Марсело Глейзер

Marcelo Gleiser

  • 4 книги
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Новинки Марсело Глейзера

  • Остров знаний. Пределы досягаемости большой науки Марсело Глейзер
    ISBN: 978-5-496-02511-9
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Питер
    Язык: Русский
    Человеку свойственна тяга к знаниям, но все, что доступно нашим наблюдениям — это лишь крошечная часть окружающего мира. В книге «Остров знаний» физик Марсело Глейзер рассказывает, как мы искали ответы на самые фундаментальные вопросы о смысле нашего существования. При этом он приходит к провокационному выводу: у науки, нашего основного инструмента познания, есть непреодолимые ограничения.

    Излагая драматичную историю человеческого стремления все понять, книга «Остров знаний» предлагает исключительно оригинальную трактовку идей многих величайших мыслителей, от Платона до Эйнштейна, рассказывает, как их искания влияют на нас сегодня. Авторитетная и энциклопедическая история смысла и знаний, поведанная в этой книге, рассказывает, что такое «быть человеком» во Вселенной, полной тайн.
  • The Prophet and the Astronomer: Apocalyptic Science and the End of the World Marcelo Gleiser
    ISBN: 0393324311, 9780393324310
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: W. W. Norton Company
    Язык: Английский
    "Tracing our contemplation of the cosmos from the big bang to the big crunch" (The New Yorker), Marcelo Gleiser explores the shared quest of ancient prophets and today's astronomers to explain the strange phenomena of our skies—from the apocalypse foretold in Revelations to modern science's ongoing identification of multiple cataclysmic threats, including the impact of comets and asteroids on earthly life, the likelihood of future collisions, the meaning of solar eclipses and the death of stars, the implications of black holes for time travel, and the ultimate fate of the universe and time.

    Presenting insights to cosmological science and apocalyptic philosophy in an "easily accessible" (Library Journal) style, Gleiser is "a rare astrophysicist as comfortable quoting Scripture as explaining formulas" (Booklist). K. C. Cole praises his ability to "[work] the entwined threads of science and religion into a vision of 'the end' that is strangely comforting and inspiring."
  • The Prophet and the Astronomer: A Scientific Journey to the End of Time Marcelo Gleiser
    ISBN: 0393049876, 9780393049879
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: W. W. Norton & Company
    Язык: Английский
    TRACING OUR CONTEMPLATION of the cosmos from the big bang to the big crunch" (The New Yorker). Marcelo Gleiser explores the shared quest of ancient prophets and today's astronomers to explain the strange phenomena of our skies--from the apocalypse foretold in Revelations to modern science's ongoing identification of multiple cataclysmic threats, including the impact of comets and asteroids on earthly life, the likelihood of future collisions, the meaning of solar eclipses and the death of stars, the implications of black holes for time travel, and the ultimate fate of the universe and time. Presenting insights to cosmological science and apocalyptic philosophy in an "easily accessible" (Library Journal) style, Gleiser is "a rare astrophysicist as comfortable quoting Scripture as explaining formulas" (Booklist). K. C. Cole praises his ability to "[work] the entwined threads of science and religion into a vision of the end' that is strangely comforting and inspiring.
  • The Dancing Universe: From Creation Myths to the Big Bang Marcelo Gleiser
    ISBN: 0452276063
    Год издания: 1998
    Язык: Португальский
    In this provocative work, a brilliant young physicist argues that science and religion, far from warring disciplines, may both offer valid, even complimentary, explanations for the origins of the universe.Marcelo Gleiser begins by providing a broad, highly accessible outline of philosophical and scientific ideas about the universe through the last twenty-five centuries, from the ancient universal creation myths to contemporary theories on an ever-expanding universe. He also explores the lives and work of history's greatest scientists, including Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and Stephen Hawking. By exploring how scientists have unlocked the secrets of gravity, electromagnetism, time, and space, Gleiser offers fresh perspective on the debate between science and faith.

    Marcelo Gleiser writes as a scientist who believes in more than just one approach to life's most enduring questions and views science as an endless process of discovery of the world both around us, and within.