О премии

Премия Дэвитт - национальная австралийская награда в жанре детективной литературы.

Вручается ежегодно за лучшие криминальные книги австралийских женщин, написанные как для взрослой, так и для детской аудитории.

Премия была учреждена в 2001 году женской Ассоциацией авторов криминальных романов "Сёстры в криминальной Австралии" (Sisters in Crime Australia) в ознаменование десятилетия со дня создания Ассоциации.

Награда названа в честь австралийской писательницы Эллен Дэвитт (1812-1879), которая в 1865 году первой в Австралии написала роман в детективном жанре. Он называется "Сила и обман" (Force and Fraud).

В настоящее время премия вручается в следующих номинациях:
- Лучший криминальный роман для взрослых (Best Adult Crime Novel);
- Лучший криминальный роман для молодежи (Best Young Adult Crime Novel);
- Лучший детский криминальный роман ( Best Children’s Crime Novel);
- Лучший нехудожественная криминальная книга (Best Non-fiction Crime Book);
- Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга (Best Debut Crime Book);
- Выбор читателей (Davitt Award for Readers' Choice).

Лауреатов премии определяет судейская коллегия, в состав которой входят организаторы Ассоциации, литературный критик, судебно-медицинский эксперт, библиотекарь и государственный служащий. В номинации "Выбор читателей" участие в выборе победителя принимает более пятисот членов Ассоциации.

Спонсором премии является Австралийский фонд культуры.

картинка jump-jump

Награды представляют собой красивые резные полированные лесные трофеи с обложкой романа-победителя под плексигласом. Финансовое поощрение не прилагается.

Жанры: Детективы, Зарубежные детективы, Современные детективы, Детские детективы, Документальная литература Страны: Австралия Язык: Английский Первое вручение: 2001 г. Последнее вручение: 2024 г. Официальный сайт: https://www.sistersincrime.org.au/


Лучший криминальный роман для взрослых
Best Adult Crime Novel

Вручается с момента открытия премии, с 2001 года.

Лучший криминальный роман для молодежи
Best Young Adult Crime Novel

Вручается с 2002 года. В 2016 году лауреата не было.

Лучший детский криминальный роман
Best Children’s Crime Novel

Вручается с 2014 года.

Лучший нехудожественная криминальная книга
Best Non-fiction Crime Book

Вручается с 2007 года.

Лучшая дебютная криминальная книга
Best Debut Crime Book

Вручается с 2012 года.

Выбор читателей
Davitt Award for Readers' Choice

Вручается с 2002 года.

В выборе победителя принимает более пятисот членов Ассоциации.

Лучший криминальный роман для вз...
Monica Vuu 0.0
Port Brighton hates outsiders. The small coastal town has its own ways of dealing with the evil, the foolish, the misled, and it holds tightly to them. But the seams start to split after two deaths occur on the same tragic night: a baby abandoned at the foot of a lighthouse, and a drunken teenager drowned in the storming sea.

Livvy is an insider. She keeps a watchful eye on what's happening in town while looking out for her troubled older brother. What has broken inside him - and why?

Marie is an outsider. She's escaped Port Brighton and started a new life, but she can't forget the night at the lighthouse - it changed her family forever.

As gossip fuels rumours and tensions erode trust, the bonds that keep Port Brighton together begin to fray, threatening to expose the truth about more than just the two deaths ...
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Amy Doak 0.0
Eleanor Jones has just started at her ninth high school in less than five years. Since she and her mum are always moving on, Eleanor likes to stay on the outer, to stay invisible. So maybe it’s just bad luck that the very first person she talks to at Cooinda Secondary College, Angus Marshall, is stabbed and left for dead the same day. The last message on Angus’s phone is from Eleanor Jones.

After being interviewed by the police, Eleanor realises they don’t have all the facts and decides to investigate. In trying to understand what happened to Angus, Eleanor inadvertently becomes involved with an eclectic group of fellow students – all of whom have their own reasons to want to solve the mystery.

As they slowly unravel Angus’s secrets, Eleanor discovers the true meaning of friendship – and uncovers a danger lurking at the heart of the town . . .
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Люсинда Гиффорд 4.5
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Знакомьтесь: семейство Шуббери — юный приветливый волк Борис, его отец Рэндалл, эрудит и полиглот, и мама Леонора, в совершенстве овладевшая искусством радушно улыбаться. Они уже готовы к поездке на родину предков, в Шотландию.

Но готова ли Шотландия к Шуббери?
Лучший нехудожественная криминал...
Rebecca Hazel 0.0
Teacher and former rugby league player Chris Dawson appeared to have it all – a loving family and a beautiful home in Sydney’s Northern Beaches. But in the summer of 1982 his wife Lynette disappeared and not long afterwards Dawson married a much younger woman a former student.Less than a decade later this young woman escaped the marriage and went to the police to record her suspicions that Dawson had been involved in Lynette’s disappearance. A homicide investigation followed but got nowhere until 1998, when Detective Sergeant Damian Loone was handed Lynette’s file. For nearly two decades he made it his business to honour Lynette and to find out what had happened to her. His work led to two coronial investigations, but no charges. Around this time Rebecca Hazel was working in a women’s refuge on the Northern Beaches when a colleague shared her story of enduring coercive control at the hands of Dawson, when she was his student, and then wife and she shared her suspicions about the fate of his first wife Lynette. These revelations affected Rebecca, and eventually she decided to investigate. Over years, coroners, police and journalists all shared with Rebecca their knowledge of the case, and disappointments that it remained unsolved. Until, in May 2018, Hedley Thomas launched the Teacher’s Pet podcast, and in December 2018, Chris Dawson was charged with murder. He was convicted in August 2022.Rebecca Hazel has spent ten years working to ensure that the stories of two women who were misused by Chris Dawson are heard, that their perpetrator is brought to justice and that Lynette’s family can properly honour their much-loved sister, aunt, cousin and mother.
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Christine Keighery 0.0
The bonds of sisterhood were unbreakable. Until him.

Hannah and Stef have always been there for each other. Growing up in a loving family, they’re stunned to discover their mother adopted out a child before their parents met.

When Alex walks into their lives, the sisters are seduced by his charm, wealth and social status. But as they rush to make up for lost time, it soon becomes apparent their new brother’s agenda is more complicated and sinister than the sisters could have imagined.

A novel about loyalty, secrets and the insidious effects of narcissism and gaslighting, The Half Brother asks, do we ever really know those we love the most?
