Вручение 2004 г.

Премия вручалась за 2003 год.

Страна: США Дата проведения: 2004 г.

Лучший детективный роман

Peter Lovesey 0.0
The discovery of a woman's body on a Sussex beach seems irrelevant to the police force in Bath, until she is identified as a resident of that city, and the unique investigative talents of Inspector Peter Diamond are brought into play.
Джайлс Блант 3.6
В лесу близ городка Алгонкин-бей в канадской провинции Онтарио находят растерзанные зверями останки американского туриста. Через некоторое время в том же лесу обнаруживают труп молодой женщины-врача. Расследование поручают сотрудникам местной полиции Джону Кардиналу и Лиз Делорм. Полицейские быстро устанавливают, что речь идет не о несчастных случаях, а об убийствах, совершенных одним и тем же преступником. Кардиналу удается выяснить, что убитый мужчина - бывший сотрудник ЦРУ. Это дает уголовной полиции право передать расследование в другие руки, но Джон Кардинал решает распутать дело сам.
Кен Бруен 3.5
Жизнь Джека Тейлора катится под откос - разбитое сердце, алкоголь, увольнение из элитного полицейского подразделения... В этот момент к нему за помощью обращается мать девочки, по официальной версии, покончившей жизнь самоубийством. Власти считают, что все детали трагедии известны, однако у бывшего полицейского на этот счет другое мнение. Он начинает собственное расследование.
"Стражи" - первый роман из серии книг о Джеке Тейлоре, обаятельном и опасном.

Для любителей нетривиальной прозы и черного юмора.
Rhys Bowen 0.0
No job for a lady...Fashion can be murder for Molly Murphy! Having inherited the cases of her deceased mentor Paddy Reilly, private investigator Molly Murphy is following philandering husbands, tracking down runaway debutantes and working in a sweatshop to discover who is purloining dress designs. None of these jobs seem very dangerous. at first. But when a woman's body is fished out of the East River, Molly fears it is the missing society girl everyone is talking about. Then Molly's sometime beau, police captain Daniel Sullivan, reveals that another corpse may be the girl's cheating lover, Mike Kelly. And now, as the threads of passion and greed weave a vivid tapestry of violence, Molly must descend into the underworld of the gangs of New York - only to realise that she may need more than her street smart to get to the truth. and get out alive.
Дэвид Корбетт 0.0
Satisfaction is a commodity in short supply for the myriad characters populating Done for a Dime, private eye-turned-author David Corbett's affecting follow-up to his debut novel, The Devil's Redhead. Among the significantly short-changed is Raymond "Strong" Carlisle, an irascible black saxophonist who used to play with the giants of blues music, but now does only about four gigs a year, "if he's lucky, with a bunch of sorry old men the business forgot long ago." When Carlisle is shot dead at his home in Rio Mirada, an increasingly crime-plagued burg north of San Francisco, the cops, including lead detective Dennis Murchison and his racist partner, Jerry Stluka, figure it's the tragic result of a nightclub fight he'd provoked the evening before. Their two prime suspects: Arlie Thigpen, a gang tough employed by a local drug dealer; and Toby Marchand, Carlisle's musician son, who'd chafed under his elder's incessant tauntings, and whose white teenage lover, Nadya Lazarenko, witnessed the homicide--but is too traumatized to remember anything about it. However, Carlisle's death is merely a harbinger of worse troubles to come, among them a neighborhood-destroying fire engineered by greedy developers.
Regrettably, that cinematic hillside conflagration diverts attention from Corbett's more interesting study of people trying to cope with the inequitable vicissitudes of life. Murchison, for instance, comes off as a conflicted mix of determination and desperation, a man terminally unable to fulfill the expectations of his wife and parents. For Marchand, the challenge is to reject his late father's cynicism and find hope in Nadya's embrace, even as she refuses to trust in something so ephemeral as happiness. Other well-formed players here--from a suspect's strong-willed mother, to a smart and fetching lawyer who confuses Murchison's heart, to a cop-turned-hired killer who isn't so transparently evil as he initially appears--struggle to achieve their own forms of justice in an unjust world. Corbett has a sharp ear for street dialogue and an even sharper understanding of human emotion and pain. For a book that's all about dissatisfaction, Done for a Dime is decidedly satisfying. --J. Kingston Pierce

Лучший дебютный детектив

Жаклин Уинспир 3.3
Муж подозревает жену в неверности и просит Мейси Доббс проследить за ней. Выясняется, что никакой измены не было. Однако рутинное дело ревнивого мужа скоро превращается для Мейси в увлекательное расследование тайны фермы, где один за другим гибнут при загадочных обстоятельствах обитатели…

Потрясающе написанный детектив, вызывающий в памяти лучшие произведения Агаты Кристи.
«New York Times»
Джеймс Хайм 0.0
Sissy Fletcher, the preacher’s daughter, disappeared on the night of the Rodeo Dance ten years ago and has been missing ever since. Until now, that is—a team drilling an oil well has made a grisly discovery in an isolated pasture. Seeing as how it’s an election year, finding her killer is a bigger priority than it might usually be in sleepy Washington County, Texas, where not much ever happens anyway.

Though it’s becoming clear that the town isn’t quite as sleepy as it seems. Martin Fletcher, Sissy’s brother, seems to believe he’s on a mission from God to raise hell in Washington County. He and his partner, Dud Hughes, aim to start small, with armed robbery, and work their way up to bigger things, but an inquiry into his sister’s death threatens to draw a little more attention his way than he wants just now.

As the mood begins to the shift in the town, three men put their heads together to work the case: ex-Texas Ranger Jeremiah Spur, who is retired but can’t get the thrill of the chase out of his blood; the current sheriff, Dewey Sharpe, who just may not be as dumb as he looks; and Deputy Clyde Thomas, an African-American ex-Dallas cop who is probably the savviest of the bunch. All in all, it’s a terrifically original, jaunty, and action-packed debut from a writer to watch.
Ребекка Павел 0.0
"Pawel anchors a tense and exciting story with a terrific and complex plot."—Detroit Free Press

"[Pawel] turns the clock back to 1939 and Madrid’s tumultuous past. . . . An intriguing juxtaposition of the political and the personal."—Kirkus Reviews

"An intriguing tale amid the gloom of war-torn Madrid. It is a humane and moving portrait of a divided people coming to grips with the virtues of enemies and the villainy of friends."—Dan Fesperman

Madrid 1939. Carlos Tejada Alonso y León is a Sergeant in the Guardia Civil, a rank rare for a man not yet thirty, but Tejada is an unusual recruit. The bitter civil war between the Nationalists and the Republicans has interrupted his legal studies in Salamanca. Second son of a conservative Southern family of landowners, he is an enthusiast for the Catholic Franquista cause, a dedicated, and now triumphant, Nationalist.

This war has drawn international attention. In a dress rehearsal for World War II, fascists support the Nationalists, while communists have come to the aid of the Republicans. Atrocities have devastated both sides. It is at this moment, when the Republicans have surrendered, and the Guardia Civil has begun to impose order in the ruins of Madrid, that Tejada finds the body of his best friend, a hero of the siege of Toledo, shot to death on a street named Amor de Dios. Naturally, a Red is suspected. And it is easy for Tejada to assume that the woman caught kneeling over the body is the killer. But when his doubts are aroused, he cannot help seeking justice.
Olen Steinhauer 0.0
In this auspicious literary crime debut, an inexperienced homicide detective struggles amid the lawlessness of a post-WWII Eastern European city.

It's August, 1948, three years after the Russians "liberated" this small nation from German Occupation. But the Red Army still patrols the capital's rubble-strewn streets, and the ideals of the Revolution are but memories. Twenty-two-year-old Detective Emil Brod, an eager young man who spent the war working on a fishing boat in Finland, finally gets his chance to serve his country, investigating murder for the People's Militia.

The victim in Emil's first case is a state songwriter, but the evidence seems to point toward a political motive. He would like to investigate further, but even in his naivete, he realizes that the police academy never prepared him for this peculiar post-war environment, in which his colleagues are suspicious or silent, where lawlessness and corruption are the rules of the city, and in which he's still expected to investigate a murder. He is truly on his own in this new, dangerous world.

The Bridge of Sighs launches a unique series of crime novels featuring a dynamic cast of characters in an ever-evolving landscape, the politically volatile terrain of Eastern Europe in the second half of the 20th century.

The Bridge of Sighs is a 2004 Edgar Award Nominee for Best First Novel

Лучшая документальная книга

Гари Уоррен Нибур 0.0
This unique book describes and organizes nearly 2,500 mystery titles. Divided into sections-amateur, public, and private detective-titles are then categorized as traditional classic, eccentric, lone wolf, and so on. Niebuhr even notes whether each detective is of the hardboiled, softboiled (cozy), or traditional type. Author, title, subject, character, and location indexes offer further access. With more than 2,500 titles and more than 200 authors, this book provides an excellent understanding of the genre. An indispensable resource for librarians and mystery fans.

If you've been searching for a comprehensive readers' advisory guide for mystery and detective fiction, look no further. With more than 2,500 titles and more than 200 authors, this book will provide you with an excellent overview and a thorough understanding of the genre, from topics of interest, a history of mystery fiction, and subgenres, to hints for advising readers, and a discussion of collection development and preservation techniques. Even with no prior knowledge about the genre, with this guide you will find it easy to answer questions raised by readers. And if you're an avid reader of mystery and detective fiction, you will love this book as you explore titles and gain an even deeper insight into the genre. Books can be searched by author, title, character, subject, and location. An indispensable resource for library professionals, educators, and mystery fans!