
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Питер Хеннесси, Джеймс Джинкс 0.0
'The Ministry of Defence does not comment upon submarine operations' is the standard response of officialdom to enquiries about the most secretive and mysterious of Britain's armed forces, the Royal Navy Submarine Service. Written with unprecedented co-operation from the Service itself and privileged access to documents and personnel, The Silent Deep is the first authoritative history of the Submarine Service from the end of the Second World War to the present. It gives the most complete account yet published of the development of Britain's submarine fleet, its capabilities, its weapons, its infrastructure, its operations and above all - from the testimony of many submariners and the first-hand witness of the authors - what life is like on board for the denizens of the silent deep.

Dramatic episodes are revealed for the first time: how HMS Warspite gathered intelligence against the Soviet Navy's latest ballistic-missile-carrying submarine in the late 1960s; how HMS Sovereign made what is probably the longest-ever trail of a Soviet (or Russian) submarine in 1978; how HMS Trafalgar followed an exceptionally quiet Soviet 'Victor III', probably commanded by a Captain known as 'the Prince of Darkness', in 1986. It also includes the first full account of submarine activities during the Falklands War. But it was not all victories: confrontations with Soviet submarines led to collisions, and the extent of losses to UK and NATO submarine technology from Cold War spy scandals are also made more plain here than ever before.

In 1990 the Cold War ended - but not for the Submarine Service. Since June 1969, it has been the last line of national defence, with the awesome responsibility of carrying Britain's nuclear deterrent. The story from Polaris to Trident - and now 'Successor' - is a central theme of the book. In the year that it is published, Russian submarines have once again been detected off the UK's shores. As Britain comes to decide whether to renew its submarine-carried nuclear deterrent, The Silent Deep provides an essential historical perspective.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Рана Миттер 0.0
In Rana Mitter's tense, moving and hugely important book, the war between China and Japan - one of the most important struggles of the Second World War - at last gets the masterly history it deserves

Different countries give different opening dates for the period of the Second World War, but perhaps the most compelling is 1937, when the 'Marco Polo Bridge Incident' plunged China and Japan into a conflict of extraordinary duration and ferocity - a war which would result in many millions of deaths and completely reshape East Asia in ways which we continue to confront today.

With great vividness and narrative drive Rana Mitter's new book draws on a huge range of new sources to recreate this terrible conflict. He writes both about the major leaders (Chiang Kaishek, Mao Zedong and Wang Jingwei) and about the ordinary people swept up by terrible times. Mitter puts at the heart of our understanding of the Second World War that it was Japan's failure to defeat China which was the key dynamic for what happened in Asia.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Энн Эпплбаум 4.3
В этой книге известная американская журналистка и политический аналитик исследует историю образования и начального периода эволюции коммунистических режимов в странах Восточной Европы после Второй мировой войны. Анализ событий главным образом в освобожденных Красной армией Венгрии, Восточной Германии и Польше сопровождается новыми материалами многочисленных архивов, свидетельствами очевидцев событий. Всесторонне реконструируются различные аспекты социально-политических и экономических процессов в странах социалистического лагеря, функционирования механизмов пропаганды и политического контроля всех сфер жизни общества, раскрывается роль спецслужб в подавлении оппозиции и общественных движений. Автор показывает, что догматическое воспроизводство местными коммунистами методов советского тоталитарного режима, а также сохранившиеся, несмотря ни на что, протестные настроения в обществе, логично привели к распаду «восточного блока», как только возник разлом в главной его опоре — Советском Союзе — и пал железный занавес.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Макс Хейстингс 4.5
В Европе ВТОРАЯ МИРОВАЯ ВОЙНА британского военного историка Макса Хейстингса - самый известный и авторитетный однотомник об этой войне. В динамичном, захватывающем повествовании Хейстингс виртуозно сочетает масштабность видения с выразительностью деталей.
На гигантском полотне отчетливо и ярко различимы подробности сражений и экономики воюющих стран, логистика снабжения армий, политические портреты и зарисовки во французском Генеральном штабе, в Белом доме, в Министерстве по делам колоний или в ставке Сталина. Подлинные жемчужины книги - личные документы, письма, дневники, воспоминания самых разных людей - от простых солдат до известных писателей, таких как Василий Гроссман, Илья Эренбург.
В соединении памяти людей и документов перед нами предстает страшная и убедительная история самой чудовищной войны в человеческой истории.
- Цитата
"Несомненно, это лучший однотомник, посвященный истории войны, из когда-либо написанных".
The Sunday Times

"Один из лучших военных историков столетия".
Колин Гардинер, Oxford Times

"Он был рожден, чтобы написать эту книгу".
Sunday Times

"Хейстингсу удалось создать удивительный сплав из берущих за душу личных воспоминаний и общего курса военной истории".
Хью Строн, Thе Times

О чем книга
ВТОРАЯ МИРОВАЯ ВОЙНА. АД НА ЗЕМЛЕ по праву считается лучшей книгой автора и лучшим однотомником о Второй мировой войне. Более 35 лет своей жизни Хейстингс посвятил Второй мировой войне, считая ее одним из самых страшных человеческой истории.
В динамичном, захватывающем повествовании Хейстингс виртуозно сочетает масштабность видения с выразительностью деталей. На гигантском полотне отчетливо и ярко различимы подробности сражений и экономики воюющих стран, логистика снабжения армий, политические портреты и зарисовки во французском Генеральном штабе, в Белом доме, в Министерстве по делам колоний или в ставке Сталина. Подлинные жемчужины книги - личные документы, письма, дневники, воспоминания самых разных людей - от простых солдат до известных писателей, таких как Василий Гроссман, Илья Эренбург. В соединении памяти людей и документов перед нами предстает страшная и убедительная история самой чудовищной войны в человеческой истории.

Почему книга достойна прочтения
- Каждая книга крупного историка и писателя сэра Макса Хейстингса становится событием.
- Автор известен скрупулезным подходом к исследованиям, использованием огромного количества источников и прекрасным стилем.
- Писатель дает масштабную панораму и одновременно тщательно воспроизводит все детали гигантского полотна, от вторжения в Польшу до капитуляции Японии.
- Более 35 лет автор посвятил изучению Второй Мировой войны.

Кто автор
Макс Хейстингс - известный британский военный историк с многолетним опытом военного репортера (он начинал еще во Вьетнаме), автор 24 книг. В течение десяти лет был главным редактором The Daily Telegraph. Лауреат многочисленных журналистских премий.

Ключевые понятия
Вторая мировая война, мировая история, военная история, история России.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Родрик Брейтвейт 4.5
В декабре 1979 года советские войска вошли в Афганистан, чтобы поддержать дружественный режим и уйти через полгода или год, однако благие намерения СССР обернулись долгой войной, имевшей катастрофические последствия не только для Афганистана, но и для самого Советского Союза, и всего мира.
Трезвая и точная книга сэра Родрика Брейтвейта? лучшее из опубликованных на английском языке описаний кампании 1979-1989 годов. Война предстает здесь не злодейством, а трагедией, не результатом заговора, а роковым стечением обстоятельств.
Впрочем, эта книга не столько о войне в Афганистане, ставшем полем боя для враждебных друг другу идеологий, сколько о людях на войне: солдатах и гражданских, мужчинах и женщинах.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Antony Beevor 0.0
"Glorious, horrifying... D-Day is a vibrant work of history that honors the sacrifice of tens of thousands of men and women."--Time

Renowned historian Antony Beevor, author of Stalingrad and The Battle of Arnhem, and the man who "single-handedly transformed the reputation of military history" (The Guardian) presents the first major account in more than twenty years of the Normandy invasion and the liberation of Paris. This is the first book to describe not only the experiences of the American, British, Canadian, and German soldiers, but also the terrible suffering of the French caught up in the fighting. Beevor draws upon his research in more than thirty archives in six countries, going back to original accounts and interviews conducted by combat historians just after the action. D-Day is the consummate account of the invasion and the ferocious offensive that led to Paris's liberation.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Лоуренс Фридман 0.0
It is in the Middle East that the U.S. has been made to confront its attitudes on the use of force, the role of allies, and international law. The history of the U.S. in the Middle East, then, becomes an especially revealing mirror on America's view of its role in the wider world. In this wise, objective, and illuminating history, Lawrence Freedman shows how three key events in 1978–79 helped establish the foundations for U.S. involvement in the Middle East that would last for thirty years, without offering any straightforward or bloodless exit options: the Camp David summit leading to the Israel-Egypt Treaty; the Iranian Islamic revolution leading to the Shah's departure followed by the hostage crisis; and the socialist revolution in Afghanistan, resulting in the doomed Soviet intervention.

Freedman makes clear how America's strategic choices in those and subsequent crises led us to where we are today. A Choice of Enemies is essential reading for anyone concerned with the complex politics of the region or with the future of American foreign policy.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Chris Bellamy 0.0
The battle on the Eastern Front between 1941 and 1945 was arguably the single most decisive factor of World War II, fixing the course of world history over the next half century. Now, drawing on sources newly available since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany, historian and journalist Chris Bellamy presents the first full account of this deadly conflict.

Bellamy outlines the lead-up to the war—in which the fragile alliance between Hitler and Stalin was unceremoniously broken—and takes us headlong into the hostilities. He presents a shocking picture of battle in which the traditional restraints of “civilized” warfare were shed. He makes clear how the Soviets quickly rallied against Hitler, choosing homegrown despotism over foreign domination in a struggle that the Russian people call the Great Patriotic War.

Bellamy charts the early gains of the German army, whose advances into Soviet territory were brought to a halt in Moscow in the winter of 1941, and whose defeat was sealed in the Battle of Stalingrad, the most merciless campaign of the bloodiest front. He shows how Soviet men—and women—joined to fight a war whose casualties were later steeply underestimated by their government, and how even the true death toll, at 27 million, does not take into account the millions of lives on both sides that lay shattered in the aftermath.

Finally, Bellamy examines the far-reaching consequences of the battle’s outcome—the reverberations of which are still felt today—and argues that the cost of victory was ultimately too much for the Soviet Union to bear.

A magisterial study, and an essential addition to our understanding of contemporary world history.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Александр Фурсенко, Тимоти Нафтали 0.0
Книга канадско-американского исследователя Тимоти Нафтали и известного российского историка академика Александра Александровича Фурсенко (1927-2008) посвящена исследованию внешней политики СССР, проводившейся Н.С.Хрущевым. На основании многочисленных ИСТОЧНИКОВ из российских, американских и европейских архивов авторы проследили сложную динамику взаимодействия Хрущева с президентами США - Дуайтом Эйзенхауэром и Джоном Кеннеди - взаимодействия, для которого было характерно как стремление к превосходству, так одновременно и к мирному сосуществованию.
За это исследование А.А.Фурсенко и Т.Нафтали в 2007 году были награждены престижной британской премией - медалью герцога Вестминстерского за военную литературу (The 2007 Duke of Westminster's Medal for Мilitагу Literature).
Монументальная монография Фурсенко и Нафтали будет интересна не только специалистам-историкам, но и всем интересующимся историей внешней политики.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Роджер Найт 0.0
The acclaimed naval historian Roger Knight has written a magisterial biography of one of the greatest military heroes of world history. How did Horatio Nelson achieve such extraordinary success? Roger Knight places him firmly in the context of the Royal Navy of his time. Nelson was passionate and relentless from the outset of his career; his leadership in battle was unrivalled. But his success depended also on the strength of intelligence available to him, the quality of the ships he commanded, the potency of his guns, and the skill of his seamen.

Based on a vast array of new sources, this biography demolishes many of the myths that have surrounded Nelson for two centuries. Knight demonstrates that this great Romantic hero was in his time a shrews political operator and often a difficult subordinate. He was occasionally naïve, often impatient, and only happy when completely in command. While capable of great acts of generosity, he could be deeply ruthless--both aboard ship and in his personal life.

Destined to be the definitive account of Horatio Nelson's life for generations, this dazzling biography greatly enriches our understanding of this extraordinary man--brilliant, severely flawed, and never to be crossed.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Nicholas Rodger 0.0
The Command of the Ocean describes with unprecedented authority and scholarship the rise of Britain to naval greatness, and the central place of the Navy and naval activity in the life of the nation and government. Based on the author's own research in a dozen languages over more than a decade, it describes not just battles, voyages, and cruises but also how the Navy was manned, supplied, fed, and, above all, how it was financed and directed.

N. A. M. Rodger provides convincing reassessments of such famous figures as Pepys, Hawke, Howe, and St. Vincent. The very particular and distinct qualities of Nelson and Collingwood are illuminatingly contrasted, and the world of officers and men who make up the originals of Jack Aubrey and Horatio Hornblower is brilliantly brought to life. Rodger's comparative view of other navies—French, Dutch, Spanish, and American—allows him to make a fresh assessment of the qualities of the British.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Gerard J. DeGroot 0.0
Bombs are as old as hatred itself. But it was the twentieth century--one hundred years of incredible scientific progress and terrible war--that brought forth the Big One, the Bomb, humanity's most powerful and destructive invention. In The Bomb: A Life, Gerard DeGroot tells the story of this once unimaginable weapon that--at least since 8:16 a.m. on August 6, 1945--has haunted our dreams and threatened our existence.

The Bomb has killed hundreds of thousands outright, condemned many more to lingering deaths, and made vast tracts of land unfit for life. For decades it dominated the psyches of millions, becoming a touchstone of popular culture, celebrated or decried in mass political movements, films, songs, and books. DeGroot traces the life of the Bomb from its birth in turn-of-the-century physics labs of Europe to a childhood in the New Mexico desert of the 1940s, from adolescence and early adulthood in Nagasaki and Bikini, Australia and Kazakhstan to maturity in test sites and missile silos around the globe. His book portrays the Bomb's short but significant existence in all its scope, providing us with a portrait of the times and the people--from Oppenheimer to Sakharov, Stalin to Reagan--whose legacy still shapes our world.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Marrack Goulding 0.0
In 1986, British diplomat Marrack Goulding became the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations in charge of peacekeeping and in seven years presided over 16 new missions. Here, he provides an insider's account of the organization's successes and failures in this most contentious activity.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Percy Cradock 0.0
The records of the Joint Intelligence Committee, Britain's senior intelligence body, are now being released to the public on the same basis as other official papers. As a result, historians have available a unique archive revealing British thinking at the highest level about the world situation and threats confronting the West in the critical years after World War II.
This book, by Sir Percy Cradock - for many years himself Chairman of the JIC as well as the Prime Minister's Foreign Policy Advisor - explores these hitherto top secret records and the interplay of JIC estimates and warnings with British foreign policy decisions over the first 23 years from 1945. He concentrates on the great crises of the Cold War, Berlin, Korea, Suez, Cuba, Vietnam and Czechoslovakia, but also examines some lesser emergencies involving Britain alone, such as Kuwait, confrontation with Indonesia, and Rhodesia. He compares the British organization and performance with the parallel system of US intelligence and the very different machinery of the KGB. In a final chapter he reflects on the intimate relations between intelligence and policy, and how Britain adjusted to a long period of declining power.
This study aims to be a valuable addition to historical knowledge and to offer an insight into the development of Western as well as British foreign policy.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Norman Friedman 0.0
To read a comprehensive history of the technical, military and political aspects of the Cold War, based on documents from the two super-powers, written by a scholar who is free of bias, is something I never thought I would be able to do. But in The Fifty-Year War I can. . . . For the men and women who are going to lead the world in the first generation of the Twenty-First Century, this account of how the Cold War was fought and won is indispensable. For those of us who lived through it. . . . Friedman's account is enthralling. Having spent much of my life reading about, studying, worrying about, participating in the Cold War, I thought there was nothing new for me to learn about it. Boy was I wrong. Read The Fifty-Year War and see why. -- Stephen Ambrose
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Michael Hickey 0.0
Set in the midst of international power politics and fears of a general conflagration, the Korean War at its height involved rapid, large-scale troop movements over long distances as each side experienced both outstanding success and disaster. This book tells the full story of the first, and critical, test by the Communist bloc of Western military resolve. Instead of concentrating wholly on the dominant American involvement Michael Hickey also sets in context the contributions -- many of them quite out of proportion to the size of their contingents -- of the other nations that answered the U.N. call and sent troops in response to the North Koreans' surprise attack.Drawing on a number of previously unused sources from several countries, including recently declassified documents, regimental archives, diaries, and interviews, Michael Hickey adds extensively to our knowledge of one of the most significant conflicts of modern times.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Джон Киган, Киган Дж. 4.3
От издателя
Перед вами - одна из лучших книг о Первой мировой войне, переведенная на многие языки мира. Ее автор, известный английский военный историк Джон Киган, в своем фундаментальном исследовании дает исчерпывающую картину первого глобального конфликта XX века, трактуя ход войны, ее причины и последствия с точки зрения западной историографии.

Д.Киган рассматривает Первую мировую войну как трагическую случайность, вызванную цепью политических ошибок и нарушившую естественное течение мировой истории.

Книга снабжена картами и будет интересна как специалистам, так и любителям истории.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Хью Страхан 0.0
The British Army sees itself as politically neutral. Hew Strachan examines its history since 1660 and reveals that this is a facade. Despite the fact that the British Army - unlike many other armies - has never staged a coup d' tat, it is an inherently political entity, embedded in the fabric of the state, and intimately involved in the formation and implementation of policy. Professor Strachan goes on to show how this involvement is necessary and argues that a genuinely apolitical British Army would be a less effective contributor to the management of Britain's defense.
Медаль герцога Вестминстерского ...
Andrew Gordon 0.0
When hundreds of warships belonging to the two most powerful fleets in the world clashed off the coast of Denmark in 1916, the encounter had the potential to reshape the political map forever. However, there were devastating failures of communication and command and, while the Battle of Jutland met Britain's strategic need for continued maritime dominance, the Royal Navy failed to crush its numerically inferior German opponent. The encounter has remained an enduring source of controversy ever since. A remarkable saga of genius, tragedy, and passive corruption emerges. In telling this remarkable story of Nelsonic pragmatism overwhelmed by peacetime vested interests, Andrew Gordon shows what had changed for the worse in the "rules of the game" during a long century of peace, and draws fascinating and challenging conclusions.