Вручение 25 августа 2018 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 25 августа 2018 г.

Лучший приключенческий боевик

Линда Сэндс 0.0
Tenacious trucker Jojo Boudreaux and her co-driver beau Tyler Boone spend their days- and nights- delivering cargo coast to coast. Old Blue, their custom Peterbilt tractor-trailer makes the perfect home for a man who never had one and a Louisiana tomboy who thinks an oven is for storing guns. But life on the road isn’t all sing-a-longs and sunsets.

When Jojo and Boone are called in to deliver an abandoned load of high-profile pharmaceuticals to a secure warehouse, they delay their vacation for the quick, easy job with the big paycheck, forgetting that nothing quick and easy ever comes with a big paycheck.

Grand Theft Cargo is a wild ride from start to finish with a secretive highwayman, explosive house bombs, singing telegrams, flaming mice, secret cancer drugs, dead truckers, an agency that can’t be named, and enough crashes and car chases to remind you these road cowboys have no qualms crossing the zipper to walk the dog in the hammer lane.

Лучший уютный детектив

Lori Robbins 0.0
No one sheds any tears when overbearing English teacher Marcia Deaver is found dead in her classroom. Some staff members speculate it was a heart attack, or perhaps a suicide, but Liz Hopewell knows that no self-respecting member of the Valerian Hills English Department would kill herself without leaving behind a perfectly penned suicide note, complete with detailed footnotes and obscure literary references.

After the police begin investigating the death as a murder, Liz finds Marcia’s mysteriously coded lesson plans. Convinced they hold the key to identifying the murderer, normally risk-averse Liz finds herself obsessed with solving the crime.

Despite repeated requests to stay out of it from both her husband and the very fine-looking detective assigned to the case, Liz persists in pursuing the murderer down a sordid trail of infidelity, blackmail, and Shakespeare conspiracy theories.

When additional staff members are poisoned, Liz realizes that her clandestine pursuit has spooked the murderer—and she is likely next on the list. Can Liz expose the murderer before she becomes the next victim?

Лучшая книга для подростков и молодёжи

Джеймс Р. Ганнибал 4.2
Приключения Джека и Гвен продолжаются!

Рубин Чёрного принца – один из четырёх проклятых камней, которые, как говорят, приносят знания, верность и подчинение народов тому, кто владеет ими всеми.

Смогут ли герои опередить таинственного вора, который всегда на шаг впереди, или придётся рискнуть и развязать эпоху террора?

Лучшая тайна

Joseph L.S. Terrell 0.0
Outer Banks crime writer Harrison Weaver tackles a really cold case--disappearance of the nine-year-old sister of Chief Deputy Odell Wright. The young girl vanished twenty-two years earlier, and there seem to be no leads at all as to what happened to her. But when the "Bear Woman," who had befriended the black bears on the mainland near North Carolina's Outer Banks, is found dead in what appears to be a bear attack, Harrison and his friends SBI Agent Ballsford Twiddy and Deputy Odell Wright, unearth a connection that could shed light on the girl's fate. Now they must deal with the death of the Bear Woman, and the questions that nag them: Was she really killed by bears? Or was she killed by someone who feared she might be ready to uncover a brutal crime of decades earlier?

Лучшая научная фантастика/Фэнтези

Dana Chamblee Carpenter 0.0
The Devil’s Bible. Once considered an eighth wonder of the world, the ancient book is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who wrote it or where it was written. Even dry-boned scholars whisper about the secrets hidden in the book: How it calls to the power-hungry. How it drives people mad. How it was written in the shadows by the hand of the devil himself.

But no one knows the truth—no one except Mouse.

She’s been running from the truth at the heart of the Devil’s Bible for so long that no one even knows her name anymore. She calls herself Emma Nicholas—a normal name for a normal college professor living a normal life. But all of it is a lie, and, when forces emerge that threaten to expose her, Mouse has no choice but to take flight once more.

Desperate and on the run, Mouse unexpectedly finds hope in a stranger’s kindness. But it will take more than hope to win this game of souls—a battle between good and evil set in motion long ago at the birth of the Devil’s Bible.

Лучший сборник рассказов / Антология

Kathryn Lane 0.0
In this collection of short stories, author Kathryn Lane often fulfills the promise of mysteries of the heart while also surprising you with mysteries of life. Some of the stories are fun and humorous while others are ghost stories, romance gone wrong, or simply a fusion of fantasy and reality.

The anchor story, Backyard Volcano, covers the life of a young girl, Patricia, who inspired by her grandmother’s stories on volcanos, becomes a volcanologist and travels to Mexico to study the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Patricia visits her grandmother’s hometown only to uncover her grandmother’s shocking secrets.

A few stories contain secrets you’ll want to discover.

Лучший саспенс

Kissing Fitz 0.0
A Saturday of ballistic therapy at the Fawcettville gun range turns bloody for PI Niccolo ‘Fitz’ Fitzhugh when local social worker and community theater star Anna Maria Ippolito is found murdered in her home. It’s personal too—he’s been casually dating Anna Maria following his disastrous break up with prosecutor Alicia Linnerman.

The discovery of a strange coded journal at Anna Maria’s home makes Fitz and Anna Maria’s sister Carlotta wonder if she’s living some sort of double life, one Carlotta wants to know about before the police get wind of it.

A box of clothing and other strange items raises more concern, even as the mayor’s wife wants Fitz to investigate her husband’s suspected infidelity.

When Fitz cracks the journal’s code, the two cases converge in a way no one could in this Rust Belt Ohio town could imagine.

This is the fourth in the Niccolo Fitzhugh detective series.

Лучший триллер

Christopher Greyson 3.0
No one believes her story.
The police think she's crazy.
Her therapist thinks she's suicidal.
Everyone else thinks she's a dangerous drunk.
They're all right--but did she see the killer?

As the anniversary of the murders approaches, Faith Winters is released from the psychiatric hospital and yanked back to the last spot on earth she wants to be--her hometown where the slayings took place. Wracked by the lingering echoes of survivor's guilt, Faith spirals into a black hole of alcoholism and wanton self-destruction. Finding no solace at the bottom of a bottle, Faith decides to track down her sister's killer--and then discovers that she's the one being hunted.

Лучшая книга присутствующих авторов

Мэгги Туссен 0.0
Amateur sleuth Baxley Powell is on vacation at Stony Creek Lake in the north Georgia mountains. Her parents, best friend, and ten-year-old daughter are camping with her. Almost immediately, a young man’s body is found beside the lake. Strangely, there’s no apparent cause of death. The local police have heard about Baxley’s skill at closing unusual cases, and at their urging she agrees to help. Her psychic sleuthing leads the police to a halfway house. There they encounter eight comatose victims and an odd man named Jonas, who also has supernatural abilities. Baxley senses Jonas cruelly drained their life force energy. Jonas escapes, taking the sheriff as a hostage. Deputy Sam Mayes, a Native American, leads the manhunt, and he keeps Baxley close, knowing she’s the key to capturing this powerful criminal. Baxley’s paranormal talent of dreamwalking, which she uses to traverse the veil of life, draws the unwanted attention of beings believed to be Cherokee folklore. Jonas stole a treasured artifact from them, and they want it back. They hold Baxley’s best friend and two others because they know Baxley can help them. As the clock ticks, Jonas taunts this crime-fighting duo and proves to be a wily adversary. With the body count rising, Baxley and Mayes realize they are up against an entity who appears to be invincible. Do they have the power to subdue an energy vampire, turn the tide of evil, and save the day?