Вручение декабрь 2017 г. — стр. 10

Дата проведения: декабрь 2017 г.

Лучшая наука и техника

Питер Годфри-Смит 4.1
Although mammals and birds are widely regarded as the smartest creatures on earth, it has lately become clear that a very distant branch of the tree of life has also sprouted higher intelligence: the cephalopods, consisting of the squid, the cuttlefish, and above all the octopus. In captivity, octopuses have been known to identify individual human keepers, raid neighboring tanks for food, turn off lightbulbs by spouting jets of water, plug drains, and make daring escapes. How is it that a creature with such gifts evolved through an evolutionary lineage so radically distant from our own? What does it mean that evolution built minds not once but at least twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter?

In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how subjective experience crept into being―how nature became aware of itself. As Godfrey-Smith stresses, it is a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development, Godfrey-Smith shows how unruly clumps of seaborne cells began living together and became capable of sensing, acting, and signaling. As these primitive organisms became more entangled with others, they grew more complicated. The first nervous systems evolved, probably in ancient relatives of jellyfish; later on, the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous mollusks, abandoned their shells and rose above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so. Taking an independent route, mammals and birds later began their own evolutionary journeys.

But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? Drawing on the latest scientific research and his own scuba-diving adventures, Godfrey-Smith probes the many mysteries that surround the lineage. How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually “think for themselves”? What happens when some octopuses abandon their hermit-like ways and congregate, as they do in a unique location off the coast of Australia?

By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind―and on our own.
Гэри Таубс 3.9
From the best-selling author of Why We Get Fat, a groundbreaking, eye-opening expose that makes the convincing case that sugar is the tobacco of the new millennium: backed by powerful lobbies, entrenched in our lives, and making us very sick.
Билл Шутт 4.0
For centuries scientists have written off cannibalism as a bizarre phenomenon with little biological significance. Its presence in nature was dismissed as a desperate response to starvation or other life-threatening circumstances, and few spent time studying it. A taboo subject in our culture, the behavior was portrayed mostly through horror movies or tabloids sensationalizing the crimes of real-life flesh-eaters. But the true nature of cannibalism--the role it plays in evolution as well as human history--is even more intriguing (and more normal) than the misconceptions we've come to accept as fact.

In Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History, zoologist Bill Schutt sets the record straight, debunking common myths and investigating our new understanding of cannibalism's role in biology, anthropology, and history in the most fascinating account yet written on this complex topic. Schutt takes readers from Arizona's Chiricahua Mountains, where he wades through ponds full of tadpoles devouring their siblings, to the Sierra Nevadas, where he joins researchers who are shedding new light on what happened to the Donner Party--the most infamous episode of cannibalism in American history. He even meets with an expert on the preparation and consumption of human placenta (and, yes, it goes well with Chianti).

Bringing together the latest cutting-edge science, Schutt answers questions such as why some amphibians consume their mother's skin; why certain insects bite the heads off their partners after sex; why, up until the end of the twentieth century, Europeans regularly ate human body parts as medical curatives; and how cannibalism might be linked to the extinction of the Neanderthals. He takes us into the future as well, investigating whether, as climate change causes famine, disease, and overcrowding, we may see more outbreaks of cannibalism in many more species--including our own.

Cannibalism places a perfectly natural occurrence into a vital new context and invites us to explore why it both enthralls and repels us.
Флоренс Уильямс 2.0
For centuries, poets and philosophers extolled the benefits of a walk in the woods: Beethoven drew inspiration from rocks and trees; Wordsworth composed while tromping over the heath; and Nikola Tesla conceived the electric motor while visiting a park. Intrigued by our storied renewal in the natural world, Florence Williams set out to uncover the science behind nature’s positive effects on the brain.

In this informative and entertaining account, Williams investigates cutting-edge research as she travels to fragrant cypress forests in Korea to meet the rangers who administer “forest healing programs,” to the green hills of Scotland and its “ecotherapeutic” approach to caring for the mentally ill, to a river trip in Idaho with Iraqi vets suffering from PTSD, to the West Virginia mountains where she discovers how being outside helps children with ADHD. The Nature Fix demonstrates that our connection to nature is much more important to our cognition than we think and that even small amounts of exposure to the living world can improve our creativity and enhance our mood. In prose that is incisive, witty, and urgent, Williams shows how time in nature is not a luxury but is in fact essential to our humanity. As our modern lives shift dramatically indoors, these ideas—and the answers they yield—are more urgent than ever.
Дерек Томпсон 4.0
Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson puts pop culture under the lens of science to investigate what every business, every artist, every person looking to promote themselves and their work is after: what makes a hit a hit.

Hit Makers is a groundbreaking investigation into the most valuable currency of the 21st century: people's attention. With incisive analysis and captivating storytelling, Atlantic Senior Editor Derek Thompson uses the tools of economics and psychology to reveal the secrets of what makes a hit a hit.

Drawing on ancient history and modern headlines—from vampire lore and the Mickey Mouse watch to Facebook and Games of Thrones—Thompson offers practical lessons for how anybody can make a hit and become a smarter consumer of culture. In doing so, he shows how the universe of attention is connected. An investigation into the science of pop music uncovers the secrets of JFK and Obama’s speechwriters. An exclusive new history of Fifty Shades of Grey reveals why "going viral" is a myth. HIT MAKERS not only investigates the cultural phenomena that make up headlines. It reveals the desires that make us all human. Hits enchant us, but they also hold up a mirror to our nature.

We are living through an industrial revolution in attention. We used to simply play the hits. Now the hits play us back. Film, music, and media companies are using new tools to learn what makes their consumers tick. Hit Makers pulls back the curtain on this new world order to make all of us smarter about what people want and how things catch fire.

From the dawn of Impressionist art to the future of Snapchat, from small-scale Etsy entrepreneurs to the origin of Star Wars, Derek Thompson leaves no pet rock unturned to tell the fascinating story of how culture happens—and where genius lives.
Роберт Сапольски 4.5
Как говорит знаменитый приматолог и нейробиолог Роберт Сапольски, если вы хотите понять поведение человека и природу хорошего или плохого поступка, вам придется разобраться буквально во всем — и в том, что происходило за секунду до него, и в том, что было миллионы лет назад. В книге автор поэтапно — можно сказать, в хронологическом разрезе — и очень подробно рассматривает огромное количество факторов, влияющих на наше поведение. Как работает наш мозг? За что отвечает миндалина, а за что нам стоит благодарить лобную кору? Что «ненавидит» островок? Почему у лондонских таксистов увеличен гиппокамп? Как связаны длины указательного и безымянного пальцев и количество внутриутробного тестостерона? Чем с точки зрения нейробиологии подростки отличаются от детей и взрослых? Бывают ли «чистые» альтруисты? В чем разница между прощением и примирением? Существует ли свобода воли? Как сложные социальные связи влияют на наше поведение и принятие решений? И это лишь малая часть вопросов, рассматриваемых в масштабной работе известного ученого.
Эрик Баркер 3.7
Забудьте всё, что вы до этого знали об успехе! Почти все традиционные представления и стереотипы ошибочны, считает популярный блогер Эрик Баркер. В своей захватывающей книге он устраивает читателю увлекательную экскурсию по лабиринтам науки успеха. Разобравшись, что отличает невероятно успешных людей от всех остальных, мы выясним, как стать более похожими на них — и почему в некоторых случаях лучше этого не делать. Опираясь на поразительную статистику и удивительные истории из жизни, книга поможет вам понять, что эффективно, а что нет, чтобы вы перестали искать на ощупь секреты успеха и начали строить свою жизнь так, как всегда хотели.
Адам Алтер 4.1
Добро пожаловать в эпоху новых технологий — эпоху, когда мы используем наши смартфоны минимум по 3 часа в день. Мы зациклены на наших электронных письмах, лайках в Instagram и Facebook, обожаем сериалы и с нетерпением ждём выхода нового видеоролика на YouTube. Дети, родившиеся в эпоху интернета, проводят столько времени перед экранами, что общение с живыми людьми вызывает существенные трудности. В своей революционной книге психолог Адам Алтер объясняет, почему многие из сегодняшних приложений так неотразимы, и как снизить их влияние на нашу жизнь.
Пол Оффит 4.5
7 захватывающих историй о том, как наука, которую мы привыкли считать «двигателем прогресса», шла по ложному пути и наносила огромный вред: от трансжиров до Лайнуса Полинга с его витамином C.

Наука — это тоже своего рода красивый ящик Пандоры. Нам любопытно узнать, что же она скрывает, поэтому мы, подчас, выпускаем на волю зло, причиняющее страдания и ведущее к смерти. В каких-то случаях ее результаты заложили бомбу замедленного действия и, возможно, в конце концов уничтожат нас. Поскольку все они корнями восходят к началу записанной истории, но эффект от них виден и по сей день, можно сказать, что мы так и не усвоили урок с ящиком Пандоры.

Одна из ключевых тем этой книги — истории ученых (многие из которых были лауреатами Нобелевской премии), продвигавших идеи, опасные для человечества. Профессор и доктор медицины Пол Оффит также затрагивает насущную проблему — неумение научных журналов, СМИ и политиков отличить обоснованную истину от опасных идей и их поддержка «вредной науки».
Лоренс Краусс 4.3
Лоуренса Краусса иногда называют Ричардом Докинзом от точных наук. Он серьезный физик-исследователь и один из самых известных в мире популяризаторов науки, с работами которого российский читатель только начинает знакомиться. Уже подзаголовок его книги подчеркивает, что нарисованная наукой картина мира превзошла по величественности все религиозные эпосы. Это грандиозное повествование разворачивается у Краусса в двух планах: как эволюция Вселенной, которая в итоге привела к нашему существованию, и как эволюция нашего понимания устройства этой Вселенной. Через всю книгу проходит метафора Платоновой пещеры: шаг за шагом наука вскрывает иллюзии и движется к подлинной реальности, лежащей в основе нашего мира. Путеводной нитью у Краусса служит свет — не только свет разума, но и само излучение, свойства которого удивительным образом переосмысляются на всех этапах развития науки — от механики через теорию электромагнитных волн к теории относительности, квантовой электродинамике, физике элементарных частиц и современной космологии.
Сэмюэль Стернберг, Дженнифер Энн Даудна 4.2
A trailblazing biologist grapples with her role in the biggest scientific discovery of our era: a cheap, easy way of rewriting genetic code, with nearly limitless promise and peril.

Not since the atomic bomb has a technology so alarmed its inventors that they warned the world about its use. Not, that is, until the spring of 2015, when biologist Jennifer Doudna called for a worldwide moratorium on the use of the new gene-editing tool CRISPR—a revolutionary new technology that she helped create—to make heritable changes in human embryos. The cheapest, simplest, most effective way of manipulating DNA ever known, CRISPR may well give us the cure to HIV, genetic diseases, and some cancers, and will help address the world’s hunger crisis. Yet even the tiniest changes to DNA could have myriad, unforeseeable consequences—to say nothing of the ethical and societal repercussions of intentionally mutating embryos to create “better” humans.

Writing with fellow researcher Samuel Sternberg, Doudna shares the thrilling story of her discovery, and passionately argues that enormous responsibility comes with the ability to rewrite the code of life. With CRISPR, she shows, we have effectively taken control of evolution. What will we do with this unfathomable power?
Дзёити Ито 0.0
This "brilliant and provocative" (Walter Isaacson) guide shares nine principles to adapt and survive the technological changes shaping our future from the director of the MIT Media Lab and a veteran Wired journalist.
The world is more complex and volatile today than at any other time in our history. The tools of our modern existence are getting faster, cheaper, and smaller at an exponential rate, transforming every aspect of society, from business to culture and from the public sphere to our most private moments. The people who succeed will be the ones who learn to think differently.
In WHIPLASH, Joi Ito and Jeff Howe distill that logic into nine organizing principles for navigating and surviving this tumultuous period:
Emergence over Authority
Pull over Push
Compasses over Maps
Risk over Safety
Disobedience over Compliance
Practice over Theory
Diversity over Ability
Resilience over Strength
Systems over Objects
Filled with incredible case studies and cutting-edge research and philosophies from the MIT Media Lab and beyond, WHIPLASH will help you adapt and succeed in this unpredictable world.
Zach Weinersmith, Kelly Weinersmith 3.9
From a top scientist and the creator of the hugely popular web comic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, a hilariously illustrated investigation into future technologies — from how to fling a ship into deep space on the cheap to 3D organ printing

What will the world of tomorrow be like? How does progress happen? And why do we not have a lunar colony already? What is the hold-up?

In this smart and funny book, celebrated cartoonist Zach Weinersmith and noted researcher Dr. Kelly Weinersmith give us a snapshot of what’s coming next — from robot swarms to nuclear fusion powered-toasters. By weaving their own research, interviews with the scientists who are making these advances happen, and Zach’s trademark comics, the Weinersmiths investigate why these technologies are needed, how they would work, and what is standing in their way.

New technologies are almost never the work of isolated geniuses with a neat idea. A given future technology may need any number of intermediate technologies to develop first, and many of these critical advances may appear to be irrelevant when they are first discovered. The journey to progress is full of strange detours and blind alleys that tell us so much about the human mind and the march of civilization.

To this end, Soonish investigates ten different emerging fields, from programmable matter to augmented reality, from space elevators to robotic construction, to show us the amazing world we will have, you know, soonish.

Soonish is the perfect gift for science lovers for the holidays!
Sam Kean 4.6
The fascinating science and history of the air we breathe

It's invisible. It's ever-present. Without it, you would die in minutes. And it has an epic story to tell.

In Caesar's Last Breath, New York Times bestselling author Sam Kean takes us on a journey through the periodic table, around the globe, and across time to tell the story of the air we breathe, which, it turns out, is also the story of earth and our existence on it.

With every breath, you literally inhale the history of the world. On the ides of March, 44 BC, Julius Caesar died of stab wounds on the Senate floor, but the story of his last breath is still unfolding; in fact, you're probably inhaling some of it now. Of the sextillions of molecules entering or leaving your lungs at this moment, some might well bear traces of Cleopatra's perfumes, German mustard gas, particles exhaled by dinosaurs or emitted by atomic bombs, even remnants of stardust from the universe's creation.

Tracing the origins and ingredients of our atmosphere, Kean reveals how the alchemy of air reshaped our continents, steered human progress, powered revolutions, and continues to influence everything we do. Along the way, we'll swim with radioactive pigs, witness the most important chemical reactions humans have discovered, and join the crowd at the Moulin Rouge for some of the crudest performance art of all time. Lively, witty, and filled with the astounding science of ordinary life, Caesar's Last Breath illuminates the science stories swirling around us every second.
Макс Тегмарк 4.2
Макс Тегмарк говорит о трёх основных этапах развития жизни на нашей планете. Жизнь 1.0, простая биологическая жизнь, свойственная, например, бактериям. Жизнь 2.0, или культурная жизнь, подразумевает получение знаний и опыта, с последующим использованием этих знаний для определения своего поведения. Жизнь 3.0, которая пока ещё не появилась на Земле, будет иметь одно важное отличие от Жизни 2.0 – она сможет быстро и радикально менять собственное строение, не дожидаясь, пока оно изменится эволюционным путем через ряд поколений. Многие эксперты уверены, что эта новая форма жизни появится уже в нашем столетии. Как это произойдет, какой эта новая форма будет, что даст человечеству и как изменится наша жизнь, если в ней будет присутствовать искусственный разум. А главное, стоит ли нам этого опасаться. На эти вопросы, приводя разнообразные факты и моделируя различные пути развития ближайшего будущего, и отвечает эта книга.

Лучшая книга о еде и кулинарии

Ри Драммонд 0.0

Собрано 23 994 голоса.

For home cooks, nothing beats preparing a long, leisurely dinner for your family, stirring slowly, seasoning gradually, and savoring every flavorful step.

Screeeeeech! Reality check!

Okay, let's face it: With school, sports, work, obligations, and activities pulling us in a million directions, not many of us can spend that amount of time in the kitchen anymore! What we really need are simple, scrumptious, doable recipes that solve the challenge of serving up hearty, satisfying food (that tastes amazing!) day after day, week after week without falling into a rut and relying on the same old rotation of meals. Cooking should be fun, rewarding, and it definitely should feed your soul (and feed the people in your household in the process)!Here are some of my favorite make-it-happen dishes, pulled from my nonstop life as a busy wife, mother of four, and lifelong lover of food! The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It! includes more than 120 of my best solutions for tasty, wholesome meals (with minimal fuss!) for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. (And let's not forget the glue that holds it all together: desserts! There are some dandies in here, friends.)

With a mix of categories and flavors that will please everyone, this book has everything you need to whip up delicious, downhome recipes that you can get on the table without a lot of stress. Now that's something to get excited about!
Джейми Оливер 0.0
Jamie keeps it super-simple

Cooking doesn't have to be complicated - that's why Jamie's 5 Ingredients - Quick & Easy Food is sure to become your new best friend in the kitchen.

It's all about making the journey to good food very, very simple. Every recipe uses just five key ingredients, ensuring you can get a meal together fast, whether it's finished and on the table in a flash, or after minimal hands-on prep, you've let the oven do the hard work for you. It’s about spending a little time to deliver a lot of flavour.

Each recipe has been tried and tested (and tested again!) to ensure the book is packed with no-fuss, budget-friendly dishes that you can rustle up, any day of the week.

With over 130 recipes, and chapters on Chicken, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Fish, Eggs, Veg, Salads, Pasta, Rice & Noodles and Sweet Things, there's plenty of quick and easy recipe inspiration to choose from.

Think Roast tikka chicken - a whole bird rubbed with curry paste and roasted over golden potatoes and tender cauliflower, finished with fresh coriander. Or, Crazy simple fish pie - flaky smoked haddock, spring onions, spinach and oozy Cheddar, all topped off with crisp, golden filo, and ready to devour in less than 30 minutes.

With every recipe you'll find a visual ingredient guide, serving size, timings, a short, easy-to-follow method, and quick-reference nutritional information.

This is Jamie's easiest-to-use book yet, and the perfect cookbook for busy people.
Sarah Michelle Gellar, Gia Russo 0.0
More than 100 fun food-crafting ideas that will engage, delight, and amaze kids-from actress, entrepreneur, and mom, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and former Martha Stewart Living contributor Gia Russo.

Why stop with making basic brownies? Why not put them on a stick and decorate them? Why not take boring broccoli and turn it into a yummy cheese muffin instead? Sarah Michelle Gellar learned quickly that to get her kids to be adventurous with food, she had to involve them in preparing it. She wanted that process to be fun and help them develop self-confidence, creative thinking, and even math skills! So Sarah and co-author Gia Russo came up with more than 100 fun food-crafting ideas that take basic food preparation to a surprising new level.

Organized by month, the book offers projects for every occasion and theme, including Super Bowl, Valentine's Day, Shark Week, Halloween, and even a Star Wars Day with licensed Star Wars creations! The possibilities are endless!
Эми Тилен 0.0
A beautifully written food memoir chronicling one cook's journey from her rural Midwestern hometown to the intoxicating world of New York City fine dining and back again in search of her culinary roots.

Before Amy Thielen frantically plated rings of truffled potatoes in some of New York City s finest kitchens for chefs David Bouley, Daniel Boulud, and Jean-Georges Vongerichten she grew up in a northern Minnesota town home to the nation s largest French fry factory, the headwaters of the fast food nation, with a mother whose generous cooking pulsed with joy, family drama, and an overabundance of butter.

Inspired by her grandmother s tales of cooking on the family farm, Thielen moves with her artist husband to the rustic, off-the-grid cabin he built in the woods. There, standing at the stove three times a day, she finds the seed of a growing food obsession that leads to the sensory madhouse of New York s top haute cuisine brigades. When she goes home, she comes face to face with her past, and a curious truth: that beneath every foie gras sauce lies a rural foundation of potatoes and onions, and that taste memory is the most important ingredient of all.

Amy Thielen's coming-of-age account brims with energy, a cook s eye for intimate detail, and a dose of dry Midwestern humor. Give a Girl a Knife offers a fresh, vivid view into New York s high-end restaurant before returning Thielen to her roots, where she realizes that the marrow running through her bones is not demi-glace, but gravy honest, thick with nostalgia, and hard to resist."
Тиа Маури 0.0
From the star of the Cooking Channel's Tia Mowry at Home comes a timely clean-eating cookbook that will change the way you think about what you eat and jump-start your journey to a healthier, more gorgeous you.

When actress Tia Mowry landed her breakthrough role on the sitcom Sister, Sister, she swapped home-cooked meals for catering spreads. But her teen-dream diet of candies and carbs turned into a nightmare when she developed endometriosis, a painful disease that affects one in ten women worldwide. Two years and two surgeries later, some surprising advice from her doctor inspired Tia to radically change one of the most basic elements of her life: her diet. After ditching the dairy and the refined sugars and processed foods, Tia's pain receded drastically. What's more, her migraines stopped, her skin cleared up, and she was finally able to get pregnant. Drawing on the latest research on whole plant foods, inflammation, and gut flora, Whole New You chronicles Tia's journey to wellness and provides all the resources you need to feel better, including

- a ten-day menu plan to begin your healthy life
- more than 100 delicious recipes
- lighter versions of your favorite comfort food recipes, including "Buttermilk" Fried Chicken and Crispy Collard Chips
- healthy recipes for your kids
- tips and tricks for eating on the go
- complementary approaches, such as acupuncture and yoga, for whole body healing

Like a trusted friend, Tia recounts both her setbacks and her triumphs--and shows you how to listen to what your body is telling you. With Whole New You, your healing begins now.
Деб Перельман 0.0
Deb Perelman, award-winning blogger and New York Times best-selling author of The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook, understands that a happy discovery in the kitchen has the ability to completely change the course of your day. Whether we’re cooking for ourselves, for a date night in, for a Sunday supper with friends, or for family on a busy weeknight, we all want recipes that are unfussy to make with triumphant results.

Deb thinks that cooking should be an escape from drudgery. Smitten Kitchen Every Day: Triumphant and Unfussy New Favorites presents more than one hundred impossible-to-resist recipes—almost all of them brand-new, plus a few favorites from her website—that will make you want to stop what you’re doing right now and cook. These are real recipes for real people—people with busy lives who don’t want to sacrifice flavor or quality to eat meals they’re really excited about.

You’ll want to put these recipes in your Forever Files: Sticky Toffee Waffles (sticky toffee pudding you can eat for breakfast), Everything Drop Biscuits with Cream Cheese, and Magical Two-Ingredient Oat Brittle (a happy accident). There’s a (hopelessly, unapologetically inauthentic) Kale Caesar with Broken Eggs and Crushed Croutons, a Mango Apple Ceviche with Sunflower Seeds, and a Grandma-Style Chicken Noodle Soup that fixes everything. You can make Leek, Feta, and Greens Spiral Pie, crunchy Brussels and Three Cheese Pasta Bake that tastes better with brussels sprouts than without, Beefsteak Skirt Steak Salad, and Bacony Baked Pintos with the Works (as in, giant bowls of beans that you can dip into like nachos).
And, of course, no meal is complete without cake (and cookies and pies and puddings): Chocolate Peanut Butter Icebox Cake (the icebox cake to end all icebox cakes), Pretzel Linzers with Salted Caramel, Strawberry Cloud Cookies, Bake Sale Winning-est Gooey Oat Bars, as well as the ultimate Party Cake Builder—four one-bowl cakes for all occasions with mix-and-match frostings (bonus: less time spent doing dishes means everybody wins).

Written with Deb’s trademark humor and gorgeously illustrated with her own photographs, Smitten Kitchen Every Day is filled with what are sure to be your new favorite things to cook.
Стелла Паркс 0.0
Winner of the 2018 James Beard Foundation Book Award (Baking and Desserts)

A New York Times bestseller and named a Best Baking Book of the Year by the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, Bon Appétit, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Mother Jones, the Boston Globe and more

"The most groundbreaking book on baking in years. Full stop."—Saveur

From One-Bowl Devil’s Food Layer Cake to a flawless Cherry Pie that’s crisp even on the very bottom, BraveTart is a celebration of classic American desserts. Whether down-home delights like Blueberry Muffins and Glossy Fudge Brownies or supermarket mainstays such as Vanilla Wafers and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream, your favorites are all here. These meticulously tested recipes bring an award-winning pastry chef’s expertise into your kitchen, along with advice on how to “mix it up” with over 200 customizable variations—in short, exactly what you’d expect from a cookbook penned by a senior editor at Serious Eats. Yet BraveTart is much more than a cookbook, as Stella Parks delves into the surprising stories of how our favorite desserts came to be, from chocolate chip cookies that predate the Tollhouse Inn to the prohibition-era origins of ice cream sodas and floats. With a foreword by The Food Lab’s J. Kenji López-Alt, vintage advertisements for these historical desserts, and breathtaking photography from Penny De Los Santos, BraveTart is sure to become an American classic.
Майкл У. Твитти 0.0
A renowned culinary historian offers a fresh perspective on our most divisive cultural issue, race, in this illuminating memoir of Southern cuisine and food culture that traces his ancestry—both black and white—through food, from Africa to America and slavery to freedom.

Southern food is integral to the American culinary tradition, yet the question of who "owns" it is one of the most provocative touch points in our ongoing struggles over race. In this unique memoir, culinary historian Michael W. Twitty takes readers to the white-hot center of this fight, tracing the roots of his own family and the charged politics surrounding the origins of soul food, barbecue, and all Southern cuisine.

From the tobacco and rice farms of colonial times to plantation kitchens and backbreaking cotton fields, Twitty tells his family story through the foods that enabled his ancestors’ survival across three centuries. He sifts through stories, recipes, genetic tests, and historical documents, and travels from Civil War battlefields in Virginia to synagogues in Alabama to Black-owned organic farms in Georgia.

As he takes us through his ancestral culinary history, Twitty suggests that healing may come from embracing the discomfort of the Southern past. Along the way, he reveals a truth that is more than skin deep—the power that food has to bring the kin of the enslaved and their former slaveholders to the table, where they can discover the real America together.
Опра Уинфри 0.0
Oprah Winfrey has spent her life trying to make peace with food, which has been such a source of pleasure and meaning for her. Now Oprah has found ways to have her favorite meals while also controlling her weight, and in Food, Health and Happiness she shares not only her struggles with food but also the recipes that have allowed food to be a source of joy for her again. With help from the chefs who have cooked for her over the years such as Rosie Daley, Art Smith, Mei Lin, Taryn Huebner, and Sonny Sweetman, this is an extraordinarily personal cookbook while also being an invitation to Oprah’s many fans to eat both healthfully and happily. From simple pleasures such as “Unfried Chicken” or “Turkey Chili” to such celebrations of freshness as “Farro With Peas, Asparagus, Pesto and Cured Olives” and “Chilean Sea Bass with Lemon Fennel Chutney,” this is food as it should be: a source of happiness, a ritual to be shared, a celebration of life.
Сэмин Носрэт 3.8
Шеф-повар и писатель Самин Носрэт предлагает новый подход к приготовлению пищи. Для того, чтобы готовить восхитительно, вам необходимо учитывать только четыре элемента, которые перечислены в названии. Соль усиливает вкус. Жир поставляет аромат и создает текстуру. Кислота уравновешивает вкус. Жар определяет текстуру пищи, которую вы готовите.

Эта книга не просто сборник рецептов с фотографиями готовых блюд, а настоящий кулинарный дневник. Возможно, это последняя поваренная книга, которую вы купите в свою домашнюю библиотеку. С ней вы научитесь готовить, руководствуясь собственными знаниями и по зову сердца.
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