Вручение август 2020 г.
Страна: США
Дата проведения: август 2020 г.
Лучший детективный или криминальный роман
Джейн Харпер
Квинсленд, самые жаркие и засушливые территории Австралии.
Два брата, Натан и Баб Брайт, впервые за несколько лет встречаются на границе своих обширных владений. У могильного камня, настолько старого, что никто уже не вспомнит, кто именно там похоронен, они находят тело их среднего брата, Кэмерона. Нет ни следов борьбы, ни каких-либо улик. Все говорит о том, что причиной смерти стали жара и обезвоживание. Что же заставило Кэмерона выйти под палящее солнце? Какую загадочную цель он преследовал? Натан пытается найти ответы, и одна за другой начинают вскрываться давно забытые и тщательно скрываемые семейные тайны.
Стив Кавана
Этот серийный убийца сидит не на скамье подсудимых. А в кресле присяжного…
Он ждал этого момента всю свою жизнь. Его тринадцатое — и самое главное убийство. Сейчас на скамью подсудимых сядет человек, который должен быть признан виновным. А для этого сам он станет одним из присяжных. Тринадцатое дело для тринадцатого присяжного…
Джошуа Кейн уникален во всем. Он невероятно умен, изворотлив и находчив. Он не оставляет следов — если только ложные. Он не способен чувствовать боль. И — самое главное — у него есть цель. Великая миссия донести до людей правду об этой жизни. И если для этого кто-то должен умереть — что с того? Джошуа Кейн убивал много раз — и своими руками, и чужими. Второй вариант доставляет ему гораздо больше удовольствия. Пусть убивает закон — так вернее. А как провернуть такое, Кейн знает, как никто… И да свершится правосудие!
Steph Cha
A powerful and taut novel about racial tensions in LA, following two families—one Korean-American, one African-American—grappling with the effects of a decades-old crime
In the wake of the police shooting of a black teenager, Los Angeles is as tense as it’s been since the unrest of the early 1990s. Protests and vigils are being staged all over the city. It’s in this dangerous tinderbox that two families must finally confront their pasts.
Grace Park lives a sheltered existence: living at home with her Korean-immigrant parents, working at the family pharmacy, and trying her best to understand why her sister Miriam hasn’t spoken to their mother in years. The chasm in her family is growing wider by the day and Grace is desperate for reconciliation, and frustrated by the feeling that her sister and parents are shielding her from the true cause of the falling out.
Shawn Matthews is dealing with a fractured family of his own. His sister, Ava, was murdered as a teenager back in 1991, and this new shooting is bringing up painful memories. Plus, his cousin Ray is just released from prison and needs to reconnect with their family after so many years away. While Shawn is trying his best to keep his demons at bay, he’s not sure Ray can do the same.
When another shocking crime hits LA, the Parks and the Matthewses collide in ways they never could have expected. After decades of loss, violence, and injustice, tensions come to a head and force a reckoning that could clear the air or lead to more violence.
Philip Kerr
Berlin detective Bernie Gunther bows out at last in the 14th and final book of the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling series. With an introduction by Ian Rankin.
Berlin, 1928, the dying days of the Weimar Republic shortly before Hitler and the Nazis came to power. It was a period of decadence and excess as Berliners – after the terrible slaughter of WWI and the hardships that followed – are enjoying their own version of Babylon. Bernie is a young detective working in Vice when he gets a summons from Bernard Weiss, Chief of Berlin’s Criminal Police. He invites Bernie to join KIA – Criminal Inspection A – the supervisory body for all homicide investigation in Kripo. Bernie’s first task is to investigate the Silesian Station killings – four prostitutes murdered in as many weeks. All of them have been hit over the head with a hammer and then scalped with a sharp knife.
Bernie hardly has time to acquaint himself with the case files before another prostitute is murdered. Until now, no one has shown much interest in these victims – there are plenty in Berlin who’d like the streets washed clean of such degenerates. But this time the girl’s father runs Berlin’s foremost criminal ring, and he’s prepared to go to extreme lengths to find his daughter’s killer.
Then a second series of murders begins – of crippled wartime veterans who beg in the city’s streets. It seems that someone is determined to clean up Berlin of anyone less than perfect. The voice of Nazism is becoming a roar that threatens to drown out all others. But not Bernie Gunther’s …
Майкл Корита
Discover the electrifying new novel from New York Times bestselling author Michael Koryta, the "master" (Stephen King) of thriller writing, the story of two women fighting for their lives against an enigmatic killer.
Tara Beckley is a senior at idyllic Hammel College in Maine. As she drives to deliver a visiting professor to a conference, a horrific car accident kills the professor and leaves Tara in a vegetative state. At least, so her doctors think. In fact, she's a prisoner of locked-in syndrome: fully alert but unable to move a muscle. Trapped in her body, she learns that someone powerful wants her dead--but why? And what can she do, lying in a hospital bed, to stop them?
Abby Kaplan, an insurance investigator, is hired by the college to look in to Tara's case. A former stunt driver, Abby returned home after a disaster in Hollywood left an actor dead and her own reputation--and nerves--shattered. Despite the fog of trauma, she can tell that Tara's car crash was no accident. When she starts asking questions, things quickly spin out of control, leaving Abby on the run and a mysterious young hit man named Dax Blackwell hard on her heels.
Full of pulse-pounding tension, If She Wakes is a searing, breakneck thriller from the genre's "best of the best" (Michael Connelly).
Don Winslow
What do you do when there are no borders? When the lines you thought existed simply vanish? How do you plant your feet to make a stand when you no longer know what side you’re on?
The war has come home.
For over forty years, Art Keller has been on the front lines of America’s longest conflict: The War on Drugs. His obsession to defeat the world’s most powerful, wealthy, and lethal kingpin?the godfather of the Sinaloa Cartel, Adán Barrera?has left him bloody and scarred, cost him the people he loves, even taken a piece of his soul.
Now Keller is elevated to the highest ranks of the DEA, only to find that in destroying one monster he has created thirty more that are wreaking even more chaos and suffering in his beloved Mexico. But not just there.
Barrera’s final legacy is the heroin epidemic scourging America. Throwing himself into the gap to stem the deadly flow, Keller finds himself surrounded by enemies?men who want to kill him, politicians who want to destroy him, and worse, the unimaginable?an incoming administration that’s in bed with the very drug traffickers that Keller is trying to bring down.
Art Keller is at war with not only the cartels, but with his own government. And the long fight has taught him more than he ever imagined. Now, he learns the final lesson?there are no borders.
In a story that moves from deserts of Mexico to Wall Street, from the slums of Guatemala to the marbled corridors of Washington, D.C., Winslow follows a new generation of narcos, the cops who fight them, street traffickers, addicts, politicians, money-launderers, real-estate moguls, and mere children fleeing the violence for the chance of a life in a new country.
A shattering tale of vengeance, violence, corruption and justice, this last novel in Don Winslow’s magnificent, award-winning, internationally bestselling trilogy is packed with unforgettable, drawn-from-the-headlines scenes. Shocking in its brutality, raw in its humanity, The Border is an unflinching portrait of modern America, a story of—and for—our time.
Лучший дебютный роман
Сорен Свейструп
Копенгаген дрожит перед деяниями психопата. Его визитная карточка — каштановый человечек, фигурка из каштанов и спичек, которую он всякий раз оставляет на месте очередного кровавого преступления. Исследовав эти фигурки, криминалисты пришли к шокирующему выводу: на каштановых человечках оставлены отпечатки пальцев маленькой дочери известной женщины-политика. Но девочка пропала и предположительно убита год назад, а человек, признавшийся в этом злодеянии, уже сидит в тюрьме... Что это — случайность или чей-то хитроумный и жуткий расчет? Выяснить это должны два копенгагенских детектива. И выяснить быстро, поскольку всем ясно: неведомый маньяк только начал. И останавливаться не собирается...
Крис Хаммер
В маленьком городке, затерянном среди бескрайних пустошей Австралии, произошла трагедия: священник местной церкви убил пятерых человек, а потом и сам погиб от пули полицейского. Что же стало причиной кровавой бойни? В этом решил разобраться известный столичный журналист Мартин Скарсден. Однако едва он приступил к расследованию, как городок потрясло новое преступление – возле запруды обнаружили тела двух неизвестных молодых женщин… Связаны ли между собой это двойное убийство и история священника-"стрелка"? Расследование Мартина приняло новый оборот. Но очень скоро ему становится ясно: кто-то очень не хочет, чтобы правда была раскрыта. Не хочет настолько, что не остановится ни перед чем…
С. А. Лелчак
Триллер с уникальной женщиной в главной роли. Она — импульсивная и жестокая мстительница. Она — золотое и ранимое сердце. Она не может спокойно терпеть насилие над женщинами. Насилие, на которое другие закрывают глаза: ведь это считается частным делом. Гремучая смесь "Девушки с татуировкой дракона", "Убить Билла", "Долгого поцелуя на ночь" и "Тельмы и Луизы".
Нет второго частного сыщика с такими оригинальными интересами, как у Никки Гриффин. Эта запойная книгочейка из Калифорнии запросто цитирует русскую классику, содержит букинистический магазин "Зловредная сорока" — и охотится за опасными мужчинами. За теми, кто причиняет боль женщинам и нагло утверждает, что любит их. Никки показывает таким мужчинам, каково это – страдать и быть бессильным прекратить страдания. Показывает так, что они больше никогда ни на кого не поднимут руки.
Глава высокотехнологической компании заказывает сыщице, в общем-то, стандартную услугу. Слежку за сотрудницей, которая сливает коммерческие тайны. Гриффин выясняет: спасать нужно вовсе не секреты фирмы — саму женщину. Снова спасать от опасных мужчин…
Алекс Михаэлидес
Жизнь Алисии Беренсон кажется идеальной. Известная художница вышла замуж за востребованного модного фотографа. Она живет в одном из самых привлекательных и дорогих районов Лондона в роскошном доме с большими окнами, выходящими в парк. Однажды поздним вечером, когда ее муж Габриэль возвращается домой с очередной съемки, Алисия пять раз стреляет ему в лицо. И с тех пор не произносит ни слова. Отказ Алисии говорить или давать какие-либо объяснения будоражит общественное воображение. Тайна делает художницу знаменитой. И в то время как сама она находится на принудительном лечении, цена ее последней работы – автопортрета с единственной надписью по-гречески "АЛКЕСТА" – стремительно растет. Тео Фабер – криминальный психотерапевт. Он долго ждал возможности поработать с Алисией, заставить ее говорить. Но что скрывается за его одержимостью безумной мужеубийцей, и к чему приведут все эти психологические эксперименты? Возможно, к истине, которая угрожает поглотить и его самого...
Холли Уотт
A journalist must follow the clues, no matter how far that takes her.
Casey Benedict, star reporter at the Post, has infiltrated the lives and exposed the lies of countless politicians and power players. Using her network of contacts, Casey is always on the search for the next big story, no matter how much danger this might place her in, no matter what cost emotionally.
Tipped off by an overheard conversation at an exclusive London nightclub, she begins to investigate the apparent suicide of a wealthy young British man, whose death has left his fiancée and family devastated.
Casey's determined hunt for the truth will take her from the glitz of St Tropez to the deserts of Libya and on to the very darkest corners of the human mind.
Лорен Уилкинсон
It's 1986, the heart of the Cold War, and Marie Mitchell is an intelligence officer with the FBI. She's brilliant but she's also a young black woman working in an old boys' club, and her career has stalled out; she's overlooked for every high profile squad, and her days are filled with monotonous paperwork. So when she's given the opportunity to join a shadowy task force aimed at undermining Thomas Sankara, the charismatic, revolutionary president of Burkina Faso, whose Communist ideology has made him a target for American intervention, she says yes. Yes, even though she secretly admires the work Thomas is doing for his country. Yes, even though she is still grieving the mysterious death of her sister, whose example led Marie to this career path in the first place. Yes, even though a furious part of her suspects she's being offered the job because of her appearance and not her talent.
In the year that follows, Marie will observe Thomas, seduce him, and ultimately, have a hand in the coup that will bring him down. But doing so will change everything she believes about what it means to be a spy, a lover, a sister, and a good American.
Лучший роман в обложке
Рик Мофина
Families with nothing to hide don’t have so many secrets
Life can change in an instant. For Ryan and Karen Lane, it happens on the morning they discover their twelve-year-old daughter’s window open, their beloved Maddie missing from her bed.
Police investigate. Suspicions swirl. A teenage boy admits he was outside her bedroom window the night she disappeared. A halfway house for convicts recently opened in the neighborhood. The Lane family is thrown into turmoil, then detectives turn their sights on them.
No one is ruled out. Not Karen, with her tragic past, who argued with her daughter. Not Ryan, with his violent streak. Not Maddie’s thirteen-year-old brother, Tyler, who heard voices in her room the night she vanished.
Days, weeks, months, then agonizing years go by without answers, the Lanes fearing that Maddie is gone forever…until a stunning twist shocks everyone, plunging the family deeper into a world of buried secrets whose revelations threaten the very foundation of their lives.
Р. Дж. Бейли
In a fierce game of cat and mouse, the rules are simple: winner kills all.
Sam Wylde is hot on the heels of her ex-husband who has snatched her only daughter, Jess. An in-demand former bodyguard, Sam was once the best in the business, and now those skills are about to be tested. Because as she arrives in south east Asia, having tracked their movements to the seedy nightclub scene in Bali, Sam discovers that she too is being hunted.
When an enemy she thought long-dead appears, threatening to thwart her search for Jess, the stakes are raised and Sam must fight to stay one step ahead at all times. Can she save the only person who truly matters to her before it’s too late? Or will the vicious thug Sam thought she’d killed finally take his revenge – and her daughter along with it?
Winner Kills All is a breathless race against time, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. A gripping thriller perfect for fans of Simon Kernick and Mason Cross.
Ханнелоре Кайре
Meet Patience Portefeux, fifty-three, an underpaid Franco–Arab judicial interpreter for the Ministry of Justice who specialises in telephone tapping. Widowed after the sudden death of her husband, Patience is now wedged between university fees for her two grown-up daughters and nursing home costs for her ageing mother. She’s laboured for twenty-five years to keep everyone’s heads above water.
Happening upon an especially revealing set of police wiretaps ahead of all other authorities, Patience makes a life-altering decision that sees her intervening in – and infiltrating – the machinations of a massive drug deal. She thus embarks on an entirely new career path: Patience becomes ‘the Godmother’.
This is not life in the French idyll of postcards and stock photos. With a gallery of traffickers, dealers, police officers and politicians who are more real than life itself, a sharp and amusing gaze on everyday survival in contemporary France, and an unforgettable woman at its centre, Hannelore Cayre’s bestselling novel shines a torchlight on a European criminal underground that has rarely been seen.
Макс Аллан Коллинз
Quarry, star of 13 previous novels, a comic book, and the acclaimed Cinemax TV series, returns in an all-new assignment that takes the hitman's hitman into uncharted territory, when he finds out that for the first time someone has taken out a hit on him. And is the mysterious killer assigned to hit the hitman someone from Quarry's past? Maybe even a past lover?
Check out more of Max Allan Collins' Quarry Series from Skyboat, including The First Quarry, The Last Quarry, Quarry's Choice, Quarry in the Middle, Quarry's Ex, Quarry in the Black, and Quarry's Climax.
Ian Hamilton
Hong Kong, 1970. The Dragon Head (also known as the Mountain Master) of the Fanling Triad has died and there is a struggle to replace him among senior members of the gang. Normally, the Deputy Mountain Master is next in line, but this one is weak and ineffectual and has only survived because of the protection of the Dragon Head. Up to this point, the Fanling Triad has operated in relative isolation from neighbouring gangs, but the Dragon Head’s death has drawn attention to the area — and to its wealth. Other gangs start to make threatening moves and it’s obvious to the senior members of the Fanling Triad that they need a leader who can fend off the threats, unite the membership, and maintain their prosperity. There are several candidates. The least conspicuous is the White Paper Fan, their young administrator. His name is Chow Tung, but many of those who work with him already refer to him as “Uncle” . . .
Джеймс Суэйн
A human-trafficking case hits dangerously close to home in a heart-racing thriller by the Amazon Charts bestselling author of The King Tides.
A disturbing missing-person case reunites ex-Navy SEAL Jon Lancaster and FBI Agent Beth Daniels. Skye is just one of a dozen young women who have disappeared from Florida without a trace. Beth can do more than just imagine their fear. She was a victim herself—a trauma that’s strengthened her fight for justice.
Then Lancaster uncovers a scrap of evidence, and the mystery begins to unravel. But the lead comes with a personal sting: the involvement of his estranged brother, Logan, an ex-con recruited into the shepherding of human trade. The only way for Logan to shed his demons is to come clean. For Lancaster and Daniels, that means being drawn, secret by secret, into a dangerous underground world.
With time running out, three damaged pasts will collide; more secrets will spill; and Lancaster, Daniels, and Logan will have to fight to save themselves first if they ever hope to find the girls alive.
Лучший триллер
Эдриан Маккинти
«Наши требования могут показаться невыполнимыми, а на самом деле вполне вам по силам», — говорит незнакомый голос в мобильном телефоне. Нет, вам звонят не по ошибке. «Молитесь, чтобы никогда не узнать, ни кто мы, ни на что мы способны». Это значит, что вы попали в Цепь. Все происходит как в кошмарном сне, но это реальность. Схема, по сути, очень проста. У вас похищают ребенка. Вы платите выкуп. Дополнительное условие: вы похищаете чужого ребенка. Из этой западни не вырваться... Но обычная женщина по имени Рейчел бросает вызов Цепи, и между ними начинается смертельное противостояние.
Джек Карр
“This is seriously good. I mean—seriously.” —Lee Child, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Past Tense
“A powerful, thoughtful, realistic, at times terrifying thriller that I could not put down. A terrific addition to the genre, Jack Carr and his alter-ego protagonist, James Reece, continue to blow me away.”—Mark Greaney, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Mission Critical
“True Believer, the highly anticipated new thriller from Jack Carr, is one of this year’s hottest thrillers, and a perfect fit for fans of Vince Flynn, Brad Thor, and Daniel Silva.” —The Real Book Spy
In acclaimed author Jack Carr’s follow-up to The Terminal List, former Navy SEAL James Reece’s skill, cunning, and heroism put the US government back in his debt and set him on another path of revenge.
When a string of horrific terrorist attacks plagues the Western world during the holiday season, the broader markets fall into a tailspin. The attacks are being coordinated by a shadowy former Iraqi commando who has disappeared into Europe’s underground. The United States government has an asset who can turn the Iraqi against his masters: James Reece, the most-wanted domestic terrorist alive.
After avenging the deaths of his family and team members, Reece emerges deep in the wilds of Mozambique, protected by the family of his estranged best friend and former SEAL Team member. When a series of events uncovers his whereabouts, the CIA recruits him, using a Presidential pardon for Reece and immunity for the friends who helped him in his mission of vengeance.
Now a reluctant tool of the United States government, Reece travels the globe, targeting terrorist leaders and unraveling a geopolitical conspiracy that exposes a traitorous CIA officer and uncovers a sinister assassination plot with worldwide repercussions.
A high-intensity roller-coaster ride, True Believer explodes with action and authenticity that cements Jack Carr as the new leader in political thrillers.
Mark Greaney
Court Gentry's flight on a CIA transport plane is interrupted when a security team brings a hooded man aboard. They want to kick Gentry off the flight but are overruled by CIA headquarters. The mystery man is being transported to England where a joint CIA/MI6 team will interrogate him about a mole in Langley.
When they land in an isolated airbase in the U.K., they are attacked by a hostile force who kidnaps the prisoner. Only Gentry escapes. His handlers send him after the attackers, but what can one operative do against a trained team of assassins? A lot, when that operative is the Gray Man.
Томас Перри
From Thomas Perry comes a new thriller about an unlikely burglar--a young woman in her 20s--who realizes she must solve a string of murders, or else become the next victim
Elle Stowell is a young woman with an unconventional profession: burglary. But Elle is no petty thief--with just the right combination of smarts, looks, and skills, she can easily stroll through ritzy Bel Air neighborhoods and pick out the perfect home for plucking the most valuable items. This is how Elle has always gotten by--she is good at it, and she thrives on the thrill. But after stumbling upon a grisly triple homicide while stealing from the home of a wealthy art dealer, Elle discovers that she is no longer the only one sneaking around. Somebody is searching for her.
As Elle realizes that her knowledge of the high-profile murder has made her a target, she races to solve the case before becoming the next casualty, using her breaking-and-entering skills to uncover the truth about exactly who the victims were and why someone might have wanted them dead. With high-stakes action and shocking revelations, The Burglar will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they barrel towards the heart-racing conclusion.
Генри Портер
On a deserted road in Calabria, Greek aid worker Anastasia Cristakos is driving alone to visit one of the new refugee centers funded by billionaire Denis Hisami whom she has recently married. She slows down to greet two African migrants she recognizes. Too late she realizes they are not her friends. This is an ambush.
She manages a desperate phone call to Hisami before her Mafia kidnappers silence her with a powerful drug. Hours later she wakes up in the pitch dark on a container ship, powering eastwards across the Mediterranean.
Anastasia has been abducted and held hostage because Hisami has explosive information that his enemies have killed for and will kill for again. But Hisami can do nothing to save his wife. His time as a commander with the Kurdish Peshmerga has caught up with him. The US authorities have seized his passport and jailed him for possible terrorist activities in the past. For all his wealth, he is powerless.
Only one man can help him. Paul Samson, former MI6 agent and a genius at tracking missing persons. He's the obvious choice. There's only one snag. Samson was, and probably still is, in love with Anastasia. If he manages to locate and save her, will it be for Hisami - or himself?
Brad Thor
In ancient texts, there are stories about men who struck from the shadows, seemingly beyond the reach of death itself. These men were considered part angel, part demon. Their loyalty was to their families, their friends, and their kings. You crossed these men at your peril. And once crossed, there was no crossing back.
They were fearless; men of honor who have been known throughout history by different names: Spartan, Viking, Samurai.
Today, men like these still strike from the shadows. They are highly prized intelligence agents, military operatives, and assassins.
One man is all three.
Two days ago, that man was crossed--badly.
Now, far from home and surrounded by his enemy, Scot Harvath must battle his way out.
With no support, no cavalry coming, and no one even aware of where he is, it will take everything he has ever learned to survive.
But survival isn't enough. Harvath wants revenge.
In the most explosive novel Brad Thor has ever written, page after captivating page of action, intrigue, loyalty, and betrayal will keep you hooked until the very last sentence.
Лучший детективный или криминальный роман десятилетия
Robert Crais
LAPD cop Scott James is not doing so well. Eight months ago, a shocking nighttime assault by unidentified men killed his partner Stephanie, nearly killed him, and left him enraged, ashamed, and ready to explode. He is unfit for duty...until he meets his new partner.
Maggie is not doing so well, either. A German shepherd who survived three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan sniffing explosives before losing her handler to an IED, her PTSD is as bad as Scott's.
They are each other's last chance. Shunned and shunted to the side, they set out to investigate the one case that no one wants them to touch: the identity of the men who murdered Stephanie. What they begin to find is nothing like what Scott has been told, and the journey will take them both through the darkest moments of their own personal hells. Whether they will make it out again, no one can say.