Победители — стр. 2

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Джеймс Стоддард 4.0
Далеко вдали стоит, вздымая островерхие крыши к небу, Высокий Дом Эвенмер. Дом, куда приходят лишь те, что приходят не случайно. Дом, где есть много прекрасного и много странного. Есть там часы - и если забыли завести хотя бы одни, погибнет мир. Есть фонари - и, если не зажечь хотя бы один, навеки погаснет солнце. И Книга Забытых Вещей там есть, и живущий на чердаке последний из динозавров... всего и не упомнить. Но есть в Высоком Доме еще кое - что - Комната Ужасов. Комната, в которой таится Страх. Комната, о которой не хочется даже думать. Комната, в которую должен войти, несмотря ни на что, всякий, кто хочет стать Хозяином Высокого Дома...
Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука
Кэти Уэйтман 0.0
In the far reaches of our galaxy, the artist will face the ultimate censorship.
Mikk of Vyzania, the galaxy's greatest performance master, commanded stages on all the myriad worlds. His sublime, ethereal performances were unforgettable, drawing on the most treasured traditions of every culture, every people, throughout inhabited space. His crowning achievement, and his obsession: the Somalite song dance, an art form that transcends both song and movement to become something greater and more spectacular . . . almost divine.
When tragic events caused performance of the song dance to be proscribed, Mikk was devastated . . . until his strong sense of justice forced him to defy the ban. His trial will be the most sensational in the recent history of the galaxy; the sentence he faces is death.
Now the greatest performance master must hope to become the greatest escape artist. Somehow Mikk must break the stranglehold of censorship and change the law . . . or die trying!
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Ричард Гарфинкл 0.0
In the world of Celestial Matters, Ptolemaic astronomy and Aristotelian physics are valid scientific models of the surrounding world and cosmos. The Earth lies at the center of the universe, surrounded by crystal spheres which hold each of the planets, the sun and the moon, all enclosed in the sphere of the fixed stars. Earthly matter, composed of the classical four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, naturally moves in straight lines. Heavenly matter naturally rises and moves in circles. This is the universe as understood by the ancient Greeks.

The science of the ancient Chinese also applies, but as the novel is told from the perspective of the Greeks, it is less well understood. Xi, the Chinese notion of spirit and flow, can be manipulated to move objects and energy. The Chinese five elements of earth, metal, water, wood, and fire are transmuted one into the other. Part of the central theme of the book is the two system's mutual misunderstanding and bafflement of each other.

In this world, the Delian League (Greeks) and Middle Kingdom (Chinese) have been fighting a war for nearly a thousand years, ever since the time of Alexander the Great when the warrior-culture of Sparta and the Athenian Akademe were fused into a half-world conquering force. Their technologies are locked together, however, and neither empire can gain the upper hand. Each side secretly despairs of its chances and has come to consider desperate measures.

The story is narrated by Aias of Tyre, a scientist of the Delian League, who is preparing to embark on Project Sunthief as scientific commander. This project is an audacious and desperate mission to sail a spaceship carved out of a piece of the moon herself out through the spheres, to catch a piece of the sun and bring it back to earth to annihilate the Middler capital city. This, the league hopes, will finally end the war and give it victory.
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Дэниел Грэм 0.0
Seizing space is one thing--holding on is another. Can one man, using today's technology, seize and control space, then dictate terms to spacefaring nations? Aerospace industrialist Rolf Bernard will try to pull it off in The Gatekeepers. Last year McDonnell Douglas successfully launched a prototype of the spaceship featured in this novel.
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Доранна Дургин 0.0
A professional horse handler rides onto the fantasy scene with her first novel. When Dana and Eric find a young woman on their property naked, terrified and incapable of speech, little do they realize that she isn't human at all, but rather a horse from another dimension transformed into this new shape by a malfunctioning spell.
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Мэри Розенблюм 0.0
After years without rain, disaster lay ahead for the Pacific Northwest—unless the strange talents born of the drought could stop it.

DROUGHT had come to the 21st century, and the land way dying. Crops failed, refugee camps over-flowed, and riots raged across the country—and the Army Corps of Engineers had the dirty job of rationing what little water was left.

Carter Voltaire, a Corps officer in charge of the Columbia Riverbed Pipeline, had orders to stop a group of desperate farmers sabotaging the Pipe—at any cost. Nita Montoya, a Drylands woman burdened with a strange mental talent, knew the farmers were being framed. She could help Carter expose the real saboteurs—but only by exposing her own abnormal ability.

In the Drylands, the few people strangely altered by the drought were feared and persecuted if their mutations came to light. But if Nita couldn't trust Carter with her secret, there was no way top stop the wave of violence that would sweep their lives away...
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Холли Лайл 0.0
Faia, a shepherd girl, develops her magic powers until she is ready to seek revenge on those responsible for the destruction of her family., From the author whom Mercedes Lackey calls "one of the hottest writers I've come across in a long time", comes a mesmerizing, action-filled story. A simple shepherd girl discovers her wild mage powers after a murderous magician destroys her family. Now every mage in the world wants to train her. But Faia wants only to confront the madman who killed her loved ones.
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Кэрол Северанс 0.0
After narrowly escaping death in a forest fire, Angie Dinsman found herself under the control of the World Life Company. They promptly equipped her with webbed hands and gills?creating a half-fish, half-woman. Her mission is to uncover secret research files on the waterworld of Lesaat. But first she has to undergo the terrifying process of learning to breathe underwater. After mastering the basics of survival, she faces an insurmountable challenge?finding the information that could end starvation on Earth while sabotaging the Company's evil plans.
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Майкл Флинн 3.3
Возможность управлять будущим... Ею бредят фантасты. О ней мечтают ученые.
Отличная тема для новой книги опытной журналистки Сары Бомонт, мечтающей о Пулитцеровской премии!
Но люди, дающие Саре информацию, гибнут при загадочных обстоятельствах.
Ее саму кто-то снова и снова пытается то ли убить, то ли просто запугать и заставить остановиться.
Возможно, потому, что она поняла - кто-то на самом деле вот уже двести лет управляет мировой историей?..
Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука
Элизабет Мун 4.1
Черное облако нависло над свободными землями... Вместе со своим отрядом девушка по имени Паке, предпочитающая мирной деревенской жизни судьбу наемного воина, полную лишений и страданий, пробивается на юг, чтобы сразиться с Повелителем боли, темным властителем.
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Кристофер Хинц 0.0
Two hundred years after Earth is devastated by nuclear war and genetically engineered Paratwa assassins, the humans of orbiting Earth colonies are at peace, until a series of murders reveal the reemergence of the Paratwa. Reprint. K. PW.
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Шейла Финч 0.0
This is the tale of the many possible lives of Anastasia Valerie Stein which come to touch one another through a twist in the fabric of space-time: Ann, unhappy wife and mother in a world much like our own; Val, independent teacher in a timeline of scarcity; Stacey, a free spirit with two lovers, and Tasha, strangest of all, a professional sorceress in a world where the Third Reich rules England. Together they join to confront a force that manipulates all their worlds, and discover a truth that transcends their individual lives.

Finch combines compelling, believable characters, the ancient magic of the Tarot, and quantum physics to weave a spellbinding tale of the infinite possibilities of space and time.
Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука
Дэвид Р. Палмер 0.0
Candidia Maria Smith-Foster, an eleven-year-old girl, is unaware that she's a Homo post hominem, mankind's next evolutionary step.

With international relations rapidly deteriorating, Candy's father, publicly a small-town pathologist but secretly a government biowarfare expert, is called to Washington. Candy remains at home.

The following day a worldwide attack, featuring a bionuclear plague, wipes out virtually all of humanity (i.e., Homo sapiens). With her pet bird Terry, she survives the attack in the shelter beneath their house. Emerging three months later, she learns of her genetic heritage and sets off to search for others of her kind.
Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука
Кристофер Раули 0.0
Странной была эта планета, леса одевали ее единственный материк, на котором в мире и согласии обитали две расы - медведеподобные фейны и воинственные кланы людей. Вместе обрели они богатство и славу, вместе, увы, и вызвали злобную зависть всевластного мирового правительства Земли, и вообще - то недолюбливавшего слишком независимых колонистов дальнего космоса. И тогда Земля послала к планете могучую боевую силу - Звездный Флот. Но никто не подготовил жестоких завоевателей к тому, как неукротимо и яростно будут две расы отстаивать свою свободу...
Мемориальная премия Комптона Крука
Donald Kingsbury 0.0
A vast alien landscape, a human culture based on our own, yet evolved in strange ways by the forces of an inimical nature provide a panoramic backdrop for the romantic adventures of a large cast of memorable & attractive characters.
Courtship Rite is a sf novel by American writer Donald Kingsbury, originally serialized in Analog magazine in 1982. The book is set in the same universe as some of his other stories, such as Shipwright (1978) & the unpublished The Finger Pointing Solward. In the UK, the novel was entitled Geta, in France, Parade nuptiale. Courtship Rite was the 1st winner of the Compton Crook Award for best 1st novel & was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.
The novel details the attempts of two of the priest-clans, the Kaiel & the Mnankrei, to expand into territory controlled by the Stgal. Ultimately, all the priest clans are trying to attain dominance of the planet through the use of new technology, propaganda, treachery & "war", a new concept in this world. Previously, killing was done merely in order to provide food.
Jo Walton remarked that Courtship Rite "is about a distant generation of colonists on a planet with no usable animals. This is the book with everything, where everything includes cannibalism, polyamory, evolution & getting tattoos so your skin will make more interesting leather when you’re dead."
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