Вручение июнь 2007 г.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Ориллия Дата проведения: июнь 2007 г.

Мемориальная медаль Стивена Ликока

Стюарт МакЛин 4.0
Every family has its secrets.When you commit acts of arson during Christmas dinner, attempt to start a life of crime by shoplifting a lipstick, or sink your false teeth into the forbidden pleasure of corn on the cob, it’s hard to come clean. But Stuart McLean has got the goods on Dave and his family.Morley, for example, is reluctant to talk about her beauty parlour betrayal and that other man in her life—Mathieu—while Dave tries to avoid mentioning his assault on an innocent dentist. These are the things they wouldn’t tell you themselves: lies, white and otherwise, aliases, double lives, and all manner of petty crimes and everyday transgressions. These are the Secrets from the Vinyl Cafe.
Дуглас Коупленд 4.0
"Оставь надежду всяк сюда входящий"...

Эта надпись не висит над дверями отдела с выразительным названием "Джей-Под", расположенного под самой крышей многоэтажного архитектурного кошмара, бесчисленные обитатели которого занимаются дизайном компьютерных игр...

А зря...

Потому что шестеро "джей-поддеров" живут в аду. Их мучают злобно и изощренно. Над ними измываются все - начальство и коллеги, маркетологи и программисты.

Они - самые жалкие из жертв "корпоративных джунглей".
Но однажды один из "джей-поддеров" решает превратиться из жертвы в хищника...
Дес Кеннеди 0.0
The 13 short pieces featured in Passionate Gardener roam widely and wildly, examining, among other things, common idiosyncrasies and the collective chaos of garden clubs, the host of psychopathologies that afflict "plants people," and obsessive-compulsive behavior such as the chronic moving of plants. This is an irreverent exploration of the fierce attachment so many people develop to the potty world of peat moss and perennials.
Ryan Knighton 0.0
On his 18th birthday, Ryan Knighton was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a congenital, progressive disease marked by night-blindness, tunnel vision and, eventually, total blindness. In this penetrating, nervy memoir, which ricochets between meditation and black comedy, Knighton tells the story of his fifteen-year descent into blindness while incidentally revealing the world of the sighted in all its phenomenal peculiarity. Knighton learns to drive while unseeing; has his first significant relationship—with a deaf woman; navigates the punk rock scene and men's washrooms; learns to use a cane; and tries to pass for seeing while teaching English to children in Korea. Stumbling literally and emotionally into darkness, into love, into couch-shopping at Ikea, into adulthood, and into truce if not acceptance of his identity as a blind man, his writerly self uses his disability to provide a window onto the human condition. His experience of blindness offers unexpected insights into sight and the other senses, culture, identity, language, our fears and fantasies. Cockeyed is not a conventional confessional. Knighton is powerful and irreverent in words and thought and impatient with the preciousness we've come to expect from books on disability. Readers will find it hard to put down this wild ride around their everyday world with a wicked, smart, blind guide at the wheel.
Нил Маккиннон 0.0
*Shortlisted for the 2007 Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour

*Shortlisted for the 2007 Howard O'Hagan Short Fiction Award (Alberta Book Awards)

What happens in the small prairie town of Tuckahoe? An irresponsible drifter fakes a unique illness to break an engagement. A preacher stops a feud by performing an impromptu wedding. A minister's wife rescues a young man from the threat of blindness. A woman scandalizes a town by naming her children after different fathers. A schoolteacher finds love on a woodpile. A wanted man starts a new life in a piano box. And a hen-pecked husband repairs his marriage by getting drunk and losing his money.

Neil McKinnon's debut collection kicks up some dust, skews small town hokum, and offers a wrap on the knuckles for the individuals of the classic prairie town of Tuckahoe. Throughout the desperation and adversity rides an undercurrent of sly humour.