Вручение 4 июля 2024 г.
Страна: Великобритания
Место проведения: город Лондон, гала-ужин Daggers Dinner в отеле Leonardo City
Дата проведения: 4 июля 2024 г.
Золотой Кинжал
Una Mannion
Deena Garvey disappeared in 2004. She left behind a daughter and a sister.
Deena's daughter grows up in the country. She learns how to hunt, when to seed the garden, how to avoid making her father angry. Never to ask about her absent mother.
Deena's sister stays stuck in the city, getting desperate. She knows the man responsible for her sister's disappearance, but she can't prove it. Not yet.
Over fourteen years, four hundred miles apart, these two women slowly begin to unearth the secrets and lies at the heart of their family, and the history of power and control that has shaped them both in such different ways.
But can they reach each other in time? And will the truth finally answer the question of their lives:
What really happened to Deena Garvey?
Деннис Лихэйн
Мэри Пэт Феннесси прожила всю свою жизнь в бостонском районе, известном как Южка. Этот ирландский анклав упорно придерживается старых традиций и гордо стоит особняком. Люди, выросшие здесь, не боятся ни бога, ни дьявола. И очень не любят, когда кто-то лезет в их жизнь…
Однажды вечером Джулз, дочь Мэри Пэт, не вернулась домой. В тот же вечер на здешней станции метро находят мертвым парня, сбитого поездом при загадочных обстоятельствах. Эти два события кажутся не связанными между собой. Но Мэри Пэт в отчаянии начинает теребить людей, которых лучше не трогать, — и задавать вопросы, всерьез беспокоящие Марти Батлера, главаря местной ирландской мафии. А эти ребята не терпят неприятных вопросов…
Maz Evans
When the misanthropic Dr Miriam Price wakes up dead, her day has only just started to go wrong.
With everyone mistakenly thinking she killed herself, she's condemned to half a century in Limbo as a 'Death By Misadventure' - unless she can prove that she was murdered. Unable to communicate with anyone living, Miriam's investigative options look decidedly limited.
But she soon realises that Winnie, her elderly next-door neighbour - and mortal enemy - can see, hear and talk to her. The good news for Miriam is that the dying can interact with the dead. The bad news for Winnie is that if she can see Miriam, she hasn't got long to live. Now this unlikely detective duo must work together to solve Miriam's murder - and maybe avert Winnie's death - before time runs out for them both. And before they kill each other first...
Мик Геррон
A gripping spy thriller from the bestselling author of Slow Horses, about a disastrous MI5 mission in Cold War Berlin—an absolute must-read for Slough House fans.
Set in the MI5 world of Slow Horses, now an Apple Original series from Apple TV+ starring Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas.
Two years ago, a hostile prime minister launched the Monochrome inquiry, investigating “historical over-reaching” by the British Secret Service. Monochrome’s mission was to ferret out any hint of misconduct by any MI5 officer—and allowed Griselda Fleet and Malcolm Kyle, the two civil servants seconded to the project, unfettered access to any and all confidential information in the Service archives in order to do so.
But MI5’s formidable First Desk did not become Britain’s top spy by accident, and she has successfully thwarted the inquiry at every turn. Now the administration that created Monochrome has been ousted, the investigation is a total bust—and Griselda and Malcolm are stuck watching as their career prospects are washed away by the pounding London rain.
Until the eve of Monochrome’s shuttering, when an MI5 case file appears without explanation. It is the buried history of a classified operation in 1994 Berlin—an operation that ended in tragedy and scandal, whose cover-up has rewritten thirty years of Service history.
The Secret Hours is a dazzling entry point into Mick Herron’s body of work, a standalone spy thriller that is at once unnerving, poignant, and laugh-out-loud funny. It is also the breathtaking secret history that Slough House fans have been waiting for.
Ниланджана Рой
In the village of Teetarpur, a few hours from the capital city of Delhi, Chand’s peaceful life is shattered as he is forced into a dangerous quest for justice.
At the station house, the jurisdiction of which extends to Teetarpur and the neighbouring villages, Sub-inspector Ombir Singh, who has known Chand’s daughter Munia since she was born, wrestles with his conscience and the vagaries of his personal life as the increasingly murky case unfolds under the watchful eyes of the ‘Delhi boy’, SSP Pilania.
Meanwhile, in the rough bylanes of Bright Dairy Colony, Chand’s old companions Rabia and Badshah Miyan fight for their right to home and country as the politics of religion threaten to overwhelm their lives.
Framed as a police procedural, Black River is fast-paced and relentless, yet tender and reflective, in its exploration of friendship, love and grief.
‘A riveting murder mystery. A psychological thriller. A magnificent work of literary fiction. Roy brings her formidable experience as a journalist to this story of crime in modern India. Black River addresses a society unravelling in the midst of change, a brutal class divide, the terror of religious strife, relentless violence against women—but it is also suffused with tenderness for the ordinary, heroic decency of those who persist in abiding by different rules. Reading this novel is like holding a prayer in one’s hands.’
— Kiran Desai
Hammer Chris
Young detective Nell Buchanan uncovers a deadly, decades-old mystery at the heart of her rural hometown in this stunning thriller from award-winning author Chris Hammer.
Newly-minted homicide detective Nell Buchanan returns to her hometown, annoyed at being assigned a decades-old murder – a ‘file and forget’.
But this is no ordinary cold case, her arrival provoking an unwelcome and threatening response from the small-town community. As more bodies are discovered, and she begins to question how well she truly knows those closest to her, Nell realises that finding the truth could prove more difficult – and dangerous – than she’d ever expected.
The nearer Nell comes to uncovering the secrets of the past, the more treacherous her path becomes. Can she survive to root out the truth, and what price will she have to pay for it?
Джесси К. Сутанто
Вера Вонг, одинокая старушка,
проживает над своей чайной лавкой в центре Китайского квартала. Хоть она и живет одна, ей ничуть не одиноко. Для нее нет занятия более приятного, чем потягивать улун и следить в интернете за жизнью сына.
Как-то утром Вера спускается вниз, и ей открывается
прелюбопытное зрелище: посреди ее лавки лежит мертвый мужчина. В его руке – флешка. Вера, вызвав полицию, стягивает флешку из руки покойника.
Зачем? Потому что она уверена, что полиция вряд ли сравнится в раскрытии преступления с мнительной китаянкой, у которой уйма свободного времени. Вера знает, что убийца вернется за флешкой. Ей только и остается, наблюдать за покупателями и высматривать среди них преступника.
Неожиданно для себя Вера заводит с покупателями дружбу
и начинает переживать за каждого из них. Но не придется ли ей в конечном счете выдать полиции одного из своих свежеобретенных цыплят?
Криминальная литература в переводе
Мауд Вентура
Она красавица, мать двоих детей, переводчица и преподавательница. И она любит своего мужа! Настолько любит, что ведет дневник его настроений, дневник его музыкальных предпочтений, дневник его проступков... И наказаний, которым она его подвергнет.
Роман о том, что может произойти, если любовь превращается в одержимость. Все начиналось безобидно: девушка из бедной семьи скрывала свой настоящий цвет волос от доброго богатого мужчины. Но это зашло слишком далеко.
Хуан Гомес-Хурадо
"Красная королева" Хуана Гомеса-Хурадо — самый читаемый испанский триллер в мире, № 1 в рейтинге лучших психологических триллеров по версии испанского Amazon, более 250 000 проданных экземпляров, более 20 переизданий за один год. Книги Хуана ГомесаХурадо переведены более чем на 40 языков.
У Антонии Скотт эйдетическая память. Она помнит все, что читала или слышала. Она никогда не носила значок и не пользовалась оружием, но за свою карьеру раскрыла десятки преступлений.
После тог как муж пострадал по ее вине, Антония отошла от дел. Теперь она живет в пустой квартире и питается тем, что приносят соседи. Дважды в день она созванивается с бабушкой, а ночи проводит в больнице.
Но за ней приходят и просят о помощи…
В самом безопасном месте Испании, в элитном районе Мадрида (а если говорить точнее, в элитной части элитного района) найдено тело.
Убитому шестнадцать, он лежит в кресле, в неестественной позе, в руке – бокал, наполненный его собственной кровью, волосы густо смазаны оливковым маслом, а губы растянуты в подобии улыбки.
Антония помнит это — Псалом 23: "…Ведь Ты умастил маслом голову мою — чаша моя полна". Антония слышала его, когда была маленькой. Она помнит, потому что помнит всё.
Как убийца проник в самое охраняемое место Испании? Почему на теле нет следов борьбы, если кровь выпускали медленно и очень болезненно? И почему информацию об этом деле так тщательно охраняют?
Им Сон Сун
Кто не хотел бы зарабатывать на жизнь любимым делом?
Начинающий автор детективов получает странное, но удивительно простое и хорошо оплачиваемое предложение о работе. Все, что от него требуется, — это написать серию романов об «идеальных преступлениях», таких, которые невозможно раскрыть, потому что смерти в них совсем не выглядят убийствами.
Не самая трудная задача для автора, не так ли? Но когда написанные им сюжеты начинают происходить в реальности, писатель понимает, что втянут в смертельно опасную игру.
Оса Ларссон
Идти по следам смерти страшно. Но другого пути нет…
Женщина по имени Рагнхильд Пеккари добралась до речного острова, на котором жил ее брат, алкоголик и бездельник Хенри. От него давно не было известий, и она решила проверить, в чем дело. Ее наихудшие подозрения подтвердились – Хенри умер. Но вот к остальному Рагнхильд была совершенно не готова…
В морозильной камере она обнаружила труп какого-то мужчины. Экспертиза установила, что это тело отца знаменитого шведского боксера Бёрье Стрёма. Он бесследно пропал… еще в 1962 году. У убийства вышел срок давности, но прокурор Ребекка Мартинссон полна решимости докопаться до правды. В первую очередь потому, что семья Пеккари ей, мягко говоря, не чужая. Их связывает… ненависть, коренящаяся глубоко в прошлом. Так что для Ребекки это прежде всего семейное дело…
Хлоя Мехди
Une petite ville semblable à tant d’autres… Et puis un jour, la bavure… Un contrôle d’identité qui dégénère… Il s’appelait Saïd. Il avait quinze ans. Et il est mort… Moi, Mattia, onze ans, je ne l’ai pas connu, mais après, j’ai vu la haine, la tristesse et la folie ronger ma famille jusqu’à la dislocation… Plus tard, alors que d’étranges individus qui ressemblent à des flics rôdent autour de moi, j’ai reconnu son visage tagué sur les murs du quartier. Des tags à la peinture rouge, accompagnés de mots réclamant justice ! C’est à ce moment-là que pour faire exploser le silence, les gens du quartier vont s’en mêler, les mères, les sœurs, les amis… Alors moi, Mattia, onze ans, je ramasse les pièces du puzzle, j’essaie de comprendre et je vois que même mort, le passé n'est jamais vraiment enterré ! Et personne n’a dit que c’était juste…
Ирса Сигурдардоттир
Kolbeinn has been called to his old home. The new owners uncovered some photos, and a muddied child's shoe bearing the name 'Salvor'. A name Kolbeinn doesn't recognise. Soon after, he hears news of his mother's deteriorating health. Her carers say she has been asking for her daughter, his Salvor.
Jóhanna is working with the search and rescue team in Höfn to find two couples from Reykjavik. Their phones' last location has been pinpointed to the road leading up into the highlands. In a harsh winter, the journey is treacherous, and they soon find the first body. More troubling, Johanna senses her team is being tracked through the snow.
Hjörvar works at the Stokksnes Radar Station in the highlands. He's alone when the phone connected to the gate the first time it's done so since he began working there five months ago. When he answeres, he can only hear interference, and what sounds like a child's voice asking for her mother.
How are these events connected?
And what may be searching for its prey out on the ice?
Стальной Кинжал Яна Флемминга
Джордан Харпер
Welcome to Mae Pruett’s Los Angeles, where “Nobody talks. But everybody whispers.” As a “black-bag” publicist tasked not with letting the good news out but keeping the bad news in, Mae works for one of LA’s most powerful and sought-after crisis PR firms, at the center of a sprawling web of lawyers, PR flaks, and private security firms she calls “The Beast.” They protect the rich and powerful and depraved by any means necessary.
After her boss is gunned down in front of the Beverly Hills Hotel in a random attack, Mae takes it upon herself to investigate and runs headfirst into The Beast’s lawless machinations and the twisted systems it exists to perpetuate. It takes her on a roving neon joyride through a Los Angeles full of influencers pumped full of pills and fillers; sprawling mansions footsteps away from sprawling homeless encampments; crooked cops and mysterious wrecking crews in the middle of the night.
Edgar Award-winner Jordan Harper’s EVERYBODY KNOWS is addicting and alarming, a “juggernaut of a novel” and “an absolute tour de force.” It is what the crime novel can achieve in the modern age: portray the human lives at the center of vast American landscapes, and make us thrill at their attempts to face impossible odds.
Котаро Исака
На первый взгляд, Миякэ — обычный человек с обычной жизнью; на работе у него постоянный стресс, его засовывает под каблук жена и не особо уважает сын. Неудивительно, что он так часто посещает своего врача. За исключением того, что врач на самом деле — его работодатель. А сам Миякэ — знаменитый наемный убийца по кличке Жук-носорог…
Жук-носорог — один из лучших в деле устранения людей, мастер на все руки. Тем не менее дома стелется ковриком перед своей женой, стараясь (безуспешно) предугадать ее настроения и желания. Периодически хочет уйти на покой, но ему не дает это сделать один человек…
Врач — куратор наемных убийц, один из главных диспетчеров преступного мира. Человек без сердца, нервов и страстей. Под видом «пациентов» принимает наемников в своей «клинике» и раздает им задания, заменяя профессиональные термины убийц словами «процедура», операция», «удаление опухоли»… Не любит отпускать от себя исполнителей.
Жук-носорог устал от убийств. Врач говорит, что бросить кровавый бизнес возможно лишь после проведения нескольких ответственных и дорогих «операций». И все они связаны с уничтожением других профессиональных убийц. Но последнее такое задание подвергает опасности и самого Миякэ, и его семью…
С. А. Косби
Titus Crowne is the first Black sheriff in the history of Charon County. A former FBI agent and security expert, Titus came home to take care of his father and look out for his troubled younger brother. He ran for Sheriff to make a difference, especially in the Black community, which has so often been treated unfairly by the police.
But a year to the day after his election, a school shooting rocks the town. A beloved teacher is killed by a former student, and as Titus attempts to deescalate and get the boy to surrender, his deputies fire a fatal shot.
In the investigation, it becomes clear that the student they shot had been abused by the dead teacher, as well as by unidentified perpetrators. The trail leads to buried bodies—and secrets. While Titus tries to track down a killer hiding in plain sight, while balancing daily duties like protecting Confederate pride marchers, he must face what it means to be a Black man wearing a police uniform in the American South.
Эли Кранор
In this Southern thriller, two families grapple with the aftermath of a murder in their small Arkansas town.
After his son is convicted of capital murder, Vietnam War veteran Jeremiah Fitzjurls takes over the care of his granddaughter, Joanna, raising her with as much warmth as can be found in an Ozark junkyard outfitted to be an armory. He teaches her how to shoot and fight, but there is not enough training in the world to protect her when the dreaded Ledfords, notorious meth dealers and fanatical white supremacists, come to collect on Joanna as payment for a long-overdue blood debt.
Headed by rancorous patriarch Bunn and smooth-talking, erudite Evail, the Ledfords have never forgotten what the Fitzjurls family did to them, and they will not be satisfied until they have taken an eye for an eye. As they seek revenge, and as Jeremiah desperately searches for his granddaughter, their narratives collide in this immersive story about family and how far some will go to honor, defend—or in some cases, destroy it.
Феми Кайоде
In this follow-up to Kayode's "action-packed and spirited debut" Philip Taiwo returns to solve a missing-persons case, and in so doing, uncovers dark secrets the church has worked tirelessly to hide (Oyinkan Braithwaite, author of My Sister, the Serial Killer).
A shadow has fallen over the megachurch in Ogun State, Nigeria: the beloved Bishop Dawodu has been arrested for the murder of his wife. Sade Dawodu has vanished without a trace and although no body has been found, the police have acted based on what they claim is damning evidence. Philip Taiwo, hot off the success of solving the Okriki Three case, is brought on to investigate. He quickly learns that Sade, young, impulsive, and outspoken, is no favorite of the congregants. She has also been known to disappear for long stretches of time. As Taiwo and his trusted associate, Chika plunge into the investigation, they unearth secrets that go beyond the missing persons case, ones that if leaked, threaten to shatter not only the Bishop, but the church itself. Taiwo quickly begins to feel like a hired gun, put up to the task with the express purpose to clear the bishop’s name rather than find the naked truth.
As Taiwo strives to crack the vast conspiracy he's up against, he’s tugged away by the demands of family life, and derailed by systemic challenges: in Nigeria, cash is king, there are no viable databases, and records are sparse. Through his eyes, we’re treated to religion’s cult-like grip, the ways in which the state is in bed with the church, and the difference between police corruption in Nigeria and America, where Philip has been living for over two decades. In turns high-octane, dark and political, but always emotionally stirring, this highly-anticipated follow-up to LIGHTSEEKERS has the bones of a classic mystery with a fresh, global tilt.
Кинжал Джона Кризи - Новая кровь
Jo Callaghan
In the UK, someone is reported missing every 90 seconds.
Just gone. Vanished. In the blink of an eye.
DCS Kat Frank knows all about loss. A widowed single mother, Kat is a cop who trusts her instincts. Picked to lead a pilot programme that has her paired with AIDE (Artificially Intelligent Detective Entity) Lock, Kat's instincts come up against Lock's logic. But when the two missing person's cold cases they are reviewing suddenly become active, Lock is the only one who can help Kat when the case gets personal.
AI versus human experience.
Logic versus instinct.
With lives on the line can the pair work together before someone else becomes another statistic?
In the Blink of an Eye is a dazzling debut from an exciting new voice and asks us what we think it means to be human.
Эми Чуа
In Berkeley, California, in 1944, Homicide Detective Al Sullivan has just left the swanky Claremont Hotel after a drink in the bar when a presidential candidate is assassinated in one of the rooms upstairs. A rich industrialist with enemies among the anarchist factions on the far left, Walter Wilkinson could have been targeted by any number of groups. But strangely, Sullivan’s investigation brings up the specter of another tragedy at the Claremont, ten years the death of seven-year-old Iris Stafford, a member of the Bainbridge family, one of the wealthiest in all of San Francisco. Some say she haunts the Claremont still.
The many threads of the case keep leading Sullivan back to the three remaining Bainbridge heiresses, now Iris’s sister, Isabella, and her cousins Cassie and Nicole. Determined not to let anything distract him from the truth―not the powerful influence of Bainbridges’ grandmother, or the political aspirations of Berkeley’s district attorney, or the interest of China's First Lady Madame Chiang Kai-Shek in his findings―Sullivan follows his investigation to its devastating conclusion.
Kate Foster
Inspired by a real-life case and winner of the Bloody Scotland Pitch Perfect Award, Kate Foster's The Maiden is a remarkable story with a feminist revisionist twist, giving a voice to women otherwise silenced by history.
"In the end, it did not matter what I said at my trial. No one believed me."
Edinburgh, October 1679. Lady Christian Nimmo is arrested and charged with the murder of her lover, James Forrester. News of her imprisonment and subsequent trial is splashed across the broadsides, with headlines that leave little room for doubt: Adulteress. Whore. Murderess.
Only a year before, Christian was leading a life of privilege and respectability. So, what led her to risk everything for an affair? And does that make her guilty of murder? She wasn't the only woman in Forrester's life, and certainly not the only one who might have had cause to wish him dead . . .
Dann McDorman
An irresistible murder mystery set at a remote hunting lodge where everyone is a suspect, including the erratic detective on the scene—a remarkable debut that gleefully upends the rules of the genre and marks the arrival of a major new talent
"A thoroughly original suspense novel that hops across elements of the genre—a diabolical locked-room mystery interspersed with a fascinating primer on the form—while always being tremendous fun to read."—Chris Pavone, best-selling author of Two Nights in Lisbon
An isolated hunt club. A raging storm. Three corpses, discovered within four days. A cast of monied, scheming, unfaithful characters.
When private detective Adam McAnnis joins an old college friend for the Bicentennial weekend at the exclusive West Heart club in upstate New York, he finds himself among a set of not-entirely-friendly strangers. Then the body of one of the members is found at the lake’s edge; hours later, a major storm hits. By the time power is restored on Sunday, two more people will be dead.
The elements of the classic murder mystery are all present in West Heart Kill, but it’s the daring structure and mischievously subversive narration that set this debut apart. This is no ordinary whodunit. Both an homage to the masters of the genre, and a wholly original spin on the form, it’s a sheer delight from start to finish.
Bridget Walsh
The first in a sharp, witty series of Victorian mystery novels, The Tumbling Girl sees an unlikely duo team up to solve a grisly spate of murders.
1876, Victorian London. Minnie Ward, the feisty scriptwriter for the Variety Palace Music Hall, is devastated when her best friend is found brutally murdered. She enlists the help of private detective Albert Easterbrook, who already has his hands full trying to catch the notorious Hairpin Killer. But Minnie can't help getting involved in the investigation, and as the bodies begin to pile up, Albert's burgeoning feelings for his amateur partner start to interfere...
A dazzling debut for fans of Sarah Waters and Elizabeth Macneal, and shows like Miss Scarlet and the Duke.
Michelle Teahan
Your daughter is gone, and only you can find her.
Because you know exactly who took her.
And they're making her pay for your past.
To save one child, you must leave the other.
You must return to your old life.
And become the woman you left behind years ago.
It's every parent's worst nightmare.
Now it's your reality.