S.J. Goslee
  • 2 книги
  • 11 читателей
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S.J. Goslee – лучшие книги

  • Whatever.: or how junior year became totally f$@ked S.J. Goslee
    ISBN: 9781626723993
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Roaring Brook Press
    Язык: Английский
    Hilarity ensues when a slacker teen boy discovers he's gay, in this unforgettably funny YA debut.

    Mike Tate is a normal dude. He and his friends have a crappy band (an excuse to drink cheap beer and rock out to the Lemonheads) and hang out in parking lots doing stupid board tricks. But when Mike's girlfriend Lisa, who knows him better than he does, breaks up with him, he realizes he's about to have a major epiphany that will blow his mind. And worse--he gets elected to homecoming court.

    It's like the apocalypse came, only instead of nuclear bombs and zombies, Mike gets school participation, gay thoughts, and mother-effin' cheerleaders.

    With the free spirit of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the raw voice of Winger, and characters reminiscent of Freaks & Geeks, this debut YA offers a standout voice and a fresh, modern take on the coming-out story.
  • How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom S.J. Goslee
    ISBN: 9781626724013
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Roaring Brook Press
    Язык: Английский
    Nolan Grant is sixteen, gay, and (definitely) still a virgin. He's never had a boyfriend, or even been kissed. It's not like Penn Valley is brimming with prospects. And when his big sister stages an elaborate “prom-posal” so Nolan can ask out his not-so-secret crush, Nolan freezes. He's saved from further embarrassment by bad boy Bern, who, for his own reasons, offers to fake-date Nolan.

    Nolan thinks it's the perfect way to get Daphne off his back and spend the rest of the year drawing narwhals, tending to plants, and avoiding whatever died under his bed a few weeks ago. What he doesn't think about is Bern's ex-girlfriend, who seriously wants to kill him.
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