Урсула Дубосарски

Ursula Dubosarsky

  • 5 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 7 читателей
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Урсула Дубосарски — новинки

  • Фокусы Геркулеса Квика Урсула Дубосарски
    ISBN: 978-5-605-02720-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Гудвин
    Язык: Русский
    Геркулес Квик мечтает стать великолепным фокусником. И поэтому ему просто необходим набор для фокусов. Но набор очень дорогой, а у Геркулеса совсем нет денег. Хорошо, что Геркулес живёт в большом доме, где каждый сосед обязательно найдёт для него работёнку. Зовите Геркулеса Квика, ведь для него нет странной работы!
  • The Red Shoe Урсула Дубосарски
    ISBN: 9781406358742
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    A beautifully written story about an ordinary family living in the Northern Beaches of Sydney during the 1950s, against the backdrop of such world events as the Cold War and the threat of the H bomb, the unrest in Indo China and the high profile case of KGB defector Vladimir Petrov. The story is chronicled by six-year-old Matilda, who sees but doesn't understand what is going on around her. Her sister Frances is troubled by the death of a friend, their sister Elizabeth, who decides she will not to return to school, becomes obsessed with reading the newspaper. Their father is often away and when he is, Uncle Paul seems always to be around. Mysterious people move in next door and one day, when she is at the pictures, Matilda notices that the Russian man in the newsreel looks just like one of the new neighbours. A novel that works on many levels, this is nothing short of Ursula Dubosarsky writing at the height of her powers.
  • The Golden Day Урсула Дубосарски
    ISBN: 9781406351149
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    The Vietnam War rages overseas but back home, in a year that begins with the hanging of one man and ends with the drowning of another, eleven schoolgirls embrace their own chilling history when their teacher abruptly goes missing during a school outing. Who was the mysterious poet they had met in the garden? What actually happened in the seaside cave that day? And most important – who can they tell about it? In beautifully crafted prose that shimmers and fades, Ursula Dubosarsky reveals how a single shared experience can alter the course of young lives for ever. Part gripping thriller, part ethereal tale of innocence lost, The Golden Day is a poignant study of fear and friendship, and of what it takes to come of age with courage.
  • The Golden Day Урсула Дубосарски
    ISBN: 978-0763663995
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Candlewick Press
    Язык: Английский
    When their teacher goes missing during an outing, eleven girls grapple with the aftermath in this haunting, exquisitely told psychological mystery.

    The Vietnam War rages overseas, but back at home, in a year that begins with the hanging of one man and ends with the drowning of another, eleven schoolgirls embrace their own chilling history when their teacher abruptly goes missing on a field trip. Who was the mysterious poet they had met in the Garden? What actually happened in the seaside cave that day? And most important — who can they tell about it? In beautifully shimmering prose, Ursula Dubosarsky reveals how a single shared experience can alter the course of young lives forever. Part gripping thriller, part ethereal tale of innocence lost, The Golden Day is a poignant study of fear and friendship, and of what it takes to come of age with courage.
  • The Word Snoop Урсула Дубосарски
    ISBN: 0803734069, 9780803734067
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Dial Books
    Язык: Английский
    Meet the Word Snoop. She?s dashing and daring and witty as can be?and no one knows more about the evolution of the English language than she does. Luckily, she?s spilling her secrets in this gem of a book. From the first alphabet in 4000 BC, to anagrams, palindromes, and modern-day text messages, readers will learn all about the fascinating twists and turns our fair language has taken to become what it is today. With playful black-and-white illustrations, riddles to solve, and codes to break, The Word Snoop is definitive proof that words can spark the imagination and are anything but dull. This is a book for every aspiring writer, and every true reader.