Кейт Середи5.0 For generations the tribes of Huns and Magyars had moved relentlessly westward, obeying the voices of their pagan gods, which compelled them to follow the elusive white stag to their promised homeland. They swept Europe, all the while pursuing their vision of the stag. Their leader was called Attila, and the land Hungary. Here is the epic story of their tribal migration and their fierce leader - know to us even today.
Алиса Дэлглиш0.0 In this Newbery Honor book classic, young Sarah learns how to be brave even when the world is strange and new.
In 1707, young Sarah Noble and her father traveled through the wilderness to build a new home for their family. “Keep up your courage, Sarah Noble,” her mother had said, but Sarah found that it was not always easy to feel brave inside. The dark woods were full of animals and Indians, too, and Sarah was only eight!
The true story of Sarah’s journey is inspiring. And as she cares for her father and befriends her Indian neighbors, she learns that to be afraid and to be brave is the greatest courage of all.
The New York Times Book Review described this book as one “to be long remembered for its beautifully written simplicity and dignity.”
Элвин Брукс Уайт4.2 «ПАУТИНКА ШАРЛОТТЫ» — сказочная повесть о настоящей дружбе, о том, что в минуту смертельной опасности спасти может только верный друг. Однажды поросёнок Вильбур узнал, что его, как и других свиней на ферме, откармливают для праздничного жаркого, и страшно испугался. Что же делать? Как спастись? И тут ему на помощь приходит серая паучиха Шарлотта, с которой он не так давно подружился. Благодаря её хитроумному плану Вильбур не только не попал на рождественский стол в качестве угощения, но стал знаменитостью и любимцем всей округи.
Кэролин Треффингер0.0 Banished to a mountaintop to learn to grow rice, Li Lun proves his courage as he fights the elements and his own loneliness to make his rice seedlings flourish where no one else has for generations.
Virginia Lee Burton4.8 Seventy years ago, Virginia Lee Burton built the Little House way out in the country,and since then generations of readers have been enchanted by the story of this happyhome and her journey from bucolic hill and the pleasures of nature to the bustlingcity, and back again.In celebration of this American classica??s seventieth anniversary, this special editionfeatures a brand-new introduction by Virginia Lee Burtona??s son, noted sculptor ArisDemetrios; a bonus audio CD of the story; and a foil treatment on the jacket. Thisbeautiful and timeless picture book is sure to be a favorite among readers for the nextseventy years, and beyond.
Армстронг Сперри0.0 A boy tries to overcome his fear of the sea in this treasured classic and winner of the Newbery Medal.
Maftu was afraid of the sea. It had taken his mother when he was a baby, and it seemed to him that the sea gods sought vengeance at having been cheated of Mafatu. So, though he was the son of the Great Chief of Hikueru, a race of Polynesians who worshipped courage, and he was named Stout Heart, he feared and avoided tha sea, till everyone branded him a coward. When he could no longer bear their taunts and jibes, he determined to conquer that fear or be conquered-- so he went off in his canoe, alone except for his little dog and pet albatross. A storm gave him his first challenge. Then days on a desert island found him resourceful beyond his own expectation. This is the story of how his courage grew and how he finally returned home. This is a legend. It happened many years ago, but even today the people of Hikueru sing this story and tell it over their evening fires.
Клэр Хучет Бишоп0.0 The classic picture-story about five clever brothers, each with a different extraordinary ability, has been in print for over 50 years. "An original nonsense tale told with...spirit and gusto." -- The Horn Book