Луиза Эрдрич

Karen Louise Erdrich

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Новинки Луизы Эрдрич

  • Срок Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 978-5-04-172808-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Маленький независимый книжный в течение года посещает призрак надоедливой покупательницы, которая отказывается покидать магазин. Индианка Туки, которая устроилась туда продавцом после нескольких лет тюремного заключения, должна разгадать тайну этой навязчивой гостьи и в то же время попытаться разобраться в себе, своих страхах и происходящих в городе переменах.

    Перед вами загадочный, наполненный магией роман, как и многие книги Эрдрич, не лишенный глубины и эмоциональности — о проживании горя, материнстве и несправедливой судьбе.
  • Ночной сторож Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 978-5-04-161593-2
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    1953 год. Томас, прототипом которого стал дед автора, работает ночным сторожем на заводе по производству подшипников из драгоценных камней — первом заводе, расположенном недалеко от резервации племени Черепашьей горы в Северной Дакоте. Как член Совета индейцев Чиппева, он пытается предотвратить последствия нового законопроекта об «эмансипации», который уже скоро может принять Конгресс Соединенных Штатов. Томас знает, что, если закон будет принят, племя прекратит существование, и сделает все, чтобы не допустить этого.
  • Il guardiano notturno Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 880703476X
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Feltrinelli
    Язык: Итальянский
    La vita, la fame e la miseria, la fiera identità culturale, gli amori e le lotte sociali di una piccola comunità di indiani nella riserva della Turtle Mountain, Nord Dakota, a metà degli anni ’50, minacciata da un disegno di legge che vorrebbe smantellare le riserve, in quello che gli indiani considerano l’atto finale dell’annientamento del loro popolo. Thomas Wazhashk (Topo Muschiato), nella sua funzione di presidente tribale, unico personaggio reale insieme al senatore mormone fautore del provvedimento, riuscirà a evitare che la legge venga approvata. Su questo sfondo storico si snodano le vicende della giovane Patrice, cui è affidato il sostentamento della famiglia, delle sue inquietudini sentimentali, dell’insegnante bianco Barnes che si strugge per lei, del pugile Wood Mountain che la corteggia e la attrae. Sarà proprio Wood Mountain ad accompagnarla a Minneapolis alla ricerca della sorella scomparsa nei meandri della metropoli e probabilmente vittima di loschi figuri con cui anche Patrice, inesperta ma determinata, dovrà fare i conti, ritrovandosi a esibirsi in un locale equivoco con addosso un surreale costume da bue azzurro. Percorso da un umorismo sottile e spiazzante, popolato da personaggi acutamente tratteggiati, fra antichi rituali e irruzioni di magia che però poi trovano sempre il loro punto di caduta nella razionalità, "Il guardiano notturno" ci racconta con toni neorealistici un mondo mille volte rappresentato come epopea dalle pellicole di Hollywood.
  • The Sentence Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 006267112X, 978-0062671127
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    In this stunning and timely novel, Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award-winning author Louise Erdrich creates a wickedly funny ghost story, a tale of passion, of a complex marriage, and of a woman's relentless errors.

    Louise Erdrich's latest novel, The Sentence, asks what we owe to the living, the dead, to the reader and to the book. A small independent bookstore in Minneapolis is haunted from November 2019 to November 2020 by the store's most annoying customer. Flora dies on All Souls' Day, but she simply won't leave the store. Tookie, who has landed a job selling books after years of incarceration that she survived by reading with murderous attention, must solve the mystery of this haunting while at the same time trying to understand all that occurs in Minneapolis during a year of grief, astonishment, isolation, and furious reckoning.

    The Sentence begins on All Souls' Day 2019 and ends on All Souls' Day 2020. Its mystery and proliferating ghost stories during this one year propel a narrative as rich, emotional, and profound as anything Louise Erdrich has written.
  • The Night Watchman Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-0062671189
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Harper
    Thomas Wazhashk is the night watchman at the jewel bearing plant, the first factory located near the Turtle Mountain Reservation in rural North Dakota. He is also a Chippewa Council member who is trying to understand the consequences of a new “emancipation” bill on its way to the floor of the United States Congress. It is 1953 and he and the other council members know the bill isn’t about freedom; Congress is fed up with Indians. The bill is a “termination” that threatens the rights of Native Americans to their land and their very identity. How can the government abandon treaties made in good faith with Native Americans “for as long as the grasses shall grow, and the rivers run”?

    Since graduating high school, Pixie Paranteau has insisted that everyone call her Patrice. Unlike most of the girls on the reservation, Patrice, the class valedictorian, has no desire to wear herself down with a husband and kids. She makes jewel bearings at the plant, a job that barely pays her enough to support her mother and brother. Patrice’s shameful alcoholic father returns home sporadically to terrorize his wife and children and bully her for money. But Patrice needs every penny to follow her beloved older sister, Vera, who moved to the big city of Minneapolis. Vera may have disappeared; she hasn’t been in touch in months, and is rumored to have had a baby. Determined to find Vera and her child, Patrice makes a fateful trip to Minnesota that introduces her to unexpected forms of exploitation and violence, and endangers her life.

    Thomas and Patrice live in this impoverished reservation community along with young Chippewa boxer Wood Mountain and his mother Juggie Blue, her niece and Patrice’s best friend Valentine, and Stack Barnes, the white high school math teacher and boxing coach who is hopelessly in love with Patrice.

    In the Night Watchman, Louise Erdrich creates a fictional world populated with memorable characters who are forced to grapple with the worst and best impulses of human nature. Illuminating the loves and lives, the desires and ambitions of these characters with compassion, wit, and intelligence, The Night Watchman is a majestic work of fiction from this revered cultural treasure.
  • Круглый дом Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 978-5-04-100815-4
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "Убить пересмешника" в атмосфере индейской резервации. Он находится на грани взросления. И получает жестокий удар: его мать подвергается жестокому насилию с расистским подтекстом. Это преступление полностью меняет его семью навсегда. Теперь ему предстоит свершить справедливость и отомстить обидчику. "Круглый дом" – завораживающий литературный шедевр, одновременно история взросления, триллер и семейный роман.

  • Future Home of the Living God Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-0062694065
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский
    The world as we know it is ending. Evolution has reversed itself, affecting every living creature on earth. Science cannot stop the world from running backwards, as woman after woman gives birth to infants that appear to be primitive species of humans. Twenty-six-year-old Cedar Hawk Songmaker, adopted daughter of a pair of big-hearted, open-minded Minneapolis liberals, is as disturbed and uncertain as the rest of America around her. But for Cedar, this change is profound and deeply personal. She is four months pregnant.

    Though she wants to tell the adoptive parents who raised her from infancy, Cedar first feels compelled to find her birth mother, Mary Potts, an Ojibwe living on the reservation, to understand both her and her baby’s origins. As Cedar goes back to her own biological beginnings, society around her begins to disintegrate, fueled by a swelling panic about the end of humanity.

    There are rumors of martial law, of Congress confining pregnant women. Of a registry, and rewards for those who turn these wanted women in. Flickering through the chaos are signs of increasing repression: a shaken Cedar witnesses a family wrenched apart when police violently drag a mother from her husband and child in a parking lot. The streets of her neighborhood have been renamed with Bible verses. A stranger answers the phone when she calls her adoptive parents, who have vanished without a trace. It will take all Cedar has to avoid the prying eyes of potential informants and keep her baby safe.
  • Original Fire Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 0060935340
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    A passionate book of poetry from New York Times bestselling author Louise Erdrich.

    In this important collection, award-winning author Louise Erdrich has selected poems from her two previous books of poetry, Jacklight and Baptism of Desire, and has added nineteen new poems to compose Original Fire.

    “These molten poems radiate with the ferocity of desire, and in them Erdrich does not spin verse so much as tell tales—of betrayal and revenge, of hunting and being hunted.”—Minneapolis Star Tribune
  • Лароуз Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 978-5-04-096852-7
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Северная Дакота, 1999. Ландро выслеживает оленя на границе своих владений. Он стреляет с уверенностью, что попал в добычу, но животное отпрыгивает, и Ландо понимает, что произошло непоправимое. Подойдя ближе, он видит, что убил пятилетнего сына соседей, Дасти Равича. Мальчик был лучшим другом Лароуза, сына Ландро. Теперь, следуя древним индейским обычаям, Ландро должен отдать своего сына взамен того, кого он убил.

  • Future Home of the Living God Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 0-06-269405-7, 978-0-06-269405-8
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    The world as we know it is ending. Evolution has reversed itself, affecting every living creature on earth. Science cannot stop the world from running backwards, as woman after woman gives birth to infants that appear to be primitive species of humans. Twenty-six-year-old Cedar Hawk Songmaker, adopted daughter of a pair of big-hearted, open-minded Minneapolis liberals, is as disturbed and uncertain as the rest of America around her. But for Cedar, this change is profound and deeply personal. She is four months pregnant.

    Though she wants to tell the adoptive parents who raised her from infancy, Cedar first feels compelled to find her birth mother, Mary Potts, an Ojibwe living on the reservation, to understand both her and her baby’s origins. As Cedar goes back to her own biological beginnings, society around her begins to disintegrate, fueled by a swelling panic about the end of humanity.

    There are rumors of martial law, of Congress confining pregnant women. Of a registry, and rewards for those who turn these wanted women in. Flickering through the chaos are signs of increasing repression: a shaken Cedar witnesses a family wrenched apart when police violently drag a mother from her husband and child in a parking lot. The streets of her neighborhood have been renamed with Bible verses. A stranger answers the phone when she calls her adoptive parents, who have vanished without a trace. It will take all Cedar has to avoid the prying eyes of potential informants and keep her baby safe.

    A chilling dystopian novel both provocative and prescient, Future Home of the Living God is a startlingly original work from one of our most acclaimed writers: a moving meditation on female agency, self-determination, biology, and natural rights that speaks to the troubling changes of our time.
  • The Beet Queen Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-0060835279
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский
    On a spring morning in 1932, young Karl and Mary Adare arrive by boxcar in Argus, North Dakota. After being orphaned in a most peculiar way, they seek refuge in the butcher shop of their aunt Fritzie and her husband, Pete; ordinary Mary, who will cause a miracle, and seductive Karl, who lacks his sister's gift for survival, embark upon an exhilarating life-journey crowded with colorful, unforgettable characters and marked by the extraordinary magic of natural events.

    The bestselling, award-winning author of The Painted Drum, Louise Erdrich dazzles in this vibrant and heartfelt tale of abandonment and sexual obsession, jealousy and unstinting love that explores with empathy, humor, and power the eternal mystery of the human condition.
  • LaRose Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-0062277022
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    In this literary masterwork, Louise Erdrich, the bestselling author of the National Book Award-winning The Round House and the Pulitzer Prize nominee The Plague of Doves wields her breathtaking narrative magic in an emotionally haunting contemporary tale of a tragic accident, a demand for justice, and a profound act of atonement with ancient roots in Native American culture.

    North Dakota, late summer, 1999. Landreaux Iron stalks a deer along the edge of the property bordering his own. He shoots with easy confidence—but when the buck springs away, Landreaux realizes he’s hit something else, a blur he saw as he squeezed the trigger. When he staggers closer, he realizes he has killed his neighbor’s five-year-old son, Dusty Ravich.

    The youngest child of his friend and neighbor, Peter Ravich, Dusty was best friends with Landreaux’s five-year-old son, LaRose. The two families have always been close, sharing food, clothing, and rides into town; their children played together despite going to different schools; and Landreaux’s wife, Emmaline, is half sister to Dusty’s mother, Nola. Horrified at what he’s done, the recovered alcoholic turns to an Ojibwe tribe tradition—the sweat lodge—for guidance, and finds a way forward. Following an ancient means of retribution, he and Emmaline will give LaRose to the grieving Peter and Nola. “Our son will be your son now,” they tell them.

    LaRose is quickly absorbed into his new family. Plagued by thoughts of suicide, Nola dotes on him, keeping her darkness at bay. His fierce, rebellious new “sister,” Maggie, welcomes him as a co conspirator who can ease her volatile mother’s terrifying moods. Gradually he’s allowed shared visits with his birth family, whose sorrow mirrors the Raviches’ own. As the years pass, LaRose becomes the linchpin linking the Irons and the Raviches, and eventually their mutual pain begins to heal.

    But when a vengeful man with a long-standing grudge against Landreaux begins raising trouble, hurling accusations of a cover-up the day Dusty died, he threatens the tenuous peace that has kept these two fragile families whole.

    Inspiring and affecting, LaRose is a powerful exploration of loss, justice, and the reparation of the human heart, and an unforgettable, dazzling tour de force from one of America’s most distinguished literary masters.
  • The Round House Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-1472108142
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Corsair
    Язык: Английский

    A mother is brutally raped by a man on their North Dakota reservation where she lives with her husband and thirteen-year-old son, Joe. Traumatized and afraid, she takes to her bed and refuses to talk to anyone - including the police. While her husband, a tribal judge, endeavours to wrest justice from a situation that defies his keenest efforts, young Joe's world shifts on its child's axis. Confused, and nursing a complicated fury, Joe sets out to find answers that might put his mother's attacker behind bars - and make everything right again. Or so he hopes. The Round House is a poignant and abundantly humane story of a young boy…

  • Love Medicine Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 0062206311, 978-0062206312
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
    Язык: Английский
    Set on and around a North Dakota reservation, ‘Love Medicine’ tells the story of the Lamartines and the Kashpaws – two extraordinary families whose fates are united and sustained in a harsh world by the strength and diversity of their love.

    We meet the sensual Lulu Lamartine, whose children have different fathers, but whose passionate tie to her first love, Nector Kashpaw, intensifies over the years; June Kashpaw, who froze to death in a snowstorm; and the philosophical Lipsha Morrissey, June's abandoned son, who makes a love medicine to keep his grandparents together.
  • Chickadee Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 0060577908
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Harper
    Язык: Английский
    Winner of the Scott O'Dell Award for Historical Fiction, Chickadee is the first novel of a new arc in the critically acclaimed Birchbark House series by New York Times bestselling author Louise Erdrich.

    Twin brothers Chickadee and Makoons have done everything together since they were born—until the unthinkable happens and the brothers are separated.

    Desperate to reunite, both Chickadee and his family must travel across new territories, forge unlikely friendships, and experience both unexpected moments of unbearable heartache as well as pure happiness. And through it all, Chickadee has the strength of his namesake, the chickadee, to carry him on.

    Chickadee continues the story of one Ojibwe family's journey through one hundred years in America. School Library Journal, in a starred review, proclaimed, "Readers will be more than happy to welcome little Chickadee into their hearts."

    The paperback edition includes additional material, such as an interview with the author and activities.
  • Round House Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 9780062204943
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollinsPublishers
    Язык: Английский
    One Sunday in the spring of 1988, a woman living on a reservation in North Dakota is attacked. The details of the crime are slow to surface as Geraldine Coutts is traumatized and reluctant to relive or reveal what happened, either to the police or to her husband, Bazil, and 13-year-old son, Joe. In one day, Joe's life is irrevocably transformed. He tries to heal his mother, but she will not leave her bed and slips into an abyss of solitude. Increasingly alone, Joe finds himself thrust prematurely into an adult world for which he is ill prepared.

    While his father, who is a tribal judge, endeavors to wrest justice from a situation that defies his efforts, Joe becomes frustrated with the official investigation and sets out with his trusted friends, Cappy, Zack, and Angus, to get some answers of his own. Their quest takes them first to the Round House, a sacred space and place of worship for the Ojibwe. And this is only the beginning.

    Written with undeniable urgency, and illuminating the harsh realities of contemporary life in a community where Ojibwe and white live uneasily together, The Round House is a brilliant and entertaining novel, a masterpiece of literary fiction. Louise Erdrich embraces tragedy, the comic, a spirit world very much present in the lives of her all-too-human characters, and a tale of injustice that is, unfortunately, an authentic reflection of what happens in our own world today.
  • The Red Convertible: Selected and New Stories, 1978-2008 Луиза Эрдрич
    ISBN: 978-0061536083
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    “Culled from 30 years as one of America’s most distinctive fictional voices . . . 36 affecting and inventive stories that dance around the Faulknerian world she’s created. . . . Within these stories there exist Erdrich’s poetic sentences and humane sensibility—and always another surprise on the next page.” — Boston Globe

    A collection of breathtaking power and originality by one of the most innovative and exciting writers of our day

    In Louise Erdrich's fictional world, the mystical can emerge from the everyday, the comic can turn suddenly tragic, and violence and splendor inhabit a single emotional landscape. The fantastic twists and leaps of her imagination are made all the more meaningful by the deeper truth of human feeling that underlies them. These thirty-six short works selected by the author herself—including five previously unpublished stories—are ordered chronologically as well as by theme and voice, each tale spellbinding in its boldness and beauty. The Red Convertible is a stunning literary achievement, the collected brilliance of a fearless and inventive writer.
  • Plague of Doves Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 9780061632525
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Louise Erdrich's mesmerizing new novel, her first in almost three years, centers on a compelling mystery.

    The unsolved murder of a farm family haunts the small, white, off-reservation town of Pluto, North Dakota. The vengeance exacted for this crime and the subsequent distortions of truth transform the lives of Ojibwe living on the nearby reservation and shape the passions of both communities for the next generation. The descendants of Ojibwe and white intermarry, their lives intertwine; only the youngest generation, of mixed blood, remains unaware of the role the past continues to play in their lives.

    Evelina Harp is a witty, ambitious young girl, part Ojibwe, part white, who is prone to falling hopelessly in love. Mooshum, Evelina's grandfather, is a seductive storyteller, a repository of family and tribal history with an all-too-intimate knowledge of the violent past. Nobody understands the weight of historical injustice better than Judge Antone Bazil Coutts, a thoughtful mixed blood who witnesses the lives of those who appear before him, and whose own love life reflects the entire history of the territory.

    In distinct and winning voices, Erdrich's narrators unravel the stories of different generations and families in this corner of North Dakota. Bound by love, torn by history, the two communities' collective stories finally come together in a wrenching truth.

    The Plague of Doves is one of the major achievements of Louise Erdrich's considerable oeuvre, a quintessentially American story and the most complex and original of her books.
  • The Plague of Doves Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 0060515120, 9780060515126
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    The unsolved murder of a farm family still haunts the white small town of Pluto, North Dakota, generations after the vengeance exacted and the distortions of fact transformed the lives of Ojibwe living on the nearby reservation.

    Part Ojibwe, part white, Evelina Harp is an ambitious young girl prone to falling hopelessly in love. Mooshum, Evelina's grandfather, is a repository of family and tribal history with an all-too-intimate knowledge of the violent past. And Judge Antone Bazil Coutts, who bears witness, understands the weight of historical injustice better than anyone. Through the distinct and winning voices of three unforgettable narrators, the collective stories of two interwoven communities ultimately come together to reveal a final wrenching truth.
  • The Plague of Doves Louise Erdrich
    ISBN: 978-0007270767
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский
    A beautiful, compelling, utterly original new novel from one of the most important American writers of our time, and winner of the National Book Award for Fiction, 2012
    Pluto, North Dakota, is a town on the verge of extinction. Here, everybody is connected – by love or friendship, by blood, and, most importantly, by the burden of a shared history.
    Growing up on the reservation is Evelina Harp, witty and ambitious, and prone to falling hopelessly in love. Listening to her grandfather's tales, she learns of a horrific crime that has marked both Ojibwe and whites. Nobody understands it better than Judge Antone Bazil Coutts, who keeps watch over Pluto's inhabitants and recounts their lives with compassion and rare insight.
    Louise Erdrich's sense of the comic and the tragic sweeps readers along to the surprising conclusion of this stunning novel, a portrait of the complex allegiances, passions and drama of a haunting land and its all-too-human people.
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