Лучшие книги Рассела Шорто
- 1 произведение
- 7 изданий на 2 языках
По популярности
Амстердам. История самого свободного города в мире Рассел Шорто
ISBN: 978-5-17-090181-4 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: АСТ, Neoclassic Язык: Русский Амстердам - второй финансовый центр мира, сравнимый с античным Римом и буржуазным Лондоном. Выросший в борьбе со стихией наступающего моря, город превратился в средоточие предприимчивости и свободы, став сердцем торгового мира. И крупнейшая заслуга в этом принадлежала голландской Ост- Индской компании, являвшейся по сути первой акционерной фирмой. Основанная в 1602 г. она сделалась государством в государстве, а ее базой был Амстердам.
Но кто основал эту будущую «северную жемчужину»? Как и почему вообще маленькое поселение, вечно жившее под угрозой наводнения, превратилось со временем в один из самых богатых, могущественных и красивых городов Европы? В своей интересной и познавательной книге Рассел Шорто, директор Американского культурного центра в Амстердаме, раскрывает перед читателями богатую и бурную историю этого удивительного города. -
The Island at the Center of the World Рассел Шорто
ISBN: 978-1400078677 Год издания: 2005 Издательство: Vintage In a riveting, groundbreaking narrative, Russell Shorto tells the story of New Netherland, the Dutch colony which pre-dated the Pilgrims and established ideals of tolerance and individual rights that shaped American history.
"Astonishing . . . A book that will permanently alter the way we regard our collective past." --The New York Times
When the British wrested New Amsterdam from the Dutch in 1664, the truth about its thriving, polyglot society began to disappear into myths about an island purchased for 24 dollars and a cartoonish peg-legged governor. But the story of the Dutch colony of New Netherland was merely lost, not destroyed: 12,000 pages of its records–recently declared a national treasure–are now being translated. Russell Shorto draws on this remarkable archive in The Island at the Center of the World, which has been hailed by The New York Times as “a book that will permanently alter the way we regard our collective past.”
The Dutch colony pre-dated the “original” thirteen colonies, yet it seems strikingly familiar. Its capital was cosmopolitan and multi-ethnic, and its citizens valued free trade, individual rights, and religious freedom. Their champion was a progressive, young lawyer named Adriaen van der Donck, who emerges in these pages as a forgotten American patriot and whose political vision brought him into conflict with Peter Stuyvesant, the autocratic director of the Dutch colony. The struggle between these two strong-willed men laid the foundation for New York City and helped shape American culture. The Island at the Center of the World uncovers a lost world and offers a surprising new perspective on our own. -
Descartes' Bones. A Skeletal History of the Conflict Between Faith and Reason Рассел Шорто
ISBN: 978-0307275660 On a winter’s day in 1650 in Stockholm, René Descartes, the most influential and controversial thinker of his time, was buried after a cold and lonely death far from home. Sixteen years later, the French Ambassador Hugues de Terlon secretly unearthed Descartes’ bones and transported them to France.
Why would this devoutly Catholic official care so much about the remains of a philosopher who was hounded from country to country on charges of atheism? Why would Descartes’ bones take such a strange, serpentine path over the next 350 years—a path intersecting some of the grandest events imaginable: the birth of science, the rise of democracy, the mind-body problem, the conflict between faith and reason? Their story involves people from all walks of life—Louis XIV, a Swedish casino operator, poets and playwrights, philosophers and physicists, as these people used the bones in scientific studies, stole them, sold them, revered them as relics, fought over them, passed them surreptitiously from hand to hand.
The answer lies in Descartes’ famous phrase: Cogito ergo sum—”I think, therefore I am.” In his deceptively simple seventy-eight-page essay, Discourse on the Method, this small, vain, vindictive, peripatetic, ambitious Frenchman destroyed 2,000 years of received wisdom and laid the foundations of the modern world.
Descartes’ Bones is a historical detective story about the creation of the modern mind.