Вручение 29 июня 2012 г.

Грегори Бенфорд (Gregory Benford) — известный писатель-фантаст, профессор кафедры физики и астрономии.
Пол Ди Филиппо (Paul Di Filippo) — писатель-фантаст, журналист.
Шейла Финч (Sheila Finch) — автор научной фантастики, лингвист.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA).
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Пол Кинкейд (Paul Kincaid) — британский критик и редактор.
Кристофер Маккитрик (Chris McKitterick) — писатель, директор Центра по изучению научной фантастики при Канзасском университете.
Памела Сарджент (Pamela Sargent) — писательница, редактор и исследователь фантастики, магистр философии.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Место проведения: Канзасский университет, Лоуренс, штат Канзас Дата проведения: 29 июня 2012 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Joan Slonczewski 0.0
One of the most respected writers of hard SF, it has been more than ten years since Joan Slonczewski's last novel. Now she returns with a spectacular tour de force of the college of the future, in orbit. Jennifer Ramos Kennedy, a girl from a rich and politically influential family (a distant relation descended from the famous Kennedy clan), whose twin brother has died in an accident and left her bereft, is about to enter her freshman year at Frontera College.

Frontera is an exciting school built with media money, and a bit from tribal casinos too, dedicated to educating the best and brightest of this future world. We accompany Jenny as she proceeds through her early days at school, encountering surprises and wonders and some unpleasant problems. The Earth is altered by global warming, and an invasive alien species called ultraphytes threatens the surviving ecosystem. Jenny is being raised for great things, but while she's in school she just wants to do her homework, go on a few dates, and get by. The world that Jenny is living in is one of the most fascinating and creative in contemporary SF, and the problems Jenny faces will involve every reader, young and old.
Кристофер Прист 3.8
Архипелаг Грез — обширная сеть островов. В разных странах их называют по-разному, и даже их расположение, кажется, весьма непостоянно. Одни острова напоминают громадные музыкальные инструменты, другие являются родиной смертельных созданий, третьи — детская площадка для высшего общества. Горячие ветра проносятся через Архипелаг, но война, которую ведут жители двух удаленных континентов, замирает у его границ. Роман «Островитяне» — это не только яркое описание Архипелага Грез, но и многослойное, интригующее повествование об убийстве и подозрительном наследии приятного, но определенно ненадежного рассказчика.
Чайна Мьевиль 4.0

3-е место

В далеком будущем человечество колонизировало далекую планету Ариэку, на которой обитают загадочные ариэкей, разумные существа, на уникальном языке которых способны говорить лишь несколько “измененных” людей-послов. Колонистка Эвис Бреннер Чхо вернулась в Посольский город (Embassytown) после нескольких лет полетов в космосе. Она не говорит на языке ариэкей, но сама по себе является его частью, живой фигурой речи. Когда из-за политических интриг на Ариэку прибывает новый посол, хрупкое равновесие между людьми и туземцами нарушается. Близится катастрофа, и Эвис не может решить, кому остаться верной: мужу, которого больше не любит, системе, которой уже не доверяет, или месту в языке, на котором не говорит, но который говорит посредством нее.
Майкл Суэнвик 3.5


Роман «Танцуя с медведями» повествует о приключениях аферистов из далекого будущего Дарджера и пса Сэра Пласа, впервые появившихся в рассказе Суэнвика «Пес сказал гав-гав». На этот раз герои попадают вместе с караваном багдадского халифа в Московию, чтобы попасть на аудиенцию к тамошнему князю. Ситуацию осложняют политические интриги, подарок багдадского халифа князю московитов, «Византийские Жемчуга» (Pearls of Byzantium), а также Зоэсофия, правительница, которая поклялась защищать честь странного подарка.
Gene Wolfe 0.0


Gene Wolfe takes us to a future North America at once familiar and utterly strange. A young man and woman, Skip and Chelle, fall in love in college and marry, but she is enlisted in the military, there is a war on, and she must serve her tour of duty before they can settle down. But the military is fighting a war with aliens in distant solar systems, and her months in the service will be years in relative time on Earth. Chelle returns to recuperate from severe injuries, after months of service, still a young woman but not necessarily the same person—while Skip is in his forties and a wealthy businessman, but eager for her return.

Still in love (somewhat to his surprise and delight), they go on a Caribbean cruise to resume their marriage. Their vacation rapidly becomes a complex series of challenges, not the least of which are spies, aliens, and battles with pirates who capture the ship for ransom. There is no writer in SF like Gene Wolfe and no SF novel like Home Fires.
Эрнест Клайн 4.4


Недалекое будущее.
Энергетический кризис в разгаре, половина населения Земли - на грани выживания.
При такой удручающей реальности виртуальное пространство - единственный достойный выход вовне, в захватывающий, полный приключений квест OASIS.
Где-то там спрятано "пасхальное яйцо", дарующее власть над Игрой - и над всем вполне материальным состоянием Создателя OASISa.
Первый ключ случайно находит восемнадцатилетний Уэйд Уоттс.
Шаг на пути к величайшей победе сделан.
Но по пятам Уэйда и его команды следует организация, способная убрать счастливчиков не только в виртуальном, но и в реальном мире…
Дэниел Уилсон 3.8


Вырастив экспериментальный искусственный интеллект люди выпустили джинна из бутылки. Осознав себя ИИ взял под контроль роботов и другую технику и объявил человечеству войну. Сможет ли человечество противостоять новой угрозе или будет сметено с лица земли...
Rob Ziegler 0.0


It's the dawn of the 22nd century, and the world has fallen apart. Decades of war and resource depletion have toppled governments. The ecosystem has collapsed. A new dust bowl sweeps the American West. The United States has become a nation of migrants -starving masses of nomads who seek out a living in desert wastelands and encampments outside government seed-distribution warehouses.

In this new world, there is a new power. Satori is more than just a corporation, she is an intelligent, living city that grew out of the ruins of Denver. Satori bioengineers both the climate-resistant seed that feeds a hungry nation, and her own post-human genetic Designers, Advocates, and Laborers. What remains of the United States government now exists solely to distribute Satori seed; a defeated American military doles out bar-coded, single-use Satori seed to the nation's starving citizens.

When one of Satori's Designers goes rogue, Agent Sienna Doss-Ex-Army Ranger turned glorified bodyguard-is tasked by the government to bring her
in: The government wants to use the Designer to break Satori's stranglehold on seed production and reassert themselves as the center of power.

Sianna Doss's search for the Designer intersects with Brood and his younger brother Pollo - orphans scrapping by on the fringes of the wastelands. Pollo is abducted, because he is believed to suffer from Tet, a newly emergent disease, the victims of which are harvested by Satori.

As events spin out of control, Brood and Sienna Doss find themselves at the heart of Satori, where an explosive climax promises to reshape the future of the world.

Skyhorse Publishing, under our Night Shade and Talos imprints, is proud to publish a broad range of titles for readers interested in science fiction (space opera, time travel, hard SF, alien invasion, near-future dystopia), fantasy (grimdark, sword and sorcery, contemporary urban fantasy, steampunk, alternative history), and horror (zombies, vampires, and the occult and supernatural), and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller, a national bestseller, or a Hugo or Nebula award-winner, we are committed to publishing quality books from a diverse group of authors.
Will McIntosh 0.0


What happens when resources become scarce and society starts to crumble? As the competition for resources pulls America's previously stable society apart, the "New Normal" is a Soft Apocalypse. This is how our world ends; with a whimper instead of a bang. New social structures and tribal connections spring up across America, as the previous social structures begin to dissolve. Locus Award finalist and John W. Campbell Memorial Award finalist Soft Apocalypse follows the journey across the Southeast of a tribe of formerly middle class Americans as they struggle to find a place for themselves and their children in a new, dangerous world that still carries the ghostly echoes of their previous lives.
Kathleen Ann Goonan 0.0


Kathleen Ann Goonan introduced Sam Dance and his wife, Bette, and their quest to alter our present reality for the better in her novel In War Times (winner of the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Novel and ALA’s Best Science Fiction Novel of 2008). Now, in This Shared Dream, she tells the story of the next generation.

The three Dance kids, seemingly abandoned by both parents when they were younger, are now adults and are all disturbed by memories of a reality that existed in place of their world. The older girl, Jill, even remembers the disappearance of their mother while preventing the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Goonan has created a new kind of utopian SF novel, in which the changes in history have created a present world that is in many ways superior to our own, while in other worlds people strive to prevent their own erasure by restoring the ills to ours. This Shared Dream is certainly the most provocative SF speculation of the year, and perhaps the decade.
Lavie Tidhar 3.1

Похвальный отзыв (Honorable Mention)

Lavie Tidhar was in Dar-es-Salaam during the American embassy bombings in 1998, and stayed in the same hotel as the Al Qaeda operatives in Nairobi. Since then he and his now-wife have narrowly avoided both the 2005 King’s Cross and 2004 Sinai attacks—experiences that led first to his memorable short story “My Travels with Al-Qaeda” and later to the creation of Osama.

“In a world without global terrorism Joe, a private detective, is hired by a mysterious woman to find a man: the obscure author of pulp fiction novels featuring one Osama Bin Laden: Vigilante...”

Joe’s quest to find the man takes him across the world, from the backwaters of Asia to the European Capitals of Paris and London, and as the mystery deepens around him there is one question he is trying hard not to ask: who is he, really, and how much of the books is fiction? Chased by unknown assailants, Joe’s identity slowly fragments as he discovers the shadowy world of the refugees, ghostly entities haunting the world in which he lives. Where do they come from? And what do they want? Joe knows how the story should end, but even he is not ready for the truths he’ll find in New York and, finally, on top a quiet hill above Kabul—nor for the choice he will at last have to make...