Вручение 2012 г.

Страна: Великобритания Место проведения: город Лондон Дата проведения: 2012 г.

Книжная премия Wellcome

Томас Райт 0.0
Diminutive, brilliant and choleric, William Harvey had a huge impact on anatomy and modern biology. Arguably the greatest Englishman in the history of science after Newton and Darwin, Harvey's obsessive quest to understand the movement of the blood overturned beliefs held by anatomists and physicians since Roman times. His circulation theory was as controversial in its day as Copernicus' idea that the earth revolved around the sun.

Set in the beating heart of late Renaissance London, Thomas Wright's vivid and visceral biography shows how Harvey drew inspiration not only from his dissections and vivisections, but also from the world around him: from England's bustling trade networks to technological developments of the time. It features a dramatic cast of historical characters, including Francis Bacon, England's Lord Chancellor and a recalcitrant patient of Harvey's; John Donne, a poet and preacher fascinated with anatomy and the human heart; and King Charles I, Harvey's beloved patron and witness to many of his experiments.

Harvey's circulation theory, in turn, permeated and altered the culture and language of its time, influencing poets and economists. To the dismay of the arch-Royalist Harvey, it also encouraged radical political ideas - and just as cherished anatomical orthodoxies could be toppled, so was the King during the Civil War. In more ways than one, Harvey's idea was truly revolutionary, yet astonishingly, it gained currency in his lifetime.

Circulationcharts the remarkable rise of a yeoman's son to the position of King's physician, offers a fresh interpretation of his ideas, and above all, celebrates a brilliant mind that epitomized a rich moment in England's intellectual history.
Питер Джеймс 4.0
После смерти четырехлетнего сына, страдавшего редким генетическим заболеванием, Джон и Наоми Клаэссон обратились в закрытую клинику, расположенную на круизном судне, курсирующем в международных водах, вне каких-либо правовых ограничений. Генетик доктор Лео Детторе предложил им провести уникальную процедуру, не признанную научным миром, — сформировать генетический код их следующего ребенка, в буквальном смысле спроектировать идеального человека. Но их не увлекла столь грандиозная перспектива. Все, что они хотели, — здоровый ребенок, а то, что получили, оказалось сущим кошмаром... Когда их история попала в прессу, за парой начали охотиться религиозные фанатики. Клаэссоны нигде теперь не чувствуют себя в безопасности. А появившиеся на свет дети обладают столь пугающими способностями, что только добавляют родителям проблем…
Rose Tremain 0.0
From the Orange Prize–winning author Rose Tremain comes a brilliant and picaresque novel of seventeenth-century England. In the wake of the gaudy years of the Restoration, Robert Merivel, physician and courtier to Charles II, faces the agitations and anxieties of middle age. Questions crowd his mind: has he been a good father? Is he a fair master? Is he the King’s friend or the King’s slave? In search of answers, Merivel sets off for the French court of Versailles, where—inevitably—misadventures ensue.
Джон Коутс 5.0
A successful Wall Street trader turned neuroscientist reveals how risk taking and stress transform our body chemistry

Before he became a world-class scientist, John Coates ran a derivatives trading desk in New York City. He used the expression “the hour between dog and wolf” to refer to the moment of Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation traders passed through when under pressure. They became cocky and irrationally risk-seeking when on a winning streak, tentative and risk-averse when cowering from losses. In a series of groundbreaking experiments, Coates identified a feedback loop between testosterone and success—one that can cloud men’s judgment in high-pressure decision-making. Coates demonstrates how our bodies produce the fabled gut feelings we so often rely on, how stress in the workplace can impair our judgment and even damage our health, and how sports science can help us toughen our bodies against the ravages of stress. Revealing the biology behind bubbles and crashes, The Hour Between Dog and Wolf sheds new and surprising light on issues that affect us all.
Ник Коулман 0.0
For thirty years Nick Coleman immersed himself in music, from rock’n’roll to “pro rock,” jazz to classical, until one morning as he sat up in bed, his right ear went stone deaf. His left ear—as though to compensate—started to make horrific noises “…like the inside of an old fridge hooked up to a half-blown amplifier.”The Train in the Night explores the world in which a music critic must cope with a world that has abruptly lost its most important element, sound. But Coleman opens more than his struggle; he delves back into his past to examine how music defined his identity, how that identity must be reshaped by its loss, and how at time the memory of the music can be just as powerful as the music itself.