Amy Alward
  • 2 книги
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Amy Alward — новинки

  • The Potion Diaries Amy Alward
    ISBN: 1471143562
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster UK
    Язык: Английский
    Une pincée de magie, deux cuillerées de danger... que la quête commence !

    Après avoir avalé par erreur un élixir d'amour, la princesse Évelyne tombe follement amoureuse... d'elle-même !

    La famille royale de Nova organise aussitôt une émission de téléréalité afin de trouver un antidote. Tous les Alchimistes du royaume sont mis en compétition.

    Parmi eux, Samantha Shimi. La jeune apprentie, déterminée à redorer le blason familial, parviendra-t-elle à réunir à temps les ingrédients magiques ?
  • Madly Amy Alward
    ISBN: 978-1481443784
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Samantha may be falling for the beloved of the princess she is sent to save in this start to a hilarious, adventurous, and sweetly romantic trilogy.

    When Samantha is summoned to the royal court of Nova for a secret mission, it’s her chance to put her training to the test: Princess Evelyn has taken an illegal love potion with disastrous effects, and Samantha, like her ancestors before her, is great at mixing potions. She may not be one of the naturally Talented—those who can heal or transform at the wave of their hands—but she is skilled nonetheless, and determined to find an antidote and cure Princess Evelyn.

    The problem? Princess Evelyn took the love potion to make her best friend Zain fall for her—and it’s Zain who Samantha keeps encountering on her hunt for antidote ingredients. As forbidden sparks between them fly, Samantha is forced to wonder: will curing Princess Evelyn doom her own chance at love?