Вручение 2010 г.

Лауреат в номинации "Инноватор" - Powell’s Books, Portland,

Страна: США Место проведения: Лос-Анджелес, Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Дата проведения: 2010 г.

Художественная литература

Дженнифер Иган 3.9
Дженнифер Иган — блестящая американская писательница и журналистка, давно и прочно завоевавшая любовь публики. Ее роман "Цитадель" стал национальным бестселлером, а книга "У времени бандитская рожа" принесла автору мировую известность и самую престижную литературную награду США — Пулитцеровскую премию.

Действие охватывает почти полстолетия, включая 20-е годы нынешнего века. Юность героев совпадает с зарождением панк-рока, и он навсегда входит в их жизнь, а для кого-то становится призванием. Сама книга построена как музыкальный альбом: две ее части так и называются — "Сторона А" и " Сторона Б", а у каждой из тринадцати самостоятельных глав, как у песен, своя тема. Успешный продюсер Бенни Салазар и его помощница Саша окружены целым созвездием ярких персонажей. Их судьбы сплетаются в единый сюжет, где есть любовь и музыка, слава и нищета, наркотики и измены. Жизнь щедра не ко всем, но каждый по-своему пытается противостоять времени и сохранить верность себе и своей мечте.
Джонатан Франзен 4.2
История героев "Свободы" Патти и Уолтера Берглунд отражает опыт целого поколения, которое пережило 11 сентября, вторжение в Ирак, экономический кризис и выбрало президентом Барака Обаму.

В романе, блистательно воскрешающем традиции большой прозы 19-го века, Джонатан Франзен размышляет о том, возможна ли свобода выбора, знаем ли мы, к чему стремимся, когда хотим свободы, и о том, как легко мы жертвуем своими близкими ради ее призрака. Предыдущий роман Франзена "Поправки" (2001), удостоенный Национальной книжной премии США, поставил писателя в один ряд с классиками американской литературы и принес ему мировую известность. "Свобода" столь же язвительный и мудрый взгляд на семью в современной Америке. Но если в "Поправках" конфликт поколений так и остается неразрешенным, новый роман это история о детях, которые победили отцов и не стали от этого счастливее.
Фредерик Рейкен 0.0
As a child, Beverly Rabinowitz fled Europe with her mother during World War II. Almost half a century later, while vacationing in Florida with her boyfriend and his son, a chance encounter leads to a strangely lucid moment in which she senses that her father, long believed to have been killed during the war, is close by. It’s the first of many seemingly random events that are guiding Beverly, and the people in her life, toward a startling discovery.

Over the course of Frederick Reiken’s provocative, intricate novel, Beverly will learn that her story is part of something larger, and brilliantly surprising. Because her story is not hers alone, but also that of a comatose teenage boy in Utah, an elusive sixties-era fugitive, an FBI agent pursuing a twenty-year obsession, a Massachusetts veterinarian who falls in love on a kibbutz in Israel, and a host of other characters. Day For Night illuminates how disparate, far-flung people can be connected, and how the truth of those bonds can upend entire lives. Each chapter is a small universe of its own, and together they form a dazzling whole.

Gliding effortlessly across time and space, in settings that range from Florida to New Jersey to the Caribbean and the Dead Sea, Day For Night builds toward moments of revelation, when refugees from their own lives, or from history’s cruelties, come together in unpredictable and extraordinary ways.
Рик Басс 0.0
Late in 1959, the Brown siblings Maxine, Bonnie, and Jim Ed were enjoying unprecedented international success, rivaled only by their longtime friend Elvis Presley. They had a bona fide megahit on their hands, which topped both the country and pop charts and gave rise to the polished sound of the multibillion dollar country music industry we know today. Mesmerized by the Browns haunting harmonies, the Beatles even tried to learn their secret. Their unique harmony, however, was only achievable through shared blood, and the trio s perfect pitch was honed by a childhood spent listening for the elusive pulse and tone of an impeccably tempered blade at their parent s Arkansas sawmill.
But the Browns celebrity couldn t survive the world changing around them, and the bonds of family began to fray along with the fame. Heartbreakingly, the novel jumps between the Browns promising past and the present, which finds Maxine once supremely confident and ravenous in her pursuit of applause ailing and alone. As her world increasingly narrows, her hunger for just one more chance to secure her legacy only grows, as does her need for human connection.
Lyrical and nuanced, "Nashville Chrome" hits all the right grace notes with its vivid evocation of an era in American music, while at its heart it is a wrenching meditation on the complexities of fame and of one family forgotten yet utterly unforgettable when reclaimed by Bass who experienced them firsthand.
Ричард Бауш 0.0
From the prizewinning novelist and world-renowned short-story writer, the author of 2008’s universally acclaimed novel Peace (“A brilliant one-act drama depicting the futility and moral complexity of combat” —The New York Times), eleven indelible new tales that showcase the electrifying artistry of a master.

A husband confronts the power of youth and the inexorable truths of old age. A son sits by his mother’s bedside determined to give her what she needs in her final days, even though doing so means breaking his own heart. A brief adulterous tryst illuminates the fragility of our most intimate relations. A young man returns in the face of crisis to the parents he once rejected. A divorced young woman dealing with slowly increasing despair develops an obsesion about a note that fell from the pocket of a man who came to eat in the café where she works. A wife whose husband has been shot must weather a terrible snowstorm with her two sons, as well as a storm of doubt about the extent of his involvement in a crime.

Richard Bausch’s stories contend with transfixing themes: marital and familial estrangement, ways of trespass, the intractable mysteries and frights of daily life in these times, the uncertainty of knowledge and truth, the gulfs between friends and lovers, the frailty of even the most abiding love—while underlining throughout the persistence of love, the obdurate forces that connect us. His consummate skill, penetrating wit, and unfailing emotional generosity are on glorious display in this fine new collection.

Детектив / Триллер

Том Франклин 3.5
Tom Franklin's extraordinary talent has been hailed by the leading lights of contemporary literature—Philip Roth, Richard Ford, Lee Smith, and Dennis Lehane. Reviewers have called his fiction "ingenious" (USA Today) and "compulsively readable" (Memphis Commercial Appeal). His narrative power and flair for character-ization have been compared to the likes of Harper Lee, Flannery O'Connor, Elmore Leonard, and Cormac McCarthy.

Now the Edgar Award-winning author returns with his most accomplished and resonant novel so far—an atmospheric drama set in rural Mississippi. In the late 1970s, Larry Ott and Silas "32" Jones were boyhood pals. Their worlds were as different as night and day: Larry, the child of lower-middle-class white parents, and Silas, the son of a poor, single black mother. Yet for a few months the boys stepped outside of their circumstances and shared a special bond. But then tragedy struck: Larry took a girl on a date to a drive-in movie, and she was never heard from again. She was never found and Larry never confessed, but all eyes rested on him as the culprit. The incident shook the county—and perhaps Silas most of all. His friendship with Larry was broken, and then Silas left town.

More than twenty years have passed. Larry, a mechanic, lives a solitary existence, never able to rise above the whispers of suspicion. Silas has returned as a constable. He and Larry have no reason to cross paths until another girl disappears and Larry is blamed again. And now the two men who once called each other friend are forced to confront the past they've buried and ignored for decades.

Молодежная литература

Megan Whalen Turner 3.7
Sophos, heir to the throne of Sounis, has disappeared without a trace. Eugenides, the new and unlikely king of Attolia, has never stopped wondering what happened to his friend. Nor has the Queen of Eddis, who once offered Sophos her hand. They send spies. They pay informants. They appeal to the gods. But as time goes by, it becomes less and less certain that they will ever see their friend alive again.

Battles are fought, bribes are offered, and conspiracies are set in motion. Across the sea, a ruthless empire watches for even the slightest weakness. And Sophos, anonymous and alone, bides his time. Until, drawing on his memories of Gen, Pol, the magus—and Eddis—Sophos sets out on an adventure that will change all of their lives forever.


Томас Пауэрс 0.0
He was the greatest Indian warrior of the nineteenth century. His victory over General Custer at the battle of Little Bighorn in 1876 was the worst defeat inflicted on the frontier Army. And the death of Crazy Horse in federal custody has remained a controversy for more than a century.

The Killing of Crazy Horse pieces together the many sources of fear and misunderstanding that resulted in an official killing hard to distinguish from a crime. A rich cast of characters, whites and Indians alike, passes through this story, including Red Cloud, the chief who dominated Oglala history for fifty years but saw in Crazy Horse a dangerous rival; No Water and Woman Dress, both of whom hated Crazy Horse and schemed against him; the young interpreter Billy Garnett, son of a fifteen-year-old Oglala woman and a Confederate general killed at Gettysburg; General George Crook, who bitterly resented newspaper reports that he had been whipped by Crazy Horse in battle; Little Big Man, who betrayed Crazy Horse; Lieutenant William Philo Clark, the smart West Point graduate who thought he could “work” Indians to do the Army’s bidding; and Fast Thunder, who called Crazy Horse cousin, held him the moment he was stabbed, and then told his grandson thirty years later, “They tricked me! They tricked me!”

At the center of the story is Crazy Horse himself, the warrior of few words whom the Crow said they knew best among the Sioux, because he always came closest to them in battle. No photograph of him exists today.

The death of Crazy Horse was a traumatic event not only in Sioux but also in American history. With the Great Sioux War as background and context, drawing on many new materials as well as documents in libraries and archives, Thomas Powers recounts the final months and days of Crazy Horse’s life not to lay blame but to establish what happened.


Лора Хилленбранд 4.7
1943 год. Самолет терпит крушение и падает в Тихий океан. Три члена экипажа чудом остаются живы. Так началась самая невероятная одиссея за всю историю человечества - 47 дней (это рекорд, печальный и непревзойденный) скитались они на спасательных плотах без запасов пищи и воды, выжили после обстрела японского бомбардировщика, сражались с акулами, сохранили чувство собственного достоинства и ясный разум. Но они не подозревали, что спасение обернется новыми - нечеловеческими - испытаниями.
Одного из уцелевших героев звали Луис Замперини. Человек-легенда 1930-х. Один из самых быстрых людей планеты, именно в нем видели спортсмена, которому наконец-то удастся пробежать милю менее чем за четыре минуты. Призер Олимпийских игр 1936 года в Берлине. Он был самым юным участником американской олимпийской сборной. Один из его рекордов в беге продержался почти 20 лет. Судьба Луиса Замперини была полна непредсказуемых поворотов, падений и побед.
Эта удивительная история о стойкости, мужестве и силе духа. Но она открывает и малоизвестную сторону Второй мировой войны - яростное противостояние США и Японии. Книга экранизирована в 2014 году.

Графический роман

Адам Хайнс 0.0
What if animals could talk? Would some of them form a militant group in reaction to how humans treat them? Would humans treat them different?
Jim Woodring 3.2
The first graphic novel from a master of the form, co-starring his beloved “Frank” character.

For over 20 years now, Jim Woodring has delighted, touched, and puzzled readers around the world with his lush, wordless tales of “Frank.” Weathercraft is Woodring’s first full-length graphic novel set in this world―indeed, Woodring’s first graphic novel, period!―and it features the same hypnotically gorgeous linework and mystical iconography.

As it happens, Frank has only a brief supporting appearance in Weathercraft, which actually stars Manhog, Woodring’s pathetic, brutish everyman (or everyhog), who had previously made several appearances in “Frank” stories (as well as a stunning solo turn in the short story “Gentlemanhog”).

After enduring 32 pages of almost incomprehensible suffering, Manhog embarks upon a transformative journey and attains enlightenment. He wants to go to celestial realms but instead altruistically returns to the unifactor to undo a wrong he has inadvertently brought about: The transformation of the evil politician Whim into a mind-destroying plant-demon who distorts and enslaves Frank and his friends. The new and metaphysically expanded Manhog sets out for a final battle with Whim...

Weathercraft also co-stars Frank’s cast of beloved supporting characters, including Frank’s Faux Pa and the diminutive, mailbox-like Pupshaw and Pushpaw; it is both a fully independent story that is a great introduction to Woodring’s world, and a sublime addition to, and extension of, the Frank stories.
Кэрол Тайлер 0.0
The first volume of You’ll Never Know showed Carol’s initial,
sometimes difficult attempts at grappling with her father Chuck’s traumatic World War II experiences by bringing them to light. As Book 2 begins, she is startled to discover that Chuck’s decision to suddenly, after 60 years, open up to her on the subject has motivations that go far beyond his desire to reveal his past — putting even more pressure on an already explosive relationship. In any event, Carol finally begins to delve into, and re-tell, Chuck’s horrific wartime experiences in Italy (which are worse than even she had imagined).

But back in the present, the cycle of family dysfunction continues as Carol’s own daughter runs into her own trouble,
leading Carol into further exploration of her family’s buried traumas and sorrows — with an expanded reprinting of the out-of-print “The Hannah Story,” Tyler’s superb chronicle of the short life and accidental death of her older sister, a heart-rending story (named one of the “100 Best Comics of the 20th Century” in a Comics Journal survey) that in turn sheds light on her parents’ subsequent lives and patterns of behavior. Everything is connected, and the past is never just the past...

Нынешний интерес

Майкл Льюис 4.3
Майкл Люьис - мастер жанра, который можно назвать документальным бизнес-триллером. "Игра на понижение" - это неожиданный взгляд на Уолл-стрит глазами чудаков и аутсайдеров, которые не только увидели надвигающийся кризис 2008 года, но и заработали на нем миллионы. В течение всего 2010 года "Игра на понижение" была лидером продаж по всему миру и получила звание "Книга года" в десятках авторитетных рейтингов. В 2016 году на экраны вышел фильм "Игра на понижение" с участием Брэда Питта, Кристиана Бейла, Райана Гослинга и Стива Карелла.


Максин Кумин 0.0
Here is a landmark collection celebrating the remarkable range of Maxine Kumin, one of America’s greatest living poets. Where I Live gathers poems from five previous books, together with twenty-three new poems that pay homage to Kumin’s farm life and also to poets of the past.

from “The Taste of Apple”

I could hardly see as he hoisted the great swaying body aloft

and bore it across the road to the hole and in the cold dark I poured

a libation of apple juice for the earth to welcome his corpse—

some drops spilled on his chestnut flank and some dribbled

on his cheek and splashed onto his yellow teeth as he lay

deep on one side and my hand shook—I could hardly see—

rocking my grief back and forth over this kind death

the taste of apple wasting in his mouth.

Наука и технология

Орен Харман 0.0
The moving tale of one man's quest to crack the mystery of altruism, an evolutionary enigma that has haunted scientists since Darwin.

Survival of the fittest or survival of the nicest?

Since the dawn of time man has contemplated the mystery of altruism, but it was Darwin who posed the question most starkly. From the selfless ant to the stinging bee to the man laying down his life for a stranger, evolution has yielded a goodness that in theory should never be.

Set against the sweeping tale of 150 years of scientific attempts to explain kindness, The Price of Altruism tells for the first time the moving story of the eccentric American genius George Price (1922–1975), as he strives to answer evolution's greatest riddle. An original and penetrating picture of twentieth century thought, it is also a deeply personal journey. From the heights of the Manhattan Project to the inspired equation that explains altruism to the depths of homelessness and despair, Price's life embodies the paradoxes of Darwin’s enigma. His tragic suicide in a squatter’s flat, among the vagabonds to whom he gave all his possessions, provides the ultimate contemplation on the possibility of genuine benevolence. 24 Illustrations.

Премия Арта Сейденбаума за первую художественную книгу

Питер Боньянни 4.5
Sebastian Prendergast lives in a geodesic dome with his eccentric grandmother, who homeschooled him in the teachings of futurist philosopher R. Buckminster Fuller. But when his grandmother has a stroke, Sebastian is forced to leave the dome and make his own way in town. Jared Whitcomb is a chain-smoking sixteen-year-old heart-transplant recipient who befriends Sebastian, and begins to teach him about all the things he has been missing, including grape soda, girls, and Sid Vicious. They form a punk band called The Rash, and it's clear that the upcoming Methodist Church talent show has never seen the likes of them. Wholly original, The House of Tomorrow is the story of a young man's self-discovery, a dying woman's last wish, and a band of misfits trying desperately to be heard.