Wile E. Young4.5 The year is 1875 and outlaw Salem Covington has spent the last twenty years collecting stories, possessions, and lives. Nicknamed "The Black Magpie" for his exploits during the war, Salem has carved a bloody trail across the western territories. Informed that his mentor, Comanche shaman Dead Bear, has been murdered. Salem vows vengeance on the perpetrators. Enlisting the help of an army scout and preserving the body of his mentor in a specially made coffin, he sets out in pursuit. But the choices of Salem's past that earned him the moniker "Black Magpie" are riding hard behind him and the only weapon that can kill him might not be as far away as he thinks.
The Magpie Coffin is an unrelenting tale of revenge, with precise brutality and extreme violence - the first in the Splatter Western series from Death's Head Press.
Райан Хардинг, Lucas Mangum0.0 From Ryan Harding (author of Genital Grinder) and Lucas Mangum (author of Saint Sadist) comes quite possibly the bloodiest novel ever written: PANDEMONIUM A stranger in a mask walks through Philadelphia, handing out tickets to an underground wrestling show promising a level of violence unlike anything fans have seen before. The card features a mix of legends and hot up-and-comers. Most intriguing, it will mark the debut of the enigmatic, hammer-wielding Crimson Executioner, a monster of a man whose promo videos look like something out of Saw or Hostel.The crowd enters past masked guards who don’t speak. Even the talent doesn’t know who funded the show or why; they’re happy just so long as the checks clear. None of them know the diabolical plot behind it all. When the Executioner murders his opponent in the ring, it soon becomes clear the show is a ritual to open the gates of Hell and unleash PANDEMONIUM. Demons rise throughout the venue, using the bodies of the dead as vessels to wreak all manner of brutal carnage. Audience members and performers alike must now fight for survival as the contagion spreads all around them, inside the arena and out into the city. In the tradition of Dario Argento’s Demons franchise and set in the world of hardcore wrestling, PANDEMONIUM is a hyper-violent tale of demonic possession, ancient evil gods, and bleeding the hard way
Ross Jeffery0.0 Another dark chapter in the history of Juniper unfolds…
Juniper Correctional, jokingly abbreviated to JC, a dark jewel in the crown of the godawful American prison system, where the very worst of Juniper rot for life-sentences that seem to stretch forever. In this hell-on-earth, it’s hard to tell most days who is worse: the inmates or the corrupt guards that enact the will of the monomaniacal Chief Warden Fleming. Fleming is a fallen star, a once bright-minded leader who turned the prison around, now hiding a terrible secret eating him away from the inside, a secret he’ll do anything to cover up.
But Fleming has problems, problems that threaten to unveil his secret. There is killer among those housed at Juniper Correctional. Inmates keep turning up dead, murdered in ungodly ways, but nobody knows how or why. The only thing that connects them is a nameless book from the prison’s library.
However, there is one ray of light: Frank. Frank isn’t like the other guards. Frank still sees the good in people and is trying to make a difference, to save those souls he can from the darkness in their own hearts. What Frank doesn’t realise, however, is that the darkness is real, and he is about to see its true power…
Chris Miller0.0 1879: An unknown and timeless evil descends on East Texas. John Dee, bestowed with knowledge from beyond, moves through time and space, pursuing age-old horrors and ending their reign. As he seeks the hidden town of Dust to continue his lifework, another is hot on his heels, and will stop at nothing to rip the divine knowledge from Dee.
As these opposing forces collide, Dee becomes both hero and villain in his quest against the Elders. He doesn't have time to be sorry - THERE ARE GODS TO KILL.
Third in the Splatter Western series from Death's Head Press.
Carver Pike0.0 Kong has experienced evil in many shapes and forms. From the death of a childhood friend to military buddies blown up in a landmine incident, one thing has always been consistent – the tall man who’s always there. The demon clad in black never says a word, but he oversees every evil deed as it unfolds. Kong has tried outrunning him, but he always seems to catch up.
Kong has made it his life’s mission to hunt down the evil entity known as Diablo Snuff. The name is spray painted on the sides of train cars and whispered about in the shadows, but he’s unable to uncover any real leads. It’s all talk. All hearsay. All lore.
Ready to give up, Kong heads home and tries his hand at a new, normal life. He even gets up the courage to ask his best friend’s sister out on a date. He’s known Sammy all her life, and she’s had a crush on him since they were kids. Tonight is the night. Pulling the flyer he found stuck to his windshield out of his pocket, Kong decides he’s going to take her to the grand re-opening of the 5-Star Movie Plex downtown.
What can go wrong?
If he only knew… you don’t find Diablo Snuff. It finds you.
You've met Kong in Passion & Pain and in The Grindhouse: Diablo Snuff 2. This is his stand-alone story.
Кристофер Триана3.7 Супер фанаты. Поклонницы. Сталкеры.
Эти люди готовы на все ради идолов, которым они поклоняются, будь то рок-звезды, актеры или писатели. Или даже серийные убийцы.
Лори как раз была такой фанаткой. Ее одержимостью был Эдмунд Кокс, человек, обладающий садистской жестокостью и убивший более двадцати женщин. Она дошла до того, что установила с ним близкие отношения, регулярно навещая его в тюрьме и переписываясь с ним. Девушка была готова на все, чтобы сблизиться с ним, поэтому, когда он дал ей задание, она охотно согласилась на него.
Даже не подозревала о том ужасе, который ее ожидал.
Эдмунд просил ее отправиться в хижину в лесу Киллена и забрать ключ, который она должна передать загадочной фигуре, известной как Речной человек.
В путешествие она берет с собой свою сестру-инвалида, и они отправляются в путь по глубокой темной долине, начиная с истока реки. Их поход быстро превращается в сюрреалистический кошмар, который выпускает внутренних демонов Лори. Тех самых, которые, как девушка чувствует, связывают ее с Эдмундом. Река переполнена кровью, хижина - это убежище ужаса, а призрачная блюзовая музыка эхом разносится по горам. Скоро они узнают, что Речной человек - это не вымысел и не фольклорная фигура, и он определенно не человек. По крайней мере, больше нет. И ключ - это только начало того, что требуется от Лори, чтобы доказать, что она действительно достойна любви психопата...
Кристофер Триана0.0 It’s called The Scream... Once you get it, you simply cannot stop screaming. You can’t eat or sleep. It drives you more and more insane until you can’t stand to be alive a second longer.
When the phenomenon hits Chuck's city, the chronically unemployed pervert joins a band of misfits to make his final stand.
Can Chuck, a bitter bartender, a dockside prostitute, a conspiracy theorist, and a homeless man find a way out of the apocalypse…
Or will they all die screaming?
They All Died Screaming is a plague novel by Splatterpunk Award-winning author Kristopher Triana. It is a pitch black book about the lowly and downtrodden being the last people on earth.
Samantha Kolesnik3.8 Suzy and her brother, Lim, live with their abusive mother in a town where the stars don’t shine at night. Once the abuse becomes too much to handle, the two siblings embark on a sordid cross-country murder spree beginning with their mom. As the murder tally rises, Suzy’s mental state spirals into irredeemable madness.
Арон Борегар2.9 Выросшая в такой грязной семье, что от нее выворачивало желудок, Вера невольно превратилась в помешанную на чистоте. Узнав, что она и ее муж-инвалид Дэниел ждут ребенка, ей срочно нужны наличные. Ее одержимость чистотой порождает идею о том, что ее навыки могут быть использованы уникальным образом. В 1988 году она приступает к бурно развивающемуся бизнесу по продаже пылесосов "от двери к двери".
Все идет хорошо, пока она не приблизилась к ступеням дома, который изменит ее навсегда. Приблизилась ко злу, которое воскрешает ужасные воспоминания, которые она так отчаянно пыталась смыть. Ничто не подготовит вас к мерзости, беспорядку и тошнотворному ужасу, вызванному... Неряхой.
Thomas R. Clark0.0 It's March 1993, and a storm is coming... On the eve of a massive Nor'easter menacing the Eastern Seaboard. Singer Corey Collins meets Sandy Bellavia at a karaoke bar in upstate New York. Corey thinks he's met the girl of his desires, and follows "Bella" to her home for shelter from the storm. Soon Corey finds himself fulfilling a bucket-list sex and rock-n-roll fantasy.Until Corey hears a legion of taunting voices in his head, whispering madness ... and nightmares invade Corey's dreams. Now trapped in the heart of a raging blizzard as snow accumulates by the foot, Corey learns his lover isn't who, or what, he believed. She's something terrifying, ancient......and hungry.
Ross Jeffery0.0 Juniper is the first book in Ross Jeffery’s novella trilogy: a post-apocalyptic horror about an insane American town seemingly at the edge of reality. As Juniper suffers from scorching drought and medieval famine, the townsfolk are forced to rely on the ‘new cattle’ for food: monstrous interbred cats kept by the oppressed Janet Lehey.
But there’s a problem: Janet’s prized ginger tom, Bucky, has gone missing, flown the coop. As Janet and her deranged ex-con husband Klein intensify their search for the hulking mongrel, Betty Davis, an old woman clinging to survival on the outskirts of Juniper, discovers something large and ginger and lying half-dead by the side of the road.
She decides to take it home…
Juniper is surreal, dark, funny, and at times: excruciatingly grotesque. Buckle up for a wild ride through the dust-ridden roads of a tiny, half-forgotten American town…
Kenzie Jennings0.0 There is a house overlooking the vast, rolling plains. A home station where a traveler will be welcomed with a piping hot meal and a downy bed. It is a refuge for the weary. A beacon for the lost. A place where blood and bones feed the land.
For four stagecoach passengers... a doctor in search of a missing father and daughter... a newlywed couple on the way to their homestead... and a lady in red with a bag filled with secrets... Their night at the Station has only just begun.
Кристин Морган2.0 Некоторые вещи, по мнению Коди МакКолла, стоят того, чтобы рисковать поркой. Например, прокрасться с друзьями после наступления темноты, чтобы взглянуть на передвижное шоу, которое устраивается недалеко от города. Странности, обещают вывески. Чудеса. Гротески. Экзотические аттракционы и таинственные волшебства.
Не то чтобы их пустили на это представление, ведь родители, проповедник и школьная учительница не одобряют этого. Но как часто выпадает такой шанс? В тихом и спокойном Сильвер-Ривер, некогда процветающем городке, переживающем бум, который постепенно сходит на нет, не так уж много интересного.
Конечно, стоит рискнуть поркой. Стоит рисковать жизнью и конечностями, а может, и чем-то еще? Стоит ли рисковать быть разорванным на куски хищными, нечеловеческими зверями? Стоило пересечься с этими странными, молчаливыми сектантами из высокогорной долины? Стоит ли это огня, кровопролития, ужаса и смерти?
Потому что в город пришло нечто гораздо худшее, чем обычное странствующее шоу, и одно можно сказать наверняка: те, кто выживет, если таковые найдутся, никогда не забудут "Ночь, когда серебряная река стала красной"
Мэтт Шоу3.3 Продолжение жесткой и кровавой истории "Сколько стоит?". Взяв на себя руководство Играми, Нэйт решает изменить структуру шоу и самовольно вносит значительные изменения, написав собственный сценарий и воплотив его в жизнь. Он надеялся, что просмотры побьют все рекорды. Нэйт ошибался. Теперь парень вынужден расплачиваться за свою самоуверенность. Единственный способ сохранить высокооплачиваемую работу - протестировать новую, более жестокую версию "Игры". Правда он еще не знает, что на самом деле стоит на кону и какую цену ему предстоит заплатить за самое неверное решение в своей жизни...
Jon Steffens0.0 During summer, the little Ozark town of Hotspur, Arkansas becomes a hotbed of tourists looking to trade the stress of city life for outdoor adventure. There's only one problem; something horrible is haunting the mountainous terrain surrounding the Buffalo River. Something foul and malevolent, its appetites are so vile, that death is the least of the worries for anyone who crosses its path.
Рональд Келли3.0 In the foul and fetid darkness, it awakens. Vile, unstable, brimming with ill intent, like pus on the verge of eruption. Repulsive to gaze upon and even more disturbing to comprehend. It reaches out and discovers that the others—its siblings—have abandoned this cancerous womb long ago. Angry and alone, it thrashes violently…tearing, clawing its way from dormancy into daylight…and onto the dark playground of your bookshelf. Amid these pages, Southern horror master Ronald Kelly has brought together a loathsome assemblage of stories that cut deeply and expose the raw nerves of fright and revulsion. Joining his extreme horror collections, The Sick Stuff and More Sick Stuff, is a third installment of yarns both new and old…Even Sicker Stuff. Combined, they meld and morph, forming The Essential Sick Stuff. Twenty-three abhorrent tales to tantalize and torture the fragile psyche; to cause the stomach to revolt and gooseflesh to crawl as though something, visceral and alive, lurks just beneath the surface...
John Baltisberger0.0 There is a war fought from the very first moments of existence, from the shadows of humanity's own evil deeds and inequities. Fought between creatures whose very existence defies human understanding.
On one side, the monstrously powerful Semyaza, master of the fallen Watchers, seeks to own humanity, to dominate them through blood, sex, and pain.
On the other, Ashmandai, the very incarnation of imperfection, freedom, and passion, whose love for his wife Lillith spurns him to greater and greater acts of defiance against the unnatural order set in place by the infectious Watchers.
Chris Miller, M. Ennenbach, Patrick C. Harrison III0.0 A poet, a master of horror, and a master of suspense join forces as Cerberus. With three prompts--Cabin Fever, Letters, and Chaos--the three-headed beast dishes out nine novelettes. Cerberus Rises with their unique styles to take you on a journey through nine different levels of Hell.
Peter Molnar0.0 A Rhapsody in Red: Two Novellas of The Damned escorts you through a thorny landscape of authentically flawed and frightening Americana. In this collection of two short novels, twenty-first-century tragedy intersects with the treacherous influence of the modern vampire. The New Damned pull the strings undercover of night and fresh dirt, but when human and preternatural evil meet at an inevitable crossroads, the stakes have never been higher, and the fallout is a visceral red rhapsody … “The Remainders: A Revenge Fantasy” enters the sideways life of Natalie Kincaid, a former renowned medium who has lost her ability and fallen upon the hardest of times. When a vengeful spirit manages to contact her and promises to restore Natalie’s talents in exchange for the chance to take revenge on his murderers, two Confederacy vampires called The Remainders, how could she refuse? Now, Natalie finds herself locked into a race against time not only to hold up her end of the bargain but also to stop The Remainders from ultimately igniting a second Civil War between humankind and The Damned. “Dallas Teller’s Kill List” examines the fallout following a teenage misfit who comes to his high school with a gun and a list of students and faculty marked for assassination. Mary Marguerite, the school’s guidance counselor, seeks to unearth the reasons behind the boy’s shocking act. Suspicious about the cult-like popularity of one of the English teachers, she sets out to find the truth. But Mary is unprepared for the diabolical things that have been happening right under her nose. With the lives and safety of hundreds of students hanging in the balance, will Mary put the pieces together in time?