Сьюзен Худ0.0 With Nazis bombing London every night, it’s time for thirteen-year-old Ken to escape. He suspects his stepmother is glad to see him go, but his dad says he’s one of the lucky ones—one of ninety boys and girls to ship out aboard the SS City of Benares to safety in Canada.
Life aboard the luxury ship is grand—nine-course meals, new friends, and a life far from the bombs, rations, and his stepmum’s glare. And after five days at sea, the ship’s officers announce that they’re out of danger.
They’re wrong.
Late that night, an explosion hurls Ken from his bunk. They’ve been hit. Torpedoed! The Benares is sinking fast. Terrified, Ken scrambles aboard Lifeboat 12 with five other boys. Will they get away? Will they survive?
Author Susan Hood brings this little-known true World War II story to life in a novel in verse.
Келли Янг4.3 Number 1: She lives in a motel, not a big house. Every day, while her immigrant parents clean the rooms, ten-year-old Mia manages the front desk of the Calivista Motel and tends to its guests.
Number 2: Her parents hide immigrants. And if the mean motel owner, Mr. Yao, finds out they've been letting them stay in the empty rooms for free, the Tangs will be doomed.
Number 3: She wants to be a writer. But how can she when her mom thinks she should stick to math because English is not her first language?
It will take all of Mia's courage, kindness, and hard work to get through this year. Will she be able to hold on to her job, help the immigrants and guests, escape Mr. Yao, and go for her dreams?
Теперь каждый гражданин обязан строго соблюдать определенные правила: отказаться от поливки газона, от наполнения бассейна, ограничить время принятия душа.
День за днем, снова и снова.
До тех пор, в кранах не останется ни капли влаги.
И тихая улочка в пригороде, где Алисса живет со своими родителями и младшим братом, превращается в зону отчаяния. Соседи, прежде едва кивавшие друг другу, вынуждены как-то договариваться перед лицом общей беды.
Родители Алиссы, отправившиеся на поиски воды, не вернулись домой, и девушка-подросток вынуждена взять ответственность за свою жизнь и жизнь малолетнего брата в свои руки.