Энн Рул

Ann Rae Rule

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Последние издания книг Энн Рул

  • Фетишист. История серийного убийцы Джерри Брудоса Энн Рул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-199054-1
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
  • Убийца рядом со мной. Мой друг — серийный маньяк Тед Банди Энн Рул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-178549-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Тед Банди. «Харизматичный убийца» с очаровательной улыбкой, «суперзвезда» среди маньяков. На его счету больше 30 доказанных убийств, хотя есть основания считать, что настоящее число переваливает за сотню. В 1970-х Банди был национальной знаменитостью: трансляции судебных процессов по его делам смотрели всей Америкой, а женщины признавались ему в любви и ночевали у зала суда, чтобы занять места рядом с самым красивым обвиняемым.

    Как получилось так, что обаятельный и успешный студент юридического факультета, которому прочили головокружительную карьеру, стал разъезжать на машине и заманивать в нее юных девушек, безжалостно убивать и расчленять их? Эта книга — подробная хроника его жизни и его преступлений, его двойной жизни и непреодолимого желания убивать. Годами писательница Энн Рул, не в силах противиться манипуляторским чарам Банди, поддерживала с ним связь, писала и навещала его в тюрьме, приезжала на суды. Результатом этой дружбы стала книга, которая считается «лучшей тру-крайм книгой всех времен», а личность Теда Банди, неразгаданная и непревзойденная даже спустя сорок лет, будоражит умы криминалистов и продолжает оставаться источником вдохновения в массовой культуре.
  • Morderca znad Green River (audiobook) Энн Рул
    ISBN: 978-83-821-0819-4
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Biblioteka Akustyczna
    Язык: Польский
    Historia poszukiwania jednego z najbardziej zuchwałych morderców w historii USA. Ann Rule szczegółowo opisuje pracę śledczą, która ostatecznie po ponad dwóch dekadach pozwoliła ująć Gary’ego Ridgway’a – Mordercę znad Green River.

    Jedna z największych zagadek kryminalnych Ameryki, rozwiązana po 20 latach śledztwa i opisana w mistrzowskim stylu przez królową true crime – Ann Rule.

    Historia wieloletniego polowania na najbardziej zachłannego seryjnego mordercę, jakiego znała Ameryka. W latach 80. Gary Ridgway w okolicach Seattle w bestialski sposób pozbawił życia 49 kobiet, choć policja twierdzi, że mogło być ich nawet dwukrotnie więcej.

    • Jak to możliwe, że przez tyle lat był nieuchwytny?
    • Dlaczego wymykał się policji, która cały czas miała go w zasięgu wzroku? Jakie odrażające tajemnice skrywał jego zbrodniczy umysł?
    • I przede wszystkim: kim były jego ofiary, dlaczego właśnie one stały się łatwym łupem dla Mordercy znad Green River?

    Ann Rule drobiazgowo opisuje dwie dekady intensywnej pracy śledczej: zbierania dowodów, analizowania śladów, typowania sprawców, nie pomija też pomyłek w dochodzeniu. I oddaje hołd ofiarom Ridgwaya, nakreślając szczegółowy portret każdej z nich.

    I po raz kolejny przekonuje się, że bestia jest tuż obok niej...
  • Tok True Crime Story Главные документальные триллеры комплект из 3 книг Грегг Олсен
    ISBN: 978-5-04-174996-5
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Комплект психологических триллеров серии True Crime Story — истории, прогремевшие на весь мир. Откровенные и шокирующие биографии серийных убийц, которые буквально приковывают к страницам. Грегг Олсен, «Не говори никому. Реальная история сестер, выросших с матерью-убийцей» Как жить с тем, что твоя мать — психопатка, которая мучает и убивает людей в твоем собственном доме? Каково это — годами молчать об этом, потому что боишься, что мама сделает это и с тобой? Сестры Сэми, Никки и Тори Нотек знают, что это за чувство. Много лет в их доме происходили страшные пытки и убийства. Несмотря на усилия их матери, девушки не только не сломались, но сумели вырваться из родительского дома и рассказали свою шокирующую историю. Мировой бестселлер о домашнем насилии, вот уже несколько лет занимающий первую строчку в книжных рейтингах жанра true crime.
  • Ted Bundy. Bestia obok mnie. Historia znajomości z najsłynniejszym mordercą świata (audiobook) Энн Рул
    ISBN: 9788382104356
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Sine Qua Non
    Язык: Польский
    Poznaj historię mordercy, którego zbrodnie wstrząsnęły całym światem. Ted Bundy mordował kobiety z zimną krwią, a w momencie, w którym został złapany, za jego uwolnieniem opowiadało się wiele młodych kobiet. Co sprawiło, że ten niebezpieczny człowiek z łatwością zyskiwał zaufanie kolejnych ofiar?

    Książka Ann Rule to historia prawdziwa i mrożąca krew w żyłach, opowiedziana z perspektywy kobiety, która pewnego dnia zdaje sobie sprawę, że jej kolega, pracujący tuż obok na telefonie zaufania, tak naprawdę prowadzi podwójne życie i dopuszcza się brutalnych morderstw. Książka sprawi, że czytelnicy zaczną podważać rzeczywistość, a każdej przewróconej kartce towarzyszy zimny dreszcz. Historia Teda Bundy'ego to opowieść o jednym z najsłynniejszych amerykańskich seryjnych morderców, który zabił przynajmniej trzydzieści sześć kobiet, reszta jego ofiar pozostaje nieznana. Autorka książki wykorzystuje prywatną korespondencję z Bundym, aby dowiedzieć się, dlaczego ten charyzmatyczny, inteligentny młody mężczyzna, którego miała za przyjaciela, dopuścił się tak strasznych czynów, które w szybkim tempie wstrząsnęły całym krajem. Historia podwójnego życia mordercy kreślona jest rzetelnie i skrupulatnie, z wykorzystaniem materiałów źródłowych. Rule powoli łączy ze sobą elementy układanki i odsłania przed nami prawdziwy portret tego niebezpiecznego człowieka.
  • Убийца рядом со мной. Мой друг — серийный маньяк Тед Банди Энн Рул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-156908-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Энн Рул — начинающая писательница, которая работает над главной книгой в ее карьере — расследованием о серийном убийце девушек в ее штате. Чем дальше продвигается следствие, тем яснее она понимает: харизматичный неуловимый маньяк, лишивший жизни несколько десятков девушек — ее близкий друг Тед Банди… Годами Энн Рул поддерживает с Банди связь, пишет ему письма, навещает в тюрьме и приезжает на суды. Ее книга — наполовину расследование, наполовину личные мемуары, — рисует совершенно новый тип серийного убийцы: оказывается, психопат и некрофил — не подозрительный асоциальный неудачник, как принято считать, но блистательный, интеллектуальный, популярный у женщин юрист, стоящий на пороге головокружительной карьеры. Человек, который может оказаться совсем рядом с тобой...
  • Убийца рядом со мной. Мой друг — серийный маньяк Тед Банди Энн Рул
    ISBN: 978-5-04-116791-2
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Энн Рул — начинающая писательница, которая работает над главной книгой в ее карьере — расследованием о серийном убийце девушек в ее штате. Чем дальше продвигается следствие, тем яснее она понимает: харизматичный неуловимый маньяк, лишивший жизни несколько десятков девушек — ее близкий друг Тед Банди… Годами Энн Рул поддерживает с Банди связь, пишет ему письма, навещает в тюрьме и приезжает на суды. Ее книга — наполовину расследование, наполовину личные мемуары, — рисует совершенно новый тип серийного убийцы: оказывается, психопат и некрофил — не подозрительный асоциальный неудачник, как принято считать, но блистательный,…

  • Green River, Running Red : The Real Story of the Green River Killer-America's Deadliest Serial Murderer Ann Rule
    ISBN: 9781982120504
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    In this provocative and eye-opening classic of investigative journalism, the #1 New York Times bestselling author and "America's best true-crime writer" (Kirkus Reviews), Ann Rule, explores the nearly twenty-year long search for America's most prolific and horrifying serial killer.

    In 1982, the body of Wendy Coffield is discovered floating near the sandy shore of Washington's Green River. Authorities have no idea that this tragic and violent death is
  • Last Dance, Last Chance Ann Rule
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Brilliance Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Ann Rule presents her 8th collection of crime stories drawn from her private files - and featuring the riveting case of a fraudulent doctor whose lifelong deceptions had deadly consequences.

    Dr. Anthony Pignataro was a cosmetic surgeon and a famed medical researcher whose flashy red Lamborghini and flamboyant lifestyle in western New York State suggested a highly successful career. But appearances, as this shocking insider account of Pignataro's tailspin from physician to prisoner proves, can be deceiving - and, for the doctor's wife, very nearly deadly. No one was safe if they got in his way. With scalpel, drugs, and arsenic, he betrayed every oath a physician makes - until his own schemes backfired. Now, the motivations of the classic sociopath are plumbed with chilling accuracy by Ann Rule. Along with other shocking true cases, this worldwide headline-making case will have you turning pages in disbelief that a trusted medical professional could sink to the depths of greed, manipulation, and self-aggrandizement where even slow, deliberate murder is not seen for what it truly is: pure evil.
  • Dead by Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer? Энн Рул
    ISBN: 9781442343030, 1442343036
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Simon Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    The author of eight New York Times bestsellers, Ann Rule first won nationwide acclaim with The Stranger Beside Me, about serial killer Ted Bundy.

    Her Crime Files volumes, based on fascinating case histories, have assured her reputation as our premier chronicler of crime. Now the former Seattle policewoman brings us the horrific account of a charismatic man adored by beautiful and brilliant women who always gave him what he wanted...sex, money, their very lives....

    When attorney Cheryl Keeton's brutally bludgeoned body was found in her van in the fast lane of an Oregon freeway, her husband, Brad Cunningham, was the likely suspect. But there was no solid evidence linking him to the crime. He married again, for the fifth time, and his stunning new wife, a physician named Sara, adopted his three sons. They all settled down to family life on a luxurious estate. But gradually, their marriage became a nightmare....

    In this gripping account of Cheryl's murder, Ann Rule takes us from Brad's troubled boyhood to one of the most bizarre trials in legal history, uncovering multiple marriages, financial manipulations, infidelities, and monstrous acts of harassment and revenge along the way. Dead By Sunset is Ann Rule at her riveting best.
  • The Stranger Beside Me Ann Rule
    ISBN: 1416559590, 9781416559597
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    Utterly unique in its astonishing intimacy, as jarringly frightening as when it first appeared, Ann Rule's The Stranger Beside Me defies our expectation that we would surely know if a monster lived among us, worked alongside of us, appeared as one of us. With a slow chill that intensifies with each heart-pounding page, Rule describes her dawning awareness that Ted Bundy, her sensitive coworker on a crisis hotline, was one of the most prolific serial killers in America. He would confess to killing at least thirty-six young women from coast to coast, and was eventually executed for three of those cases. Drawing from their correspondence that endured until shortly before Bundy's death, and striking a seamless balance between her deeply personal perspective and her role as a crime reporter on the hunt for a savage serial killer -- the brilliant and charismatic Bundy, the man she thought she knew -- Rule changed the course of true-crime literature with this unforgettable chronicle.
  • Bitter Harvest Ann Rule
    ISBN: 978-0-7515-2669-1
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский
    From the bestselling true crime author comes the mesmerising story of Debora Green, a beautiful, wealthy, successful doctor and mother of three whose murderous rage and jealousy brings death and destruction to her family.
    "Bitter Harvests" the chronicle of a tragedy in the heartland of America, the true story of the disintegration of a marriage and its horrifying consequences. As in her earlier books, Ann Rule takes the reader deep into the psyche of a killer whose behaviour, so twisted and so evil, defies belief. Her book is also the story of the tireless and skilful investigators, forensic scientists and prosecutors who finally brought that killer to justice. Gripping, powerful and ultimately terrifying, Bitter Harvests a vivid re-creation of an unthinkable crime - and a depiction of the unimaginable depths of darkness within the human spirit.

    Формат: 11 см х 18 см.
  • Smoke, Mirrors and Murder: and Other True Cases Ann Rule
    ISBN: 978-1416541608
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    An ideal family is targeted for death by the least likely enemy, who plotted their demise from behind bars...A sexual predator hides behind multiple fake identities, eluding police for years while his past victims live in fear that he will hunt them down...A modest preacher's wife confesses to shooting her husband after an argument -- but there's more to her shattering story than meets the eye. These and other true cases are analyzed with stunning clarity in a page-turning collection you won't be able to put down. Included in this volume are stories of a victim burned beyond recognition - spontaneous human combustion? - impossible - and yet no one else seemed to enter or exit; a man who was a woman who was a man, whose con games in a small community led to murder; a "counterfeit priest" who wasn't a priest at all; a lifetime rapist; and the strangest case ever to hit Montana.
  • Every Breath You Take: A True Story of Obsession, Revenge, and Murder Ann Rule
    ISBN: 0-7434-3974-0
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Pocket
    Язык: Английский
    In perhaps the first true-crime book written at the victim's request Ann Rule untangles a web of lies and brutality that culminated in the murder of Sheila Blackthorne Bellush - a woman Rule never met, but whose shocking story she now chronicles with compassion, exacting detail, and unvarnished candor. Although happily ensconced in a loving second marriage, and a new family of quadruplets, Sheila never truly escaped the vicious enslavement of her ex-husband, multimillionaire Allen Blackthorne, a handsome charmer- and a violent, controlling sociopath who subjected Sheila to unthinkable abuse in their marriage, and terrorized her for a decade after their divorce. When Sheila was slain in her home, in the presence of her four toddlers, authorities raced to link the crime to Blackthorne, the man who vowed to monitor Sheila's every move in his obsessive quest for power and revenge.
  • And Never Let Her Go Ann Rule
    ISBN: 978-0671868710
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    The shattering crime story that shocked the nation: the Thomas Capano murder case
    On a June evening in 1996, 30-year-old Anne Marie Fahey, secretary to the governor of Delaware, vanished without a trace following a restaurant rendezvous with her secret lover of more than two years: Thomas Capano. One of Wilmington's most prominent and respected figures, a millionaire attorney and former state prosecutor, "Tommy" was a charming, softspoken family man. But in the weeks and months that followed Fahey's disappearance, investigators would gradually uncover the shocking truth: Capano was a steely manipulator driven by power and greed -- and capable of brutal murder. In a riveting narrative expertly documented by probing interviews, diary entries, and e-mail correspondence, and with superb insight into the twisted motivations of a killer, Ann Rule chronicles a real-life drama of Shakespearian proportions: ambitions fall, love turns to obsession, family names are tainted, the facade of success crumbles -- and a beautiful but vulnerable young woman pays the ultimate price in a convoluted and deadly relationship.
  • Everything She Ever Wanted Ann Rule
    ISBN: 978-0671690717
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    For their wedding portrait, petite Pat Taylor and handsome Tom Allanson posed as Rhett and Scarlett. Both came from fine Southern families, and dreamed of the Tara-like plantation where they would grow roses, raise horses, and move in the genteel circles of Atlanta society. Less than two months later, their dream exploded in terror and murder: their beautiful home mysteriously burned to the ground and Tom was convicted of the brutal slaying of his mother and father.
    Pat's only brother had died in a puzzling suicide, her grandparents-in-law were poisoned with arsenic, and no one -- from her wealthy employers to her own children -- was safe when Pat Allanson didn't get her way. It took Georgia lawmen more than two decades to stop her for good -- if indeed they have.
    In this fascinating account, Ann Rule delivers a tour de force: a whirlwind of misguided love, denial, guilt, and passions out of control; a series of brilliantly manipulated crimes; the bizarre and horrifying tale of two families brought to ruin; and, at the center of it all, the heartless, supremely selfish sociopath whose evil hid behind soft words and gentle manners, but who destroyed -- without mercy -- those who loved her.
  • The End of the Dream And Other True Cases Ann Rule
    ISBN: 0751523682, 9780751523683
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Warner
    Язык: Английский
    They were best friends, four talented and charismatic young men who lived charmed lives among the evergreens of Washington state: Kevin, the artist; Steve, the sculptor; Scott, the nature lover and unabashed ladies' man; and Mark, the musician and poet. With their stunning good looks, whip-sharp minds, athletic bodies -- and no lack of women who adored them -- none of them seemed slated for disaster.
  • Dead By Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer? Ann Rule
    ISBN: 0671001132, 9780671001131
    Год издания: 1996
    Издательство: Pocket Books
    Язык: Английский
    The author of eight New York Times bestsellers, Ann Rule first won nationwide acclaim with The Stranger Beside Me, about serial killer Ted Bundy. Her Crime Files volumes, based on fascinating case histories, have assured her reputation as our premier chronicler of crime. Now the former Seattle policewoman brings us the horrific account of a charismatic man adored by beautiful and brilliant women who always gave him what he wanted...sex, money, their very lives....

    When attorney Cheryl Keeton's brutally bludgeoned body was found in her van in the fast lane of an Oregon freeway, her husband, Brad Cunningham, was the likely suspect. But there was no solid evidence linking him to the crime. He married again, for the fifth time, and his stunning new wife, a physician named Sara, adopted his three sons. They all settled down to family life on a luxurious estate. But gradually, their marriage became a nightmare....

    In this gripping account of Cheryl's murder, Ann Rule takes us from Brad's troubled boyhood to one of the most bizarre trials in legal history, uncovering multiple marriages, financial manipulations, infidelities, and monstrous acts of harassment and revenge along the way. Dead By Sunset is Ann Rule at her riveting best.
  • Dead By Sunset: Perfect Husband, Perfect Killer? Энн Рул
    ISBN: 0743545850, 9780743545853
    Год издания: 1995
    Издательство: Simon Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    The author of eight New York Times bestsellers, Ann Rule first won nationwide acclaim with The Stranger Beside Me, about serial killer Ted Bundy.

    Her Crime Files volumes, based on fascinating case histories, have assured her reputation as our premier chronicler of crime. Now the former Seattle policewoman brings us the horrific account of a charismatic man adored by beautiful and brilliant women who always gave him what he wanted...sex, money, their very lives...

    When attorney Cheryl Keeton's brutally bludgeoned body was found in her van in the fast lane of an Oregon freeway, her husband, Brad Cunningham, was the likely suspect. But there was no solid evidence linking him to the crime. He married again, for the fifth time, and his stunning new wife, a physician named Sara, adopted his three sons. They all settled down to family life on a luxurious estate. But gradually, their marriage became a nightmare....
    In this gripping account of Cheryl's murder, Ann Rule takes us from Brad's troubled boyhood to one of the most bizarre trials in legal history, uncovering multiple marriages, financial manipulations, infidelities, and monstrous acts of harassment and revenge along the way. Dead By Sunset is Ann Rule at her riveting best.
  • The Stranger Beside Me Ann Rule
    ISBN: 978-0751508185
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Sphere
    Язык: Английский
    Ann Rule was a writer working on the biggest story of her life, tracking down a brutal mass-murderer. Little did she know that the young man who was her close friend was the savage slayer she was hunting.

    Ted Bundy was everyone's picture of a natural 'winner' - handsome, charming, brilliant in law school, successful with women, on the verge of a dazzling career. On January 24, 1989 Ted Bundy was executed for the murders of three young women; he subsequently confessed to taking the lives of a least thirty-five more young women, coast to coast.

    This is his story - the story of his magnetic power, his unholy compulsion, his demonic double life, and his string of helpless victims. It was written by a woman who thought she knew Ted Bundy, until she began to put all the evidence together, and the whole terrifying picture emerged...
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