Вручение 2003 г.

Грегори Бенфорд (Gregory Benford) — известный писатель-фантаст, профессор кафедры физики и астрономии.
Пол Картер (Paul Allen Carter) — литературовед и писатель-фантаст, профессор истории.
Джеймс Ганн (James Gunn) — известный писатель-фантаст, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA) — председатель жюри.
Элизабет Энн Халл (Elizabeth Anne Hull) — литературовед и критик, экс-президент Ассоциации исследователей научной фантастики (SFRA), профессор английского языка.
Кристофер Маккитрик (Chris McKitterick) — писатель, директор Центра по изучению научной фантастики при Канзасском университете.
Фара Мендлесон (Farah Mendlesohn) – британская писательница и популяризатор фантастики, доктор исторических наук, профессор.
Памела Сарджент (Pamela Sargent) — писательница, редактор и исследователь фантастики, магистр философии.
Томас Шиппи (Thomas A. Shippey) — британский литературовед, специалист по древнеанглийской литературе, исследователь творчества Дж.Р.Р. Толкина.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2003 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Nancy Kress 5.0
In Probability Space, humanity’s war with the alien Fallers continues, and it is a war we are losing. Our implacable foes ignore all attempts at communication, and they take no prisoners. Our only hope lies with an unlikely coalition: Major Lyle Kaufman, retired warrior; Marbet Grant, the Sensitive who’s involved with Kaufman; Amanda, a very confused fourteen-year-old girl; and Magdalena, one of the biggest power brokers in all of human space.
Дэвид Брин 3.9

2-е место

Создать искусственного "двойника" - вполне обычная практика для далекого будущего.
Ими пользуются легально - и нелегально. Их используют в целях бизнеса, личной жизни, политики... а почему бы и нет, если срок жизни "двойника" - жалкие 24 часа?!
Частный детектив Альберт Норрис привык, что "двойники" помогают ему в расследованиях... однако на этот раз привычная рутина оборачивается чем-то совсем иным. "Двойники" исчезают один за другим... а те, которые возвращаются, ведут себя очень странно!..
Роберт Сойер 4.1

3-е место

Один из "неандертальцев", квантовый физик Понтер Боддит, попадает в наш мир, где видит разницу между нашей цивилизацией и своей. И сравнение не в нашу пользу. Наша цивилизация по сравнению с "неандертальцами" выглядит более агрессивной, более грубой, более жестокой и более "запущенной". "Неандертальский" мир по сравнению с нами более мягкий, спокойный, пасторальный, и на первый взгляд выглядит идиллически. Но и здесь есть свои "темные места"...
Майкл Суэнвик 3.8


"Кости Земли" - известнейший роман Суэнвика, не относящийся к жанру "киберпанк".
Тема "путешествий во времени" - одна из распространеннейших в классической научной фантастике.
Однако никому не удавалось сделать с этой темой такое, как Майклу Суэнвику.
Спринт по цивилизациям...
"Спонсоры человечества" - "чужие"...
Эпоха динозавров в весьма неожиданном ракурсе...
И все это - в стиле "рок-н-ролл"!
Brian Stableford 0.0


Dark Ararat is the fifth novel in an overarching masterpiece. It extends into interstellar space Brian Stableford's ambitious ongoing future history series begun in Inherit the Earth and continued in The Architects of Emortality, The Fountains of Youth, and The Cassandra Complex.

Hundreds of years in our future, humanity is expanding out into the galaxy in gigantic colony ships. Slower than light speed, the ships are filled with long-lived people who are, nevertheless, in suspended animation for all or much of the voyage. One ship has reached a promising world and begun a colony, but not everyone has yet been awakened.

Matthew Fleury is shocked to learn that he has been revived from suspended animation to replace a colleague who has been murdered.

Is the planet still inhabited by the alien race that left ancient ruins of great cities? And who killed the eminent scientist leading the investigation of the ruins? If the aliens survive, then the planet becomes off limits to humans, and the ship must find another planet to colonize. There are some colonists who would kill to leave. And some who would kill to stay.
Джон Райт 4.2


Название этого романа поистине символично, ибо его автор заявил о себе как о продолжателе лучших традиций Золотого века НФ и прежде всего таких признанных корифеев жанра, как Альфред Ван Вогт и Роджер Желязны.
Вселенная будущего, созданная фантазией Джона Райта, это совершенно особый мир, некая матрица, где обитают не только люди, но и иные формы жизни, обладающие искусственным разумом.
Благодаря неожиданным идеям автора и их великолепному, поистине поэтическому воплощению в необыкновенно динамичном и насыщенном событиями сюжете "Золотой век" стал сенсацией в мире любителей НФ и был назван критиками "первой космооперой XXI века".
Steven Barnes 0.0


In the year 1863, a primitive village is raided, the men killed, and the women and children captured. The survivors find themselves chained in the dark, filthy hold of a ship crossing the ocean to the New World, where they are sold into slavery. The powerful master of a vast Southern plantation purchases the 11-year-old Irish lad Aidan O'Dere. Yes, you read that right--in this alternate America, the South was colonized by black Africans, and the North by Vikings, who sell abducted Celts and Franks to the Southerners. Through his brilliant inversion of our history, author Steven Barnes examines the complex evils of slavery in a new light with Lion's Blood, an intelligent and exciting novel of freedom and bondage, battle and intrigue, sex and love, set in an America threatened by total war as Aztecs, Zulus, Moors, and whites clash.
Christopher Priest 3.0


Christopher Priest excels at rethinking SF themes, lifting them above genre expectations into his own tricky, chilling, metaphysically dangerous territory. The Separation suggests an alternate history lying along a road not taken in World War II. But there are complications.
In 1999, history author Stuart Gratton is intrigued by a minor mystery of the European war which ended on 10 May 1941. The British-German armistice signed that month has had far-reaching consequences, including a resettlement of European Jews in Madagascar.

In 1936, the identical twin brothers Joe and Jack Sawyer win a rowing medal for Britain in the Berlin Olympics: it's presented to them by Rudolf Hess. The brothers are separated not only by a twin's fierce need "to be treated as a separate human being", but by sexual rivalry and even ideology. When war breaks out Jack becomes a gung-ho bomber pilot, Joe a conscientious objector. Still they're inescapably linked, and sometimes confused. Both suffer injuries and hauntingly similar ambulance journeys. Churchill writes a puzzled memo (later unearthed by Gratton) about the anomaly of a registered-pacifist Red Cross worker flying planes for Bomber Command. Hess has significant, eventually incompatible meetings with both men. Contradictions are everywhere.
Sheri S. Tepper 0.0


When an asteroid crashed into the Earth hundreds of years ago in the twenty-first century, much of what was considered civilization was obliterated. All that remains of that time are paltry fragmented memories of science and life colored by myth and superstition. The "magic" that once was America died horribly, along with most of the planet's inhabitants. But a wasted world is coming back alive -- despite the tyranny and cruel punishments that the repressive ruling order inflicts daily on a greatly reduced populace.

Dismé Latimer's entire family was lost forever, though not as a result of global cataclysm. Rather, much more recent and mysterious circumstances made Dismé an orphan, leaving the gentle, troubled young woman at the mercy of a cruel stepmother, an abusive stepsister...and a book.

A sacred, unsettling tome written by an ancestor -- the courageous scientist Nell Latimer, who left a husband and family behind in her attempt to salvage something of the post-castastrophe world -- Dismé's book contains disturbing ideas and revelations that are compelling a shy youth to take bold and dangerous action. But common "wisdom" and lore warn of malevolent entities out in the world, and advise would-be adventurers to stay where they are. Yet other myths suggest that the selfless band of planet-repairing scientists -- including Dismé's brave forebear -- have somehow, miraculously, survived to this day. And Dismé Latimer will uncover the truth and reclaim a lost world, whatever and wherever it might be.

Destiny, it seems, has chosen a most improbable defender to lead an imperiled planet out of the darkness. Perhaps somewhere beyond everything Dismé has ever known is her true identity -- and, hopefully, others similarly inclined who will fight alongside her for the common good. But there is evil also, a malevolence beyond imagining.

And far away, in the depths of the Earth, a gargantuan beast has roused itself after centuries of slumber. And it has begun to stir...
Greg Bear 0.0


Blending fierce, fast plots with vivid characters and mind-bending ideas, Greg Bear has mastered a powerful alchemy of suspense, science, and action in his gripping thrillers. Darwin’s Radio was hailed across the country as one of the best books of the year. His newest novel, Vitals, begins with a harrowing descent to a netherworld at the very bottom of the sea–and then explodes to the surface in sheer terror.

Hal Cousins is one of a handful of scientists nearing the most sought after discovery in human history: the key to short-circuiting the aging process. Fueled by a wealth of research, an overdose of self-confidence, and the money of influential patrons to whom he makes outrageous promises, Hal experiments with organisms living in the hot thermal plumes in the ocean depths. But as he journeys beneath the sea, his other world is falling apart.

Across the country, scientists are being inexplicably murdered–including Hal’s identical twin brother, who is also working to unlock the key to immortality. Hal himself barely eludes a cold-blooded attack at sea, and when he returns home to Seattle, he finds himself walking into an eerie realm where voices speak to him from the dead . . . where a once-brilliant historian turned crackpot is leading him on a deadly game of hide-and-seek . . . and where the beautiful, rich widow of his twin is more than willing to pick up the pieces of Hal’s life–and take him places he’s never been before.

Suddenly Hal is trapped inside an ever-twisting maze of shocking revelations. For he is not the first person to come close to ending aging forever–and those who came before him will stop at nothing to keep the secret to themselves. Now every person on earth is at risk of being made an unsuspecting player in one man’s spectacular and horrifying master plan.

From the bottom of Russia’s Lake Baikal to a billionaire’s bionic house built into the cliffs of the Washington seashore, from the darkest days of World War II and the reign of Josef Stalin to the capitalist free-for-all that is the United States, Vitals tells an astounding tale of the most unimaginable scientific secret of all–exposed by the quest for immortality itself . . .