Pedagogy of the Teaching Profession JULIUS GATHOGO
ISBN: 9783659776755 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский Pedagogy of the Teaching Profession: Introducing the New Skills Movement, is an authoritative book on the new skills in the teaching profession. The book has introduced the twenty-first century skills movement which is punctuated by revision of curriculum, use of science and technology, problem solving techniques, critical thinking, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), the 3Rs of professionalism (Responsibility, Respect, and Risk taking), joint researches, joint curriculum development, joint publication, and more importantly, the passion for the teaching profession. It is geared towards better curriculum, better teaching, better leadership in the profession, and better tests that are relevant and contextual. And the mode of education and examination is such that it helps in addressing cutting-edge issues facing the society. The book also addresses the new reference styles in teaching profession. It is a necessary textbook for all aspiring teachers as it addresses challenges and remedies revolving around the profession across the globe. It is a must read for all stakeholders of education: parents, students, administrators, teachers, and policy makers in the various governments. -
Celebrating Our Diversity: Sermons In African Context JULIUS GATHOGO
ISBN: 9783659454387 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский This book, Celebrating Our Diversity: Sermons in African Context, is a collection of speeches and sermons by the author from 2001 to 2012. It graphically exposes the African realities and challenges - as it seeks to offer solutions for African Christianity. It addresses critical themes such as human and animal interdependence, the cosmos, redefined role of an African man in post colonial Africa, the appropriate use of God given talents, corruption, economy, African diversity, how to successfully complete God's given assignments despite the challenges thereof among others. Written in a simplified manner for ordinary readers, to whom it was primarily addressed, it is recommendable to all Africanist scholars and homiletic students all over the world. Likewise, students of African history and African theology will find it enriching as it is explicit on issues touching the African society versus Others. It builds on the current trend where leadership in post colonial Africa is encouraged to publish their ideas, speeches, memos and sermons in order to comprehensively reach a wider audience and thereby promote the continent holistically. -
Introduction To The Bible JULIUS GATHOGO
ISBN: 9783659486852 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский This book sets out to show the valuable role of the Bible in religious studies despite our being Muslims, Christians, Rastafarian, Baha’i, Buddhist, Jain, Judaism, Sikhs, Taoists and so on. Issues raised include: What is the bible? What makes the Bible attractive to all categories of people hence special to all? Did Moses write the Pentateuch? When did the Bible become scripture? What are the synoptic problem and infancy narratives? The process of canonization, Why it took long for the gospels to be written, Why did it take so long in becoming the books of the church? What are the apocrypha books? What are the classifications of apocrypha books? What is the central message of the Bible? What is the nature of Translations of the bible throughout history? What are the resources for Bible reading? What are the three authorities in Christian religion? What are the tasks of Biblical critical methods? How do Christians respond to ethical issues such as poverty, globalization, deviant sexuality, gender divide, ecology, race relations, and politics? It is a necessary reading for beginners in religious studies across the world universities -
Home-Grown Religions JULIUS GATHOGO
ISBN: 9783659473876 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский This is an introductory course book for beginners in the study of comparative religions. It takes into account the claim that some religions are home-grown as opposed to "imported religions". Ancient religions such as Egyptian, Roman, Greece, Mesopotamian, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and African religion are case studied to show how some influenced the major religions such as Islam and Christianity. Likewise, Baha'i, and Rastafarian religions have also featured in order to draw an informed analysis. It begins by exploring the various dimensions of religion; the key pillars; the functions and tasks to our contemporary society; the common elements; the parameters and the demarcating lines in religious discourses across the world; and the theories of religion. Others issues include: classifications of religions, the nature of home-grown religions; the monotheistic religions of the Near East, and the case studies of selected religious founders. As a study guide and companion, it is a necessary text book for all students of religion across the continents; published in a simplified form for all beginners in the study of religion. -
Whimpers Of Africa: Lessons From The Kenyan Context JULIUS GATHOGO
ISBN: 9783659465321 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский This book analyzes some challenging issues in African Christianity.They include, social and educational challenges, money-wealth and Pentecostalism,the new religious movements, emerging Christianities or Afro-pentecostalism, the missionary factor in upholding the current scenario, the missionary legacy, the monster of corruption, doctrinal divides, African indigenous ways of environmental preservation, road carnage, same-sex-unions versus same-sex sexuality, leadership concern, quests for an African faith, the forgotten heroes and heroines, politics and electioneering in Africa, impacts of globalization, implications of Kyoto protocol for Africa, Chinese role in African renaissance in the 21st century, and Men battering as the new trend in domestic violence. Other contemporary concerns raised in this authoritative publication include secessionist threats in Kenya, insecurity, witchcraft, the devolved governments, water and sewage systems, Wabara (immigrants) versus wapwani (indigenous) divide, totems and taboos, Agro-ecology, Exotic versus indigenous, IPRs, GMOs, and other issues dealing with applied ethics. It is recommended to schools, colleges and universities globally. -
ISBN: 9783844391558 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский Responsible Church Leaders in Africa: Sampling Z K Matthews, David Gitari, Jesse Mugambi, Josiah Kibira and Mercy Oduyoye, captures the crucial theme of responsibility in the political and ecclesiastical ladders. The main objective of the book is to demonstrate that Africa too has responsible leaders worth being envied. Their roles are inspirational; their early lives were problematic but by God''s grace & coupled by their hard work, masses of people can find inspiration and go beyond them in their respective professional fields. Certainly, the book is relevant to everyone who may want to study more about responsible African church leadership; African studies in general, colonial injustices, neo-colonialism in Africa, post colonial Africa and post colonial reconstruction of Africa. Stories contained in this book are paradoxically sad and inspirational. It helps us to have a better understanding of Africa through sampling profiles of leading church leaders and some reputable scholars. It will be useful to students of African church history and African women''s theology classes where a systematic approach has been attempted for the first time in the history of the module. -
ISBN: 9783844300062 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский African Hospitality From a Missiological Perspective: Aiding Church and Societal Growth, explores the contribution of African Hospitality towards church growth in particular, and societal growth in general. It attributes the fast spread of Christianity in Africa to the generosity that was displayed by Africans to the early European missionaries in the 19th and 20th centuries. That is, they offered land and other resources, even though their hospitality was at times, misused and/or abused. It also attributes the hopelessness in Africa, as evidenced by massive poverty, bad governance, starvation on a mass scale, for the failure to uphold hospitality strictly, as in line with the ideal African heritage and Biblical traditions on hospitality. It challenges the church to take a more active role in religio-social issues in order to help Africa to overcome her miseries. At the end of the book the author is deeply convinced that there is great hope for the African church and society in general. -
ISBN: 9783843390873 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский Liberation and Reconstruction in Africa: A Critical Analysis in the Works of J. N. K Mugambi, contributes to the ongoing debates in African Christian Theology, in the twenty-first century. It builds on Jesse Mugambi''s post-Cold War proposal for a paradigm shift, from liberation to reconstruction. The book innovatively introduces a new idea of both minor and dominant paradigms operating simultaneously in theology and other social sciences. It has sought to show that Mugambi''s idea of change in paradigmatic emphasis is largely authentic in so far as the global socio-economic trends and African cultural and religious heritage have their own forms of paradigm shifts,albeit in different formats. As a book that contributes to Africa''s theo-socio-economic developments, it will be useful to general readership, and in particular, teachers and students of theology,anthropology,Sociology, Philosophy, religion, comparative religion and other social sciences. It will also be useful to learners in seminaries, tertiary institutions and universities. If this book makes a major contribution to the modern scholarship, then these efforts will be for a worthwhile course. -
ISBN: 9783844306064 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский The Pangs of Birth in African Christianity: Essays in Commemoration of One Hundred Years of Mutira Anglican Mission (1912-2012), traces the growth of protestant Christianity since 1844 when Ludwig Krapf, a German missionary working for the English body, Church Missionary Society, reached the East African Coast with the sole aim of converting local people to Christianity. The book seeks to demonstrate how a miniature village in Kenya, Mutira, came to appear in the map of the world after Christianity was introduced by the European missionaries in early 1900s; and subsequently changed peoples'' lifestyles. It moves on to demonstrate that Christianity in Mutira and the rest of Africa was born under pain - a pain that was bravely borne by its pioneers. In its second part, the book provides critical essays that are set to demonstrate that African Christianity has the capacity to grapple effectively with the challenges of the 21st century. Such concerns include suffering, neo-colonialism, poverty, disease, violence, xenophobia, identity crisis, negative ethnicity, inculturation, ecumenism, reconstruction and reconciliation among others. -
ISBN: 9783844303230 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский This book re-examines Christ''s hospitality from an African perspective. It sets out on the premise that Christ is the ideal model of hospitality that African Christianity has to draw some vital lessons from - as Africa embarks on a theology of reconstruction, renewal, restoration, development, ecology and reconciliation. In its methodology, it traces the concept of hospitality from ancient to the present times – and engages it with contemporary African concerns. The author is optimistic that even though Africa may be walking through the valley of darkness and death, there is no cause for alarm as Christ''s hospitality will manifest itself in all spheres of life, and thereby aid Africa to deliver the promise. To this end, a passionate appeal is made to the twenty-first century Africa: "Come on! Swim into action and address your own challenges" such as sexism, negative ethnicity, regionalism and xenophobia, violence, poverty, HIV and AIDS, hunger, corruption and all abuses of African hospitality in light of Christ''s ideal hospitality. -
ISBN: 9783844333725 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский Simplified Sociology For Beginners: Equip Yourself With Some Common Terms in Sociology, provides a befitting introduction to the study of Social systems and networks to lay persons who may need to acquaint themselves with the study of human relations; and/or people who may want to know how human beings relate with one another in the community. For example, why is it difficult for Africans to abandon polygamy - a trend that appears outdated in the 21st century? What is Sociology? What are the approaches in doing Sociology? What is cultural relativism? What causes Social change? What are the dimensions of Social? Other key concepts in Sociology covered in this book include: fundamental aspects of culture, social norms, social control, social institutions, social organizations, groupings in society, cultural universals, status inversion, and ethnocentrism. It is also relevant to cultural studies, social anthropology and all human science students. It is a must reading for people of all walks of life who must know how to relate with one another effectively in their respective places - as it is a simplified version of sociological studies. Certainly, human beings are are social beings! -
ISBN: 9783844326406 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Язык: Английский Simplified Psychology for Beginners: Equip Yourself with Some Common Terms in Psychology: is an introductory course for beginners. It introduces key terms in psychology such as introvert, extrovert, self-esteem, defense mechanism, stress-management, causes of depression, Schizophrenia, Neurosis, psychosis, perception, Psychoanalysis among others. It also helps us to think about the human nature. That is, why do people behave the way they do? What are the factors that influence human action? Coupled with this, the book introduces the various schools of psychology, psychology of religion, key figures in psychology, child & adolescent psychology & psychological stages of faith development. It is a must read for lay people who may want to know what psychology is all about. It is critical for all beginners in psychology studies, as it plays the role of an eye opener!