Вручение 14 октября 2010 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, Bouchercon XLI Дата проведения: 14 октября 2010 г.

Лучший роман

Луиза Пенни 4.2
Роман "Жестокие слова" продолжает серию расследований блистательного старшего инспектора Армана Гамаша — нового персонажа, созданного пером Луизы Пенни, единственного в мире пятикратного лауреата премии Агаты Кристи.

Ночью в уединенной хижине в глуши леса сидят и разговаривают двое людей. Спустя короткое время один из них умирает, унося в могилу все свои тайны. Его убийство — очередная загадка, которую предстоит разгадать старшему инспектору Арману Гамашу и его команде. Поначалу у них нет ни орудия убийства, ни мотива, одни лишь подозрения. Очевидно одно: этот человек предательски убит кем-то, кого хорошо знал. И даже после его смерти паутина предательства продолжает плестись...
Стиг Ларссон 4.4
Поздно вечером в своей квартире застрелены журналист и его подруга — люди, изучавшие каналы поставки в Швецию секс-рабынь из Восточной Европы. Среди клиентов малопочтенного бизнеса замечены представители властных структур. Кажется очевидным, каким кругам была выгодна смерть этих двоих.

Расследование гибели своих коллег и друзей и вдруг узнает, что в убийстве подозревают его давнюю знакомую Лисбет Саландер, самую странную девушку на свете, склонную играть с огнем — к примеру, заливать его бензином. По всей Швеции идет охота на «убийцу-психопатку», но Лисбет не боится бросить вызов кому угодно – и мафии, и общественным структурам, и самой смерти.
Джон Харт 4.2
Джон Харт — единственный писатель в истории, дважды подряд получивший одну из главных остросюжетных литературных наград — премию Эдгара Аллана По. Его произведения переведены на 30 языков и продаются в 17 странах мира. Перед вами — история, достойная пера Стивена Кинга. Феноменальная история потери и надежды, обретения себя, стойкости перед лицом зла. Детство Джонни закончилось в одночасье — когда год назад пропала его сестра-близнец Алисса. Отец, не выдержав бремени вины, ушел из семьи. Мать нашла забвение в алкоголе и таблетках. А сам Джонни перестал быть обычным мальчишкой и превратился в одержимого. Каждый день он творит странные ритуалы и посвящает все свое время поискам сестры. Все окрестности и подозрительные соседи изучены вдоль и поперек. Но надежда разгорается с новой силой, когда Джонни внезапно становится свидетелем жуткой погони со смертельным исходом. Последние слова сбитого мотоциклиста дают ему новую зацепку...
Charlie Huston 0.0
With his teaching career derailed by tragedy and his slacker days numbered, Webster Fillmore Goodhue makes an unlikely move and joins Clean Team, charged with tidying up L.A.'s grisly crime scenes. For Web, it's a steady gig, and he soon finds himself sponging a Malibu suicide's brains from a bathroom mirror and flirting with the man's bereaved and beautiful daughter.

Then things get weird: The dead man's daughter asks a favor. Every cell in Web's brain tells him to turn her down, but something makes him hit the Harbor Freeway at midnight to help her however he can. Soon enough it's Web who needs the help when gun-toting California cowboys start showing up on his doorstep. What's the deal? Is it something to do with what he cleaned up in that motel room in Carson? Or is it all about the brewing war between rival trauma cleaners? Web doesn't have a clue, but he'll need to get one if he's going to keep from getting his face kicked in. Again. And again. And again.
С. Дж. Розан 0.0
With The Shanghai Moon, S. J. Rozan returns to her award-winning, critically acclaimed, and much-loved characters Lydia Chin and Bill Smith in the first new novel in the series in seven years.

Estranged for months from fellow P.I. Bill Smith, Chinese-American private investigator Lydia Chin is brought in by colleague and former mentor Joel Pilarsky to help with a case that crosses continents, cultures, and decades. In Shanghai, excavation has unearthed a cache of European jewelry dating back to World War II, when Shanghai was an open city providing safe haven for thousands of Jewish refugees. The jewelry, identifed as having belonged to one such refugee—Rosalie Gilder—was immediately stolen by a Chinese official who fled to New York City. Hired by a lawyer specializing in the recovery of Holocaust assets, Chin and Pilarsky are to find any and all leads to the missing jewels.

However, Lydia soon learns that there is much more to the story than they've been told: The Shanghai Moon, one of the world's most sought after missing jewels, reputed to be worth millions, is believed to have been part of the same stash. Before Lydia can act on this new information, Joel Pilarsky is murdered, Lydia is fired from the case, and Bill Smith finally reappears on the scene. Now Lydia and Bill must unravel the truth about the Shanghai Moon and the events that surrounded its disappearance sixty years ago during the chaos of war and revolution, if they are to stop more killings and uncover the truth of what is going on today.

Лучший дебютный роман

Sophie Littlefield 0.0
Stella Hardesty, our salty, unlikely heroine, runs a sewing shop in rural Missouri. She also has a side business helping battered women with their abusive boyfriends and husbands. When Chrissy Shaw asks Stella for help, it seems like a straightforward case, until Chrissy’s no-good husband disappears with her two-year-old son. Now Stella finds herself in a battle against a more formidable enemy as she risks her own life to recover the boy.
Алан Брэдли 4.1
В старинном английском поместье Букшоу обитают последние представители аристократического рода - эксцентричный полковник де Люс и три его дочери. Летом 1950 года тягучее болото сельской жизни нарушают невероятные события: убийство незнакомца и арест полковника. Пока старшие дочери, как положено хорошо воспитанным английским леди, рыдают в платочки, младшая, одиннадцатилетняя Флавия, в восторге: наконец-то в ее жизни что-то произошло! Аналитический склад ума, страсть к химии и особенно к ядам помогут ей разобраться в этом головоломном деле, на котором сломали зубы местные полицейские. Флавия приступает к поискам, которые приведут ее ни больше ни меньше, как к королю Англии собственной персоной. В одном она уверена: отец невиновен - наоборот, он защищает своих дочерей от чего-то ужасного... СЛАДОСТЬ НА КОРОЧКЕ ПИРОГА - это мастерски рассказанная история обманов и пронзительное в своей достоверности погружение в английскую жизнь середины XX века.
Брайан Грули 0.0
In the dead of a Michigan winter, pieces of a snowmobile wash up near the crumbling, small town of Starvation Lake -- the same snowmobile that went down with Starvation's legendary hockey coach years earlier. But everybody knows Coach Blackburn's accident happened five miles away on a different lake. As rumors buzz about mysterious underground tunnels, the evidence from the snowmobile says one thing: murder.
Gus Carpenter, editor of the local newspaper, has recently returned to Starvation after a failed attempt to make it big at the Detroit Times. In his youth, Gus was the goalie who let a state championship get away, crushing Coach's dreams and earning the town's enmity. Now he's investigating the murder of his former coach. But even more unsettling to Gus are the holes in the town's past and the gnawing suspicion that those holes may conceal some dark and disturbing secrets secrets that some of the people closest to him may have killed to keep.
Стюарт Невилл 0.0
Sooner or later, everybody pays - and the dead will set the price... Gerry Fegan, a former paramilitary contract killer, is haunted by the ghosts of the 12 people he has slaughtered. Every night he drowns their screams in drink, on the point of losing his mind. Then one of the ghosts offers Fegan a solution: kill those who engineered their deaths. From the greedy politicians to the corrupt security forces, the street thugs to the complacent bystanders who let it happen, all must pay the price. But when Fegan's vendetta threatens to derail Northern Ireland's peace process and destabilise its fledgling government, old comrades and enemies alike want him gone. The secrets of a dirty war should stay buried: even if its ghosts do not.
Стефани Пинтофф 0.0
Dobson, New York, 1905.

Detective Simon Ziele lost his fiancée in the General Slocum ferry disaster―a thousand perished on that summer day in 1904 when an onboard fire burned the boat down in the waters of the East River. Still reeling from the tragedy, Ziele transferred to a police department north of New York, to escape the city and all the memories it conjured.

But only a few months into his new life in a quiet country town, he's faced with the most shocking homicide of his career to date: Young Sarah Wingate has been brutally murdered in her own bedroom in the middle of an otherwise calm and quiet winter afternoon. After just one day of investigation, Simon's contacted by Columbia University's noted criminologist Alistair Sinclair, who offers a startling claim about one of his patients, Michael Fromley―that the facts of the murder bear an uncanny resemblance to Fromley's deranged mutterings.

But what would have led Fromley, with his history of violent behavior and brutal fantasies, to seek out Sarah, a notable mathematics student and a proper young lady who has little in common with his previous targets? Is Fromley really a murderer, or is someone mimicking him?

This is what Simon Ziele must find out, with the help of the brilliant but self-interested Alistair Sinclair―before the killer strikes again.

With this taut, atmospheric, and original story of a haunted man who must search for a killer while on the run from his own demons, Stefanie Pintoff's In the Shadow of Gotham marks the debut of an outstanding new talent, the inaugural winner of the Minotaur Books/Mystery Writers of America Best First Crime Novel Competition.
In the Shadow of Gotham is the winner of the 2010 Edgar Award for Best First Novel.

Лучший роман в обложке

Брайан Грули 0.0
In the dead of a Michigan winter, pieces of a snowmobile wash up near the crumbling, small town of Starvation Lake -- the same snowmobile that went down with Starvation's legendary hockey coach years earlier. But everybody knows Coach Blackburn's accident happened five miles away on a different lake. As rumors buzz about mysterious underground tunnels, the evidence from the snowmobile says one thing: murder.
Gus Carpenter, editor of the local newspaper, has recently returned to Starvation after a failed attempt to make it big at the Detroit Times. In his youth, Gus was the goalie who let a state championship get away, crushing Coach's dreams and earning the town's enmity. Now he's investigating the murder of his former coach. But even more unsettling to Gus are the holes in the town's past and the gnawing suspicion that those holes may conceal some dark and disturbing secrets secrets that some of the people closest to him may have killed to keep.
Меган Эбботт 0.0
In October 1931, a station agent found two large trunks abandoned in LA's South Pacific Train Station. What he found inside ignited one of the most scandalous tabloid sensations of the decade. Inspired by this notorious true crime, Bury Me Deep is the story of Marion Seeley, a young woman abandoned in Phoenix by her husband. At the medical clinic where she finds a job, Marion becomes fast friends with Louise, a vivacious nurse, and her roommate, Ginny. Before long, the demure Marion is swept up in the exuberant life of the girls, who supplement their scant income by entertaining the town's most powerful men with wild parties. At one of these events, Marion meets-and falls hard for-the charming Joe Lanigan, a local rogue and politician on the rise, whose ties to all three women bring events to a dramatic and deadly collision. A story born of Depression-era desperation and Jazz Age nostalgia, Bury Me Deep-with its hothouse of jealousy, illicit sex, and shifting loyalties-is a timeless portrait of the dark side of desire.
Кен Бруен, Рид Фаррел Коулмен 0.0
From opposite perspectives, two master authors spin a chilling tale
Nick’s father is a stand-up Irishman—once a cop, now a security guard in the World Trade Center’s North Tower—but Nick does not take after his old man. He’s “got the bad drop,” meaning he only cares about booze, violence, and getting into trouble with his best friend, Todd, a low-level hood connected to the Boston mob. Todd inducts Nick into the world of petty crime. What starts as a bit of good fun—robbing apartments, scoring weed—turns serious as Todd gets closer to the inner circle. He may not love violence as much as Nick does, but he’s about to get more than his fair share.

The first collaboration by beloved mystery authors Ken Bruen and Reed Farrel Coleman, Tower is as uncompromisingly brutal as the work that made them famous. They each tell the story once—Bruen from Nick’s perspective, and Coleman from Todd’s. Their narratives hinge on a single, blistering question: How can friendship survive in an underworld built on pain?
Max Allan Collins 0.0
The sequel to "The First Quarry" and "The Last Quarry." When a pair of warring crime families each hires the same hit man to knock off the other, the man in the middle finds himself in a very dangerous spot.
Дж. М. Малиет 0.0
Wildly successful chick lit mystery writer Kimberlee Kalder is the guest of honor at an exclusive writers' conference at Dalmorton Castle in Scotland. But the fun ends when Kimberlee is found dead at the bottom of the castle's bottle dungeon. Who didn't want to see prima donna Kimberlee brutally extinguished like one of her ill-fated characters? It's up to Detective Chief Inspector St. Just to track down the true killer in a castle full of cagey mystery connoisseurs who live and breathe malicious murder and artful alibis...
Hank Phillippi Ryan 0.0
Hank Phillippi Ryan knows how to create characters that come to life and capture your heart.' -New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak When savvy TV reporter Charlotte McNally enters the glamorous world of high fashion, she soon discovers that when the purses are fake-the danger is real. And no one can be trusted! Now Charlotte can't tell the real from the fake as she goes undercover to bring the couture counterfeiters to justice-and in her struggle to answer an all-important, life-changing question from a certain handsome professor. . . . The one thing Charlotte knows for sure is that the wrong choice could be the last decision she ever makes! EMMY AND AGATHA AWARD-WINNING REPORTER HANK PHILLIPPI RYAN SHOWS READERS THAT IN TELEVISION JOURNALISM, LANDING THAT BLOCKBUSTER STORY TO GAIN MORE AIR TIME CAN BE DEADLY!

Лучший рассказ

Hank Phillippi Ryan 0.0
When true love goes wrong, a woman's best friend may be her dog. Or—not.

A twisty, diabolical, and unpredictable look at love, power, and revenge, On the House is the Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity Award-Winning short story by Hank Phillippi Ryan.

BONUS: An exclusive excerpt from Hank Phillippi Ryan's much anticipated novel of suspense, The Other Woman.
Лихейн Деннис 3.4
В кварталах эмигрантов почти все знают друг друга в лицо, ведь зачастую приезжают в эту страну целыми семьями. Боб Сагиновски работает у своего кузена Марва в баре. Но бар это лишь прикрытие, ведь на самом деле здесь находится общак — место хранения всей незаконной наличности района. И Марв отвечает за этот общак своей головой. Боб в свою очередь находит щенка в мусоре. Занятие Марва и находка Боба сплетаются в один сюжет.

Лучшая критическая или научно-популярная работа

Филлис Дороти Джеймс 3.8
Королева современного английского детектива Ф.Д. Джеймс расска-зывает об истории и развитии жанра… С чего начинался классический детектив? Кто был основателем жанра – Артур Конан Дойл, Уилки Коллинз или даже Чарлз Диккенс? Кем была Агата Кристи – автором, создавшим правила детективной прозы, или, напротив — их дерзкой разрушительницей? Почему знаменитая Джозефина Тэй была незаслуженно забыта на многие десятилетия и лишь теперь вернулась к читателю, а Найо Марш неизменно пользуется успехом? И почему Дэшилла Хэммета считают реформатором детективного стиля ХХ века? Все, что вы хотели узнать о детективах, но не знали, у кого спросить, - в яркой, блестящей книге Ф.Д. Джеймс!
A great recurring character in a series you love becomes an old friend. You learn about their strange quirks and their haunted pasts and root for them every time they face danger. But where do some of the most fascinating sleuths in the mystery and thriller world really come from?

What was the real-life location that inspired Michael Connelly to make Harry Bosch a Vietnam vet tunnel rat? Why is Jack Reacher a drifter? How did a brief encounter in Botswana inspire Alexander McCall Smith to create Precious Ramotswe? In THE LINEUP, some of the top mystery writers in the world tell about the genesis of their most beloved characters--or, in some cases, let their creations do the talking.
Лайза Роугек 4.3
From dust jacket flap: A fascinating look at the life of the author who created such modern classics as Carrie, IT, and The Shining. One of the most prolific and popular authors in the world, Stephen King has become part of pop culture history. But who is the man behind those tales of horror, grief, and the supernatural? Where do these ideas come from? And what drives him to keep writing at a breakneck pace after a thirty year career? In this unauthorized biography, Lisa Rogak reveals the troubled background and lifelong fears that inspire one of the twentieth century's most influential authors.
Елена Сантанджело 4.0
In DAME AGATHA'S SHORTS, mystery author Elena Santangelo guides you through the short works of one of mystery's most famous writers, AGATHA CHRISTIE.
Find out:
- what was the most exciting event in Christie's life outside of dining with the Queen.
- who Miss Lemon, detective Hercule Poirot's secretary, listed as a former employer on her resume.
- which three short stories inspired the novel Evil Under The Sun.
- what was Ariadne Oliver's sideline before she became a famous novelist.
- what inspired Christie's first story, and possibly her whole writing career.
- why you should read, or re-read, Agatha Christie's short stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"The most readable guide and in-depth companion to Agatha's Shorts that any fan could ever wish for. No mystery library, personal or public, should be without this resource. Santangelo has created a gem ..."
--Charles Todd, author of A Matter of Justice and A Duty to the Dead

"A delicious romp through Christie's life and stories. A must-read for Christie lovers ... Santangelo weaves together a wealth of information, making it both enjoyable and educational."
--Judy Clemens, author of the Anthony- and Agatha-nominated Stella Crown series

"Santangelo provides the first source book of Agatha Christie's short fiction in easy prose, with a dash of humor ... For Christie fans--the answer to a prayer!"
--Robin Hathaway, author of Sleight of Hand
Джоан Шенкар 0.0
Patricia Highsmith, one of the great writers of 20th Century American fiction, had a life as darkly compelling as that of her favorite "hero-criminal", talented Tom Ripley. In this revolution ary biography, Joan Schenkar paints a riveting portrait— from Highsmith’s birth in Texas to Hitchcock's filming of her first novel, Strangers On a Train, to her long, strange, self-exile in Europe. We see her as a secret writer for the comics, a brilliant creator of disturbing fictions, and erotic predator with dozens of women (and a few good men) on her love list. The Talented Miss Highsmith is the first literary biography with access to Highsmith's whole story: her closest friends, her oeuvre, her archives. It's a compulsive page-turner unlike any other, a book worthy of Highsmith herself.