Вручение 10 декабря 2019 г. — стр. 8

Дата проведения: 10 декабря 2019 г.

Лучшая история и биография

Эван Томас 0.0
Based on exclusive interviews and access to the Supreme Court archives, this is the intimate, inspiring, and authoritative biography of America's first female Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor--by New York Times bestselling author Evan Thomas.

She was born in 1930 in El Paso and grew up on a cattle ranch in Arizona. At a time when women were expected to be homemakers, she set her sights on Stanford University. When she graduated near the top of her class at law school in 1952, no firm would even interview her. But Sandra Day O'Connor's story is that of a woman who repeatedly shattered glass ceilings--doing so with a blend of grace, wisdom, humor, understatement, and cowgirl toughness.

She became the first-ever female majority leader of a state senate. As a judge on the Arizona State Court of Appeals, she stood up to corrupt lawyers and humanized the law. When she arrived at the Supreme Court, appointed by Reagan in 1981, she began a quarter-century tenure on the court, hearing cases that ultimately shaped American law. Diagnosed with cancer at fifty-eight, and caring for a husband with Alzheimer's, O'Connor endured every difficulty with grit and poise.

Women and men today will be inspired by how to be first in your own life, how to know when to fight and when to walk away, through O'Connor's example. This is a remarkably vivid and personal portrait of a woman who loved her family and believed in serving her country, who, when she became the most powerful woman in America, built a bridge forward for the women who followed her.

Лучшая наука и техника

Кэйтлин Даути 4.3

Собрано 29 594 голосов.

Автор бестселлеров и похоронных дел мастер Кейтлин Даути отвечает на реальные вопросы детей о смерти, мертвых телах и разложении. Книга — бестселлер New York Times, победитель премии Goodreads Choice Award 2019 в категории «Наука и Технологии».

Каждый день владелица похоронного бюро Кейтлин Даути получает десятки вопросов о смерти. Лучшие вопросы задают дети. Что случилось бы с телом космонавта, если бы его вытолкнули из космического корабля? Люди какают после смерти? Можно ли устроить бабушке погребение викингов?

В этой книге Даути сочетает свои профессиональные знания и интригующие истории, лежащие в основе распространенных заблуждений о трупах. Получились подробные, веселые и откровенные ответы на 35 ярких вопросов, заданных детьми. В своей неподражаемой манере автор подробно рассказывает о том, что происходит с нашими телами и внутри них после смерти. Почему трупы стонут? От чего тела меняют цвет во время разложения? И почему волосы и ногти выглядят длиннее после смерти? Вы узнаете, какая почва лучше всего подходит для мумификации тела, можно ли сохранить чей-то череп на память и что происходит, когда кто-то умирает в самолете.

Эта книга, проиллюстрированая Дайанне Руз, показывает нам, что смерть — это наука и искусство, и только задавая вопросы, мы можем начать принимать ее.
Рэндалл Манро 4.4
For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally complex, excessive, and inadvisable that no one would ever try it. How To is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole.

Bestselling author and cartoonist Randall Munroe explains how to predict the weather by analyzing the pixels of your Facebook photos. He teaches you how to tell if you're a baby boomer or a 90's kid by measuring the radioactivity of your teeth. He offers tips for taking a selfie with a telescope, crossing a river by boiling it, and powering your house by destroying the fabric of space-time. And if you want to get rid of the book once you're done with it, he walks you through your options for proper disposal, including dissolving it in the ocean, converting it to a vapor, using tectonic plates to subduct it into the Earth's mantle, or launching it into the Sun.

By exploring the most complicated ways to do simple tasks, Munroe doesn't just make things difficult for himself and his readers. As he did so brilliantly in What If?, Munroe invites us to explore the most absurd reaches of the possible. Full of clever infographics and fun illustrations, How To is a delightfully mind-bending way to better understand the science and technology underlying the things we do every day.
David Wallace-Wells 3.9
It is worse, much worse, than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible. In California, wildfires now rage year-round, destroying thousands of homes. Across the US, "500-year" storms pummel communities month after month, and floods displace tens of millions annually.

This is only a preview of the changes to come. And they are coming fast. Without a revolution in how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth could become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable, as soon as the end of this century.

In his travelogue of our near future, David Wallace-Wells brings into stark relief the climate troubles that await--food shortages, refugee emergencies, and other crises that will reshape the globe. But the world will be remade by warming in more profound ways as well, transforming our politics, our culture, our relationship to technology, and our sense of history. It will be all-encompassing, shaping and distorting nearly every aspect of human life as it is lived today.

Like An Inconvenient Truth and Silent Spring before it, The Uninhabitable Earth is both a meditation on the devastation we have brought upon ourselves and an impassioned call to action. For just as the world was brought to the brink of catastrophe within the span of a lifetime, the responsibility to avoid it now belongs to a single generation.
Richard Preston 0.0
The 2013-2014 Ebola epidemic was the deadliest ever--but the outbreaks continue. Now comes a gripping account of the doctors and scientists fighting to protect us, an urgent wake-up call about the future of emerging viruses--from the #1 bestselling author of The Hot Zone, soon to be a National Geographic original miniseries.

This time, Ebola started with a two-year-old child who likely had contact with a wild creature and whose entire family quickly fell ill and died. The ensuing global drama activated health professionals in North America, Europe, and Africa in a desperate race against time to contain the viral wildfire. By the end--as the virus mutated into its deadliest form, and spread farther and faster than ever before--30,000 people would be infected, and the dead would be spread across eight countries on three continents.

In this taut and suspenseful medical drama, Richard Preston deeply chronicles the outbreak, in which we saw for the first time the specter of Ebola jumping continents, crossing the Atlantic, and infecting people in America. Rich in characters and conflict--physical, emotional, and ethical--Crisis in the Red Zone is an immersion in one of the great public health calamities of our time.

Preston writes of doctors and nurses in the field putting their own lives on the line, of government bureaucrats and NGO administrators moving, often fitfully, to try to contain the outbreak, and of pharmaceutical companies racing to develop drugs to combat the virus. He also explores the charged ethical dilemma over who should and did receive the rare doses of an experimental treatment when they became available at the peak of the disaster.

Crisis in the Red Zone makes clear that the outbreak of 2013-2014 is a harbinger of further, more severe outbreaks, and of emerging viruses heretofore unimagined--in any country, on any continent. In our ever more interconnected world, with roads and towns cut deep into the jungles of equatorial Africa, viruses both familiar and undiscovered are being unleashed into more densely populated areas than ever before.

The more we discover about the virosphere, the more we realize its deadly potential. Crisis in the Red Zone is an exquisitely timely book, a stark warning of viral outbreaks to come.
Robert Macfarlane 4.3
From the best-selling, award-winning author of Landmarks and The Old Ways, a haunting voyage into the planet’s past and future.

Hailed as "the great nature writer of this generation" (Wall Street Journal), Robert Macfarlane is the celebrated author of books about the intersections of the human and the natural realms. In Underland, he delivers his masterpiece: an epic exploration of the Earth’s underworlds as they exist in myth, literature, memory, and the land itself.

In this highly anticipated sequel to his international bestseller The Old Ways, Macfarlane takes us on an extraordinary journey into our relationship with darkness, burial, and what lies beneath the surface of both place and mind. Traveling through “deep time”—the dizzying expanses of geologic time that stretch away from the present—he moves from the birth of the universe to a post-human future, from the prehistoric art of Norwegian sea caves to the blue depths of the Greenland ice cap, from Bronze Age funeral chambers to the catacomb labyrinth below Paris, and from the underground fungal networks through which trees communicate to a deep-sunk “hiding place” where nuclear waste will be stored for 100,000 years to come. Woven through Macfarlane’s own travels are the unforgettable stories of descents into the underland made across history by explorers, artists, cavers, divers, mourners, dreamers, and murderers, all of whom have been drawn for different reasons to seek what Cormac McCarthy calls “the awful darkness within the world.”

Global in its geography and written with great lyricism and power, Underland speaks powerfully to our present moment. Taking a deep-time view of our planet, Macfarlane here asks a vital and unsettling question: “Are we being good ancestors to the future Earth?” Underland marks a new turn in Macfarlane’s long-term mapping of the relations of landscape and the human heart. From its remarkable opening pages to its deeply moving conclusion, it is a journey into wonder, loss, fear, and hope. At once ancient and urgent, this is a book that will change the way you see the world.
David Baker, Кэл Ньюпорт 4.0
Цифровой минимализм строится на утверждении: чем меньше, тем лучше. По отношению к нашим взаимосвязям с цифровыми инструментами — это ключ к фокусу в нашем невероятно шумном мире.

С этой книгой вы познакомитесь с цифровыми минималистами, которые испытали чрезвычайно позитивные изменения, безжалостно сокращая свое пребывание онлайн, фокусируясь на небольшом количестве особо ценных для себя дел. Минималисты проводят в интернете намного меньше времени, чем все остальные. Их образ жизни можно посчитать крайностью, но они в ответ возразят: крайность — это то, сколько времени любой другой человек проводит перед экраном.

Эти люди поняли, что ключ к процветанию в нашем высокотехнологичном мире заключается в том, чтобы тратить на использование технологий минимум времени.
Frans de Waal 4.6
New York Times best-selling author and primatologist Frans de Waal explores the fascinating world of animal and human emotions.
Frans de Waal has spent four decades at the forefront of animal research. Following up on the best-selling Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, which investigated animal intelligence, Mama’s Last Hug delivers a fascinating exploration of the rich emotional lives of animals.
Билл Брайсон 4.4
Новая книга Билла Брайсона, автора международного бестселлера "Краткая история почти всего на свете", - это обязательный к прочтению путеводитель по устройству человеческого организма.

Автор приглашает в захватывающую экскурсию по чудесам и достопримечательностям нашего "внутреннего космоса". Простым и доступным языком, с помощью исторических анекдотов и парадоксальных фактов Брайсон наглядно показывает, как устроено человеческое тело, объясняет принципы, по которым оно работает, и причины, по которым начинает сбоить.
Джонатан Сафран Фоер 3.8
Каждый день, что мы провели на Земле, вел к настоящему моменту. Технический прогресс, промышленная революция, формирование потребительского общества - все это вызвало изменения климата, которые теперь угрожают нашей жизни. Через призму собственного опыта — и масштабного опыта всего человечества — Джонатан Сафран Фоер смотрит на современный мир и побуждает открыть глаза вместе с ним.

"Погода — это мы" — пронзительный, громкий, автобиографичный роман. Он столь же о личности, сколь и о коллективной силе людей. Ведь на самом деле если наше пребывание вызвало настолько страшные последствия, то стоит лишь пожелать — и одно слаженное усилие станет шагом к их устранению. Фоер уверен: спасти планету под силу каждому из нас. Что мы предпримем ради лучшего будущего?
Кэролайн Криадо Перес 4.2
Представьте себе мир, где врач, сам того не ведая, выписывает препарат, который вам вреден; где вероятность получения вами серьезных увечий в случае автомобильной аварии на 47% выше, чем у другой половины человечества; где ваш домашний труд после напряженного рабочего дня мало кто замечает и ценит. Знакомая картина? Значит, вы, скорее всего, женщина.

Кэролайн Криадо Перес вскрывает в книге серьезную проблему, напрямую влияющую на здоровье и благополучие женщин: разработчики различных продуктов и технологий опираются на данные, собранные о человеке, где «человек» по умолчанию «мужчина». Женщины же с их особенностями и потребностями остаются незамеченными. Автор обходит стороной глубокие дебаты о природе современного феминизма, но представляет бесспорные факты дефицита гендерных данных в самых разных областях — от политики и медицинских исследований до технологий, трудовых отношений, планирования городского пространства и медиа.

Эта блестящая книга, получившая множество престижных наград, доказывает необходимость перемен и заставляет взглянуть на устройство нашего мира по-новому.

Лучшая книга о еде и кулинарии

Энтони Поровски 4.0

Собрано 25 387 голосов.

Antoni Porowski, the food and wine guru on Netflix's sensation Queer Eye, meets people where they live—literally. With appealing vulnerability, he shows cooks of all levels how to become more confident and casual in the kitchen. The verve and naturalness of his approach earned raves from Food & Wine and Bon Appétit to GQ and the New York Times, which noted his dishes prove that “sometimes simple is anything but simplistic.”

Some of the recipes in this book are weeknight healthyish meals, while others are perfect for off-the-cuff entertaining. Visual stunners, they’re often composed of fewer than five ingredients. Whether Bastardized Easy Ramen; Malaysian Chili Shrimp; Roasted Carrots with Carrot-Top Pesto; or Salty Lemon Squares, all are visual stunners and can be carried off with panache, even by beginners.
Миша Коллинз 0.0
TV star Misha Collins and his wife, journalist and historian Vicki Collins, show families how to be mealtime adventurers so that kids might have a lifelong relationship with real food

Chicken nuggets. Hot dogs. Macaroni and cheese. These are just some of the greatest hits we offer kids at mealtime.

Misha and Vicki Collins totally get it. When their son West was a toddler, he began refusing anything that wasn’t bland and beige. At first, they succumbed, anything to end the mealtime battles. But with sinking hearts they realized fruit snacks and buttered noodles weren’t just void of nutrition, they were setting him up for a lifetime with a limited palate and a reliance on convenience foods.

So, as a family, they decided to lean into what they love best—adventure—and invited their kids to be playful and exploratory in the kitchen. Now, in The Adventurous Eaters Club, Misha and Vicki share how they created a home where mealtime doesn’t involve coercion or trickery, and where salad, veggies, fresh soups, and fruit are the main course. Combining personal anecdotes and practical tips with over 100 creative, delicious, whimsical recipes little hands can help prepare The Adventurous Eaters Club offers readers all the support, encouragement, and practical advice they need to make lifelong adventurous eaters out of their kids.
Хью Амано 0.0
A comic book cookbook with accessible ramen recipes for the home cook, including simple weeknight bowls, weekend project stocks, homemade noodles, and an array of delicious accompaniments, with insights and tips from notable ramen luminaries.

Playful and instructive, this hybrid cookbook/graphic novel introduces the history of ramen and provides more than 40 recipes for everything you need to make the perfect bowl at home including tares, broths, noodles, and toppings. Authors Hugh Amano and Sarah Becan present colorful, humorous, and easy-to-follow comics that fully illustrate the necessary steps and ingredients for delicious homemade ramen. Along the way, they share preparation shortcuts that make weeknight ramen a reality; provide meaty tidbits on Japanese culinary traditions; and feature words of wisdom, personal anecdotes, and cultural insights from eminent ramen figures such as chef Ivan Orkin and Ramen Adventures' Brian MacDuckston. Recipes include broths like Shio, Shoyu, Miso, and Tonkotsu, components such as Onsen Eggs, Chashu, and Menma, and offshoots like Mazemen, Tsukemen, and Yakisoba. Ideal for beginners, seasoned cooks, and armchair chefs alike, this comic book cookbook is an accessible, fun, and inviting introduction to one of Japan's most popular and iconic dishes.
Рэйчел Рэй 0.0
America's favorite self-taught cook opens up about the most memorable moments of her life to date in this candid memoir-inspired cookbook featuring more than 125 recipes.

"Working in hospitality is hard on the body. But, if it's in you, if it's in your blood, kitchens are your happy place and food is as good for your soul as it is for feeding any appetite. Every nick of the knife, every burn and every ache and pain can go almost unnoticed and ultimately is more than worth it. At fifty, I could be better looking but I couldn't be more fulfilled."

As her fiftieth birthday approached, the woman who taught America how to get dinner on the table, fast, started thinking, not just about what to make for dinner, but how her passion for food and feeding people developed over a lifetime. Where did it come from? How did it grow? Where will it take her next?

Now, Rachael Ray reveals how her mother and Italian grandfather instilled in her a strong work ethic, problem solving skills, and overall love of cooking, and how her time as a dish washer and soda fountain girl shaped her work philosophy; why muggings at gunpoint (two!) eventually led to her career in television, and how competing (and winning) on Iron Chef turned out to be one of the hardest days of her life; plus tales of the friends she's made along the way, like Oprah, Michelle Obama, Jacques Pépin, and many others. Peppered throughout is her kitchen and life wisdom, along with her philosophy on how we can better serve the world and each other.

The accompanying recipes range from all-time favorite recipes and meals to unexpected dishes like French cuisine, her endeavors into baking, and some of her husband John's tasty cocktails. They include: Bavette with Green Peppercorn Sauce Verte, Smoked Oysters with Lemon-Horseradish Mignonette, Mushroom and Chard Crostata, Brown Butter Balsamic Ravioli, Beet Arancini, Nduja Deviled Eggs, Stone Fruit Galette, Negroni Freeze, and a serious Porchetta. Plus favorite recipes for your pets!

Complete with gorgeous food shots, personal collection photos, and Rachael's own hand-drawn illustrations, this is a revealing and intimate glimpse into Rachael's world and her every day inspiration.
Рут Рейчл 3.0
Trailblazing food writer and beloved restaurant critic Ruth Reichl took the job (and the risk) of a lifetime when she entered the glamorous, high-stakes world of magazine publishing. Now, for the first time, she chronicles her groundbreaking tenure as editor in chief of Gourmet, during which she spearheaded a revolution in the way we think about food.

When Condé Nast offered Ruth Reichl the top position at America's oldest epicurean magazine, she declined. She was a writer, not a manager, and had no inclination to be anyone's boss. And yet . . . Reichl had been reading Gourmet since she was eight; it had inspired her career. How could she say no?

This is the story of a former Berkeley hippie entering the corporate world and worrying about losing her soul. It is the story of the moment restaurants became an important part of popular culture, a time when the rise of the farm-to-table movement changed, forever, the way we eat. Readers will meet legendary chefs like David Chang and Eric Ripert, idiosyncratic writers like David Foster Wallace, and a colorful group of editors and art directors who, under Reichl's leadership, transformed stately Gourmet into a cutting-edge publication. This was the golden age of print media—the last spendthrift gasp before the Internet turned the magazine world upside down.

Complete with recipes, Save Me the Plums is a personal journey of a woman coming to terms with being in charge and making a mark, following a passion and holding on to her dreams—even when she ends up in a place she never expected to be.
Вини Моранвиль 0.0
Experience the exciting and heartwarming world of the March sisters and Little Women right in your own kitchen.

Here at last is the first cookbook to celebrate the scrumptious and comforting foods that play a prominent role in Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel Little Women. If your family includes a Little Women fan, or if you yourself are one, with this book you can keep the magic and wonder of the beloved tale alive for years to come. Do you wonder what makes the characters so excited to make—and eat!—sweets and desserts like the exotically named Blancmange or the mysterious Bonbons with Mottoes, along with favorites like Apple Turnovers, Plum Pudding, and Gingerbread Cake? Find out for yourself with over 50 easy-to-make recipes for these delectable treats and more, all updated for the modern kitchen.

From Hannah’s Pounded Potatoes to Amy’s Picnic Lemonade, from the charming Chocolate Drop Cookies that Professor Bhaer always offers to Meg’s twins to hearty dinners that Hannah and Marmee encourage the March sisters to learn to make, you’ll find an abundance of delicious teatime drinks and snacks, plus breakfasts, brunches, lunches, suppers, and desserts. Featuring full-color photos, evocative illustrations, fun and uplifting quotes from the novel, and anecdotes about Louisa May Alcott, this is a book that any Little Women fan will love to have.
Майда Хиттер 0.0
From the bestselling "legend" of baking (New York Times), Maida Heatter, a modern-classic collection of her all-time best-loved, tried-and-true recipes

"Happiness is baking cookies. Happiness is giving them away. And serving them, and eating them, talking about them, reading and writing about them, thinking about them, and sharing them with you."
Maida Heatter is one of the most iconic and fondly remembered cookbook authors of all time. Her recipes, each a modern classic, are must-haves in every home baker's bag of tricks: her cookies, cakes, muffins, tarts, pies, and sweets of all kinds range from extravagantly special to the comforting and everyday. Her brown-sugary Budapest Coffee Cake, her minty Palm Beach Brownies, her sophisticated East 62nd Street Lemon Cake, and many other desserts have inspired legions of devotees.

Happiness Is Baking reproduces Maida's best-loved recipes in a fully illustrated new edition with a foreword by Dorie Greenspan. Developed for foolproof baking by experienced cooks and novices alice, these recipes bear Maida's trademark warmth, no-nonsense style, and her promise that they will work every time.

Happiness Is Baking is the perfect gift for anyone who loves baking--or who knows the happiness that comes from a delicious dessert.
Тони Окамото 0.0
Eat vegan—for less!

Between low-paying jobs, car troubles, student loans, vet bills, and trying to pay down credit card debt, Toni Okamoto spent most of her early adult life living paycheck to paycheck. So when she became a vegan at age 20, she worried: How would she be able to afford that kind of lifestyle change?

Then she discovered how to be plant-based on a budget.

Through her popular website, Toni has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to eat a plant-strong diet while saving money in the process. With Plant-Based on a Budget, going vegan is not only an attainable goal, but the best choice for your health, the planet—and your wallet.

Toni’s guidance doesn’t just help you save money—it helps you save time, too. Every recipe in this book can be ready in around 30 minutes or less.

Through her imaginative and incredibly customizable recipes, Toni empowers readers to make their own substitutions based on the ingredients they have on hand, reducing food waste in the process.

Inside discover 100 of Toni’s “frugal but delicious” recipes, including:

5-Ingredient Peanut Butter Bites
Banana Zucchini Pancakes
Sick Day Soup
Lentils and Sweet Potato Bowl
PB Ramen Stir Fry
Tofu Veggie Gravy Bowl
Jackfruit Carnita Tacos
Depression Era Cupcakes
Real Deal Chocolate Chip Cookies

With a foreword by Michael Greger, MD, Plant-Based on a Budget gives you everything you need to make plant-based eating easy, accessible, and most of all, affordable.

Featured in the groundbreaking documentary What the Health
Кваме Онвуачи 0.0
A groundbreaking memoir about the intersection of race, fame, and food, from the Top Chef star and Forbes and Zagat 30 Under 30 honoree

By the time he was twenty-seven, Kwame Onwuachi had competed on Top Chef, cooked at the White House, and opened and closed one of the most talked about restaurants in America. In this inspiring memoir, he shares the remarkable story of his culinary coming-of-age. Growing up in the Bronx and Nigeria (where he was sent by his mother to "learn respect"), food was Onwuachi's great love. He launched his own catering company with twenty thousand dollars he made selling candy on the subway, and trained in the kitchens of some of the most acclaimed restaurants in the country. But the road to success is riddled with potholes. As a young chef, Onwuachi was forced to grapple with just how unwelcoming the world of fine dining can be for people of color, and his first restaurant, the culmination of years of planning, shuttered just months after opening. A powerful, heartfelt, and shockingly honest memoir of following your dreams--even when they don't turn out as you expected--Notes from a Young Black Chef is one man's pursuit of his passions, despite the odds.
Прия Кришна 0.0
Named one of the Best Cookbooks of Spring 2019 by the New York Times, Eater, and Bon Appétit

A witty and irresistible celebration of one very cool and boundary-breaking mom’s “Indian-ish” cooking—with accessible and innovative Indian-American recipes

Indian food is everyday food! This colorful, lively book is food writer Priya Krishna’s loving tribute to her mom’s “Indian-ish” cooking—a trove of one-of-a-kind Indian-American hybrids that are easy to make, clever, practical, and packed with flavor. Think Roti Pizza, Tomato Rice with Crispy Cheddar, Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Green Pea Chutney, and Malaysian Ramen.

Priya’s mom, Ritu, taught herself to cook after moving to the U.S. while also working as a software programmer—her unique creations merging the Indian flavors of her childhood with her global travels and inspiration from cooking shows as well as her kids’ requests for American favorites like spaghetti and PB&Js. The results are approachable and unfailingly delightful, like spiced, yogurt-filled sandwiches crusted with curry leaves, or “Indian Gatorade” (a thirst-quenching salty-sweet limeade)—including plenty of simple dinners you can whip up in minutes at the end of a long work day.

Throughout, Priya’s funny and relatable stories—punctuated with candid portraits and original illustrations by acclaimed Desi pop artist Maria Qamar (also known as Hatecopy)—will bring you up close and personal with the Krishna family and its many quirks.
Ясмин Хан 0.0
A dazzling cookbook with vibrant recipes, captivating stories and stunning photography from Palestine.

Лучший графический роман и комиксы

Rainbow Rowell, Faith Erin Hicks 4.3

Собрано 29 624 голоса.

Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world. (Not many people know that the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world is in Omaha, Nebraska, but it definitely is.) They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1.
But this Halloween is different—Josiah and Deja are finally seniors, and this is their last season at the pumpkin patch. Their last shift together. Their last good-bye.

Josiah’s ready to spend the whole night feeling melancholy about it. Deja isn’t ready to let him. She’s got a plan: What if—instead of moping and the usual slinging lima beans down at the Succotash Hut—they went out with a bang? They could see all the sights! Taste all the snacks! And Josiah could finally talk to that cute girl he’s been mooning over for three years . . .

What if their last shift was an adventure?

Beloved writer Rainbow Rowell and Eisner Award–winning artist Faith Erin Hicks have teamed up to create this tender and hilarious story about two irresistible teens discovering what it means to leave behind a place—and a person—with no regrets.
Виктория Шваб, Andrea Olimpieri 4.3
The acclaimed fantasy phenomenon comes to comics with a new prequel story from award-winning creator and New York Times bestseller V.E. Schwab!

In a gaslamp world where magicians navigate alternate Londons, the prince of Red London pursues a dark version of his beloved city – and faces worse than exile...
Дебби Танг 4.5
Если вы любите шуршание книжных страничек, запах типографской краски, кайфуете в книжном, а всё свободное время посвящаете чтению или поиску новых книг, то этот комикс про вас и для вас!

«Быть книголюбом» очень точно показывает, каково это — быть по уши влюблённым в книги, и что значит с головой нырнуть в толстую книгу или в тонкую, или в электронную, и позабыть обо всем на свете.

Он рассказывает о тех, для кого книги — всё на свете. Почти в каждом стрипе можно узнать себя и от души посмеяться. А тонкие и стильные иллюстрации Дебби Танг сделают чтение более уютным, особенно, если рядом будет плед и чашечка чая или кофе.
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