Мордехай Рихлер4.2 Словом "игра" определяется и жанр романа Рихлера, и его творческий метод. Рихлер тяготеет к трагифарсовому письму, роман написан в лучших традициях англо-американской литературы смеха - не случайно автор стал лауреатом престижной в Канаде премии имени замечательного юмориста и теоретика юмора Стивена Ликока. Рихлер-Панофски владеет юмором на любой вкус - броским, изысканным, "черным". "Версия Барни" изобилует остротами, шутками, каламбурами, злыми и меткими карикатурами, читается как "современная комедия", демонстрируя обширную галерею современных каприччос - ловчил, проходимцев, жуиров, пьяниц, продажных политиков, оборотистых коммерсантов, графоманов, подкупленных следователей и адвокатов, чудаков, безумцев, экстремистов.
Пол Куаррингтон0.0 In The Boy on the Back of the Turtle, Quarrington attempts to discover his own little niche in the cosmos. Cruising the volcanic Galapagos Islands on a 90-foot liner called the Corinthian in the company of his daughter, age 7, and his father, age 73, he tries to find his place as a Son, as a Father, as a Mortal frolicking beneath the heavens.
One of the funniest and most talented writers on the planet, Quarrington employs his trademark combination of wry wit and poignant observation as he takes readers on a wide-ranging investigation of everything from blue-footed boobies, careerism, taxonomy and the nature of creation to pirates, frigate birds, Herman Melville and the precarious ecology of the islands and the planet. And as the Corinthian travels in the belly of night from one island to another, Quarrington wrestles with questions great and small. Given that the Galapagos is the historic site of God s greatest setback, he points out, it is a fitting place to play out the battle within himself. A more engaging--and entertaining--battle has seldom been waged.
Sandra Shamas0.0 Sandra Shamas is the brilliant comedic storyteller whose new one-woman show, Wit's End, is being toured across Canada.
A Trilogy of Performances, nominated for the Governor General's Award for Drama and for the Stephen Leacock Memorial Award for Humour, collects Sandra Shamas' three hit comedy shows: My Boyfriend's Back and There's Gonna Be Laundry; My Boyfriend's Back and There's Gonna Be Laundry II; and Wedding Bell Hell.
Carol Shields0.0 The new novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of ‘The Stone Diaries’.
Larry’s Party is about being a man in this part of the twentieth century, when so many supports have been removed, and covers the life of its protagonist, Larry, between the ages of 27 and 47, from 1977 to 1997, and illustrates how men have had to change; it looks at how you define masculinity in the post-feminist world. Two strands run through the book: work and goodness. The chapters are at once independent of each other and yet connected, with titles like: Larry’s Friends, Larry’s Look, Larry’s Kid, Larry’s Folks, Larry’s Love, Larry’s Penis, Larry’s Speech, Men called Larry, Larry’s Alternate, Larry’s Party, Larry’s Real Life Life, Larry So Far, Old Larry.
Антанас Силейка0.0 The anecdotes, extended scenes and burgeoning imagination that make up these stories are tightly composed and sharply focused. The book manages to be both harsh and sympathetic. It welds humour, tragedy and the personal embarrassments we all live through in a colourful and memorable way.