Лучшие произведения Кристофера Хастингса
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Голосуй за Локи Стэн Ли, Кристофер Хастингс
Форма: графический роман Оригинальное название: Vote Loki Дата написания: 2016 -
Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool Кристофер Хастингс, Сальвадор Эспин
Форма: графический роман Оригинальное название: Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool Первая публикация: 05.03.2019 It's a Marvelous case of mistaken identity as Deadpool kills the wrong secret agent and has no choice but to take his place and finish his mission! Pitted against the deadly terrorist organization called GORGON, it's up to Wade Wilson to stop them from getting an object of paradoxical power in their grasp!
Adventure Time Volume 12: BMOworld Кристофер Хастингс
Дата написания: 2017 SOMETHING ISN'T RIGHT HERE ...Finn and Jake wakeup in a world that is not quite the way they remember it--more snakes, that's for sure--and it looks like they're stuckhere.But where is here exactly? With the help of somefellow friends, Finn and Jake soon discover that they'reinside BMO and it looks like BMO is determined to givethem the best game of their lives whether they want it or not.
Adventure Time Volume 13 Кристофер Хастингс
Дата написания: 2017 Finn and Jake have been busy building their own dungeon and saving the world, but something sinister is going on... Will they be able to save the day? It's always been the moon! When old friends and enemies sudden make a resurgence in Ooo, Finn and Jake know that something is about to go down... Between building their own dungeon and saving the world, the heroes might be stretched too thin. If they can't save the day, then who can?
Adventure Time - How to Warrior by Fionna and Cake Кристофер Хастингс
Дата написания: 2017 Fionna and Cake are experts at the art of the quest. In this one-of-a-kind handbook, they cover everything from sword collections and dangerous flora and fauna to the many exotic locations they explore. Whether you re an experienced traveller looking to brush up on the latest adventuring techniques or a newcomer starting out with only a rucksack and a wooden sword, How to Warrior by Fionna and Cake has something for you!
Adventure Time: Islands Кристофер Хастингс
Дата написания: 2017 In the wake of the Great Mushroom War and the vampire infestation, the remaining humans of Ooo have set sail for safer shores. Bunny Girl (aka Jo) is fearful of what dangers await them. Luckily, they soon reach a plentiful island populated by another gregarious group of humans and attempt to build a new colony. Disaster strikes, however, and separated from her tribe, Jo must brave the dangers of the wild to get back home.