
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Mick Herron 5.0
London's Slough House is where the washed-up MI5 spies go to while away what's left of their failed careers. The "slow horses," as they’re called, have all disgraced themselves in some way to get relegated here. Maybe they messed up an op badly and can't be trusted anymore. Maybe they got in the way of an ambitious colleague and had the rug yanked out from under them. Maybe they just got too dependent on the bottle—not unusual in this line of work. One thing they all have in common, though, is they all want to be back in the action. And most of them would do anything to get there─even if it means having to collaborate with one another.

Now the slow horses have a chance at redemption. An old Cold War-era spy is found dead on a bus outside Oxford, far from his usual haunts. The despicable, irascible Jackson Lamb is convinced Dickie Bow was murdered. As the agents dig into their fallen comrade's circumstances, they uncover a shadowy tangle of ancient Cold War secrets that seem to lead back to a man named Alexander Popov, who is either a Soviet bogeyman or the most dangerous man in the world. How many more people will have to die to keep those secrets buried?
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Магнус Монтелиус 0.0
Journalisten Nina Wedén gør årets scoop og afslører efter et tip udenrigsministeren som sexkøber. Da den karismatiske, men uerfarne Jacob Weiss udnævnes til ny minister, bliver Nina til sin egen overraskelse headhuntet som hans pressesekretær, og hun går straks i gang med dygtigt at spinne den ene gode historie efter den anden rundt om Weiss.
 Weiss er omgærdet af rygter og tvivlsomme medarbejdere, og da en af de højtstående embedsmænd findes hængt, ind­ser Nina, at der er noget helt galt. Og sporene leder direkte til hendes hemmelige kilde.

OTTE MÅNEDER er en spændingsroman om magt og om de mennesker, der er villige til at gå langt for at få den.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Michael Connelly 4.3
Harry Bosch is back as a volunteer working cold cases for the San Fernando Police Department and is called out to a local drug store where a young pharmacist has been murdered. Bosch and the town's 3-person detective squad sift through the clues, which lead into the dangerous, big business world of pill mills and prescription drug abuse.

Meanwhile, an old case from Bosch's LAPD days comes back to haunt him when a long-imprisoned killer claims Harry framed him, and seems to have new evidence to prove it. Bosch left the LAPD on bad terms, so his former colleagues aren't keen to protect his reputation. He must fend for himself in clearing his name and keeping a clever killer in prison.

The two unrelated cases wind around each other like strands of barbed wire. Along the way Bosch discovers that there are two kinds of truth: the kind that sets you free and the kind that leaves you buried in darkness.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Michelle Richmond 3.6
Newlyweds Alice and Jake are a picture-perfect couple. Alice, once a singer in a well-known rock band, is now a successful lawyer. Jake is a partner in an up-and-coming psychology practice. Their life together holds endless possibilities. After receiving an enticing wedding gift from one of Alice’s prominent clients, they decide to join an exclusive and mysterious group known only as The Pact.

The goal of The Pact seems simple: to keep marriages happy and intact, and most of its rules make sense: Always answer the phone when your spouse calls. Exchange thoughtful gifts monthly. Plan a trip together once per quarter. . . .

Never mention The Pact to anyone.

Alice and Jake are initially seduced by the glamorous parties, the sense of community, their widening social circle of like-minded couples--and then one of them breaks the rules. The young lovers are about to discover that for adherents to The Pact, membership, like marriage, is for life, and The Pact will go to any lengths to enforce that rule. For Jake and Alice, the marriage of their dreams is about to become their worst nightmare.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Ирса Сигурдардоттир 4.1
Следователь рейкьявикской полиции Хюльдар еще никогда не сталкивался с таким делом. В своем доме жестоко убита молодая женщина. Почерк убийцы жуток и причудлив – ничего подобного не случалось не только в Исландии, но и в других странах. Преступник не оставил никаких улик – кроме записки со странным цифровым шифром, об который уже обломали зубы лучшие криптологи. Единственный свидетель – маленькая дочка убитой, незаметно забившаяся под материнскую кровать. Но она в шоке и не отвечает на вопросы. В паре с Хюльдаром работает Фрейя, специалист по работе с травмированными детьми. С ее помощью из девочки удается вытянуть лишь следующее. Убийца весь черный-черный. У него большая блестящая голова. И он собирается убить еще одну женщину…
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Гард Свин 0.0
Hjemmehjelpen ser at noe er galt da hun ankommer villaen i Holmenkollen. Porten er åpen. Hunden bjeffer ikke. Carl Oscar Krogh svarer ikke. Hun finner både hunden og eieren drept. Carl Oscar Krogh var en av de store motstandskjemperne under krigen. Funn på drapsstedet fører til at politiet mistenker at drapet kan ha noe med krigshistorien å gjøre. Få uker tidligere har noen medisinerstudenter funnet benrester i Nordmarka og politiet finner til slutt tre gamle skjeletter. Politietterforsker Tommy Bergmann er sta og egenrådig. Han trosser politiledelsen og søker etter en sammenheng mellom drapet og skjelettfunnet. Det viser seg at Krogh hadde vært en av den myteomspunne kaptein Kaj Holts nærmeste medarbeidere under krigen – og den siste som forsøkte å finne årsakene til Holts mystiske dødsfall i Stockholm sommeren 1945.
Jakten på Carl Oscar Kroghs morder blir et kappløp med tiden. I en labyrint av myter og løgn ledes Tommy Bergmann tilbake til en krig der sporene snart er visket ut, til en tid da sannheten var det første offeret, kjærligheten en slagmark og overlevelse den eneste æren.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Хокан Нессер 0.0
There is nobody in the world who knows that we are here . . .

A woman arrives in the village of Winsford on Exmoor. She has travelled a long way and chosen her secluded cottage carefully. Her sole intention is to outlive her beloved dog Castor. And to survive the torrent of memories that threaten to overwhelm her.

Weeks before, Maria and her husband Martin fled Stockholm under a cloud. The couple were bound for Morocco, where Martin planned to write an explosive novel; one that would reveal the truth behind dark events within his commune of writers decades before. But the couple never made it to their destination.

As Maria settles into her lonely new life, walking the wild, desolate moors, it becomes clear that Winsford isn't quite the sanctuary she thought it would be. While the long, dark evenings close in and the weather worsens, strange things begin to happen around her. But what terrible secrets is Maria guarding? And who now is trying to find her?

A haunting, masterly unravelling of a dreadful crime, in The Living and the Dead in Winsford Håkan Nesser, the bestselling, award-winning author of the Van Veeteren series, tightens the tension like a noose .
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Philip Kerr 5.0
Berlin, March 1943. The mood in Germany is bleak after their stunning defeat at Stalingrad. Private Investigator Bernie Gunther is at work in the German War Crimes Bureau - weary, cynical but well aware of the value of truth in a world where that's now a rarity.

When human remains are found deep in the Katyn Forest, Bernie is sent to investigate. Rumour has it that this mass grave is full of Polish officers murdered by the Russians. For Josef Goebbels, proof of Russian involvement is sure to destroy the Western Alliance, giving Germany a chance to reverse its devastating losses. But supposing the truth is far more damaging to the German cause?

It's Bernie Gunther's job to give Goebbels what he needs. But when there's nothing left for Gunther to lose, the compulsion to speak the truth becomes ever stronger...
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Ellroy, James 0.0
It's 1968. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King are dead. The Mob, Howard Hughes and J Edgar Hoover are in a struggle for America's soul, drawing into their murderous conspiracies the damned and the soon-to-be damned. WAYNE TEDROW JR: parricide, assassin, dope cooker, mouthpiece for all sides, loyal to none. His journey will take him deeper into the darkness. DWIGHT HOLLY: Hoover's enforcer and hellish conspirator in terrible crimes. As Hoover's power wanes, his destiny lurches towards Richard Nixon and self-annihilation. DON CRUTCHFIELD: a kid, a nobody, a wheelman and a private detective who stumbles upon an ungodly conspiracy from which he and the country may never recover. All three men are drawn to women on the opposite side of the political and moral spectrum; all are compromised and ripe for destruction. Blood's a Rover is an incandescent fusion of fact and fiction, and is James Ellroy's greatest masterpiece.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Лейф Г.В. Перссон 3.9
Ларс Мартин Юханссон — легенда шведской полиции, детектив от Бога, три года назад ушедший на пенсию, — попал в больницу с сердечным приступом. День за днем возвращаясь к жизни, он, неожиданно для самого себя, начинает негласное расследование одного из самых гнусных преступлений — изнасилования и убийства десятилетней девочки.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Жан-Кристоф Гранже 4.1
В армянском соборе Святого Иоанна Крестителя в Париже убит чилийский беженец Вильгельм Гетц, регент хора мальчиков и органист. Касдан, офицер полиции в отставке и прихожанин собора, немедленно начинает собственное неофициальное расследование. К нему присоединяется Волокин из отдела по защите прав несовершеннолетних. Оказывается, в прошлом исчезло несколько мальчиков из хоров, которыми руководил Гетц. За первым преступлением следуют еще более кровавые убийства. Между полным опасностей расследованием, в которое пускаются герои, и старинным хоралом “Мизерере” существует таинственная связь…
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Ю Несбё 4.4
В Осло обнаружены трупы двух молодых женщин, умерщвленных с помощью неизвестного орудия. Безжалостный убийца подкрадывается к своим жертвам бесшумно, как леопард, отнимая у них жизнь с изощренной жестокостью. Следствие топчется на месте, и Харри Холе вызывают из бессрочного отпуска. Пока полицейское начальство пытается использовать его в межведомственной борьбе, измученному охотнику предстоит пройти долгий путь по кровавому следу хищника...
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Don Winslow 0.0
Frank Machianno is the guy, a late-middle-aged ex-surf bum who runs a bait shack on the San Diego waterfront. That's when he’s not juggling any of his other three part-time jobs or trying to get a quick set in on his long board. He’s a beloved fixture of the community, a stand-up businessman, a devoted father to his daughter. Frank’s also a hit man. Well, a retired hit man.

Back in the day, when he was one of the most feared members of the West Coast mob, he was known as Frankie Machine. Years ago, Frank consigned his mob ties to the past, which is where he wants them to stay. But a favour called in by the local boss is one Frank simply can’t refuse, and before he knows it he’s sucked back into the treacherous currents of his former life. Someone from his past wants him dead, and he has to figure out who, and why, and he has to do it fast. The problem is that the list of candidates is about the size of his local phone book and Frank’s rapidly running out of time...

Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Карин Альвтеген 4.2
Жизнь респектабельной семьи Рагнерфельдт кажется безоблачной. Отец, Аксель Рагнерфельдт, снискал преклонение современников: парень из рабочей семьи стал знаменитым писателем, а его роман «Тень», отстаивающий идеалы человечности и благородства перед лицом беспощадных обстоятельств, принес своему автору Нобелевскую премию. Отсвет славы лег и на семью писателя, и на семью его сына. Но этот свет беспощаден и жгуч, и чем он ярче, тем тени чернее. Некоторые из них, таящиеся в далеком прошлом писателя-гуманиста, тянутся в день сегодняшний и ставят под сомнение доброе имя Рагнерфельдта, словно проверяя провозглашенные идеалы на прочность.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Хокан Нессер 0.0
Viktor Vinblad var svår att förstå sig på. Han sjöng psalmer baklänges och hans föräldrar hade ihjäl varandra. Femton år gammal var han på väg att lösa Fermats gåta men föll ut genom fönstret på tredje våningen i skolan. Han miste inte livet, men miste talförmågan. Och efter att Sara Psalmodin i Rossvaggakollektivet korsat hans väg, försvann han spårlöst i trettio år. Men nu ryktas det att han på nytt synts till i trakten. Ett rykte som tvingar hans styvbror David Mörtberg att återvända till barndomsstaden för att ta reda på vad som egentligen hände med Viktor - och komma till rätta med det förflutna. Myt möter verklighet i denna svindlande berättelse, som är både kriminalhistoria och uppväxtskildring och samtidigt öppnar portarna till nya landskap i Håkan Nessers författarskap.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Peter Robinson 0.0
The eleventh novel in the Banks series, following the critically acclaimed IN A DRY SEASON.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Arne Dahl 0.0
Stockholmis Skanseni loomaaias leiab ahmipuuris vääritu lõpu kriminaalse sündikaadi käsul Rootsi saabunud Kreeka gängster. Samal ajal kaovad Slagsta põgenikekeskusest kaheksa Ida-Euroopast pärit naist ja Stockholmi Lõunakalmistult leitakse jõhkralt mõrvatuna juudi emeriitprofessor aju-uurija Leonard Sheinkmann. Mis on neil juhtumeil ühist koltunud päevikuga aastast 1945? Ja kuidas see võiks olla seotud politseiuurija Arto Söderstedtiga, kes veedab oma suure perega puhkust Itaalias Toscana rannikul? Asjasse asub selgust tooma A-rühm komissar Jan-Olov Hultini juhtimisel. Näiliselt seosetuist juhtumeist moodustub võrk, mis ulatub üle Euroopa nii ajas kui ka ruumis. „Europa blues“ sai 2004 Taani krimikirjanduse auhinna (Palle Rozenkrantz Prisen) kui aasta parim rahvusvaheline põnevik. Aprillis 2005 oli teos nr 1 KrimiWelt-Bestenliste’s Saksamaal. Raamatu põhjal on valminud samanimeline 2-osaline telefilm (2012, BBC Four). Arne Dahlilt on eesti keeles varem ilmunud romaanid „Misterioso“ (2008), „Veresüü paine“ (2010), „Intimus“ (2011, kodanikunime Jan Arnald all) ja „Koos mäeharjale mingem“ (2012).
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Carol O'Connell 0.0
Sadie's purple bike was found abandoned at the bus stop. Then her friend disappeared, which led the police to propose a runaway theory to the press. But State Police Investigator Rouge Kendall wasn't convinced, thinking back 15 years to the imprisonment of Father Paul Marie for a similar crime.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Minette Walters 0.0
Acid Row. The name the beleaguered inhabitants give to their 'sink' estate. A no-man's land of single mothers and fatherless children - where angry, alienated youth controls the streets. Into this battleground comes Sophie Morrison, a young doctor visiting a patient in Acid Row. Little does she know that she is entering the home of a known paedophile . . . and with reports circulating that a tormented child called Amy has disappeared, the vigilantes are out in force. Soon Sophie is trapped at the centre of a terrifying siege, with a man she has come to despise. Whipped to a frenzy by unsubstantiated rumour, the mob unleashes its hatred. Against authority . . . the law . . . and the 'pervert'. 'Protecting Amy' becomes the catch-all defence for the terrible events that follow. And if murder is part of it, then so be it. But is Amy really missing?
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Ian Rankin 3.0
Bible John killed three women, and took three souvenirs. Johnny Bible killed to steal his namesake's glory. Oilman Allan Mitchelson died for his principles. And convict Lenny Spaven died just to prove a point. "Bible John" terrorized Glasgow in the sixties and seventies, murdering three women he met in a local ballroom--and he was never caught. Now a copycat is at work. Nicknamed "Bible Johnny" by the media, he is a new menace with violent ambitions.

The Bible Johnny case would be perfect for Inspector John Rebus, but after a run-in with a crooked senior officer, he's been shunted aside to one of Edinburgh's toughest suburbs, where he investigates the murder of an off-duty oilman. His investigation takes him north to the oil rigs of Aberdeen, where he meets the Bible Johnny media circus head-on. Suddenly caught in the glare of the television cameras and in the middle of more than one investigation, Rebus must proceed wiht caution: One mistake could mean an unpleasant and not particularly speedy death, or, worse still, losing his job.

Written with Ian Rankin's signature wit, style and intricacy, Black and Blue is a novel of uncommon and unforgettable intrigue.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Донна Леон 3.9
Ранним утром в грязном венецианском канале обнаруживают труп молодого человека, оказавшегося врачом с американской военной базы. Все вроде бы указывает на убийство с целью ограбления, но комиссар Брунетти не очень склонен верить очевидному. В квартире погибшего он находит свидетельство того, что кому-то очень нужно сбить полицию со следа, а продолжая расследование, получает предупреждение, что его любопытство может плохо для него кончиться. Вскоре комиссар открывает для себя мир, где с равным успехом торгуют оружием, наркотиками, ворованными произведениями искусства и местами для захоронения опасных отходов…
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Ким Смоге 0.0
Politibetjent Anne-kin Halvorsen, tidligere svømmeinstruktør, er sjokkert vitne til at et ungt svømmehåp omkommer på uforklarlig vis under trening. Så blir Anne-kin og andre i hennes familie forfulgt av innbrudd, noen er på jakt etter en kassett. Denne setter Anne-kin på sporet av utstrakt dopingvirksomhet, med metoder så avanserte at de vanskelig lar seg avsløre.
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Калеб Карр 4.1
1896 год. Улицы Нью-Йорка превратились в "охотничьи угодья" изощренного убийцы, избравшего своими жертвами несовершеннолетних мальчишек.

Чтобы избежать открытого скандала, будущий президент США, а ныне комиссар полиции Нью-Йорка Теодор Рузвельт поручает неофициальное расследование Ласло Крайцлеру, алиенисту, человеку, занимающемуся изучением психических патологий. Вместе со своей командой Крайцлер выследит убийцу. Но пока тот на свободе, он будет убивать снова и снова...
Премия Палле Розенкранца
Reginald Hill 5.0
Reginald Hill's ironic humor, polished prose, and keen insight have placed him squarely alongside such great mystery writers as P. D. James and Ruth Rendell. In his latest novel his much-appreciated team of detectives, the incomparable Dalziel and Pascoe, find themselves in the pretty village of Enscombe, which is steadfastly trying -- though somewhat in vain -- to repel the advances of both tourists and developers. When a policeman is discovered missing, Pascoe is immediately worried, but Dalziel thinks he's overreacting... until the normally phlegmatic Sergeant Wield also shows signs of changing his first impressions of picture-perfect village life. Over two eventful days a new pattern emerges: one of lust and lying, family feuds and ancient injuries, frustrated desires and unbalanced minds. Finally, inevitably, everything comes to a bloody climax at the Squire's Reckoning, where the villagers gather each Lady Day to feast and pay old debts. Not even the three lawmen's presence can change the course of history... though one of them is to find the course of his own personal history changed forever.
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