Вручение 2001 г.

На официальной странице премии Кэмпбелла информация о втором и третьем месте отсутствует.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2001 г.

Мемориальная премия Джона В. Кэмпбелла

Poul Anderson 3.5
Astronaut Christian Brannock ahs lived to see artificial intelligence develop to a point where a human personality can be uploaded into ac computer, achieving a sort of hybrid immortality. He welcomes that because the technology will make it possible for him to achieve his dream and explore the stars... A billion years later, Brannock is dispatched to Earth to check on some strange anomalies. While there, he meets Laurinda Ashcroft, another hybrid upload. Brannock and Laurinda join forces and investigate Gaia, the supermind dominating the planet, and learn the truth of her shocking and terrifying secret plans for Earth.
Mary Gentle 0.0

2-е место

For the beautiful young woman Ash, life has always been arquebuses and artillery, swords and armour and the true horrors of hand-to-hand combat. War is her job. She has fought her way to the command of a mercenary company, and on her unlikely shoulders lies the destiny of a Europe threatened by the depredations of an Infidel army more terrible than any nightmare.
Роберт Сойер 3.9

2-е место

Создал ли Бог Вселенную? Инопланетяне думают, что могут доказать это! Как быть атеисту, учёному, когда перед ним вдруг появляется настоящий живой инопланетянин, имеющий на руках доказательства существования Господа? Как вести себя, когда смертельная болезнь практически не оставляет времени на то, чтобы докопаться до истины и понять образ действия и цели Создателя? Именно такие вопросы внезапно встают перед Томасом Джерико, одним из кураторов канадского музея. В поисках ответов учёному предстоит заглянуть в бездонные пропасти не только времени, но и пространства. Сможет ли он поверить? Найдётся ли для него достаточно убедительное, неопровержимое доказательство?
Джек Макдевит 4.0

2-е место

...Отдаленное будущее. Человечество уже заселило десятки планет - но по-прежнему безнадежно ищет космических "братьев по разуму". Однако члены одной из обычных экспедиций по возвращении домой внезапно начинают погибать - один за другим...
Убийство - или цепь случайностей?
И если убийство, то - ПОЧЕМУ и ЗАЧЕМ?
Что нашел в космосе экипаж звездолета "Охотник"?
Sheri S. Tepper 0.0

3-е место

The bizarre events that have been occurring across the United States--unexplained "oddities" tracked by Air Defense, mysterious disappearances, shocking deaths--seem to have no bearing on Benita Alvarez-Shipton's life. That is, until the soft-spoken thirty-six-year-old bookstore manager is approached by a pair of aliens asking her to transmit their message of peace to the powers that be in Washington. Suddenly an ordinary woman with a poor self-image and low self-esteem has been thrust into the limelight, as she leaves behind an Albuquerque home on the brink of foreclosure and a drunken bully of an abusive husband to undertake a mission of utmost importance to her planet and its peoples.

Her obligation does not end once the message is delivered, however, for the Pistach have offered their human hosts a spectacular opportunity for knowledge and enrichment. And Benita is to act as sole liaison between the two sentient races. The more she learns about the extraterrestrials who transformed her gray existence, the more her appreciation grows for their culture, their beliefs, and their art--especially the ancient and mystical Fresco that appears to dominate their collective lives. And the easier it becomes to shed the psychological and societal restraints that inhibited her own growth as an individual.

But alongside the promise is a dire, unspoken threat. Because the Pistach are not the only space-faring species making their presence known on Earth. There are others--cold, malevolent, hungry--who have now set their sights on Benita, and their accomplices may be as close as Capitol Hill. And the desperate race to save herself and two worlds could carry Benita Alvarez far from her home planet ... and light years away from anything she has ever been.