Вручение 5 сентября 2021 г. — стр. 2

Страна: США Место проведения: Атланта, штат Джорджия Дата проведения: 5 сентября 2021 г.

Лучший роман в жанре альтернативная история

Эрик Флинт, Чарльз Гэннон 0.0

A New Day in the New World

It’s 1637 in the Caribbean. Commander Eddie Cantrell and his ally and friend Admiral Martin Tromp start it off with some nasty surprises for Spain, whose centuries-long exploitation and rapine of the New World has run unchecked. Until now.

Yet life goes on in the Caribbean. Relationships among the allied Dutch, Swedes, Germans, up-timers, and even Irish mercenaries continue to evolve and deepen. New friendships must be forged with the native peoples, who will not only shape the colonists’ future in the Caribbean, but will also decide whether they will be given access to a Louisiana oilfield that could change the balance of power.

But for now, the only oil Imperial Spain knows about is the crude pouring out of the Allies’ pumps on Trinidad—which threatens its interests in both the New and the Old Worlds. So, following in the footsteps of the conquistadors, the empire’s commanders are resolved to show that they do not take threats lightly or lying down. Indeed, their historical reaction is to respond with overwhelming—and often genocidal—force.

The battle for the New World has not merely begun; it is a fight to the finish.
Mary Robinette Kowal 0.0
The Earth is coming to the boiling point as the climate disaster of the Meteor strike becomes more and more clear, but the political situation is already overheated. Riots and sabotage plague the space program. The IAC’s goal of getting as many people as possible off Earth before it becomes uninhabitable is being threatened.

Elma York is on her way to Mars, but the Moon colony is still being established. Her friend and fellow Lady Astronaut Nicole Wargin is thrilled to be one of those pioneer settlers, using her considerable flight and political skills to keep the program on track. But she is less happy that her husband, the Governor of Kansas, is considering a run for President.
С. М. Стирлинг 0.0
Book 1 of the Treasures of Tartary trilogy

Black Chamber alternate history universe

Teddy Roosevelt has steered the Progressive Republican Party and the United States through the Mexican insurrection, and what would have been World War I. Mexico has become a part of the United States, but Europe has been destroyed by the Kaiser’s v-gas. Japan, Germany, and what’s left of the British Commonwealth are struggling for supremacy in the new world of the Twentieth Century.

Roosevelt has created a spy agency called the Black Chamber, and two of his best Black Chamber agents are Luz O’Malley and her lover, Ciara Whelan. Luz and Ciara are tasked to figure out where all the Chinese antiquities being smuggled into the USA are coming from. As they dig deeper and deeper, bodies keep turning up all over Chinatown and it is no better in Shanghai. Luz and Ciara have to watch out for daggers in the dark.
Ф. Джели Кларк 3.5
Каир, 1912 год. Фатима эль-Шаарави — самая молодая женщина, работающая в Министерстве алхимии, заклинаний и сверхъестественных сущностей. Впрочем, новичком в своем деле ее назвать трудно, особенно после того, как прошлым летом агент Фатима предотвратила разрушение Вселенной. Поэтому, когда кто-то убивает всех членов тайного общества, посвященное одному из самых известных людей в истории — аль-Джахизу, к делу привлекают именно ее.

Аль-Джахиз изменил мир сорок лет назад, когда приоткрыл завесу между царством магии и царством людей и исчез в неизвестности. Убийца утверждает, что он и есть аль-Джахиз, вернувшийся, чтобы осудить современный мир. Его опасные магические способности провоцируют беспорядки на улицах Каира, которые угрожают выйти на мировую арену.

Роман и повести Ф. Джели Кларка о магическом альтернативном Каире, полном ангелов, джиннов, духов и нераскрытых тайн.
Линдси Эллис 3.4
Truth is a human right.

It’s fall 2007. A well-timed leak has revealed that the US government might have engaged in first contact. Cora Sabino is doing everything she can to avoid the whole mess, since the force driving the controversy is her whistleblower father. Even though Cora hasn’t spoken to him in years, his celebrity has caught the attention of the press, the Internet, the paparazzi, and the government—and with him in hiding, that attention is on her. She neither knows nor cares whether her father’s leaks are a hoax, and wants nothing to do with him—until she learns just how deeply entrenched her family is in the cover-up, and that an extraterrestrial presence has been on Earth for decades.

Realizing the extent to which both she and the public have been lied to, she sets out to gather as much information as she can, and finds that the best way for her to uncover the truth is not as a whistleblower, but as an intermediary. The alien presence has been completely uncommunicative until she convinces one of them that she can act as their interpreter, becoming the first and only human vessel of communication. Their otherworldly connection will change everything she thought she knew about being human—and could unleash a force more sinister than she ever imagined.
Шарлин Харрис 0.0
Picking up right where A Longer Fall left off, this thrilling third installment follows Lizbeth Rose as she takes on one of her most dangerous missions yet: rescuing her estranged partner, Prince Eli, from the Holy Russian Empire. Once in San Diego, Lizbeth is going to have to rely upon her sister Felicia, and her growing Grigori powers to navigate her way through this strange new world of royalty and deception in order to get Eli freed from jail where he's being held for murder.

Russian Cage continues to ramp up the momentum with more of everything Harris' readers adore her for with romance, intrigue, and a deep dive into the mysterious Holy Russian Empire.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse mysteries and Midnight, Texas trilogy) continues to ramp up the momentum with more of everything Harris' readers adore her for with romance, intrigue and a deep dive into the mysterious Holy Russian Empire in the much loved Gunnie Rose series.

Лучшая новеллизация

Тим Леббон 4.1
На одной из лун Внешнего Кольца капитан Малькольм Рейнольдс заканчивает карточную игру победителем и счастливым обладателем старинной карты, покрытой таинственными символами. Бывший владелец настаивает, что она ничего не стоит.

На борту «Серенити» Ривер Тэм интерпретирует знаки и утверждает, что карта указывает путь к одному из Ковчегов, кораблю поколений, который доставил людей со Старой Земли. Корабль настоящее хранилище забытых технологий, антиквариата и реликвий прошлого. Настоящее сокровище для того, кто найдет.

Когда команда приближается к старому дрейфующему среди звезд кораблю, обнаруживается, что он не настолько мертв, как показалось сначала. Чем ближе они подходят, тем более взволнованной становится Ривер. Она утверждает, что нечто ждет их на борту, нечто могущественное и очень злое...
Eric Kelley, Lee Zlotoff 0.0
When a top U.S. nuclear physicist impossibly vanishes off a trans-Atlantic plane in the middle of the flight, the U.S. Government calls in its top agent that specializes in the impossible, MacGyver.

In order to solve the mystery and recover the scientist and intel that could lead to escalating conflicts across the globe, Mac will find himself drawn into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse against a billionaire thief with resources and ingenuity that match Macgyver’s own.

So, to bring his adversary to justice, Mac must navigate between an old flame from Interpol and a beautiful but deadly young woman with some shocking revelations for him.

When his quarry’s end game begins, MacGyver will be forced to confront his identity, career, and purpose as the international situation careens towards critical mass.
Return to the world of MacGyver in Meltdown!
Тимоти Зан 4.5
Узнайте о начале карьеры Трауна в Доминации чиссов в первой книге новой трилогии Тимоти Зана.

За пределами далекой-далекой Галактики лежат Неизведанные регионы: нестабильная, неисследованная и почти не пригодная для полетов часть космоса. Там с равной вероятностью можно найти как глубоко запрятанные секреты, так и явные опасности. А посреди этого бурлящего хаоса раскинулась Доминация, родина загадочных чиссов и девяти семей, что правят ими.

Спокойствие Доминации, светоча мира и стабильности в регионе, нарушено дерзкой атакой неизвестных врагов на столицу. Разгадать это таинственное происшествие Доминация поручает одному из своих самых блистательных молодых офицеров, который не мог похвастаться знатным происхождением, но был принят в могущественную семью Митт и получил имя Траун.

Имея за спиной поддержку Флота экспансии и адмирала Ар’алани, Траун берется за поиск ответов. Однако по мере того, как он все дальше продвигается в необъятные глубины пространства, которое его народ называет Хаосом, суть его задания видится уже совсем другой.

И тогда становится ясно, что настоящая угроза для Доминации еще только на подходе.
Мэделин Ру 3.9
An all-new official prequel novel to Shadowlands, the next expansion for Blizzard Entertainment's legendary online game World of Warcraft.

"The Horde is nothing!" With those infamous words, Sylvanas Windrunner betrayed and abandoned the Horde she vowed to serve. The Dark Lady and her forces now work in the shadows as both the Horde and Alliance, including her own sister, Alleria, race to uncover her next move. Struggling to shoulder the crushing weight of leadership, King Anduin entrusts the void elf and High Exarch Turalyon to uncover Sylvanas's whereabouts.

The Horde now stands at a crossroads. The various factions form a council, leaving the mantle of warchief to rest. Thrall, Lor themar Theron, Baine Bloodhoof, First Arcanist Thalyssra, and many other familiar faces rise to this new challenge. But the threats are numerous, and the distrust runs too deep.

When the council is derailed by a failed assassination attempt on Talanji - the Zandalari queen and a key ally - Thrall and the rest of the Horde leaders are forced into action. They empower the young troll shaman Zekhan, still grieving the loss of Varok Saurfang, with a critical mission to aid Talanji and help uncover the rising threat against her.

Meanwhile, Nathanos Blightcaller and Sira Moonwarden have been tasked by the Dark Lady with a terrifying gambit: to kill the troll loa of death himself, Bwonsamdi.

As Zekhan and Talanji work to save Bwonsamdi, their journey will be a key turning point in bolstering the Horde against the coming darkness and finding themselves along the way. Failure to save their allies and the trickster god will surely doom them - but through success, they may rediscover what makes the Horde strong.
Чарльз Соул 4.0
Золотой Век Ордена джедаев… До Войны клонов, до Империи, задолго до "Саги о Скайуокерах". Откройте для себя новую эпоху в Галактике "Звездных Войн". Эпоху Раcцвета Республики!

Под управлением величественной Республики в Галактике царит мир, на страже которого стоят благородные и мудрые рыцари-джедаи.

В ознаменование своих благих намерений Республика готова запустить на дальних окраинах Внешнего кольца маяк "Звездный свет" — новую космическую станцию, призванную подарить всем луч надежды.

Но пока Республика благоденствует, в тени уже таится страшный враг. И защитникам мира и справедливости придется столкнуться с угрозой, нависшей не только над Галактикой, но и самой Силой…
Дэн Абнетт 4.5
Alizebeth Bequin's world has been turned upside-down. Now she must choose who she will follow as Inquisitors Eisenhorn and Ravenor battle to discover the secrets at the heart of Queen Mab.


The latest chapter in Dan Abnett's Inquisition saga is here, and it's packed with shocking twists and stunning revelations that will change the way you look at the Warhammer 40,000 universe forever.


In the mysterious city of Queen Mab, the forces of light and darkness are locked in a murderous struggle for truth. The dedicated agents of the Holy Inquisition battle with their shadowy counterparts, the infamous Cognitae, to discover the encrypted identity of the enigmatic, all-powerful King in Yellow. Caught at the heart of this struggle is the pariah Alizebeth Bequin. Will she stand with the Inquisition or with the Cognitae that raised her? And if she chooses the Inquisition, will it be the wise but ruthless Ravenor or his rival, the denounced heretic Eisenhorn? Bequin must withstand an onslaught of angels, daemons, and even the monstrous warriors of the Traitor Legions, to unpick the greatest riddle of her life.

The beloved characters of Eisenhorn and Ravenor return, as implaccable adversaries in a novel of esoteric mystery, macabre intrigue, and vivid action, where the revelation of true identity could mean death… or might shake the Imperium to its very foundations.

Лучший роман ужасов

T. Kingfisher 4.0
A young woman discovers a strange portal in her uncle’s house, leading to madness and terror in this gripping new novel from the author of the “innovative, unexpected, and absolutely chilling” (Mira Grant, Nebula Award–winning author) The Twisted Ones.

Pray they are hungry.

Kara finds the words in the mysterious bunker that she’s discovered behind a hole in the wall of her uncle’s house. Freshly divorced and living back at home, Kara now becomes obsessed with these cryptic words and starts exploring this peculiar area—only to discover that it holds portals to countless alternate realities. But these places are haunted by creatures that seem to hear thoughts…and the more one fears them, the stronger they become.

With her distinctive “delightfully fresh and subversive” (SF Bluestocking) prose and the strange, sinister wonder found in Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth, The Hollow Places is another compelling and white-knuckled horror novel that you won’t be able to put down.
Стивен Грэм Джонс 2.7
Четыре друга детства встречаются каждый год. Они устраивают охоту на оленя, чтобы забыть об этом до следующего года. Обычное дело, обычный трофей — так было всегда. До этого раза.

Прошло десять лет. Что-то начинает преследовать этих забывших свое наследие людей. Свирепый мстительный дух приходит к каждому, к одному за другим.

Природа мстит потерянному поколению, у которого и так нет ни шанса.
Polly Hall 0.0
A modern Gothic tale of a woman obsessed with her lover’s taxidermy creatures and haunted by her past.

Things were never quite the same after you started mixing up the species.

When Scarlett meets taxidermist Henry, a passionate love affair commences. One year later, on Christmas Day, Scarlett recalls the ebb and flow of their intense relationship and tries to unravel her obsession with Henry’s taxidermy creatures and the influence of his rival, Felix. Both enchanted and entrapped by the isolated rural environment on the Somerset moorland she calls home, Scarlett reaches out to her only remaining family, twin brother Rhett, to make sense of the secrets they share. Soon Scarlett realizes that past promises have far reaching consequences.

Drenched in the torrential rains of rural South West England and the sensual pleasures of the characters, The Taxidermist’s Lover, lures you ever deeper into Scarlett’s delightfully eerie world.
Пол Тремблей 3.2
Соединенные Штаты охвачены опаснейшей эпидемией бешенства. Койоты, кошки, лисы, мелкие грызуны нападают на жителей небольших городов и мегаполисов, укус приводит к немедленному заражению, в считаные часы развиваются лихорадка и нарушение мозговой активности. Жертвы «нового бешенства», в свою очередь, проявляют агрессию и тоже нападают на людей. Нерасторопность должностных лиц, всеобщая паника, заторы на дорогах, мародерство...

Рамола Шерман, молодой педиатр, плыла по течению своей жизни, особо не задумываясь о будущем. Одинокая, старательная, надежный коллега, серая мышь. Но когда опасность подстерегает повсюду и земля горит под ногами, ей поневоле придется стать другим человеком. СОВСЕМ ДРУГИМ...
Michaelbrent Collings 0.0
Some call it the Machine.
Some call it the SINC.
It’s the most dangerous thing ever created.
And it’s fallen into the wrong hands.

Tyler “Book” Malcolm has lived a life on the run. Off the grid, out of sight of the authorities. Hoping to escape a terrifying secret; to outrun what he has seen and what he has done.

Kane is an assassin who, with the help of the Machine, possesses the ability to assume the identity of anyone he wishes. He can strike without warning, and kill without mercy. Stronger than a dozen men, faster than sight itself, he can be anywhere, anytime.

When Book catches Kane’s eye, he discovers the world is even more dangerous than he knew. Book must ally himself with people who, like him, know that Kane is on the verge of remaking the world in his image.

But how do you know who to trust, when the man who wants you dead can be anyone he pleases?

How can you fight for the ones you love...

...when you can’t even believe who you see?

Лучший комикс

Джонатан Хикман 3.8
THE DAWN OF X BREAKS! The X-Men find themselves in a whole new world of possibility... and things have never been better! Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X, SECRET WARS) and superstar artist Leinil Yu (NEW AVENGERS, CAPTAIN AMERICA) reveal the saga of Cyclops and his hand-picked squad of mutant powerhouses!

Лучший графический роман

Лев Гроссман, Lilah Sturges, Pius Bak 0.0
The New York Times best-selling The Magicians novels continue in graphic novel form as series creator Lev Grossman introduces the next generation of students at Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy.


Long after Quentin and his friends have graduated from Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, Dean Fogg invites a historic new group of students to enroll– the first ever class of hedge magicians, rogue practitioners of unsanctioned magic. But the traditional magicians aren’t too thrilled to have the rule-breaking outcasts in their hallowed halls, and tempers flare as the student bodies clash to prove their superiority – not realizing a new danger has emerged to threaten them all.

The malevolence behind the threat at Brakebills will rock everyone to their cores – and even shock longtime fans of The Magicians!

New York Times bestselling series creator Lev Grossman returns with an all-new story in the world of The Magicians with award-winning writer Lilah Sturges (The Magicians: Alice’s Story) and rising star artist Pius Bak that features the first appearance of the next generation of heroes and villains.
Энди Ватсон 4.0
A page-turning, Kafkaesque dark comedy in brilliant retro style, this graphic novel watches one man try to keep it together while everything falls apart.

Upon the publication of his latest novel, G. H. Fretwell, a minor English writer, embarks on a book tour to promote it. Nothing is going according to plan, and his trip gradually turns into a nightmare. But now the police want to ask him some questions about a mysterious disappearance, and it seems that Fretwell's troubles are only just beginning...

In his first book for adults in many years, acclaimed cartoonist Andi Watson evokes all the anxieties felt by every writer and compresses them into a comedic gem of a book. Witty, surreal, and sharply observant, The Book Tour offers a captivating lesson in letting go.
Эд Брубейкер 0.0
NOW AVAILABLE AS A SOFT COVER TRADE PAPERBACK: A gorgeous original graphic novel from the bestselling creators of KILL OR BE KILLED, MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN JUNKIES, and CRIMINAL.

Max Winters, a pulp writer in 1930s New York, finds himself drawn into a story not unlike the tales he churns out at five cents a word--tales of a Wild West outlaw dispensing justice with a six-gun. But will Max be able to do the same when pursued by bank robbers, Nazi spies, and enemies from his past?

One part thriller, one part meditation on a life of violence, PULP is unlike anything award-winning BRUBAKER & PHILLIPS have ever done before. This celebration of pulp fiction set in a world on the brink is another must-have hardcover from one of comics' most acclaimed teams.
Грант Моррисон, Лиам Шарп 0.0
After the Blackstar incursion, Hal Jordan and his fellow Green Lanterns are left to put the world back together again after the battles that weakened the Green Lantern Corps to less than a shred of what it once was.

His next mission is his most critical...he needs to find the next generation of cosmic immortals. Will Hal be able to find the new heroes the world needs? Or will new threats keep him from completing his mission?

Collects The Green Lantern Season Two #1-6.
Алекс Де Кэмпи 3.0
Vienna, 1889: Dracula's brides nail him to the bottom of his coffin. Los Angeles, 1974: an ageing starlet decides to raise the stakes. Crime scene photographer Quincy Harker is the only man who knows it happened, but will anyone believe him before he gets his own chalk outline? And are Dracula's three brides there to help him... or use him as bait? A pulpy, pulse-pounding graphic novel of California psych-horror from acclaimed creators ALEX DE CAMPI and ERICA HENDERSON.
Trung Le Nguyen 4.3
Tiến loves his family and his friends…but Tiến has a secret he's been keeping from them, and it might change everything. An amazing YA graphic novel that deals with the complexity of family and how stories can bring us together.

Real life isn't a fairytale.

But Tiến still enjoys reading his favorite stories with his parents from the books he borrows from the local library. It's hard enough trying to communicate with your parents as a kid, but for Tiến, he doesn't even have the right words because his parents are struggling with their English. Is there a Vietnamese word for what he's going through?

Is there a way to tell them he's gay?

A beautifully illustrated story by Trung Le Nguyen that follows a young boy as he tries to navigate life through fairytales, an instant classic that shows us how we are all connected. The Magic Fish tackles tough subjects in a way that accessible with readers of all ages, and teaches us that no matter what—we can all have our own happy endings.
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