Вручение 2014 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Шайенн Дата проведения: 2014 г.

Премия «Индийская кисть»

Р. Дж. Паласио 4.6
Есть на свете пятиклассник по имени Август Пулман. С одной стороны, он такой же как и другие мальчишки его возраста – любит ходить на дни рождения к своим друзьям, играть в компьютерные игры, он фанатеет от «Звездных войн», играет со своей собакой, ссорится и мирится со старшей сестрой. А с другой, он совсем не такой как другие мальчишки его возраста. Во-первых, Август никогда не ходил в обычную школу – с первого класса с ним дома занималась мама. Во-вторых, Август перенес 27 операций.

Из-за очень редкой, но иногда встречающейся генетической ошибки у Августа нет лица. Не пугайтесь. У него есть глаза и нос, рот и уши. Но все это перемешано на его лице так, что не сразу и разберешь. И с младенческого возраста Август привык к тому, что дети (да и не которые взрослые), бросив взгляд на его лицо, быстро отворачивались, а то и удирали со всех ног.

И вот такой мальчик должен пойти в школу. В первый раз. К обычным детям. Историю о жизни Августа (его семьи, старых и новых друзей) в течение одного учебного года рассказала в своем первом романе американка Р.Дж. Паласио.

Это книга не о мальчике-инвалиде. Мальчике-без-лица. Мальчике-невидимке. Мальчике-шокирующем-окружающих.

Это книга о том, как мужество, чувство юмора, доброта и дружба способны сотворить настоящее чудо. Поэтому она так и называется «Чудо».
Кэтрин Эпплгейт 0.0

Второе место.

Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends, Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family.
Синтия ДеФелис 0.0

Третье место.

Erik is preparing for his first-ever hunting trip when he learns that his parents are being deployed to Iraq. A few days later, Erik is shipped off to North Dakota to live with Big Darrell and Oma, grandparents he barely knows. When Erik rescues a dog that's been stuck by a porcupine, Big Darrell says Erik can't keep him. But Erik has already named her Quill and can't bear to give her up. He decides to run away, taking the dog and a shotgun, certain that they can make it on their own out on the prairie.

In this story of adventure and survival, Erik learns about the challenges and satisfactions of living off the land, the power of family secrets, and the pain of losing what you love.
Сара Уикс 4.6
Маленькая Элис обожала проводить время с тётей Полли в пекарне. Тётя сажала кроху на высокую красную табуретку и вместо игрушки давала ей в руки комок теста. Когда Элис немного подросла, тётя стала доверять ей более ответственные задания, учила правильно защипывать края теста у будущего пирога. Пекарня была для девочки вторым уютным домом, а тётя – лучшим и единственным другом! Но однажды её любимая тётя Полли ушла навсегда. И очень скоро возник вопрос: кому же она оставила рецепт восхитительного, лёгкого, как пёрышко теста для пирогов? Полли Портман удивила всех. Рецепт она завещала… своему коту Лардо, а любимого кота Лардо поручила заботам Элис. Но в действительности никто не знает, где рецепт, на шёрстке кота он не написан. Девочке нужно сложить все части головоломки, разгадав загадку тёти Полли и отыскать рецепт счастья, ведь оно совсем не в пирогах…
Kathryn Littlewood 4.7
The perfect novel for young readers who love baking and magic!

Rosemary Bliss's family has a secret. It's the Bliss Cookery Booke—an ancient, leather-bound volume of enchanted recipes like Singing Gingersnaps.

Rose and her siblings are supposed to keep the Cookery Booke locked away while their parents are out of town, but then a mysterious stranger shows up. "Aunt" Lily rides a motorcycle and also whips up exotic (but delicious) dishes for dinner. Soon boring, non-magical recipes feel like life before Aunt Lily—a lot less fun.

So Rose and her siblings experiment with just a couple of recipes from the forbidden Cookery Booke. A few Love Muffins and Cookies of Truth couldn't cause too much trouble . . . could they?

Kathryn Littlewood's culinary caper blends rich emotional flavor with truly enchanting wit, yielding one heaping portion of hilarious family adventure.
Дик Хьюстон 0.0
Fans of true dog stories, Jack Russell terriers, and African wildlife will want to check out Bulu!
Born on a crocodile farm in Zambia's untamed South Luangwa Valley, the puppy seemed different from his littermates. Too quiet. Unresponsive. Terriers are usually full of energy and bouncing off walls. But not this one. Nobody wanted him. Enter Anna and Steve Tolan--former police officers who had left behind their life in England to live in the African bush. People thought the Tolans were a bit different, too. The peculiar puppy suited them perfectly. They named him Bulu, or wild dog in the local Nyanja language.
Living in the bush, Bulu not only found his voice, he also found his calling as a foster parent to the orphaned baby animals--including warthogs, monkeys, elephants, baboons, bushbucks, and buffalo--cared for by the Tolans. But Bulu's protective nature led him into terrifying situations in the wild. It's a miracle he survived! But survive he did, disarming people with his wacky ways and nurturing once-unwanted creatures like him until they too could be set free. Bulu's story is a joyful confirmation of dogs as unique spirits, capable of love, compassion, and bravery.
Packed with vivid descriptions of encounters with crocodiles, lions, leopards, poisonous snakes, bull elephants, and more--and illustrated throughout with black-and-white photographs--Bulu: African Wonder Dog will leave fans of dog stories begging for more!
Suzanne LaFleur 0.0
Elise and Franklin have always been best friends. Elise has always lived in the big house with her loving Uncle and Aunt, because Elise's parents died when she was too young to remember them. There's always been a barn behind the house with eight locked doors on the second floor.
When Elise and Franklin start middle school, things feel all wrong. Bullying. Not fitting in. Franklin suddenly seems babyish. Then, soon after her 12th birthday, Elise receives a mysterious key left for her by her father. A key that unlocks one of the eight doors upstairs in the bar . . .
Кейт Клизе 0.0
A middle grade novel about a 12-year-old girl dealing with loss, who uncovers a rather grisly scam involving a crematorium.

After her brother, sister, and father die in a plane crash, Daralynn Oakland receives 237 dolls from well-wishers, resulting in her nickname: Dolly. But dolls are little comfort to a twelve-year-old girl whose world is rocked by the dramatic changes in her life, including her angry, grieving mother's new job as a hairstylist at the local funeral home.

Dolly gets a job, too, where she accidentally invents a fashionable new haircut. But in Grounded by Kate Klise, her real work begins when a crematorium comes to town, and someone has to save a dying business, solve a burning mystery, and resuscitate the broken hearts in Digginsville, Missouri, population 402.
Джуэлл Паркер Роудс 5.0
From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Jewell Parker Rhodes comes a heartbreaking and uplifting tale of survival in the face of Hurricane Katrina.
Twelve-year-old Lanesha lives in a tight-knit community in New Orleans' Ninth Ward. She doesn't have a fancy house like her uptown family or lots of friends like the other kids on her street. But what she does have is Mama Ya-Ya, her fiercely loving caretaker, wise in the ways of the world and able to predict the future. So when Mama Ya-Ya's visions show a powerful hurricane--Katrina--fast approaching, it's up to Lanesha to call upon the hope and strength Mama Ya-Ya has given her to help them both survive the storm.

From the New York Times bestselling author of Ghost Boys and Towers Falling, Ninth Ward is a deeply emotional story about transformation and a celebration of resilience, friendship, and family--as only love can define it.
Avi 0.0
It is 1776.

The Revolutionary War in America rages, and New York City is newly occupied by the powerful British army.

Young Sophia Calderwood's beloved soldier brother, William, is being held on a gruesome British prison ship. Horrified by the atrocities she sees there, Sophia resolves to avenge his brutal treatment and help advance the patriot cause.

She soon gets her chance. Recruited by a mysterious gentleman, Sophia becomes a spy in the home of the supreme commander of the British forces. There she discovers that an American general plans to switch sides in a plot that will irreparably damage the Americans if it succeeds.

But the identity of the would-be traitor is so shocking that no one believes Sophia. So she decides to stop the treachery herself - but she's alone, she's a girl, and she's running out of time.

And if she fails, she'll be hung!
Jennifer L. Holm 4.0
Life isn't like the movies and 11-year-old Turtle is no Shirley Temple. She's smart and tough and has seen enough of the world not to expect a Hollywood ending. After all, it's 1935 and money and sometimes even dreams are scarce. So when Turtle's mother gets a job housekeeping for a lady who doesn't like kids, Turtle says goodbye and heads off to Florida to live with relatives. Florida's like nothing Turtle's ever seen before though. It's full of rag tag boy cousins, family secrets to unravel . . . and even a little bit of fun. Before she knows what's happened, Turtle finds herself coming out of her shell and as she does, her world opens up in the most unexpected ways. Inspired by family stories, three-time Newbery Honor winner Jennifer L. Holm blends family lore with America's past, in this charming, gem of a novel rich in history, humor, and the unique flavors of Key West.
Ди Гарретсон 0.0
Starring in his first movie should be a blast for Stefan... and it would be, if only it would stop snowing...

This is Stefan's big break. He's on location in the mountains far from home for his first movie role, filming a blockbuster sci-fi adventure. The props, the spaceships, and the trained wolves on set should add up to a dream job, but acting turns out to be much tougher than he ever imagined, and he feels like his inner loser is all that's showing through. From the way his famously stuck-up co-star, Raine, treats him, he's pretty sure she thinks so too. And worst of all, no one will believe his claim that there are wild wolves haunting the forest around the set.

When a blizzard strikes, isolating the young co-stars and bringing hungry feral wolves into the open, Stefan must take on his biggest role yet - working together with his co-stars to survive. With no second takes, they only have one chance to get it right.


Dee Garretson takes suspense and danger to new heights with her thrilling tale of friendship and survival against all odds.
Гари Полсен 0.0
Samuel, 13, spends his days in the forest, hunting for food for his family. He has grown up on the frontier of a British colony, America. Far from any town, or news of the war against the King that American patriots have begun near Boston.

But the war comes to them. British soldiers and Iroquois attack. Samuel’s parents are taken away, prisoners. Samuel follows, hiding, moving silently, determined to find a way to rescue them. Each day he confronts the enemy, and the tragedy and horror of this war. But he also discovers allies, men and women working secretly for the patriot cause. And he learns that he must go deep into enemy territory to find his parents: all the way to the British headquarters, New York City.
Генри Уинклер 0.0
A hilarious new series from Henry Winkler & Lin Oliver, authors of the bestselling HANK ZIPZER books!

Billy Broccoli is new to the neighborhood, and wants cool friends and a spot on the baseball team more than anything. But the one thing he never wanted is his own personal ghost. So imagine his surprise when he ends up sharing a room with Hoover Porterhouse, a funny ghost with a whole lot of attitude.

When an obnoxious school bully sets out to demolish Billy, the Hoove comes up with a plan for revenge. It’s all in the Hoove’s Rule Number Forty-Two: Stay cool. And like it or not, Billy and the Hoove have to stick together if Billy ever wants to get in style, get even, and conquer the school.