Вручение 2012 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Медаль Карнеги

Патрик Несс 4.4
Это Тис - монстр, который появляется через семь минут после полуночи. А это Конор - мальчик, у которого есть тайна. И три истории, рассказанные Тисом. Они помогают мальчику понять себя и суть этого мира, который не делится на белое и черное.

Патрик Несс - автор трилогии "Поступь хаоса", мирового бестселлера, перевернувшего все современные представления об антиутопии. Книга "Голос монстра" впервые в истории была удостоена сразу двух медалей - Карнеги и Кейт Гринэуй. Уникальный случай в английской литературе.

Шиван Доуд - британская писательница. Умерла от онкологического заболевания в возрасте 47 лет и была посмертно награждена медалью Карнеги за достижения в области литературы.
Джим Кей - художник-иллюстратор, работает в Галерее Тейт в Лондоне и Королевском ботаническом саду Кью, что оказывает огромное влияние на его творчество.
Frances Hardinge 4.4
Having barely escaped the revolution they had a huge (if accidental) part in causing, sharp-eyed orphan Mosca Mye; her guard goose, Saracen; and their sometimes-loyal companion, the con man Eponymous Clent, must start anew. But Toll, the odd town they end up in, is a dangerous place that changes its entire personality as day turns to night. Soon Mosca and her friends find themselves embroiled in fresh schemes and twisting politics. Somehow they must manage to escape with their lives?and hopefully a little money in their pockets!
Барбара Митчелхилл 0.0
When Lizzie's dad refuses to fight in the Second World War, the police come looking to arrest him. Desperate to stay together, Lizzie and her brother Freddie go on the run with him, hiding from the police in idyllic Whiteway. But when their past catches up with them, they're forced to leave and it becomes more and more difficult to stay together as a family. Will they be able to? And will they ever find a place, like Whiteway, where they will be safe again?
Sonya Hartnett 0.0
World War II, Eastern Europe: Tomas and his younger brother, Andrej, have fled their Romany encampment which has been besieged by the Germans; they carry Wilma, their baby sister, in a sack. In an abandoned, bombed-out town, the children discover a zoo. In it are a wolf and an eagle, a monkey, bear, lioness, seal, chamois and llama. The animals tell their stories to the children as they try to begin to understand what has become of their lives and, when they try to figure out a way to release the animals, what it means to be free.
Али Льюис 0.0
Danny Dawson lives in the middle of the Australian outback. His older brother Jonny was killed in an accident last year but no-one ever talks about it. And now it's time for the annual muster. The biggest event of the year on the cattle station, and a time to sort the men from the boys. But this year things will be different: because Jonny's gone and Danny's determined to prove he can fill his brother's shoes; because their fourteen-year-old sister is pregnant; because it's getting hotter and hotter and the rains won't come; because cracks are beginning to show . . . When Danny's mum admits she can't cope, the family hires a housegirl to help out - a wide-eyed English backpacker. She doesn't have a clue what she's let herself in for. And neither do they.
Mulligan, Andy 0.0
SOON TO BE A MAJOR FILM BY STEPHEN DALDRY AND RICHARD CURTIS Raphael is a dumpsite boy. He spends his days wading through mountains of steaming trash, sifting it, sorting it, breathing it, sleeping next to it. Then one unlucky-lucky day, Raphael's world turns upside down. A small leather bag falls into his hands. It's a bag of clues. It's a bag of hope. It's a bag that will change everything. Soon Raphael and his friends Gardo and Rat are running for their lives. Wanted by the police, it takes all their quick-thinking and fast-talking to stay ahead. As the net tightens, they uncover a dead man's mission to put right a terrible wrong. And now it's three street boys against the world...
Аннабель Питчер 4.4
Десятилетний Джейми не плакал, когда это случилось. Он знал, что ему положено плакать. Ведь старшая сестра Жасмин плакала, и мама плакала, и папа плакал. Только Роджер не плакал. Но что с него возьмешь – он ведь всего лишь и кот, пусть и самый классный кот на свете. Все вокруг говорили, что со временем все утрясется, жизнь наладится и все станет как прежде. Но это проклятое время шло себе и шло, а ничего не налаживалось. Даже хуже становилось с каждым днем. Папа не расстается с бутылкой, Жасмин ходит мрачнее тучи, а мама так и вовсе исчезла. Но Джейми надеется, что все же наступит день, когда все они снова станут счастливыми. Даже его вторая сестра Роза – та, что живет на каминной полке. Вот только нужно подтолкнуть события, направить в нужное русло. И у Джейми возникает план. Ели он, например, прославится на всю страну, а то и на всю планету, то ведь все обязательно изменится...
Удивительный роман для людей всех возрастов, печальный и веселый, оптимистичный и полный надежды, главная идея которого состоит в том – что бы ни случалось, какие бы беды не постигали вас, только вы сами являетесь хозяевами своей судьбы, своего настроения и отношения к жизни.
Мойра Янг 3.9
Жгучая, пульсирующая и поэтическая сага, ставшая одним из самых захватывающих фэнтези последнего времени. Здесь есть и бешеный темп, и быстрая смена событий, и огромная любовь.

Саба отправляется в путь по выжженной пустыне, чтобы вернуть своего похищенного брата. В безжалостном, преступном и уродливом мире Саба становится жестоким бойцом, непобедимым воином и хитроумным противником. В компании с симпатичным сорвиголовой Джеком и группой девушек-воинов, называющих себя Вольными Ястребами, Саба готовится к решающей схватке, которая изменит ход истории.
John Stephens 4.2
This is the first thrilling book in the most exciting children's fantasy series since Harry Potter. They were taken from their beds one frozen night, when the world was covered in snow. The silhouette of a tall, thin man has haunted Kate ever since. Ten years on, Kate, Michael and Emma have grown up in a string of miserable orphanages, and all memories of their parents have faded to a blur. Arriving at Cambridge Falls, the children quickly realise there is something different about this place - and Kate feels sure she has seen the dark, crooked house before. As they explore, they discover an old, empty leather book. The moment they touch it, an ancient magical prophecy is set irrevocably in motion, and the children are thrown into a dangerous alternate reality of dark enchantments and terrifying monsters. Only they can prevent the terrible event that will ruin Cambridge Falls - and stop the world from falling into complete devastation.
Kate Saunders 0.0
Tom is in shock. He's just discovered that his dad is an escaped fairy on the run. And that he must trust his life to three dangerous fairy godmothers he's never met. Two of them are hardened criminals, and one falls out of the window when she tries to fly . . .

Will their mad magic be enough to help Tom rescue his dad from the clutches of some killer fairies?
Meet your unforgettable protagonist: God, who, as it turns out, is a 19-year-old boy living in the present-day and sharing an apartment with his long-suffering fifty-something personal assistant. Unfortunately for the planet, God is lazy and, frankly, hopeless. He created all of the world's species in six days because he couldn't summon the energy to work for longer. He gets Africa and America mixed up. And his beleagured assistant has his work cut out for him when God creates a near-apolcalyptic flood, having fallen asleep without turning the bath off. There is No Dog is a darkly funny novel from one of our most delightfully unpredictable writers.
Бет Рэвис 3.7
Более двухсот лет назад семнадцатилетняя Эми вместе со своими родителями покинула Землю в числе специальных пассажиров на космической станции "Годспид". Погруженные в сон и замороженные в криокамерах еще на Земле, они должны проснуться после прибытия на новую планету. Но неожиданно кто-то начинает отключать замороженных пассажиров, обрекая их на смерть. Чудом избежав печальной участи, Эми оказывается одна среди незнакомых и враждебно настроенных людей в замкнутом пространстве корабля. Единственный человек, который желает помочь Эми, - Старший, будущий капитан корабля. Вдвоем они пытаются разобраться, что же происходит на "Годспиде" и какие еще тайны скрываются за закрытыми дверями секретных отсеков корабля.
Линдси Бэркло 4.0
Beware of Long Lankin . . .

When Cora and her little sister Mimi are sent to stay with their great-aunt in the isolated village of Bryers Guerdon, they sense immediately that they're not welcome. What they don't know is that the last time two young girls were at Guerdon Hall, their visit ended in a mysterious, violent tragedy.

Something dark and evil has haunted the village for centuries. Now it has set eyes on its next victim, and it will stop at nothing to lay claim to her. With the help of local schoolboys Roger and Peter, Cora must uncover the horrifying secrets buried deep within Bryers Guerdon - before it is too late for Mimi.

Bewitching and atmospheric, this is a truly stunning debut that will linger with you for days after the final, chilling pages.
Martyn Bedford 0.0
Fourteen-year-old Alex Gray wakes up one morning to discover he's not in his own bedroom. More surprising is that he doesn't recognize his hands, or his legs... When he looks in the mirror he gets the shock of his life! How is it possible that Alex has become another boy – a boy who everyone calls Philip? And how have six whole months passed overnight? A riveting psychological thriller by a brilliant new voice in children's books.
Malorie Blackman 0.0
In Boys Don't Cry, bestselling author Malorie Blackman explores the unchartered territory of teenage fatherhood. You're waiting for the postman - he's bringing your A level results. University, a career as a journalist - a glittering future lies ahead. But when the doorbell rings it's your old girlfriend; and she's carrying a baby. You're fine to look after it, for an hour or two, while she does some shopping. Then she doesn't come back and your future suddenly looks very different. Malorie's dramatic new novel will take you on a journey from tears to laughter and back again.
Bowler, Tim 0.0
It was meant to be the perfect venture. A beautiful guesthouse in a beautiful village with a sprawling forest nearby. Maya's parents have sunk all their money and hopes into The Rowan Tree and they're determined to make it work. Then Maya strays into the forest . . . and into a nightmare. A stunning thriller from an award-winning author.
Джон Бойн 4.0
Ною Морсводу восемь лет, он живет на лесной опушке с мамой и папой. Казалось бы, все у него в порядке, верно? Ан нет. У Ноя Морсвода столько проблем, что он очень старается о них не думать. И потому убегает из дома. Нехоженая тропа ведет его через густой лес — в лавку под вполне волшебным деревом. Она тоже не проста — в ней полно невероятных игрушек и чудес, а еще в ней живет старый мастер. И он рассказывает мальчику захватывающую историю, в которой есть и приключения, и странствия, и дружба, и нарушенные обещания, и самое неотвратимое и необратимое, что может случиться с человеком.

Эта история изменит жизнь Ноя Морсвода навсегда. Вполне возможно — и вашу тоже.
Сита Брахмачари 0.0
Twelve-year-old Mira comes from a chaotic, artistic and outspoken family where it’s not always easy to be heard. As her beloved Nana Josie's health declines, Mira begins to discover the secrets of those around her, and also starts to keep some of her own. She is drawn to mysterious Jidé, a boy who is clearly hiding a troubled past and has grown hardened layers - like those of an artichoke - around his heart. As Mira is experiencing grief for the first time, she is also discovering the wondrous and often mystical world around her.
Элли Конди 3.7
Кассия всегда доверяла решениям Общества. Ведь оно заботится о своих гражданах и стремится обеспечить им продолжительную жизнь в комфорте и безопасности. Школа, профессия, дом, семья, увлечения, свободное время, романтические отношения — все под контролем системы, которая способна предсказать оптимальный выбор для каждого гражданина. В день своего семнадцатилетия на Банкете обручения Кассия узнает, что ее официальной парой должен стать ее друг детства Ксандер. Кассия счастлива, потому что убеждена, что Общество не может ошибаться и Ксандер будет для нее оптимальным выбором. Но неожиданно ее радость омрачается непредвиденным сбоем в работе системы. А вместе с ним приходят сомнения в справедливости жизни без свободы выбора.
Kevin Crossley-Holland 3.1
It is 1036. Halfdan is a Viking mercenary who is determined to travel to Constantinople and become one of the Viking Guard serving Empress Zoe. He promises to take his daughter, but one morning Solveig wakes up to find him gone. Setting off in her own tiny boat, she is determined to make the journey from Norway to the breathtaking city. Her boat is washed up, but Solveig is undeterred. What awaits Solveig as she continues on her summer journey across the world? She finds passage with Viking traders, witnesses the immolation of a young slave girl and learns to fight. She sees the clashes between those who praise her Norse Gods and the new Christians. In this perilous and exciting world, a young girl alone could be quickly endangered or made a slave. Will Solveig live to see her father again, and if she survives, will she remain free? A glittering novel that explores friendship and betrayal, the father-daughter relationship, the clash of religions and the journey from childhood to adulthood.
Tony DiTerlizzi 4.3
When a marauder destroys the underground sanctuary that Eva Nine was raised in by the robot Muthr, the twelve-year-year-old girl is forced to flee aboveground. Eva Nine is searching for anyone else like her, for she knows that other humans exist, because of an item she treasures—a scrap of cardboard on which is depicted a young girl, an adult, and a robot, with the strange word, “WondLa.” Tony DiTerlizzi honors traditional children’s literature in this totally original space age adventure: one that is as complex as an alien planet, but as simple as a child’s wish for a place to belong.
Шэрон Догар 0.0
Everyone knows about Anne Frank and her life hidden in the secret annex – but what about the boy who was also trapped there with her?

In this powerful and gripping novel, Sharon Dogar explores what this might have been like from Peter’s point of view. What was it like to be forced into hiding with Anne Frank, first to hate her and then to find yourself falling in love with her? Especially with your parents and her parents all watching almost everything you do together. To know you’re being written about in Anne’s diary, day after day? What’s it like to start questioning your religion, wondering why simply being Jewish inspires such hatred and persecution? Or to just sit and wait and watch while others die, and wish you were fighting.

As Peter and Anne become closer and closer in their confined quarters, how can they make sense of what they see happening around them?

Anne’s diary ends on August 4, 1944, but Peter’s story takes us on, beyond their betrayal and into the Nazi death camps. He details with accuracy, clarity and compassion the reality of day to day survival in Auschwitz – and ultimately the horrific fates of the Annex’s occupants.
Berlie Doherty 0.0
Will Montague is a page to Prince Edward, son of King Henry VIII. As the King's favourite, Will gains many enemies in Court. His enemies convince the King that Will's father has committed treason and he is thrown into Newgate Prison. Will flees Hampton Court and goes into hiding in the back streets of London. Lost and in mortal danger, he is rescued by a poor boy, Nick Drew. Together they must brave imprisonment and death as they embark on a great adventure to set Will's father free.
Дженнифер Доннелли 4.3
Что делать, если жизнь дается с таким трудом? Если в семье трагедия, сердце разрывается от боли, и даже музыка, твоя единственная любовь, не всегда спасает? Семнадцатилетняя Анди уверена, что ничего хорошего впереди уже не будет. Но во время навязанной отцом поездки в Париж Анди находит дневник времен Французской революции и погружается в историю дружбы и предательства, тщеславия и душевного благородства - историю юной Александрины и маленького Луи-Шарля, наследника Людовика XVI.
Фантастическим образом Анди и Александрина сумеют помочь друг другу. Во все времена мир бессмыслен и жесток, но есть кое-что, что мы всегда можем изменить. Это мы сами.
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