Вручение 2001 г.

Лауреатами премии также стали:
Художник - Джим Бёрнс (Jim Burns);
Независимое издательство - PS Publishing (PS Publishing).

Страна: Великобритания Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Лучший роман (Премия Августа Дерлета)

Чайна Мьевиль 4.1
Фантасмагорический шедевр, книга, которую критики называли лучшим произведением в жанре стимпанк со времен «Машины различий» Гибсона и Стерлинга, а коллеги по цеху — самым восхитительным и увлекательным романом наших дней.
В гигантском мегаполисе Нью-Кробюзон, будто бы вышедшем из-под пера Кафки и Диккенса при посредничестве Босха и Нила Стивенсона, бок о бок существуют люди и жукоголовые хепри, русалки и водяные, рукотворные мутанты-переделанные и люди-кактусы. Каждый занят своим делом: хепри ваяют статуи из цветной слюны, наркодельцы продают сонную дурь, милиция преследует диссидентов. А к ученому Айзеку Дан дер Гримнебулину является лишенный крыльев гаруда — человек-птица из далеких пустынь — и просит снова научить его летать. Тем временем жукоголовая возлюбленная Айзека, Лин, получает не менее сложное задание: изваять портрет могущественного главаря мафии. Айзек и Лин еще не знают, какой опасностью чреваты эти заказы — для них самих, всего города и даже структуры мировоздания…
Hush by Tim Lebbon, Gavin Williams 0.0
When Jacob and his fiery band of animal activists raid an experimental facility they uncover far more than they bargained for... Amidst the animal subjects a teenage girl is being kept in a cage, abused, beaten and tortured. Jacob and his band escape by the skin of their teeth, but then one by one his friends disappear before any of them can reveal their appalling discovery...

Jacob and his ex-girlfriend, Maria, manage to rescue the girl, Lila, and go on the run. They are relentlessly pursued by enemies who seem to possess magical powers and as they desperately try to get to the bottom of Lila's significance Jacob's nightmarish visions of an alien alternate reality become ever stronger. All the while Lila begins to prove herself so much more than a poor lost teenager.

Much, much more...

Dark Essentials Series: Volume 3, Book 1
Питер Страуб 3.2
35-летний нью-йоркский программист Нэд Данстен с детства подвержен странным припадкам: каждый день рождения он проваливается в какую-то иную реальность, видит страшного человека в черном, некоего Мистера Икса, и наблюдает убийства, которые этот человек совершает. Дальше - больше. Сны начинают материализовываться, Мистер Икс обрастает плотью и теперь уже преследует Нэда Данстена наяву…
Пол Льюис, Steve Lockley 0.0
The Ragchild is a classic fantasy of good versus evil set in contemporary Swansea. A runaway accidentally discovers a secret world called "old town" within Swansea which is frozen in time. At the same time the Malevolent Ragchild is forming an army of disparate, fractured people to destroy "old town." Events can only end in a fateful and cataclysmic showdown.
Ramsey Campbell 0.0
Once upon a time there was a man who loved children. He loved them so much he tried to save them from their imperfect parents. Unfortunately, Hector Woollie didn't work for Child Protective Services . . . and the children he rescued, he murdered.
Once upon a time, Leslie had a happy marriage, a happy son, and a happy life. Now divorced, she is trapped in ongoing battles with her ex-husband, Roger, especially over their newly-adolescent son, Ian.
When Ian and his young stepsister disappear, Roger insists the boy kidnapped the girl, while Leslie thinks Ian might have run away. She prays that her son is near and will come home soon. Ian is near-right next door, just on the other side of a shared wall. Ian can hear his parents fighting and his mother's desperate weeping, but he can't call for help. Hector Woollie has him and his stepsister, and if either child makes a peep, the madman will slit both their throats.

Специальная премия (Премия им. Карла Эдварда Вагнера)

Питер Хэйнинг
Питер Хэйнинг
1 произведение
1 в избранном

Лучший сборник

Ким Ньюман 0.0
Kim Newman‘s Where the Bodies Are Buried was co-published in 2000 by the Alchemy Press and Airgedlámh Publications. The book collects the four “Bodies” stories:

“Where the Bodies Are Buried”
“Where the Bodies Are Buried II: Sequel Hook”
“Where the Bodies Are Buried 3: Black and White and Red All Over”
“Where the Bodies Are Buried 2020″
This collection topped and tailed with an introduction by Peter Atkins and a Dramatis Personae, which nicely links this collection to many of Kim’s other works. Where the Bodies Are Buried was published as a signed, number hardcover edition (of 500 copies). Signed by Kim Newman, Peter Atkins, Sylvia Starshine (cover art) and Randy Broecker (interior art).
Роберт Говард, Лин Картер, Лайон Спрэг Де Камп 0.0
An omnibus edition of Conan's greatest adventures; the original Conan by Robert E. Howard, Conan of Cimmeria, by Howard, L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter, and Conan the Freebooter by Howard and LSDG
Terry Lamsley 0.0
Terry Lamsley's first collection of supernatural fiction, UNDER THE CRUST (1994), has been called by Ramsey Campbell 'a major debut in the field'. It was nominated for three World Fantasy Awards, with the title story winning Best Novella. In 1996 came CONFERENCE WITH THE DEAD, a second collection of tales which went on to win the International Horror Critics' Guild award for Best Collection. In both books, writes Campbell, 'Lamsley has established himself as an inheritor of all the qualities of classic English supernatural horror'. In DARK MATTERS, Terry Lamsley once again demonstrates his mastery of the supernatural form, creating a series of waking nightmares in which something OTHER intrudes into the lives of ordinary people. A father and son spending a day together find a dark underside to a seemingly bucolic village; a new neighbour is not nearly as friendly and harmless as he initially seems; a woman doing volunteer work finds herself caught between her odd partner and their even odder client, both of whom have certain needs which must be met; a pleasant walk through the fields leads to a disturbing discovery; and a quiet caravan holiday awakens something better left alone. Add to this a family pet undergoing a VERY strange transformation, an old school friend up to something nasty, a pub visit which goes horribly wrong, a woman who uses some rather unorthodox material in creating her sculptures, two ghosts who need help filling their empty hours, and a seemingly deserted beach which is not, unfortunately, QUITE as uninhabited as it appears, and you have vintage Terry Lamsley: disturbing, frightening, sometimes blackly humorous, never reassuring. In this world, things are seldom, if ever, as they seem, and those who enter it do so at their own risk.
Stephen Laws 0.0
A collection of chilling stories by a modern master of horror.

Stephen Laws has long been recognized as a master of the modern horror story. His tales have been included in many celebrated anthologies and “year’s best” round-ups. Finally his best short work has been gathered in one landmark volume. The stories in this terrifying collection range from the bone-chilling horror of “The Crawl” to the surrealistic “Yesterday I Flew with the Birds” to the beautiful, award-winning “The Song My Sister Sang”. Whether it’s traditional ghosts, gruesome shape shifters, or the psychological terror of a shattered mind, Stephen Laws demonstrates that his short fiction has the power to generate real fear.

Лучшая антология

What would the world have become, if Victor Frankenstein's attempts to conquer death had not gone awry? Would some events of the world as we know it still have emerged, or would it be completely, and utterly transfigured?
The very name 'Frankenstein' has become a by-word for arrogant tampering with things man was not meant to know. Twenty new stories from today's masters of the macabre explore this theme. Including stories by Peter Crowther, Rhys Hughes, Tim Lebbon, James Lovegrove, and Stephen Volk.
Once again, multi-award-winning editors Stephen Jones and David Sutton take you on a terrifying journey into the dark heart of modern horror fiction.
Fantasy and sorcery tales by Cherith Baldry, Ramsey Campbell, Adrian Cole, Pauline E Dungate, Anne Gay, Simon R Green, Joel Lane, Paul Lewis, Chris Morgan, Stan Nicholls and Lisanne Norman.