Фил Таун — новинки
- 2 произведения
- 6 изданий на 4 языках
Инвестиции. Как я научилась управлять своими мыслями, своими страхами и своими деньгами Фил Таун, Даниэль Таун
ISBN: 978-985-15-5571-6 Год издания: 2024 Издательство: Попурри Язык: Русский С самого детства слова «финансы», «акции» или «инвестиционный портфель» заставляли Даниэль Таун красноречиво закатывать глаза. Будучи дочерью успешного инвестора и автора финансового бестселлера Фила Тауна, большую часть своей жизни она даже не помышляла об инвестировании, пока в один прекрасный день не почувствовала, что отнимающая все ее время карьера юриста особо не приносит ни денег, ни удовлетворения. Полная решимости взять свое финансовое будущее в собственные руки, девушка отправилась к отцу и попросила рассказать подробнее об инвестировании…
То, что начиналось как обычные семейные разговоры, в итоге переросло в годичный курс обучения основам инвестирования и популярный подкаст InvestED, посвященный теме личных финансов. За год Даниэль прошла путь от человека, совершенно не склонного вкладывать деньги, до уверенного инвестора, который благодаря небольшой (ну ладно, большой) помощи и советам своего отца теперь точно знает, как, когда и в какие компании инвестировать средства.
В этой книге Даниэль показывает читателям, как они могут сделать то же самое: взять под контроль свою жизнь и финансы, используя стратегии, которые вывели Уоррена Баффета и Чарли Мангера на вершину Forbes 400. Избегая сложных формул и устаревших финансовых моделей, она превращает знания своего отца-инвесторав 12 пошаговых уроков. Книга не только делает сложный мир инвестирования простым, понятным и доступным, она поможет вам стать более уверенными в себе и составить собственный план достижения финансовой свободы.
Невероятно информативная и содержательная книга. — Гретхен Рубин, автор бестселлеров -
Invested: How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad) Фил Таун, Даниэль Таун
ISBN: 978-0062672650 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: William Morrow Transform your fear of money. Discover financial freedom. And invest in your values and yourself along the way.
When she was growing up, Danielle Town never liked the words finance, stocks, or portfolio. The daughter of the successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she found herself stuck in an all-consuming legal career where she felt both her money and her life were out of control. Determined to regain her financial freedom and put her money to work in a socially responsible way, Danielle asked her father to help her take charge of her future by teaching her Warren Buffett–style value investing. What began as a series of conversations between them eventually turned into a yearlong investing plan and the hit personal-finance podcast InvestED. Over the course of that year, Danielle went from being an extremely reluctant investor to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies, with a little—okay, a lot—of advice and help from her dad.
In Invested, Danielle tells the entertaining and educational story behind her personal life-changing journey to financial freedom. She lays out the twelve-month plan that she developed with her father, creator of the successful “Rule #1 Investing” method, to practice step-by-step the principles of value investing handed down from the wisdom of value-investment legends Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, and she shows how those principles will reshape your finances and your relationship to money. With regular conversations and guidance from her financial-guru father, Danielle comes to understand that, despite her fears, investing to create wealth isn’t about risking money, it’s about not losing it. Avoiding overly complicated math and obscure financial models, she turns her father’s deep investing knowledge into her own successful investing practice and, in the process, masters the difficult emotions many of us have about money and the stock market.
Capturing how our feelings about money in the present often interfere with having a more prosperous future, Invested makes the complex world of investing simple, straightforward, and approachable, and will help you gain confidence and strategies to formulate your own plan for financial freedom—and put your money where your values are. -
Regel Nummer 1: Einfach erfolgreich anlegen! Фил Таун
ISBN: 9783942888028 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Börsenbuchverlag Язык: Немецкий Früher war Phil Town wie alle anderen. Er hielt Geldanlage für zu kompliziert, um darin erfolgreich sein zu können. Als ehemaliger Angehöriger der Eliteeinheit Green Berets, der seinen Lebensunterhalt als River Guide verdiente, schien ihm das alles zu undurchsichtig. Um es richtig zu machen – davon war er überzeugt –, müsse man es als Vollzeitjob betreiben. Dann allerdings lernteer die Regel Nummer 1 kennen. Sie ist ganz einfach: "Verliere kein Geld!" In seinem Klassiker erklärt Town, wie er mithilfe dieser einen Regel in fünf Jahren aus tausend Dollar eine Million machte. Er zeigt, dass "kein Geld verlieren" an der Börse gleichbedeutend ist mit "mehr Geld verdienen, als man sich je vorgestellt hätte". Town redet Klartext: "Ich werde Ihre Zeit nicht mit Gelaber verschwenden, nicht mit klugen Geschichten, die Ihnen Sachen sagen, die Sie bereits wissen. Der Deal ist einfach: Ich bringe Sie ans Ziel, und zwar Schritt für Schritt." -
Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week! Фил Таун
ISBN: 0307336840, 978-0307336842 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Currency Язык: Английский Phil Town is a very wealthy man, but he wasn’t always. In fact, he was living on a salary of $4,000 a year when some well-timed advice launched him down a highway of investing self-education that revealed what the true “rules” are and how to make them work in one’s favor. Chief among them, of course, is Rule #1: “Don’t lose money.”
In this updated edition to the #1 national bestseller, you’ll learn more of Phil’s fresh, think-outside-the-box rules, including:
• Don’t diversify
• Only buy a stock when it’s on sale
• Think long term—but act short term to maximize your return
• And most of all, beat the big investors at their own game by using the tools designed for them!
As Phil demonstrates in these pages, giant mutual funds can’t help but regress to the mean—and as we’ve all learned in recent years, that mean could be very disappointing indeed. Fortunately, Rule #1 takes readers step-by-step through a do-it-yourself process, equipping even the biggest investing-phobes with the tools they need to make quantum leaps toward financial security—regardless of where the market is headed. -
Правило №1 успешного инвестора. Как стать богатым за 15 минут в неделю Фил Таун
ISBN: 978-5-91180-350-6, 978-0-307-33613-2 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Питер Язык: Русский В инвестировании всего два основных правила: 1) никогда не терять свои деньги и 2) никогда не забывать правило №1. Книга Фила Тауна посвящена тому, как выполнить первое правило. Это подробная инструкция, подходящая для реального воплощения и -
Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Successful Investing in Only 15 Minutes a Week! Фил Таун
ISBN: 0307336131 Год издания: 2006 Язык: Английский Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles to more than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone who viewed individual stock investing as way too hard to do successfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, I considered the whole process pretty impenetrable, and I was convinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job. Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun.
So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now: letting some mutual fund manager worry about growing your nest egg. Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutely miserable.
The fact is, because of natural market cycles, the mutual fund industry is likely to soon be facing twenty years of flat returns. That means that if you’ve got your nest egg tucked away in funds—especially the type found in most 401ks—your egg won’t get much bigger than it is now. Translation: Get ready for a retirement filled with lots of cold cuts, plenty of quality TV-watching time, and a place to live that’s too small to accommodate your visiting kids.
In this book I’ll show you how I turned $1,000 into $1 million in only five years, and then proceeded to make many millions more. I came to investing as a person who wasn’t great at math, possessed zero extra cash, and wanted a life—not an extra three hours of work to do every day.
Fortunately, I was introduced to The Rule.
Rule #1, as famed investor Warren Buffett will tell you, is don’t lose money. Through an intriguing process that I’ll clarify in this book, not losing money results in making more money than you ever imagined. What it comes down to is buying shares of companies only when the numbers—and the intangibles—are on your side. If that sounds too good to be true, it’s because the mind-set I’ll be introducing you to leads not to bets but to certainties. Believe me, if there were anything genius-level about this, I’d still be a river guide collecting unemployment much of the year.
Part of the secret is thinking of yourself as a business owner rather than a stock investor. Part is taking advantage of today’s new Internet tools, which drastically reduce the “homework factor.” (We’re talking a few minutes, tops.) Part is knowing the only five numbers that really count in valuing a potential investment. And part—maybe the most important part—is using the risk-free Rule #1 approach to consistently pay a mere 50 cents to buy a dollar’s worth of a business.
What I won’t waste your time with is fluff: a lot of vague parables reminding you of what you already know and leaving you exactly where you started. This is the real deal, folks: a start-to-finish, one-baby-step-at-a-time approach that will allow you to retire ten years sooner than you planned, with more creature comforts than you ever imagined.
Also available as a Random House AudioBook and eBook.