Вручение 2006 г.
Премия вручалась за 2005 год.
Страна: Канада
Место проведения: город Торонто
Дата проведения: 2006 г.
Лучший детективный роман
Уильям Деверелл
An irresistible story of justice heading off the rails.
Arthur Beauchamp, the scholarly, self-doubting legend of the B.C. criminal bar (and one of Deverell’s most amiable — and crafty — protagonists), is enjoying his retirement as a hobbyist farmer on B.C.’s Garibaldi Island when he is dragged back to court to defend an old client. Nick “the Owl” Faloon, once one of the world’s top jewel thieves, has been accused of raping and murdering a psychologist. Beauchamp has scarcely registered how unlikely it is that the diminutive Faloon has hurt anyone when his own personal life takes an abrupt turn. His new wife, Margaret Blake, organic farmer and environmental activist, has taken up residence fifty feet above ground in a tree she is determined to save for the eagles and from the loggers. Beauchamp shuttles between Vancouver and the island, doing what he can to save the tree and get his wife back — and defend Faloon.
Part courtroom thriller, part classic whodunit, April Fool sees Deverell writing at the top of his form as he puts these characters through some entertaining and very surprising twists and turns.
Джайлс Блант
В городке Алгонкин-Бей нет спасения от весенней мошкары. В бар заходит сильно искусанная рыжая девушка. Ее странное поведение привлекает внимание, и ее отвозят в больницу. Там выясняется, что в девушку стреляли и пуля застряла у нее в мозгу. Пулю удается извлечь, но память к девушке пока не вернулась...
Рик Блечта
Victoria Morgan, violin virtuoso extraordinaire, and her devoted piano accompanist are on yet another European tour currently stopping in Vienna. While playing to a full house, Tory leaves the stage and disappears in the middle of this important concert, leaving behind a puzzled (and angry) audience. Why would a seasoned professional so intent on maintaining her well-established career do something so damaging? Especially after some very negative reviews from local press? Tory's decision to leave proves to be especially fatal to her career, since the rumours of her disappearance involve the accusation that Tory has committed the brutal murder of a high profile Viennese figure. While the press continues to hound everyone who knew Tory for answers, it appears she is running from them, the police and her long-suffering husband Oscar Lukesh, affectionately known as Rocky. Or is she? The action is set around the appearance of a mysterious score for a recently discovered violin concerto of incredible worth. Is it truly by Beethoven as the owner claims, and will Tory be the first to debut this dream violin piece, or are all of these things just hollow promises and a way to bait a trap? Now it looks like it's up to Rocky to help save Tory from herself and figure out who is committing the growing number of murders - if it really isn't his wife.
Алекс Бретт
Short-listed for the 2006 Arthur Ellis Award for Best Novel
A Canadian astronomer commits suicide on a desolate mountain peak in Hawaii, and Morgan O’Brien is sent to the observatory to find his missing data. But it seems she’s not the only one who needs those notebooks, and her competitor is willing to kill to get them. But why? To find the answer, Morgan travels from the peak of Mauna Kea deep into Ottawa’s past, where the darkness of the Cold War still obscures the truth.
Лучший дебютный роман
Луиза Пенни
Тихую провинциальную жизнь деревушки Три Сосны, что в Квебеке, нарушает убийство бывшей школьной учительницы Джейн Нил. От рождения и до самой смерти прожила она здесь. Все ее знали, все любили... Или не все? И почему выбрано столь непривычное орудие убийства - классический охотничий лук?
Это не единственная загадка, которую предстоит разгадать. Ни разу за всю свою долгую жизнь Джейн Нил не пускала друзей дальше кухни. Что же она скрывала?
Странные обстоятельства... Странная жизнь... Странная смерть...
Майк Харрисон
This hard-edged, energetic mystery features Eddie Dancer—Canada's newest and toughest private eye. Two years as a city cop have convinced Eddie he is better off working for himself as a private investigator. When he is hired to track down a tough, professional bank robber, Eddie has no idea he is about to pry the lid off a very nasty can of worms. When he runs up against a pair of disgraced ex-bikers, he uncovers a macabre connection between the ex-bikers and the "fate worse than death" that has befallen many of the city's hookers—a fate that leaves them, irreversibly, in a vegetative state. Eddie learns that a man who is already in prison has carried out the bank robbery and he wonders how someone can be in two different places at once. With the help of his friend, Danny Many Guns, Eddie uncovers evidence of a major conspiracy stretching from the city's back streets and tattoo parlors to the very top of the prison system food chain. Will Danny Many Guns save his friend and partner from the "fate worse than death," or will the bad guys get their revenge on the man who has exposed them?
Илона ван Мил
Hidden among the glacial hills and lakes of the Canadian Shield lies Sugarmilk Falls, a close-knit community with the worst of secrets. Everyone, including the aging priest and the town’s sole policeman, who have their own reasons for concealing the facts, remembers a different version of what really happened there over twenty years ago.
But secrets cannot stay buried forever. As the thick snow of a winter’s night sets in, the inhabitants gather together, induced by a questioning stranger to talk openly for the first time about the sinister events of the past. Some think that it all began when Grand’mère Osweken, an Ojibwa shaman, lost the maple forests on a gamble during a game of craps. Others contend it goes further back, to the arrival of the schoolteacher Marina Grochowska, a newcomer with a tightly guarded past. Or perhaps it really started years before that when the woodsman Zack Guillem discovered a curious powdery coating over an area of foliage in the bush.
Beautifully crafted and darkly compelling, this is a remarkable debut that captures the spirit and repression of a blighted community as it slowly turns in on itself. Sugarmilk Falls has earned comparisons with David Guterson’s Snow Falling on Cedars, as it similarly takes readers deep inside a community riven by prejudice and by the secrets of the past.
Лучший детектив на французском языке
Джеральд Галарно
Un soir de pluie torrentielle et de grand brouillard, Pierre Vaugeois rentre d’un séjour à Québec pour affaires. Seul au volant, content d’être une journée en avance, il aperçoit soudain la Ford Tempo de sa femme qui passe devant lui sur la route 116. Par curiosité malsaine, il décide de la suivre.
Mais il n’arrive pas, à cause de la pluie abondante et la purée de pois, à bien identifier la conductrice. Est-ce bien la bonne voiture?
La Ford Tempo ne roule pas longtemps. Elle tourne dans le parking du motel Riviera. Un homme en descend et court jusqu’à la réception. Il en ressort, se rue sur une porte, l’ouvre et fait des signes pour qu’on le rejoigne.
Vaugeois est aux aguets. Au travers des essuie-glaces qui battent follement et cherchent à évacuer l’eau trop abondante, il scrute la nuit brumeuse.
La femme descend de la Ford Tempo, attrape un parapluie.
Il n’y a plus aucun doute: ce parapluie est celui que Vaugeois a lui-même offert à sa femme pour son anniversaire de naissance.
Il est cocu. Lui, Pierre Vaugeois, cette armoire à glace de près de deux mètres qui impose le respect partout, est trompé.
Brouillard, pluie, rage démente: cocktail puissant pour une nuit fatale…
Лучший роман для подростков и молодежи
Лучший детективный рассказ
Премия "Кастет" за лучшую криминальную документальную книгу
Rebecca Godfrey
Who were the seemingly ordinary teenagers who beat and killed a girl who longed to be their friend? And how could they hide the murder from their parents and teachers and the police for eight days?
Drawing on six years of research -- including interviews with the accused -- acclaimed writer Rebecca Godfrey answers these questions in this stunning account of the notorious "Schoolgirl Murder." Through a skillful blend of hard journalism and riveting narrative, Godfrey takes us into the bedrooms and classrooms of a powerful hip-hop-obsessed clique and the loner-victim who just wanted to belong, then into the police stations and courtrooms where adults -- grieving, devastated -- must reckon with the shocking crime. Highlighting along the way the deeply entrenched social tensions that provoked the murder, Under the Bridge is more than a true-crime book -- it is an unforgettable wake-up call.