Вручение 2020 г.

Страна: Таиланд Дата проведения: 2020 г.

Книги для молодёжи

Нахоко Уэхаси 5.0
In epic YA fantasy about a girl with a special power to communicate with magical beasts and the warring kingdom only she can save.

Elin's family has an important responsibility: caring for the fearsome water serpents that form the core of their kingdom's army. So when some of the beasts mysteriously die, Elin's mother is sentenced to death as punishment. With her last breath she manages to send her daughter to safety.

Alone, far from home, Elin soon discovers that she can talk to both the terrifying water serpents and the majestic flying beasts that guard her queen. This skill gives her great powers, but it also involves her in deadly plots that could cost her life. Can she save herself and prevent her beloved beasts from being used as tools of war? Or is there no way of escaping the terrible battles to come?
Пэм Смай 4.0
Два сюжета, две судьбы сплетаются в готический роман, который увлекает, щекочет нервы и волнует воображение.

Мэри — сирота и самая несчастная девочка в приюте Торнхилл. Она не похожа на других, у нее есть свой мир, ее лучшие друзья — куклы, и, кажется, она вечно и безропотно будет терпеть издевательства одноклассниц. Но наступает день, когда она решает бросить вызов своим обидчицам, мрачному Торнхиллу и всему миру, который к ней так жесток.

Годы спустя в этот же город приезжает Элла. Из окна ее комнаты открывается прекрасный вид на полуразрушенный, заброшенный приют Торнхилл, где она видит девушку в окне. Решив подружиться с девушкой и чувствуя таинственную с ней связь, Элла оказывается втянута в темное прошлое Торнхилла.
Аиша Саид 4.2
Деревня, в которой живет двенадцатилетняя Амаль такая маленькая, что ее не видно даже на карте. В ее мире много несправедливости. Вместо учебы девочки ведут домашние дела. Засуха или сильные дожди могут уничтожить урожай. За неуважение к местному землевладельцу можно поплатиться жизнью.

Амаль не повезло – она провинилась перед семьей Сахиба, самого влиятельного человека в деревне. Ей предстоит невозможный выбор: стать слугой в его ненавистном доме или бросить ему вызов.

Сможет ли Амаль изменить жизнь своей деревни и пойти против человека, который погубил столько жизней?
Анна Рослинг Рённлунд, Ула Рослинг, Ханс Рослинг 4.4
Когда мы задумываемся о современном положении дел в мире, нам кажется, что с каждым годом ситуация становиться все хуже и хуже. Стихийные бедствия уносят все больше и больше жизней, популяции редких животных, относящихся к вымирающим видам, тают буквально на глазах, доля мирового населения, живущего в нищете, неуклонно растет. На самом же деле все в точности наоборот. В своей книге ""Фактологичность. Десять причин наших заблуждений о мире – и почему все не так плохо, как кажется"" учёный, врач, лектор и один из основателей шведского отделения организации ""Врачи без границ"" Ханс Рослинг не только рассказывает о наиболее распространенных ошибках, которые совершает наш мозг, пытаясь оценить глобальные изменения, происходящие в мире, но и дает инструменты, благодаря которым можно научиться правильно видеть и понимать общую картину происходящего, даже если у вас нет времени на анализ мелких деталей.
Гарет Уорд 0.0
Discovered picking pockets at Coxford’s Corn Market, fourteen year old Sin is hunted across the city. Caught by the enigmatic Eldritch Moons, Sin is offered a way out of his life of crime: join the Covert Operations Group (COG) and train to become a spy. At Lenheim Palace, Sin learns spy craft while trying not to break the school’s Cast-Iron Rules. Befriended by eccentric Zonda Chubb, together they endeavour to unmask a traitor causing havoc within the palace. After an assassination attempt on the founder of COG, Sin realises that someone closest to him could be the traitor. With no other option, Sin is forced into an uneasy alliance with the school bully, Velvet Von Darque.

But can he trust her? And will COG try to bury him with the secrets he discovers? Secrets, spies and steampunk gadgets abound in this fantastic adventure story!
Лесли Коннор 0.0
A National Book Award Longlist title!

From the critically acclaimed author of Waiting for Normal and All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook, Leslie Connor, comes a deeply poignant and beautifully crafted story about self-reliance, redemption, and hope.

Mason Buttle is the biggest, sweatiest kid in his grade, and everyone knows he can barely read or write. Mason’s learning disabilities are compounded by grief. Fifteen months ago, Mason’s best friend, Benny Kilmartin, turned up dead in the Buttle family’s orchard. An investigation drags on, and Mason, honest as the day is long, can’t understand why Lieutenant Baird won’t believe the story Mason has told about that day.

Both Mason and his new friend, tiny Calvin Chumsky, are relentlessly bullied by the other boys in their neighborhood, so they create an underground club space for themselves. When Calvin goes missing, Mason finds himself in trouble again. He’s desperate to figure out what happened to Calvin, and eventually, Benny.

But will anyone believe him?

Книги для подростков

Адам Барон 0.0
Boy Underwater is a heartbreaking story about family, friends and secrets. And it’s very, very funny.

Cymbeline (yes, really!) has never been swimming – not ever, not once – so he’s a bit nervous at the prospect of his first school swimming lesson ever. But how hard could it be? He’s Googled front crawl and he’s found his dad’s old pair of trunks. He’s totally ready for this.

But he’s not ready for an accident at the pool to reveal a family mystery that turns his life completely upside down. Only Cym and his friends can solve it because, as usual, the grown-ups aren’t telling them anything.

For the answers you really need, sometimes you have to go deep...
Рошани Чокши 4.1
Жизни двенадцатилетней Ару Ша вряд ли можно позавидовать: ее дом – Музей искусства и культуры Древней Индии, мама чересчур увлечена археологическими путешествиями, а чтобы быть «своей» среди одноклассников, приходится приукрашивать действительность, примеряя на себя роль принцессы-парижанки с личным шофером. Все, что у нее есть – это экспонаты музея и таинственная лампа Бхарата, которую нельзя трогать ни при каких обстоятельствах. Но когда однажды на пороге Ару появляются трое учеников, чтобы уличить ее во лжи, выбора не остается. Выпустив из лампы самого настоящего бога разрушения, Ару Ша должна отправиться в Царство Мертвых и спасти близких. Тем более что ее почему-то называют героиней древней легенды«Махабхарата»…
Джеймс Бишоп 0.0
One boy. One disappointing superpower. Can Dylan tame a bunch of hyper iguanas and come up with a masterful plan to save the WORLD? Yeah, probably . . . but he's going to need a MASSIVE cheese pizza. Perfect for fans of Tom Gates, Future Ratboy and My Brother is a Superhero. Dylan has wanted a superpower for as long as he can remember, especially since his brother and sister have got really cool ones. But when his wish finally comes true, Dylan is MIGHTILY disappointed. For Dylan has become . . . Iguana Boy. He can talk to Iguanas . . . RUBBISH! And when supervillain Celina Shufflebottom kidnaps all the superheroes in London, Dylan must work out how to use his new team of chatty iguanas to save the day. He's going to have to think outside the box, (the pizza box), if he's going to become the hero he's always dreamed of. If he's going to make Iguana Boy cool. 'HILARIOUS and so silly - superheroes, reptiles and pizza . . . AWESOME, why didn't I think of that?!' Tom FletcherAuthor BiographyJames Bishop (Author) James was born in Oxfordshire - he is incredibly proud that after 32 years, he has managed to move one town over from where he was raised (although he does feel homesick). His previous work includes writing credits on Diddy TV and Gigglebiz, as well as successfully convincing 90's pop act Hanson to play at his wedding. Well, they didn't actually play, but they sent him on a honeymoon to Jamaica which James thinks is even better. James spends his spare time thinking of inventive ways to engineer more spare time for himself . . . so far unsuccessfully. Rikin Parekh (Illustrator) Rikin Parekh is a children's book illustrator based in North West London. He has two art degrees from Camberwell College of Arts and the University of Westminster. His past jobs include working in a primary school and as a film production illustrator on monster movies. Rikin has a vast collection of comic books and comic art and he LOVES eating pizza . . . - Iguana Boy Saves The
Марк Аронсон 0.0
The incredible true story of the twelve boys trapped with their coach in a flooded cave in Thailand and their inspiring rescue.

On June 23, 2018, twelve members of the Wild Boars soccer team and their coach were exploring the Tham Luang cave complex in northern Thailand when disaster struck. A rainy season downpour flooded the tunnels, trapping them as they took shelter on a shelf of the dark cave. Eight days of searching yielded no signs of life, but on July 2 they were discovered by two British divers. The boys and their coach were eventually rescued in an international operation that took three days. What could have been a terrible tragedy became an amazing story of survival.

Award-winning author Marc Aronson brings us the backstory behind how this astounding rescue took place. Rising Water highlights the creative thinking and technology that made a successful mission possible by examining the physical, environmental, and psychological factors surrounding the rescue. From the brave Thai Navy SEAL who lost his life while placing oxygen tanks along the passageways of the cave, to the British divers that ultimately swam the boys to safety, to the bravery of the boys and their coach, this is the breathtaking rescue that captivated the entire world.
Келли Янг 4.3
Number 1: She lives in a motel, not a big house. Every day, while her immigrant parents clean the rooms, ten-year-old Mia manages the front desk of the Calivista Motel and tends to its guests.

Number 2: Her parents hide immigrants. And if the mean motel owner, Mr. Yao, finds out they've been letting them stay in the empty rooms for free, the Tangs will be doomed.

Number 3: She wants to be a writer. But how can she when her mom thinks she should stick to math because English is not her first language?

It will take all of Mia's courage, kindness, and hard work to get through this year. Will she be able to hold on to her job, help the immigrants and guests, escape Mr. Yao, and go for her dreams?
Оливер Фоммаван 0.0
Barryjong Primary School is a joke. The teachers have lost their will to teach, the buildings are old and tired with not even a whiff of air-conditioning in any classroom, and prefects are the stuff of legends from when the school used to be cool.
Raymond Bulanghagui is resigned to it all after nearly six years at Barryjong and has become good at fading into the background, a natural born follower, happy to play soccer (badly) in the shadow of his best mate and hotshot player, Zain.
Then a new principal arrives to shake things up. When he invites anyone in Year Six to 'audition' to be prefects, Zain practically kicks down his door, itching to be school captain. Raymond gets dragged along and somehow ends up in the principals' final choice of prefects, alongside Zain and two other nobodies.
Does Raymond have it in him to be a leader? Will he and the other prefects actually survive their first week on the beat at Barryjong? And when Zain makes a crazy promise to get air con for the classrooms, will they ever be able to save themselves and the school by finding the money to do it?

Книги для юных читателей

Ань До 0.0
Nelson is a nerd! Unfit, uncool...totally awkward! But when he wakes up on his tenth birthday, he discovers he is a NINJA! THE LAST NINJA ON EARTH! How is he going to save the world when he cannot even get his undies on the right way?! With the help of Grandmas inventions and his wild cousin Kenny, can Nelson master his new ninja skills AND save Duck Creek?
Софи Хенн 0.0
A wickedly funny new series for ages six and up from the creator of Where Bear?, Pass It On and the Pom Pom series, with colour illustrations throughout.

Jeanie’s Grandma is BAD. Not bad like a vampire or a gangster or anything, more like . . . up to no good. Sometimes she can be a bit embarrassing but most of the time she’s REALLY fun, especially when she gets Jeanie involved in her mischievous schemes. Everyone says she’s old enough to know better . . . but she doesn’t seem to care one bit. In fact, Jeanie thinks she might quite like it!

Bad Nana is a deliciously wicked new series for ages six and up, told through the eyes of 7 3/4-year-old Jeanie. Gorgeously illustrated throughout with vibrantly coloured spreads, Bad Nana’s naughty exploits will shock and appal – and make you snort with laughter!
Жак Паске 0.0
There's an invisible creature in the waves around Sarichef. It is altering the lives of the Inupiat people who call the island home. A young girl and her family are forced to move to the center of the island for refuge from the rising sea level. Soon the entire village will have to relocate to the mainland. Heartbroken, the young girl and her grandfather worry: what else will be lost when they are forced to abandon their homes and their community?
Addressing the topic of climate refugees, My Wounded Island is based on the challenges faced by the Inupiat people who live on the small islands north of the Bering Strait near the Arctic Circle.
Грэм Эннабл 0.0
Peter and Ernesto are sloths. Peter and Ernesto are friends. But Peter and Ernesto are nothing alike. Peter loves their tree and never wants to leave, while Ernesto loves the sky and wants to see it from every place on Earth. When Ernesto leaves to have a grand adventure, Peter stays behind and frets. The two friends grow even closer in separation, as Peter the homebody expands his horizons and Ernesto the wanderer learns the value of home. With ridiculously cute art and simple, funny text, their reunion is even more adorable than you are imagining.

Laika Studios superstar artist, writer, and director Graham Annable brings all his significant powers to bear on this timeless friendship story for the youngest graphic novel readers.
Грег Пиццоли 0.0
British explorer Percy Fawcett believed that hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest was an ancient city, lost for the ages. Most people didn't even believe this city existed. But if Fawcett could find it, he would be rich and famous forever. This is the true story of one man's thrilling, dangerous journey into the jungle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z.

Книги с картинками

Кес Грей, Клер Грэй 0.0
"You know the rules," said cat. "Cats sit on mats, frogs sit on logs, and dogs sit on FROGS!"

"Well, I'm changing the rules," said the frog.

In this hilarious sequel to Frog on a Log?, frog decides that he does not want to sit on a log, and he definitely does not want a dog to sit on a frog! So he changes the rules. Now, dogs sit on logs, and cats sit on gnats! But what will frog decide to sit on now?

Chock-full of absurd animal rhyme pairings, Dog on a Frog? shows young readers that every animal has many special places to sit. Reminiscent of Dr. Seuss's Beginner Books, this sequel is a fun, educational read-aloud story that helps build reading skills!
Терри Фан, Эрик Фан 0.0
One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted into a wise owl. In the following days, more topiaries appear, and each one is more beautiful than the last. Soon, William’s gray little town is full of color and life. And though the mysterious night gardener disappears as suddenly as he appeared, William—and his town—are changed forever.
Дэнни Бейкер 0.0
A magnificently funny first picture book by Danny Baker, the popular comedy writer, journalist, radio DJ and screenwriter. Illustrated by rising star Pippa Curnick.

Lucie Goose lives all alone in a house at the edge of the woods. She has never met or spoken to another animal of any sort until... a wolf, bear and lion turn up on her doorstep and go Rraaaarrrrrr! She should start screaming. She should run away. But Lucie Goose isn't very good at being scared. What will she do?

Introducing a wonderfully charming and funny new picture book from two remarkable talents.
Дэн Сантат, Минь Ле 0.0
When a young boy visits his grandfather, their lack of a common language leads to confusion, frustration, and silence. But as they sit down to draw together, something magical happens-with a shared love of art and storytelling, the two form a bond that goes beyond words.

With spare, direct text by Minh Lê and luminous illustrations by Caldecott Medalist Dan Santat, this stirring picturebook about reaching across barriers will be cherished for years to come.
Томас Скотто 0.0
This story follows a little boy named Raphael, whose daily rhythm is steeped in his immense affection for his friend Jerome. The two boys share jokes and snacks and plan future adventures to the Himalayas. Even when Raphael’s constant talk of Jerome is driving his parents crazy, he remains steadfast: “Raphael loves Jerome. I say it. It’s easy.” And the truth is, when he’s with Jerome, Raphael feels happy, liked, and understood― even special. Thomas Scotto’s simple, strong, and insightful prose and Olivier Tallec’s delightful, expressive illustrations give much emotion and immediacy to the story.
Патрисия Де Ариас 0.0
One night they came... The darkness grew colder, deeper, darker, and swallowed up everything...

Marwan is a young boy on a journey he never intended to take, bound for a place he doesn’t know. On his journey, he relies on courage and memories of his faraway homeland to buoy him. With him are hundreds and thousands of other human beings, crossing the deserts and the seas, fleeing war and hunger in search of safety.

He must take one step after another—bringing whatever he can carry, holding on to dreams. This is the journey of one boy who longs for a home, and we follow his path, walking hand in hand with him as he looks forward with uncertainty and hopes for a peaceful future.

This beautiful, heartfelt story gives a human face to the plight of refugees all over the world. Marwan’s journey is everyone’s journey.