Жасмин Варга

Jasmine Warga

  • 14 книг
  • 5 подписчиков
  • 727 читателей
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Лучшие книги Жасмин Варгу

  • Мое сердце и другие черные дыры Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 978-5-17-091579-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский
    Одиночество вынуждает шестнадцатилетнюю Айзел задуматься о самоубийстве. Но у нее самой не хватает смелости совершить этот шаг. На сайте «Уйти легко» она встречает юношу, который также принял решение расстаться с жизнью. Но чем больше времени они проводят вместе, обсуждая где и как наступит их конец, тем больше девушке хочется остаться в живых. Сумеет ли она уговорить и Романа выбрать жизнь, а не смерть.
  • Резилиенс. Марсоход с большим сердцем Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 9785961494969
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Альпина.Дети
    Язык: Русский
    Рез – марсоход, полное его имя Резилиенс. Он был создан, чтобы полететь на Марс. Его запрограммировали мыслить логически и принимать рациональные решения. Все это необходимо для успешной миссии на Красной планете. Но, возможно, в код прокралась ошибка, потому что Рез начинает испытывать что-то очень похожее на человеческие чувства.

    Может ли робот иметь чувства и не подвергнут ли они риску всю операцию? Миллионы людей на Земле следят за его миссией – хватит ли Резу решимости, смелости и стойкости, чтобы добиться цели... и выжить?
  • Other words for home Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 978-0062747808
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Balzer + Bray
    Язык: Английский
    I am learning how to be
    and happy
    at the same time.

    Jude never thought she’d be leaving her beloved older brother and father behind, all the way across the ocean in Syria. But when things in her hometown start becoming volatile, Jude and her mother are sent to live in Cincinnati with relatives.

    At first, everything in America seems too fast and too loud. The American movies that Jude has always loved haven’t quite prepared her for starting school in the US—and her new label of “Middle Eastern,” an identity she’s never known before. But this life also brings unexpected surprises—there are new friends, a whole new family, and a school musical that Jude might just try out for. Maybe America, too, is a place where Jude can be seen as she really is.
  • The Shape of Thunder Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 0062956671, 978-0062956675
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Balzer + Bray
    Язык: Английский
    Cora hasn’t spoken to her best friend, Quinn, in a year.

    Despite living next door to each other, they exist in separate worlds of grief. Cora is still grappling with the death of her beloved sister in a school shooting, and Quinn is carrying the guilt of what her brother did.

    On the day of Cora’s twelfth birthday, Quinn leaves a box on her doorstep with a note. She has decided that the only way to fix things is to go back in time to the moment before her brother changed all their lives forever—and stop him.

    In spite of herself, Cora wants to believe. And so the two former friends begin working together to open a wormhole in the fabric of the universe. But as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of time travel to save their siblings, they learn that the magic of their friendship may actually be the key to saving themselves.
  • A Strange Thing Happened in Cherry Hall Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 9780062956705
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Balzer + Bray
    Язык: Английский
    From the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of A Rover's Story and Other Words for Home comes an extraordinary story about two friends, a ghost, a missing painting, and a turtle named Agatha. The perfect next read for fans of The Swifts, Kate DiCamillo, and Erin Entrada Kelly.

    A painting has been stolen…!

    When Rami sees a floating girl in the museum, he knows he has seen her somewhere before. Then he realizes: She looks just like the girl in the painting that has gone missing. But how does her appearance connect to the theft?

    Agatha the turtle knows—she has been watching from the garden. But she can’t exactly tell anyone…can she?

    Will Rami, with the help of his classmate, Veda, be able to solve the mystery? The clues are all around them, but they’ll have to be brave enough to really look.

    This is a whimsical, moving story about the universal desire to be seen and understood and how art can help us find connection, even when we are at our loneliest.
  • Here We Are Now Жасмин Варга
    ISBN: 9781444791785
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
    Язык: Английский
    Despite sending him letters ever since she was thirteen, Taliah Abdallat never thought she'd ever really meet Julian Oliver. But one day, while her mother is out of the country, the famed rock star from Staring Into the Abyss shows up on her doorstep. This makes sense - kinda - because Julian Oliver is Taliah's father, even though her mother would never admit it to her.

    Julian asks if Taliah if she will drop everything and go with him to his hometown of Oak Falls, Indiana, to meet his father - her grandfather - who is nearing the end of his life. Taliah, torn between betraying her mother's trust and meeting the family she has never known, goes.

    With her best friend Harlow by her side, Taliah embarks on a three-day journey to find out everything about her 'father' and her family. But Julian isn't the father Taliah always hoped for, and revelations about her mother's past are seriously shaking her foundation. Through all these new experiences, Taliah will have to find new ways to be true to herself, honoring her past and her future.