Вручение 1972 г.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 1972 г.

Медаль Джона Ньюбери

Роберт К. О'Брайен 4.2
Это удивительная сказка о взаимовыручке и о волшебных животных, которые борются за выживание в таком жестоком и почти не волшебном мире. Закончилась зима, но она принесла много бед семейству Фрисби. Миссис Фрисби - мышь-вдова оказалась в безвыходной ситуации, младший сынок заболел и пока идет лечение, его нельзя перевозить с места на место, но грядет пахота поля и необходимо переехать в летний дом. К счастью, она встречает крыс из НИПЗа, удивительно умных созданий, которые предлагают блестящее решение ее проблемы.
Zilpha Keatley Snyder 4.5
When the four Stanley children meet Amanda, their new stepsister, they’re amazed to learn that she studies witchcraft. They’re stunned to see her dressed in a strange costume, carrying a pet crow and surrounded by a pile of books about the supernatural. It’s not long before Amanda promises to give witchcraft lessons to David, Jamie, and the twins. But that’s when strange things start happening in their old house. David suspects Amanda of causing mischief, until they learn that the house really was haunted long ago. Legend has it that a ghost cut the head off of a wooden cupid on the stairway. Has the ghost returned to strike again?
Миска Майлз 0.0
Annie is a young Navajo girl who refuses to believe that her grandmother, the Old One, will die. Sadly, Annie learns that she cannot change the course of life. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.
Virginia Hamilton 0.0
Junior Brown, an overprotected three-hundred pound musical prodigy who's prone to having fantasies, and Buddy Clark, a loner who lives by his wits because he has no family whatsoever, have been on the hook from their eighth-grade classroom all semester.

Most of the time they have been in the school building -- in a secret cellar room behind a false wall, where Mr. Pool, the janitor, has made a model of the solar system. They have been pressing their luck for months...and then they are caught. As society -- in the form of a zealous assistant principal -- closes in on them, Junior's fantasies become more desperate, and Buddy draws on all his resources to ensure his friend's well-being.
Ursula Le Guin 4.2
When young Tenar is chosen as high priestess to the ancient and nameless Powers of the Earth, everything is taken away - home, family, possessions, even her name. For she is now Arha, the Eaten One, guardian of the ominous Tombs of Atuan. While she is learning her way through the dark labyrinth, a young wizard, Ged, comes to steal the Tombs' greatest hidden treasure, the Ring of Erreth-Akbe. But Ged also brings with him the light of magic, and together, he and Tenar escape from the darkness that has become her domain.
Аллан Уэсли Экерт 0.0
Six-year-old Ben is very small for his age, and gets along better with animals than people. One June day in 1870, Ben wanders away from his home on Hawk's Hill and disappears into the waving prairie grass. This is the story of how a shy, lonely boy survives for months in the wilds and forges a bond with a female badger. ALA Notable Book. Newbery Honor Book.