is another narrative, set in 1992. Sid and Chip re-unite and travel back to Berlin for the screening of the documentary about Hiero Falk, and in which both Sid and Chip appear. Watching their life on the big screen turns out to be somewhat different than they expected, and the mysterious letter that Chip has received leads them to another journey, across countries, time, and their own emotions.
In the late summer of 1913 the aristocratic young poet Cecil Valance comes to stay at 'Two Acres', the home of his close Cambridge friend George Sawle. The weekend will be one of excitements and confusions for all the Sawles, but it is on George's 16-year-old sister Daphne that it will have the most lasting impact.Longlisted for the 2011 Man Booker Prize.
The Quality of Mercy opens in the spring of 1767, in the immediate aftermath of the events in Barry Unsworth's Sacred Hunger. It follows the fortunes of two central characters from that book: Sullivan, an Irish fiddler, and Erasmus Kemp, the son of a disgraced Liverpool slave-ship owner who hanged himself. To avenge his father's death, Erasmus Kemp has had the rebellious sailors of his father's ship, including Sullivan, brought back to London to stand trial on charges of mutiny and piracy. But as the novel opens, a blithe Sullivan has escaped and is making his way on foot to the north of England, stealing and scamming as he goes. His destination is the colliery village where his dead shipmate, Billy Blair, lived: he has pledged to tell the family how Billy met his end. In this village, Thorpe in the East Durham coalfields, live Billy's sister Nan and her miner husband, James Bordon. Their three sons are all destined to follow their father down the pit. The youngest, only 7, is enjoying his last summer above ground. The terrible conditions in which mineworkers laboured are vividly evoked, and Bordon has dreams of escaping the mine with his family. Meanwhile in London a passionate anti-slavery campaigner, Frederick Ashton, gets involved in a second case relating to the lost ship. Erasmus Kemp is claiming financial compensation for the cargo of sick slaves who were thrown overboard to drown, and Ashton is representing the insurers who dispute his claim. Ashton triumphs in court, but not before his beautiful sister, Jane, has encountered Erasmus Kemp and found herself powerfully attracted to him despite their polarised views on slavery. She discovers that Kemp wants to spend some of his sugar and slavery fortune on Britain's new industries: coal-mining and steel. A landowner father of a friend of Jane's tips him off about Lord Spenton's mines, for sale in East Durham, and Kemp sees the business opportunity he has been waiting for. Thus he too makes his way north, to the very same village that Sullivan is heading for . . .
Начало 20 века, Ирландия.