Вручение 2 ноября 2022 г.

Победитель был выбран из 132 книг, представленных 70 издательствами.

Страна: Канада Место проведения: город Торонто Дата проведения: 2 ноября 2022 г.

Премия Этвуд-Гибсона за художественную литературу

Nicholas Herring 0.0
Herring is a hapless lobster fisher lost in an unexceptional life, bored of thinking the same old thoughts. One December day, following a hunch, he cuts a hole in the living room floor and installs a hoist, altering the course of everything in his life. His wife Euna leaves with their children. He buries the family dog in a frozen grave on Christmas Eve. He and his friend Gerry crash his truck into a field, only to be rescued by a passing group of Tibetan monks.
During the spring lobster season, Herring and Gerry find themselves caught in a storm front. Herring falls overboard miles from the harbour, is lost at sea for days, and assumed to be drowned. And then, he is found, miraculously, alive. Having come so near to death, he is forced to confront the things he fears the most: love, friendship, belief, and himself.
Some Hellish is a story about anguish and salvation, the quiet grace and patience of transformation, the powers of addiction and fear, the plausibility of forgiveness, and the immense capacity of friendship and of love.
Rima Elkouri 0.0
Léa est institutrice. Tous les mois de septembre, elle accueille la vingtaine d’enfants qu’elle accompagnera pour la prochaine année. Chaque fois, elle brandit le dictionnaire devant eux, leur expliquant que c’est comme un coffre au trésor de vingt-six lettres. Elle leur dit qu’ils ont là tout ce qu’il faut pour raconter le monde. Même ce qui ne se raconte pas. Même les secrets qu’ils n’osent dire à personne. Même le silence. Le secret, le silence, n’est-ce pas justement une grande part de l’héritage que Léa a reçu de sa Téta, sa grand-mère tant aimée, qui vient de mourir à cent sept ans ?

Dans la maison de Téta, aux allures de quai de gare, le repas commençait mais ne finissait jamais, la cousine débarquée d’Alep y croisait le neveu de New York ou l’amie de Marseille, tout ce beau monde s’alignait sur le mobilier kitsch, fumait le narguilé, riait aux éclats, mangeait beaucoup trop, prenait des nouvelles des « enfants », ainsi nommés même à quarante ans. Mais il était un sujet dont Téta refusait de parler. Au début du siècle dernier, presque toute la population de Manam, où vivait sa famille, a trouvé la mort, soit sous les coups de l’armée turque, soit sur la route de l’exil vers la Syrie. Comment sa grand-mère et les siens avaient-ils survécu au massacre ? Dès que Léa lui posait la question, sa Téta, d’ordinaire si volubile, changeait de sujet : « Le Canadien sera éliminé en cinq ou en six, à ton avis ? »

Rima Elkouri emprunte les chemins de la littérature afin de démêler les nœuds d’une mémoire familiale blessée. « Nos silences sont des tiroirs à double-fond », écrit-elle. À la manière de la défunte Téta, qui avait toujours une fable dans sa manche, elle raconte, avec générosité et pudeur, la tragédie arménienne. Au passage, sans emphase, elle nous donne accès à une certaine idée du Québec et de ses immigrants. Elle le fait avec finesse et humilité, à hauteur de femme, d’homme et d’enfant, mettant à profit son habile talent de portraitiste pour nous faire découvrir des êtres courageux qui ont résolument choisi le côté de la vie.
Kevin Lambert 0.0
Homage to Jean Genet's antihero and a brilliant reimagining of the ancient form of tragedy, Querelle of Roberval, winner of the Marquis de Sade Prize, is a wildly imaginative story of justice, passion, and murderous revenge.
When millworkers in Roberval, a northern Quebec logging town, go on strike, the conflict rips the close-knit community apart, and despite the workers' solidarity, their individual struggles and demands further escalate tensions within the group. They remain united by the desire to escape poverty and exact revenge on their boss, but when Brian Ferland decrees a lockout and awakens in them a buried rage, they rally around the mysterious and magnetic influence of Querelle, a dashingly cosmopolitan newcomer from Montreal. By day, Querelle walks the picket lines with his cohort, but at night he breaks bottles on the beach and settles scores with baseball bats and the town's privileged young men flock to his apartment for sex. As positions harden and both sides refuse to yield, sand stalls the gears of the economic machine and the tinderbox of class struggle and entitlement ignites in a firestorm of passions carnal and violent.
Darcy Tamayose 0.0
Award-winning author Darcy Tamayose returns with Ezra's Ghosts, a collection of fantastical stories linked by a complex mingling of language and culture, as well as a deep understanding of grief and what it makes of us. Within these pages a scholar writes home from the Ryukyu islands, not knowing that his hometown will soon face a deadly calamity of its own. Another seeker of truth is trapped in Ezra after her violent death, and must watch how her family--and her killer--alter in her absence. The oldest man in town, an immigrant who came to Canada to escape imperial hardships, sprouts wings, and a wounded journalist bears witness to his transformation. Finally, past and present collide as a researcher reflects on the recent skinwars that have completely altered the world's topography. Binding the stories together is an intersection of arrival and departure--in a quiet prairie town called Ezra.
Saeed Teebi 0.0
Elegant, surprising stories about Palestinian immigrants in Canada navigating their identities in circumstances that push them to the emotional brink.

Saeed Teebi’s intense, engrossing stories plunge into the lives of characters grappling with their experiences as Palestinian immigrants to Canada. A doctor teaches his girlfriend about his country, only for her to fall into a consuming obsession with the Middle East conflict. A math professor risks his family’s destruction by slandering the king of a despotic, oil-rich country. A university student invents an imaginary girlfriend to fit in with his callous, womanizing roommates. A lawyer takes on the impossible mission of becoming a body smuggler. A lonely widower travels to Russia in search of a movie starlet he met in his youth in historical Jaffa. A refugee who escaped violent circumstances rebels against the kindness of his sponsor. These taut and compelling stories engage the immigrant experience and reflect the Palestinian diaspora with grace and insight.