Вручение 17 сентября 2022 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Дженни Коуттс,
Нехудожественное издание или сайт - Dan Coxon, Richard V. Hirst "Writing the Uncanny",
Независимое издательство - Luna Press,
Периодическое издание - Журнал "Apex Magazine",
Фильм - Прошлой ночью в Сохо (режиссёр Эдгар Райт),
Аудио - H. R. Owen "Monstrous Agonies"

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: FantasyCon 2022, Хитроу Дата проведения: 17 сентября 2022 г.

Лучший роман ужасов (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Катриона Уорд 3.7
Это история об убийце. О похищенном ребенке. И о мести.
В заколоченном досками доме в самом конце Никчемной улицы живет семья. Девочка, которой нельзя выходить на улицу. Мужчина, страдающий провалами в памяти. И кошка Оливия, которая любить спать и… читать Библию.
Все сказанное выше – правда. И все это – ложь.
Невероятная тайна связывает эту семью. И когда в доме по соседству поселяется девушка по имени Ди, эта тайна грозит выплыть наружу... Много лет назад младшую сестру Ди похитил маньяк, и теперь, спустя многие годы безнадежных поисков, улики приводят ее на Никчемную улицу. К самому последнему дому.
Вы думаете, что догадываетесь о происходящем в заколоченном доме. Думаете, что уже читали такие истории. Но вы ошибаетесь… В темном лесу позади Никчемной улицы зарыто нечто ужасное. И это совсем не то, чем кажется…
Чак Вендиг 3.7
Когда-то одержимый числами маньяк Эдмунд Риз провалил миссию, которую считал священной, – убить 99 девочек в парке Рэмбл-Рокс, на поле камней. Он был казнен на электрическом стуле, и нечто гораздо более темное, голодное и зловещее поселилось среди загадочных валунов…

Когда-то, ребенком, Нейт жил в сельском доме рядом с Рэмбл-Рокс со своим жестоким отцом. Он никому не рассказывал, что там случилось…

Когда-то Мэдди, еще маленькой девочкой, увидела в своей спальне то, чего не должна была видеть. Она пытается воскресить забытую детскую травму, создавая тревожные скульптуры…

Теперь Нейт и Мэдди Грейвз женаты и счастливы. Вместе с сыном Оливером они переезжают в дом детства Нейта. И то, что случилось когда-то, повторяется вновь. На этот раз с Оливером, – когда тот заводит дружбу со странным подростком. Подростком, полным очень темных секретов…
С. Т. Гибсон 3.2
Я никогда не думала, что всё закончится так, мой господин. Что твоя кровь брызнет на мою ночную рубашку и ручейками потечёт по полу нашей спальни.

Я опишу тебя таким, каким ты был на самом деле: не изображением на древнем витраже, не горящим в нечестивом огне. Из-под моего пера ты выйдешь лишь мужчиной, в равной мере нежным и жестоким.

Если ты всё ещё слышишь меня, где бы ты ни был, моя любовь, мой мучитель, услышь это: у меня никогда не было намерения убивать тебя.

Во всяком случае, не в начале.
Преми Мохамед 0.0
It’s been a year and a half since the Anomaly, when They tried to force Their way into the world from the shapeless void.

Nick Prasad is piecing his life together, and has joined the secretive Ssarati Society to help monitor threats to humanity – including his former friend Johnny.

Right on cue, the unveiling of Johnny’s latest experiment sees a fresh incursion of Them, leaving her protesting her innocence even as the two of them are thrown together to fight the darkness once more…
Стивен Грэм Джонс 2.7
У Джейд Дэниэлс нет матери, отец жесток, а окружающим на нее просто наплевать. Есть причина озлобиться на город Пруфрок и его жителей. И еще большая причина — погрузиться в собственный мир фантазий, источником которых являются фильмы ужасов… особенно те, в которых маньяк в маске мстит за причинённое зло. Джейд знает эти фильмы буквально наизусть, помнит все сценарные ходы, героев и историю создания каждого хоррора.

И она рассказывает причудливую историю родного города так, словно это сюжет одного из таких фильмов. И глубокие воды озера Индиан окрашиваются в цвет крови, и возникает маньяк-убийца. Джейд, словно живая энциклопедия убийц в масках и с мачете, бензопилами или ножами в руках, точно предсказывает развитие событий, словно творит их, оставаясь в душе испуганной маленькой девочкой, которая легко плачет, горячо любит и отчаянно хочет найти свой дом.
Кассандра Хау 2.3
Cassandra Khaw's Nothing But Blackened Teeth is a gorgeously creepy haunted house tale, steeped in Japanese folklore and full of devastating twists.

A Heian-era mansion stands abandoned, its foundations resting on the bones of a bride and its walls packed with the remains of the girls sacrificed to keep her company.

It’s the perfect wedding venue for a group of thrill-seeking friends.

But a night of food, drinks, and games quickly spirals into a nightmare. For lurking in the shadows is the ghost bride with a black smile and a hungry heart.

And she gets lonely down there in the dirt.
Таша Сури 4.3
Imprisoned by her dictator brother, Malini spends her days in isolation in the Hirana: an ancient temple that was once the source of the powerful, magical deathless waters — but is now little more than a decaying ruin.

Priya is a maidservant, one among several who make the treacherous journey to the top of the Hirana every night to clean Malini’s chambers. She is happy to be an anonymous drudge, so long as it keeps anyone from guessing the dangerous secret she hides.

But when Malini accidentally bears witness to Priya’s true nature, their destinies become irrevocably tangled. One is a vengeful princess seeking to depose her brother from his throne. The other is a priestess seeking to find her family. Together, they will change the fate of an empire

Премия им. Сиднея Дж. Баундса лучшему дебютанту

Шелли Паркер-Чан 3.7
Она — девушка, рождённая во время войны и голода. Ее брату предсказано великое будущее, а ей — смерть. Всё решено на небесах.

Но что, если тот, кому небо предписало быть великим, выбирает смерть?

Она возьмёт его имя и его судьбу. И пусть голодные глаза призраков следят за каждым её шагом — она сделает всё, чтобы выжить, чтобы стать великой. Будет гибкой. Будет жестокой. Будет мужчиной. Чтобы стать Императором. Чтобы стать солнцем.
Сиран Джей Чжао 3.8
Уже несколько лет мир атакуют захватчики, населяющие земли за Великой Китайской стеной. Главное оружие войны с ними — истребители, управляемые жизненной энергией пары пилотов, мужчины и женщины. Женщины, отдав всю энергию, умирают в первом же бою. Но только не 18-летняя Цзэтян. Она единственная смогла выйти из кабины невредимой — за что получила прозвище Железная вдова.

Совладать с мощной силой Цзэтян может только один мужчина-пилот — Ли Шиминь, убийца, Железный Демон. Именно его ставят в пару с девушкой, чтобы обуздать ее. Но теперь, когда Цзэтянь ощутила вкус власти, она не готова просто сдаться. Сможет ли Цзэтян убедить Ли Шиминя объединить силы и заставить общество изменить отношение в женщинам?
J. T. Greathouse 4.3
My name is Wen Alder. My name is Foolish Cur.

All my life, I have been torn between two legacies: that of my father, whose roots trace back to the right hand of the Emperor. That of my mother's family, who reject the oppressive Empire and embrace the resistance.

I can choose between them - between protecting my family, or protecting my people - or I can search out a better path . . . a magical path, filled with secrets, unbound by Empire or resistance, which could shake my world to its very foundation.

But my search for freedom will entangle me in a war between the gods themselves
Ian Green 0.0
An action-packed and unique fantasy adventure by a debut Scottish author

Protect. Fight. Destroy. Protect your people. The endless rotstorm rages over the ruins of the Ferron Empire. Floré would never let the slavers of the Empire rise again. As a warrior of the Stormguard Commandos, she wrought horrors in the rotstorm to protect her people. She did her duty and left the bloodshed behind. Fight for your family.
Floré’s peace is shattered when blazing orbs of light cut through the night sky and descend on her village. Her daughter is abducted and Floré is forced into a chase across a land of twisted monsters and ancient gods. She must pursue the mysterious orbs, whose presence could herald the return of the Empire she spent her entire life fighting. Destroy your enemies.
Now, Floré must take up the role she swore to put aside and become the weapon the Stormguard trained her to be, to save not only her daughter, but her people . . . Read this action-packed and unique fantasy adventure from debut Scottish author, Ian Green. Perfect for fans of Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series or Sam Sykes' Seven Blades In Black .
Lorraine Wilson 0.0
Double British Fantasy Award finalist, Kavya Prize finalist and winner of the SCKA reviewer award for Best Newcomer.

Could you condemn one child to save another?

In a near-future Europe fracturing under climate change and far-right politics, biologist Lina Stephenson works in the remote Rila Mountains, safely away from London State.

When an old enemy dies, Lina’s dangerous past resurfaces, putting her family’s lives at risk. Trapped with her vulnerable sister alongside the dead man’s family, Lina is facing pressure from all sides: her enemy’s eldest son is determined to destroy her in his search for vengeance, whilst his youngest carries a sinister secret...

But the forest is hiding its own threats and as a catastrophic storm closes in, Lina realises that to save her family she too must become a monster.
C. A. Yates 0.0
Welcome to the worlds of C.A. Yates, where fish sing, bikinis kill, and we all have teeth.
Open the door and step inside; you'll need a cup of tea to survive.

We all have teeth collects together many of the works of short fiction of C.A. Yates from previous anthologies and includes some new works first published here.

Лучший роман в жанре фэнтези (Премия Роберта Холдстока)

Шелли Паркер-Чан 3.7
Она — девушка, рождённая во время войны и голода. Ее брату предсказано великое будущее, а ей — смерть. Всё решено на небесах.

Но что, если тот, кому небо предписало быть великим, выбирает смерть?

Она возьмёт его имя и его судьбу. И пусть голодные глаза призраков следят за каждым её шагом — она сделает всё, чтобы выжить, чтобы стать великой. Будет гибкой. Будет жестокой. Будет мужчиной. Чтобы стать Императором. Чтобы стать солнцем.
Майк Брукс 0.0
When the citizens of Black Keep see ships on the horizon, terror takes them because they know who is coming: for generations, the keep has been raided by the fearsome clanspeople of Tjakorsha. Saddling their war dragons, Black Keep's warriors rush to defend their home only to discover that the clanspeople have not come to pillage at all. Driven from their own land by a daemonic despot who prophesises the end of the world, the raiders come in search of a new home .
Люси Холланд 3.5
In a magical ancient Britain, bards sing a story of treachery, love and death. This is that story. For fans of Madeline Miller's Circe, Lucy Holland's Sistersong retells the folk ballad 'The Twa Sisters'.
King Cador's children inherit a land abandoned by the Romans, torn by warring tribes. Riva can cure others, but can't heal her own scars. Keyne battles to be seen as the king's son, although born a daughter. And Sinne dreams of love,
Lorraine Wilson 0.0
Double British Fantasy Award finalist, Kavya Prize finalist and winner of the SCKA reviewer award for Best Newcomer.

Could you condemn one child to save another?

In a near-future Europe fracturing under climate change and far-right politics, biologist Lina Stephenson works in the remote Rila Mountains, safely away from London State.

When an old enemy dies, Lina’s dangerous past resurfaces, putting her family’s lives at risk. Trapped with her vulnerable sister alongside the dead man’s family, Lina is facing pressure from all sides: her enemy’s eldest son is determined to destroy her in his search for vengeance, whilst his youngest carries a sinister secret...

But the forest is hiding its own threats and as a catastrophic storm closes in, Lina realises that to save her family she too must become a monster.
К. Л. Кларк 2.8
Touraine is a soldier. Stolen as a child and raised to kill and die for the empire, her only loyalty is to her fellow conscripts. But now, her company has been sent back to her homeland to stop a rebellion, and the ties of blood may be stronger than she thought.

Luca needs a turncoat. Someone desperate enough to tiptoe the bayonet's edge between treason and orders. Someone who can sway the rebels toward peace, while Luca focuses on what really matters: getting her uncle off her throne.

Through assassinations and massacres, in bedrooms and war rooms, Touraine and Luca will haggle over the price of a nation. But some things aren't for sale

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Maureen Kincaid Speller
Maureen Kincaid Speller
1 книга
0 в избранном

Лучшая повесть

Nino Cipri 0.0
Derek is LitenVärld's most loyal employee. He lives and breathes the job, from the moment he wakes up in a converted shipping container at the edge of the parking lot to the second he clocks out of work 18 hours later. But after taking his first ever sick day, his manager calls that loyalty into question. An excellent employee like Derek, an employee made to work at LitenVärld, shouldn't need time off.

To test his commitment to the job, Derek is assigned to a special inventory shift, hunting through the store to find defective products. Toy chests with pincers and eye stalks, ambulatory sleeper sofas, killer mutant toilets, that kind of thing. Helping him is the inventory team ― four strangers who look and sound almost exactly like him. Are five Dereks better than one?
Шингай Нджери Кагунда 0.0
In & This is How to Stay Alive by Shingai Njeri Kagunda, Nyokabi's world unravels after her brother Baraka's death by suicide. When an eccentric auntie gives Nyokabi a potion that sends her back in time to when Baraka was still alive, it becomes her only goal to keep him that way. Nyokabi learns that storytellers may be the carriers of time, but defying the past comes with its own repercussions.


A beautiful and rending look at family, loss, and grief, all while sharply dissecting time travel tropes and delivering a powerful message about memory, storytelling, and responsibility. It's a story that hurts in the best of ways, confronting death and healing without losing its sense of humor or its impulse for rebellion.
--Charles Payseur, author of The Burning Day and Other Stories

& This is How to Stay Alive is a powerful manual for recovering from grief, exploring intergenerational trauma, and traveling through time. Kagunda's prose is intense and relatable; you'll feel like you're jumping through time with these characters. The perfect read for anyone and everyone.
--Eboni Dunbar, author of Stone and Steel

Highly inventive and brilliantly crafted. Kagunda pushes the envelope in this exceptional novella, playing with time and form as she explores grief and the drama of the human condition.
--Tendai Huchu, author of The Hairdresser of Harare

Rich with the beauty and harshness of life.
--Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, author of Friday Black
Penny Jones 0.0
There’s something wrong with her husband, Mark. Lucy had heard all the rumours about him, the whispered warning behind her back. The half heard Chinese whispers seemed to haunt her, mocking her wherever she goes. Now it appears that whatever’s the matter with Mark is spreading; tainting, infecting both strangers and those that she loves the most. So, Lucy will go to any lengths to protect both her young daughter and her unborn child.
Alix E. Harrow 3.8
It's Zinnia Gray's twenty-first birthday, which is extra-special because it's the last birthday she'll ever have. When she was young, an industrial accident left Zinnia with a rare condition. Not much is known about her illness, just that no one has lived past twenty-one.
Her best friend Charm is intent on making Zinnia's last birthday special with a full sleeping beauty experience, complete with a tower and a spinning wheel. But when Zinnia pricks her finger, something strange and unexpected happens, and she finds herself falling through worlds, with another sleeping beauty, just as desperate to escape her fate.
Преми Мохамед 0.0
Eva is a survivor. She's not sure what she survived, exactly, only that They invaded without warning, killed nearly all of humanity, and relentlessly attack everyone who's left. All she can do to stay sane, in the blockaded city that's no longer home, is keep a journal about her struggle.

Fifty years later, Eva's words are found by Emerson, a young anthropologist sent to the ruins to study what happened. The discovery could shed light on the Invasion, turning the unyielding mystery of the short war into a story of hope and defiance.
Alan Garner 3.1
Treacle Walker is a stunning fusion of myth and folklore and an exploration of the fluidity of time, vivid storytelling that brilliantly illuminates an introspective young mind trying to make sense of everything around him.

'Ragbone! Ragbone! Any rags! Pots for rags! Donkey stone!'

Joe looked up from his comic and lifted his eye patch. There was a white pony in the yard. It was harnessed to a cart, a flat cart, with a wooden chest on it. A man was sitting at a front corner of the cart, holding the reins. His face was creased. He wore a long coat and a floppy high-crowned hat, with hair straggling beneath, and a leather bag was slung from his shoulder across his hip.

Joe Coppock squints at the world with his lazy eye. He reads his comics, collects birds' eggs and treasures his marbles, particularly his prized dobbers. When Treacle Walker appears off the Cheshire moor one day - a wanderer, a healer - an unlikely friendship is forged and the young boy is introduced to a world he could never have imagined.
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