Вручение ноябрь 1988 г.

Страна: США Место проведения: город Нью-Йорк Дата проведения: ноябрь 1988 г.

Художественная проза

Pete Dexter 0.0
A respected white citizen of Cotton Point, Georgia, Paris Trout is a shopkeeper, a money-lender, and a murderer of blacks. And his friends, family and foes do not realize the danger they face in a man who simply will not see his own guilt.#Penguin.
Дон Делилло 4.2
Эта книга - о том, как творится история. Не на полях сражений и не в тронных залах - а в трущобах и пыльных кабинетах, людьми с сомнительным прошлым и опасным настоящим. В этой книге перемешаны факты и вымысел, психология и мистика, но причудливое сплетение нитей заговора и человеческих судеб сходится в одной точке - 22 ноября 1963 года, Даллас, штат Техас. Поворотный момент в истории США и всей западной цивилизации - убийство президента Кеннеди. Одинокий маньяк или сложный заговор спецслужб, террористов и мафии?
В монументальном романе "Весы" Дон Делилло предлагает свою версию.
Впервые на русском языке.

Классик современной американской литературы Дон Делилло (р. 1936) известен российскому читателю романами "Имена", "Белый шум" и "Мао II". Лауреат нескольких престижных литературных премий. Роман "Весы" в 1989 году был удостоен Международной премии газеты "Айриш Таймc" за художественную литературу.
Мэри МакГарри Моррис 0.0
Aubrey Wallace is the kind of man no one notices. Dotty Johnson is the kind of woman no one can ingore. One afternoon, they both disappear from the small Vermont town where they live. The next day, two hundred miles away, a toddler is snatched from her Massachusetts home.For the next five years, Aubrey, Dotty, and the kidnapped child—bound together by strange love and desperate need—are trapped in a nomadic existence governed by their constant fear of discovery. Canny, the little girl, becomes Aubrey's entire existence. But Dotty wants out. She is tired of being saddled with this fearful little man. When she meets Jiggy Huller, a brutal ex-convict, the wheels of Canny's return to her natural parents are wrenched fatally into motion.
Дж. Ф. Пауэрс 0.0
Wheat That Springeth Green, J. F. Powers's beautifully realized final work, is a comic foray into the commercialized wilderness of modern American life. Its hero, Joe Hackett, is a high school track star who sets out to be a saint. But seminary life and priestly apprenticeship soon damp his ardor, and by the time he has been given a parish of his own he has traded in his hair shirt for the consolations of baseball and beer. Meanwhile Joe's higher-ups are pressing for an increase in profits from the collection plate, suburban Inglenook's biggest business wants to launch its new line of missiles with a blessing, and not all that far away, in Vietnam, a war is going on. Joe wants to duck and cover, but in the end, almost in spite of himself, he is condemned to do something right.

J. F. Powers was a virtuoso of the American language with a perfect ear for the telling cliché and an unfailing eye for the kitsch that clutters up our lives. This funny and very moving novel about the making and remaking of a priest is one of his finest achievements.
Энн Тайлер 3.7
За роман "Уроки дыхания" Энн Тайлер получила Пулитцеровскую премию. Мэгги порывиста и непосредственна, Айра обстоятелен и нетороплив. Мэгги совершает глупости. За Айрой такого греха не водится. Они женаты двадцать восемь лет. Их жизнь обычна, спокойна и... скучна. В один невеселый день они отправляются в автомобильное путешествие – на похороны старого друга. Но внезапно Мэгги слышит по радио, как в прямом эфире ее бывшая невестка объявляет, что снова собирается замуж. И поездка на похороны оборачивается экспедицией по спасению брака сына. Трогательная, ироничная, смешная и горькая хроника одного дня из жизни Мэгги и Айры – это глубокое погружение в самую суть семейных отношений, комедия, скрещенная с высокой драмой. "Уроки дыхания" – негромкий шедевр одной из лучших современных писательниц.

Документальная книга

Нил Шихан 0.0
This passionate, epic account of the Vietnam War centres on Lt Col John Paul Vann, whose story illuminates America's failures & disillusionment in SE Asia. A field adviser to the army when US involvement was just beginning, he quickly became appalled at the corruption of the S. Vietnamese regime, their incompetence in fighting the Communists & their brutal alienation of their own people. Finding his superiors too blinded by political lies to understand the war was being thrown away, he secretly briefed reporters on what was really happening. One of those reporters was Neil Sheehan.--Amazon (edited)
Neil Sheehan was a Vietnam War correspondent for United Press International & the NY Times & won a number of awards for reporting. In 1971 he obtained the Pentagon Papers, which brought the Times the Pulitzer gold medal for meritorious public service. A Bright Shining Lie won the National Book Award & the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction. He lives in Washington DC.
The funeral
Going to war
Antecedents to a confrontation
The Battle of Ap Bac
Taking on the system
Antecedents to the man
A second time around
John Vann stays
Source Notes
About the Author

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