Stephen D. Gresham
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Stephen D. Gresham - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • The New Managed Account Solutions Handbook Stephen D. Gresham
    ISBN: 9780470222782
    Год издания: 2007
    Язык: Английский
    The New Managed Account Solutions Handbook
  • The New Advisor for Life. Become the Indispensable Financial Advisor to Affluent Families Stephen D. Gresham
    ISBN: 9781118148815
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Expert advice on building an unshakable foundation as a financial advisor to the elite The revised and updated edition of the definitive guide to growing and maintaining a financial advice firm, The New Advisor for Life explores the fallout of the market crash on up-and-coming advisors. With a particular focus on the generation X and Y concern with debt management and long-term investment, this new edition examines what young investors look for in an advisor. Today, more than ever, insight, analysis, and validation are valued, but to be truly successful, an advisor needs to walk the line between being well-informed but not appearing condescending. What today's investors want in a financial advisor is someone who can cut through the noise and clutter of the financial services industry and the mainstream media Covers the basics, from setting a client's investment goals, selecting complementary investments, and monitoring portfolio balance, to the advanced—developing a personal finance plan for your clients based on their specific needs Steve Gresham presents a 19-point checklist for financial advisors to offer their clients «life advice» Keeping clients engaged is more important than ever, and The New Advisor for Life gives the aspiring financial advisor the secrets to success normally reserved for the country's top firms.
  • Advisor for Life. Become the Indispensable Financial Advisor to Affluent Families Stephen D. Gresham
    ISBN: 9780470139738
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    &uot;The Age Wave of retiring baby boomers is creating a seismic bonanza for financial advisors–if they can provide the kinds of creative and flexible strategies their clients will be wanting and needing. Steve Gresham provides the solid, imaginative, yet practical guidance needed to build winning strategies to meet the needs of a new generation of investors. I have long respected his work and heartily recommend this book." –Ken Dychtwald, PhD, founder and CEO, Age Wave, and author of Age Wave, Age Power,The Power Years, and Workforce Crisis «Steve Gresham showed us in The Managed Account Handbook that the basics to asuccessful advisor do not differ from one country to another. In this book, he is expanding his horizon with his extensive experiences to further help you to develop the skills for building a devoted client base. This is the must-read book for all who want to succeed in the financial advisory industry.» –Toshiya ShimizuPresident and CEO, Nikko Cordial Advisors Ltd. «For thirty years, advisors have been using wealth accumulation as their main sales weapon. With the boomers entering retirement, all that's out the window. Now the imperatives are income distribution, planning–making sure the investor does not run out of money. In Steve's newest book, he does an excellent job of walking advisors through this change and showing them how to alter their practices to not only survive but thrive. This is a must-read for any advisor who still wants to be in the business in ten years.» –Len Reinhartfounder and President, Lockwood Advisors? «For over thirty years, I have sought advice from industry experts who can help me grow and optimize my practice. Steve Gresham's advice is always of interest to me–he is always right there on the cutting edge.» –John Rafal, President, Essex Financial ServicesRegistered Rep.'s Top 50 Financial Advisor for 2006 and Barron's Top 100 Financial Advisor «A good coach can help even the best players reach their potential. As a financial advisor, you coach successful families to tackle life's challenges and achieve their goals. Steve Gresham can help–he has the tactics to help you build a winning team.» –Mike KrzyzewskiHead Coach, Duke University Basketball and the 2006 U.S. National Team
  • The New Managed Account Solutions Handbook. How to Build Your Financial Advisory Practice Using Managed Account Solutions Stephen D. Gresham
    ISBN: 9780470228296
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Industry experts share their insight and tell you why: Unified managed accounts represent the future of the managed money industry. «No other platform offers so many options and can be customized to meet the needs of so many different types of investors,» says one of the nation's most prominent money managers. «We are able to address a wide variety of investment needs with a single product.» (Chapter Mutual fund wrap accounts are enjoying a resurgence in popularity. «With mutual fund advisory accounts, advisors can develop a consolidated strategy for their clients utilizing mutual funds,» explains one top executive at a leading investment bank. «Investors know that proper asset allocation produces better results.» (Chapter 3) Exchange-traded funds have exploded in popularity with clients and advisors. «ETFs have changed the landscape by offering financial advisors a new way to diversify their clients' portfolios,» says the national sales manager of one of the world's largest ETF providers. «Advisors can fully diversify across all asset classes.» (Chapter 4) Client demand is fueling the growth of alternative investments. «Larger clients are asking for these types of investments,» says one director of investment consulting solutions at one of America's largest banks. «Diversification to minimize risk is the key incentive for adding alternative investments to a portfolio.» (Chapter 4) They'll also teach you how to: * Determine if managed account solutions are right for you, your practice, and your clients * Transform your financial advisory practice into a wealth management business * Differentiate yourself from other advisors * Develop a recurring revenue stream that will enable you to grow your business * Attract new clients and capture additional assets from existing clients * Conduct successful client meetings and host seminars that get results * Position yourself as a provider of managed account solutions and partner effectively with other advisors, allied professionals, and the media
  • Attract and Retain the Affluent Investor: Winning Tactics for Today's Financial Advisor Evan Cooper
    ISBN: 0793144337
    Язык: Русский
    In order to ensure future success, financial advisors must find a way to compete for one of the fastest-growing segments of the investing population - the affluent. Stephen D. Gresham and Evan Cooper, authors of Attract and Retain the