Победители — стр. 2

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Kathleen Ann Goonan 0.0
Sam Dance is a young enlisted soldier in 1941 when his older brother Keenan is killed at Pearl Harbor. Afterwards, Sam promises that he will do anything he can to stop the war.

During his training, Sam begins to show that he has a knack for science and engineering, and he is plucked from the daily grunt work of twenty-mile marches by his superiors to study subjects like code breaking, electronics, and physics in particular, a science that is growing more important to the war effort. While studying, Sam is seduced by a mysterious female physicist that is teaching one of his courses, and given her plans for a device that will end the war, perhaps even end the human predilection for war forever. But the device does something less, and more, than that.

After his training, Sam is sent throughout Europe to solve both theoretical and practical problems for the Allies. He spends his free time playing jazz, and trying to construct the strange device. It's only much later that he discovers that it worked, but in a way that he could have never imagined.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Ben Bova 0.0
Hugo Award-winning editor, author, scientist, and journalist, Ben Bova is a modern master of near-future science fiction and a passionate advocate of manned space exploration. For more than a decade, Bova has been chronicling humanity's struggles to colonize our solar system in a series of interconnected novels known as "The Grand Tour."

Now, with Titan, Ben Bova takes readers to one of the most intriguing destinations in near space: the extraordinary moon of Saturn which made international headlines last year when the Huygens probe sent back remarkable images of its strange landscapes.

2095. After long months of travel, the gigantic colony ship Goddard has at last made orbit around Saturn, carrying a population of more than of 10,000 dissidents, rebels, extremists, and visionaries seeking a new life. Among Goddard's missions is the study of Titan, which offers the tantalizing possibility that life may exist amid its windswept islands and chill black seas.

When the exploration vessel Titan Alpha mysteriously fails after reaching the moon's surface, long buried tensions surface among the colonists. Eduoard Urbain, the mission's chief scientist, is wracked with anxiety and despair as he sees his life's work unravel. Malcolm Eberly, Goddard's chief administrator, takes ruthless measures to hold onto power as a rash of suspicious incidents threaten to undermine his authority. Holly Lane, the colony's human-resources director, must confront the station's powerful leaders to protect the lives of its people. And retired astronaut Manuel Gaeta is forced to risk his life in a last, desperate attempt to salvage the lost probe.

Torn by intrigue, sabotage, and an awesome discovery that could threaten human space exploration, a handful of courageous men and women must fight for the survival of their colony, and for the destiny of the human race.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Robert J. Sawyer 4.2
Robert J. Sawyer's Hominids, the first volume of his bestselling Neanderthal Parallax trilogy, won the 2003 Hugo Award, and its sequel, Humans, was a 2004 Hugo nominee. Now he's back with a pulse-pounding, mind-expanding standalone novel, rich with his signature philosophical and ethical speculations, all grounded in cutting-edge science.
Jake Sullivan has cheated death: he's discarded his doomed biological body and copied his consciousness into an android form. The new Jake soon finds love, something that eluded him when he was encased in flesh: he falls for the android version of Karen, a woman rediscovering all the joys of life now that she's no longer constrained by a worn-out body either.
But suddenly Karen's son sues her, claiming that by uploading into an immortal body, she has done him out of his inheritance. Even worse, the original version of Jake, consigned to die on the far side of the moon, has taken hostages there, demanding the return of his rights of personhood. In the courtroom and on the lunar surface, the future of uploaded humanity hangs in the balance.
Mindscan is vintage Sawyer -- a feast for the mind and the heart.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Richard Morgan 3.8
In a bleak future world, the big players in global capitalism have moved on from commodities. The big money is in conflict investment. The corporations keep a careful watch on the wars of liberation and revolution. They gauge who the winners will be and sell them arms, intelligence and power.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Джек Макдевит 3.8
Мирной планете Лукаут предстоит стать очередной жертвой странного энергетического образования, "омега-облака", перемещающегося по галактике и уничтожающего миры, которые обладают признаками цивилизации.
Земляне обязаны прийти на помощь братьям по разуму.
Однако для этого им придется нарушить Протокол, запрещающий установление прямого контакта с цивилизациями, пребывающими на низших стадиях развития.
Бездействие людей грозит гибелью миллионам разумных существ, Но правительство Земли требует, чтобы акция по спасению обитателей Лукаута прошла без нарушения Протокола...
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Nancy Kress 5.0
In Probability Space, humanity’s war with the alien Fallers continues, and it is a war we are losing. Our implacable foes ignore all attempts at communication, and they take no prisoners. Our only hope lies with an unlikely coalition: Major Lyle Kaufman, retired warrior; Marbet Grant, the Sensitive who’s involved with Kaufman; Amanda, a very confused fourteen-year-old girl; and Magdalena, one of the biggest power brokers in all of human space.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Robert Charles Wilson 3.7
Scott Warden is a man haunted by the past-and soon to be haunted by the future.

In early twenty-first-century Thailand, Scott is an expatriate slacker. Then, one day, he inadvertently witnesses an impossible event: the violent appearance of a 200-foot stone pillar in the forested interior. Its arrival collapses trees for a quarter mile around its base, freezing ice out of the air and emitting a burst of ionizing radiation. It appears to be composed of an exotic form of matter. And the inscription chiseled into it commemorates a military victory--sixteen years in the future.

Shortly afterwards, another, larger pillar arrives in the center of Bangkok-obliterating the city and killing thousands. Over the next several years, human society is transformed by these mysterious arrivals from, seemingly, our own near future. Who is the warlord "Kuin" whose victories they note?

Scott wants only to rebuild his life. But some strange loop of causality keeps drawing him in, to the central mystery and a final battle with the future.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Джек Уильямсон 3.7
История Земли, тысячу лет назад переживший чудовищную катастрофу и ставшей необитаемой. История жалких остатков человечества, успевших укрыться на Луне - и тысячелетиями ожидавших часа, когда они смогут вернуться на родную планету. История опасности и мужества, выживания - и надежды...
Роман состоит из пяти взаимосвязанных повестей, которые до этого печатались по отдельности.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Poul Anderson 3.4
Astronaut Christian Brannock ahs lived to see artificial intelligence develop to a point where a human personality can be uploaded into ac computer, achieving a sort of hybrid immortality. He welcomes that because the technology will make it possible for him to achieve his dream and explore the stars... A billion years later, Brannock is dispatched to Earth to check on some strange anomalies. While there, he meets Laurinda Ashcroft, another hybrid upload. Brannock and Laurinda join forces and investigate Gaia, the supermind dominating the planet, and learn the truth of her shocking and terrifying secret plans for Earth.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
Вернор Виндж 4.4
Действие романа происходит в том же регионе пространства, но на 30 000 лет раньше, чем в романе «Пламя над бездной», получившем премию Хьюго. Новый роман исследует столкновение культур в масштабах галактик. Два разных космических флота человечества движутся к отдаленной планете с различными целями — один ищет торговых связей, другой — новых рабов. Когда столкновение лишает их способности передвигаться, они вынуждены дрейфовать в космосе многие годы, пока чужая раса, населяющая планету, не создаст достаточно продвинутых технологий, чтобы спасти их. Но у чужих свои планы.
Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэм...
George Zebrowski 0.0
In this innovative and powerful new novel, noted SF writer George Zebrowski weaves a tale in which conflicted hearts and minds find new ways to war over the great prize of history called justice. Here, in a Draconian social experiment, a politically conservative earth government begins to transport asteroid/space colonies filled with prisoners into long-term orbits. The results are brutal, surprising, and unforgettable.
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