Лиза Максвелл

Lisa Maxwell

  • 8 книг
  • 15 подписчиков
  • 201 читатель
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Лиза Максвелл — новинки

  • The Shattered City Лиза Максвелл
    ISBN: 1534432515
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Margaret K. McElderry Books
    Once, Esta believed that she could change the fate of magic. She traveled to the past and stopped the Magician from destroying a mystical book that held the key to freeing her people from the Brink, an energy barrier that traps all Mageus who cross it.

    But the Book was more than she bargained for. So was the Magician she was tasked to steal it from.

    Hunted by an ancient evil, Esta and Harte have raced through time and across a continent to track down the powerful artifacts they need to bind the Book’s devastating power. They’ve lost family, betrayed friends, and done what they’d both vowed never to do: fallen in love with the one person who could truly destroy them.

    Now, with only one artifact left, their search has brought them back to New York, the city where it all began. But nothing in Manhattan is as they left it. Their friends have scattered, their enemies have grown more powerful, and as the deadly Brink beckons, their time is running out.

    If they can’t find a way to end the threat they’ve created, then the very heart of magic will die—and it will take the world down with it.
  • The Serpent's Curse Лиза Максвелл
    ISBN: 9781481494489
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Margaret K. McElderry Books
    Evade the serpent.

    Heed the curse.

    Rewrite the present.

    Esta isn’t a stranger to high-stakes heists. She’s a seasoned thief who has no reservations about using her affinity for time to give her an edge, and she’s trained her whole life for one mission: travel back to 1902 New York, steal the ancient Book of Mysteries, and use its power to destroy the Brink and free the Mageus from the Order’s control.

    But the Book held a danger that no one anticipated—Seshat, an angry goddess was trapped within its pages. Now that terrible power lives within Harte, and if given the chance, Seshat will use Esta to destroy the world and take her revenge.

    Only Esta and Harte stand in her way.

    Yet in their search to recover the elemental stones needed to bind Seshat’s power, Esta and Harte have found themselves stranded in time with a continent between them. As Esta fights to get back to Harte, the Order is no longer the only obstacle standing in her way.

    Saving Harte—and magic itself—will put even Esta’s skills to the test. And all the while, another danger grows, one more terrible than both Seshat and the Order combined...
  • Воровка дьявола Лиза Максвелл
    ISBN: 978-5-353-09177-6
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Росмэн
    Язык: Русский

    Родители Эсты были убиты. Ее жизнь была украдена. И все, что она знала о магии, было ложью. Она думала, что Книга Тайн является ключом к освобождению Мага из рук Ордена, но опасность на страницах книги была больше, чем она могла себе представить. Теперь яростная сила Книги живет в Харте. Если он не сможет контролировать эту силу, то разорвет мир на части, чтобы отомстить, и использует Эсту, чтобы сделать это. Чтобы победить эту опасность, Эста и Харт должны выследить четыре камня стихий, разбросанных по всему континенту. Но мир за пределами города не похож на то, что они ожидали. За Границей есть Маг, не желающий жить в тени - и…

  • The Devil's Thief Lisa Maxwell
    ISBN: 9781481494458
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    In this spellbinding sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Last Magician, Esta and Harte set off on a cross-country chase through time to steal back the elemental stones they need to save the future of magic.

    Hunt the Stones.
    Beware the Thief.
    Avenge the Past.

    Esta’s parents were murdered. Her life was stolen. And everything she knew about magic was a lie. She thought the Book of Mysteries held the key to freeing the Mageus from the Order’s grasp, but the danger within its pages was greater than she ever imagined.

    Now the Book’s furious power lives inside Harte. If he can’t control it, it will rip apart the world to get its revenge, and it will use Esta to do it.

    To bind the power, Esta and Harte must track down four elemental stones scattered across the continent. But the world outside the city is like nothing they expected. There are Mageus beyond the Brink not willing to live in the shadows—and the Order isn’t alone in its mission to crush them.

    In St. Louis, the extravagant World’s Fair hides the first stone, but an old enemy is out for revenge and a new enemy is emerging. And back in New York, Viola and Jianyu must defeat a traitor in a city on the verge of chaos.

    As past and future collide, time is running out to rewrite history—even for a time-traveling thief.
  • Последний маг Лиза Максвелл
    ISBN: 978-5-353-08746-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Росмэн
    Язык: Русский
    Виртуозная воровка Эста живет в Нью-Йорке, населенном не только обычными людьми, но и магами. Вот только магов здесь ненавидят. Борьбу с ними возглавляет могущественный и грозный Орден Золотой Зари. Если никто не остановит Орден, магам не выжить. Но у кого хватит на это сил и знаний? Эста считает, что на такое способен только ее наставник – старый, мудрый маг профессор Локлен. Девушка готова выполнить любое его задание и с радостью отправляется в прошлое за мифической «Книгой Тайн», которая поможет сразиться с Орденом.
  • The Last Magician Lisa Maxwell
    ISBN: 1481432079
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Stop the Magician. Steal the book. Save the future.

    In modern-day New York, magic is all but extinct. The remaining few who have an affinity for magic—the Mageus—live in the shadows, hiding who they are. Any Mageus who enters Manhattan becomes trapped by the Brink, a dark energy barrier that confines them to the island. Crossing it means losing their power—and often their lives.

    Esta is a talented thief, and she’s been raised to steal magical artifacts from the sinister Order that created the Brink. With her innate ability to manipulate time, Esta can pilfer from the past, collecting these artifacts before the Order even realizes she’s there. And all of Esta’s training has been for one final job: traveling back to 1902 to steal an ancient book containing the secrets of the Order—and the Brink—before the Magician can destroy it and doom the Mageus to a hopeless future.

    But Old New York is a dangerous world ruled by ruthless gangs and secret societies, a world where the very air crackles with magic. Nothing is as it seems, including the Magician himself. And for Esta to save her future, she may have to betray everyone in the past.
  • Unhooked Lisa Maxwell
    ISBN: 9781481432047
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    For as long as she can remember, Gwendolyn Allister has never had a place to call home—all because her mother believes that monsters are hunting them. Now these delusions have brought them to London, far from the life Gwen had finally started to build for herself. The only saving grace is her best friend, Olivia, who’s coming with them for the summer.

    But when Gwen and Olivia are kidnapped by shadowy creatures and taken to a world of flesh-eating sea hags and dangerous Fey, Gwen realizes her mom might have been sane all along.

    The world Gwen finds herself in is called Neverland, yet it’s nothing like the stories. Here, good and evil lose their meaning and memories slip like water through her fingers. As Gwen struggles to remember where she came from and find a way home, she must choose between trusting the charming fairy-tale hero who says all the right things and the roguish young pirate who promises to keep her safe.

    With time running out and her enemies closing in, Gwen is forced to face the truths she’s been hiding from all along. But will she be able to save Neverland without losing herself?
  • Last Magician Лиза Максвелл
    ISBN: 9781508239895
    Издательство: Gardners Books